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量子力学的形式体系建立超前于物理诠释,这为量子力学解释群的形成提供了现实的可能性前提。但量子力学和经典物理学语言体系分别蕴涵着不同的本体预设,描述宏观世界的经典力学与描述微观世界的量子力学在作用机制、质点抽象、概率的应用均有本质的区别。因而,借助经典物理学的概念描述微观物理实在图景会在本质上存在不适应性。在此语境下,我们认为,尽管哥本哈根学派之解释有不足之处,但目前在整体上还没有哪种解释比它更优越。  相似文献   

量子通信QKD的效率及安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子密码被证明是绝对安全的,其核心技术是量子密钥分配(QKD)。本文研究了QKD经典协议的通信效率及其安全性/  相似文献   

构造了以量子围栏中的单粒子为工作物质的量子卡诺循环模型,量子围栏的哈密顿量期望值相当于经典卡诺循环中热源的温度,该量子卡诺循环由两个等能(等温)过程和两个绝热过程组成。分析得到,量子围栏卡诺循环的等温过程和绝热过程和经典卡诺循环的等温过程和绝热过程相似,推得量子卡诺循环的效率表示式,该表示式与经典可逆卡诺循环效率的表示式类似。  相似文献   

Barnes  Marianne B.  Garner  James  Reid  David 《Science & Education》2004,13(4-5):417-436
In this article we use the pendulum as the vehicle for discussing thetransition from classical to quantum physics. Since student knowledgeof the classical pendulum can be generalized to all harmonic oscillators,we propose that a quantum analysis of the pendulum can leadstudents into the unanticipated consequences of quantum phenomenaat the atomic level. We intend to illustrate how classical deterministicphysical ideas are replaced by a point of view that contains bothdeterministic and probabilistic aspects. For example, the wave functioncontains probabilistic information but it evolves in time according toa fixed law, the Schrodinger equation. Discussion of the transition fromclassical to quantum thinking is historically grounded in the work oftwentieth-century physicists who developed quantum ideas. We seeapplication to current science in areas such as semiconductors, optics,GPS systems, and superconductivity. Our notion is that ascientifically-literatepublic should have a sense of the broad, conceptual schemes in modernphysics, as well as those associated with classical physics. We discusseducational challenges and strategies connected to including quantum theoryin a general education physics course. Our work would have otherapplications in college and secondary school settings.  相似文献   

量子计算机具有比经典计算机更为强大的计算能力.而实现量子计算机的关键之一是使用量子几何相位来实现高保真度的普适量子逻辑门.文章先简要介绍量子计算机的基本原理和它的实现所存在的困难以及所采用的方案,然后重点讨论与实现量子计算机方案有关如核磁共振、腔量子电动力学(C—ED)和超导约瑟夫森隧结中的量子几何相位.  相似文献   

猫态光场的连续变量量子离物传态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究用连续变量离物传态方案实现猫态量子光场的离物传输;讨论猫态量子离物传输过程中其保真度与量子通道EPR的纠缠特性、经典通道的放大增益系数、猫态光场自身的特征的关系、实现离物传输猫态光场时保真度最优化的物理条件.  相似文献   

In Part 1 of this two-part article we have spelt out, in some detail, the link between symmetries and conservation principles in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics (CM). In this second part, we turn our attention to the corresponding question in quantum mechanics (QM). The generalization we embark upon will proceed in two directions: from the classical formulation to the quantum mechanical one, and from a single (infinitesimal) symmetry to a multi-dimensional Lie group of symmetries. Of course, we always have some definite physical system in mind. We also assume that the reader is familiar with the elements of quantum mechanics at the level of a standard first course on the subject. Operators will be denoted with an overhead caret, e.g., $ \hat A,\hat G,\hat U $ \hat A,\hat G,\hat U , etc., while $ [\hat A,\hat B] = \hat A\hat B - \hat B\hat A $ [\hat A,\hat B] = \hat A\hat B - \hat B\hat A is the commutator of $ \hat A $ \hat A and $ \hat B $ \hat B .  相似文献   

从量子力学原理出发,说明量子计算是量子计算机的理论基础。量子计算机拥有比经典计算机更为强大的计算能力。而实现量子计算机的关键之一是使用量子几何相位来实现高保真度的普适量子逻辑门。先简要介绍量子计算的基本原理和量子计算机实现所存在的困难以及所采用的方案,然后重点讨论与实现量子计算机方案有关如核磁共振、腔量子电动力学(C-QED)和超导约瑟夫森隧结中的量子几何相位。  相似文献   

量子力学和经典力学的一致性可以从许多角度显示出来,其差异性在讨论中也可以得到充分反映。  相似文献   

When it was first enunciated, Ehrenfest’s Theorem provided a necessary and important link between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. Today, the content of the theorem is understood to be a natural and immediate consequence of the equation of motion for operators when quantum mechanics is formulated in the Heisenberg picture. Nevertheless, the theorem leads to useful approximations when systems with Hamiltonians of higher than quadratic order in the dynamical variables are considered. In this two-part article, we use it to provide a convenient illustration of the differences between so-called classical and nonclassical states of radiation.  相似文献   

从哈密顿-雅可毕方程和玻姆量子势角度,说明量子力学的经典极限是经典统计力学,用玻姆量子势和Ehrenfest定理对自由粒子高斯波包态等进行了比较分析,指出从H-J方程看量子力学的经典极限能更细致地反映其物理实质.  相似文献   

对德布罗意波的物理意义从经典解释到量子解释进行综合评述,插入了作者的一些见解。  相似文献   

Quantum theory’s unusual predictions stem from its basic formalism which involves concepts like the wavefunction or probabilityamplitudes instead of probabilities. Many serious doubts have been raised about quantum theory’s connection with perceived classical dynamics. How does quantum mechanics, with all its strange ideas, unfold to give us the ‘reality’ of the familiar physical world? What is the connection between theclassical and thequantum! If quantum mechanics is, indeed, the fundamental theory of nature, as is widely accepted, then how does it explainclassicality! In the following, some of the fascinating conceptual problems of quantum mechanics are highlighted. The ‘environment-induceddecoherence’ approach is then discussed as one practical attempt at explaining the emergence of a classical world from an underlying quantum substrate  相似文献   

结合力学和相对论中的已知结果 ,讨论了经典物理和量子力学中的各种方程、公式统一的四维广义形式 .通常它们具有极好的对称性 .由此得到一些新的结果 .但在一定条件下 ,对称性破缺 .同时它可以联系于力学波动论、新的算符和量子理论中的非线性方程 .  相似文献   

Bunge  Mario 《Science & Education》2003,12(5-6):445-466
Three main theses are proposed. The first is that the idea of a quantum or minimal unit is not peculiar to quantum theory, since it already occurs in the classical theories of elasticity and electrolysis. Second, the peculiarities of the objects described by quantum theory are the following: their basic laws are probabilistic; some of their properties, such as position and energy, are blunt rather than sharp; two particles that were once together continue to be associated even after becoming spatially separated; and the vacuum has physical properties, so that it is a kind of matter. Third, the orthodox or Copenhagen interpretation of the theory is false, and may conveniently be replaced with a realist (though not classicist) interpretation. Heisenberg's inequality, Schrödinger's cat and Zeno's quantum paradox are discussed in the light of the two rival interpretations. It is also shown that the experiments that falsified Bell's inequality do not refute realism but the classicism inherent in hidden variables theories.  相似文献   

量子力学在自然科学中具有重要的作用。目前,量子力学教学中存在一些主要问题:一方面,学生常常以经典的思想来理解量子力学,因而对量子力学的基本概念感到费解;另一方面,一般的老师总是在教学中过于强调数学的作用,忽略了物理情境的建立。针对这些问题,笔者在所教授的班级中从教学准备、教学方法上进行教学改革,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

本文以量子体系为研究对象导出伯努利方程,从而说明了伯努利定理不仅适于经典体系,而且对量子体系仍然有效,具有普适性。  相似文献   

在量子理论和相对论的成就使得物理学从经典物理学发展到现代物理学之后,量子心理学应运而生。基于量子理论而展开的对意识本质的讨论,引发了对传统的唯心主义与唯物主义哲学问题的思考,为意识与物质的关系问题的研究打开了新的突破口。量子心理学基于量子论对意识问题的研究,提出了独特的心-脑理论:心、脑活动可能均受控于量子域;意识活动在心-脑系统中起主导作用;心理活动的产生具有复杂的统计性质;意识、记忆等心理现象的产生过程亦存在遵循量子规律的可能。基于量子心理学的心-脑理论,可以对无意识、问题解决等心理活动过程加以推测,并可能提出精神疾病划分的新依据。  相似文献   

Apoorva Patel 《Resonance》2011,16(9):821-835
The driving force in the pursuit for quantum computation is the exciting possibility that quantum algorithms can be more efficient than their classical analogues. Research on the subject has unraveled several aspects of how that can happen. Clever quantum algorithms have been discovered in recent years, although not systematically, and the field remains under active investigation. Richard Feynman was one of the pioneers who foresaw the power of quantum computers. In this issue dedicated to him, I give an introduction to how particle and wave aspects contribute to the power of quantum computers. Shor’s and Grover’s algorithms are analysed as examples.  相似文献   


The study reported in this paper is a survey (n=236) that examines how upper secondary students (18-19 years old) in Norway come to terms with the wave-particle duality as presented as part of a short introduction to quantum physics. The main conclusion is that this concept is poorly understood. Some students demonstrate clear and explicitly formulated misconceptions rooted in a classical physics world-view. Scholars in physics have stated that the concept of duality is unnecessary, but still included in school and university physics. It is argued that school physics should give a more explicit focus to the challenge that quantum physics presents to the classical worldview, thus introducing the importance of an affective dimension in the learning and teaching of quantum physics. This study replicates evidence from other studies that wave-particle duality does not introduce such a challenge.  相似文献   

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