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从宗教人类学的视角,通过对宗教仪式与体育"暴力"社会文化的比较分析,从暴力与"嵌入"(非我)、暴力与"交融"(无我)、暴力与"歧离"(非非我)3个层次,跨宗教文化的"观"竞技体育"暴力"社会文化的"象"和"意",实现"文化反观"向度解读"宗教"之于"暴力"的"以心契心"理解,以及宗教本源"神话"诉求下体育"暴力"隐喻的社会结构和象征意义。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等研究1980年以来体育暴力的报道情况,探讨大众传媒对体育暴力的报道与受众的接受,为克服社会负面影响提供相应的导向策略。主要结论:竞技体育的固有属性和认为体育暴力的存在有其合理性的文化偏见是体育暴力存在的原因;媒体对体育暴力进行过度报道的现状产生了诸多不良影响;传媒报道的节制、淡化商业主义操纵和规范"暴力文字"是媒体体育暴力报道的导向策略。  相似文献   

西方竞技体育身体暴力的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考察西方竞技体育发展历史,不同时期的3种代表性的运动形式--古希腊的搏击运动、中世纪的骑士比武和现代足球运动,分析3种竞技运动表述的身体暴力,进而对西方竞技体育中身体暴力演变特征进行探索.结果发现西方竞技体育身体暴力的发展变化是:从崇尚战争表现的身体暴力到戏剧象征的身体暴力,从个体身体暴力到群体暴力;从显性身体暴力到隐性身体暴力.西方竞技体育中身体暴力的演变体现了竞技体育文明的进程,并伴随着身体暴力的扩大化、泛化.竞技规则的建立体现了西方竞技体育文明进程对身体暴力的控制.  相似文献   

竞技运动是现代社会中最具社会性的体育形态,是比赛性的体育活动。发展竞技运动项目文化对提升国家软实力、市场竞争力、社会影响力具有重要的推动作用。从《体育强国建设纲要》"促进体育文化繁荣发展,弘扬中华体育精神"出发,从社会文化土壤、制度保障、大众生活参与等三个方面反思了中国竞技运动项目文化建设存在的文化缺失问题,并从体育强国战略、社会主要矛盾变化、精神信仰认知的高度整合和确立中国竞技运动项目发展的文化使命,最后基于文化缺失的问题和文化使命提出中国竞技运动项目文化建设的具体思路。  相似文献   

竞技运动是现代社会中最具社会性的体育形态,是比赛性的体育活动。发展竞技运动项目文化对提升国家软实力、市场竞争力、社会影响力具有重要的推动作用。从《体育强国建设纲要》"促进体育文化繁荣发展,弘扬中华体育精神"出发,从社会文化土壤、制度保障、大众生活参与等三个方面反思了中国竞技运动项目文化建设存在的文化缺失问题,并从体育强国战略、社会主要矛盾变化、精神信仰认知的高度整合和确立中国竞技运动项目发展的文化使命,最后基于文化缺失的问题和文化使命提出中国竞技运动项目文化建设的具体思路。  相似文献   

"李娜爱不爱国"事件是我国竞技体育由专业化向职业化转变过程中可能引发的众多议题中的一个典型个案,论文主要运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从文化角度对此事件展开社会学研究。通过论析职业网球文化的娱乐本质,阐述了其对于人和社会发展的价值,认为对于职业竞技体育文化价值和社会功能认识上的差异,是此类体育社会事件产生的深层原因所在。提出在我国竞技体育改革的进程中,应重视与国际职业体育文化的交流,充分认识职业体育的娱乐本质,通过向社会传递体育文化精神,参与到国家文化建设中去,实现职业竞技体育对于个体、社会、国家发展的多重功能。  相似文献   

从体育科层制的角度论述竞技体育中身体暴力的约束。竞技体育作为人类文明形态的一种表现,深刻地影响了人类活动。竞技体育中身体暴力是一个复杂的多层面的问题,不同历史时期的竞技体育,身体暴力与科层制密切相连。规则是体育科层制的权力体现,体育科层制通过规则来约束身体暴力,并存在滞后性。体育科层制建立的规则体系影响了竞技体育的发展。  相似文献   

竞技教育学理论下要求竞技体育既要"夺标",又要"育人",只有在"夺标育人"的社会价值取向下才能实现竞技体育的可持续发展.从竞技教育学视角认为我国竞技体育的举国体制、全运会为核心的竞赛体系、竞技体育人才文化水平有限、竞技体育人才人文素养缺失、竞技体育人才社会适应能力不足等是制约我国竞技体育人才资源可持续发展的主要因素.提出加强竞技体育人才的人格修炼、促进竞技体育人才的社会化进程等对策,构建我国竞技体育人才发展新模式,以实现竞技体育人才资源的可持续发展.  相似文献   

竞技体育在社会主义核心价值体系中的独特作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
缪佳 《体育科研》2012,33(1):11-15
以竞技体育为形式的古代奥运会独具了人文气息和教育理念,促进奥运会复兴与传承。竞技体育的永恒价值是教育、文化、精神、引领大众体育和转换社会风险,由此促进人类社会的发展。因而,竞技体育在建设社会主义核心价值体系中,有着独特的作用。通过探究竞技体育的自身特点和见证人类历史、文化的发展过程,及竞技体育在世界历史发展中的独特作用,从发展和完善中国竞技体育的文化层面着手,探析中国竞技体育在建设我国社会主义核心价值体系中存在的问题,让竞技体育独特作用伴随着中国建设强大祖国的核心目标,从形式、内容到思想体系上合着中国前进的脚步,推动中国社会的发展。  相似文献   

从体育学的视角看,球场暴力就是在体育活动中,竞技人员与竞技人员之间、竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为;而暴力行为的危害性不甚相同,对其进行层次性划分实有必要。从法学的角度看,竞技人员与竞技人员之间的球场暴力行为,一般由有关的体育社会团体加以处罚;而竞技人员与非竞技人员之间和单纯的非竞技人员之间所发生的暴力行为,则应当由公安机关进行处理,其中竞技人员对非竞技人员进行的暴力行为,应当实行“双罚制”,既要由体育社会团体对其进行处罚,也要求公安机关依法追究其行政责任。  相似文献   

Explaining that it is not possible to divide human activity (political, economic, social, sport, etc.) into different sectors, as they all originate from the same actors, Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning thus came to formulate the central hypothesis of a network which linked the process of pacification of customs, the development of a parliamentary system for society, the state monopoly of violence, the euphemisation of violence in the aristocracy, the genesis of sport and, by recursion, the roles and functions of modern sports in the state control of violence and the learning of self-control. Elias and Dunning contrast modern sports with the ancient games, euphemisation and the persistence of violence, ‘sport’ leisure characteristic of ‘modern’ societies and traditional games in the ‘ancient’ societies, which accompanied the religious calendars and rites of passage. But do they really question society? This paper shows how the problems posed by Elias' theory are, essentially, of three types: first, those linked to the methodology used; second, those related to the limits imposed by the notion of self-constraint; and, finally, those concerning the pacifying function attributed to sport.  相似文献   

The theory of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, widely taken up and nourished by his epigons such as Eric Dunning, does not fully explain the reasons why sport, far from systematically pacifying, tends equally to reproduce or amplify certain violent tendencies in societal groups, when it does not in itself constitute the germ of the violence in the heart of contemporary societies. In fact, Elias considers the ‘new’ social configuration as a tool used to control violence, forgetting that the institutionalisation of budding practices also bears witness to social and societal transformations, including free time, access to education, growth of cities, the economic development of states, circulation of goods, merchandise and people, the forming of the media and communication cultures, and the dissemination of information and cultural models. The purpose of this study is to show how his singular posture prevents Elias from understanding all the facets of sport as being prey to its own tensions and contradictions, particularly when it is a case of examining the ‘educational’ positions of the activity reflected in the mirror of the socio-historical conditions of the production of culture and the ways in which the practice of sport has been instrumentalised.  相似文献   

Within this paper, we discuss the importance of attending to definitions of ‘violence’. Through a return to a selection of important foundational works, we attempt to unpack the fundamental meanings of violence in a general sense, and sport violence in particular. With a specific focus on the need for definitional clarity, and particular attention to the ‘ritual’ dimensions of sport violence, we argue that engaging with these concepts is essential when conducting research on ‘violent’ contexts. Based on a critical reading of a small selection of relatively recent scholarship in sports settings, we ultimately argue that without careful consideration of what can constitute ‘violence’, scholars risk misrepresenting the social worlds they investigate. In conclusion, we call for researchers to enter into a dialogue with foundational explorations of violence, and also to attend more closely to the definitions favoured by practitioners who engage with apparent ‘violence’ on a regular basis.  相似文献   

The objective of the current systematic review was to investigate the organisational factors that enable and motivate non-accidental violence towards athletes in the sport context. The authors identified and reviewed 43 qualitative studies investigating psychological, physical, and sexual abuse of athletes, and developed a framework of organisational factors (i.e., structural, social, and stress factors) related to non-accidental violence. Athletes were the key informants, yet some studies included athletes’ entourages. The authors independently coded the findings sections of the primary research, using the developed framework. Organisational tolerance for abuse and conformity to dominant values within sports were related to all three types of non-accidental violence. Power imbalance appeared as a relevant factor in both psychological and sexual abuse, while isolation was also relevant in sexual abuse. Believing that non-accidental violence had instrumental effects appeared related to both psychological and physical abuse, whereas a winner-take-all reward system was related to physical abuse. Based on this systematic review, the authors proposed an integrated perspective of the organisational factors driving non-accidental violence in sport and conclude by proposing a whole-of-system approach to the prevention and management of non-accidental violence.  相似文献   

大型体育赛事中的体育暴力危害城市的公共安全。文章从竞赛暴力和观众暴力两个层面对体育暴力的法律规制进行探讨,对竞赛暴力提出行业内部处罚,适当追究民法责任和刑法责任,同时在刑法干预时要谨慎。并对观众暴力法律规制的情况进行分析,根据现实情况提出完善相关法律的建议。  相似文献   

If there is one phenomenon which highlights the lack of role distance of certain sport actors, it is obviously hooliganism. In the mid-1980s, Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning became interested in the role played by modern sports in the ‘civilising process’ and, analysing the violence of sport crowds, introduced a culturalist interpretation of the actions. They were considered to be the work of members of the ‘rough working class’, who were less advanced in the ‘civilising process’ and had still not achieved sufficient self-control. In these groups, characterised by social functioning in the form of a segmentary bond, violence was thought to be a traditional way of resolving conflicts, a significant aspect and essential part of their ethos. This is an over-determined interpretation of the violence of sports crowds which naturalises and socialises this violence. This vision poses a problem, that of the negation of any logic on the part of the actors involved. This viewpoint leads us to consider violence as a social product and a ‘practical accomplishment’, the result of the way in which supporters interpret and live in the world that surrounds them, and, as such, it is the individual and collective motives and purposes that should be investigated.  相似文献   

Martial-arts practice is not quite anything else: it is like sport, but is not sport; it constantly refers to and as it were cohabits with violence, but is not violent; it is dance-like but not dance. It shares a common athleticism with sports and dance, yet stands apart from both, especially through its paradoxical commitment to the external value of being an instrument of violence. My discussion seeks to illuminate martial arts practice by systematic contrast to games of sport and works of performance art, especially dance.  相似文献   

George Bernard Shaw's early romantic novel about a prizefighter, Cashel Byron's Profession (1882) is possibly the first literary treatment of the risks, compulsions and social hypocrisies surrounding professional sport. It offers a critique of class, work and leisure, of the nineteenth-century bildungsroman, of violence as a spectacle and of the distinction between professional and amateur. In the ‘Preface’ and ‘Note on Modern Prizefighting’, added to the 1901 edition, Shaw provided both a history of prizefighting and a trenchant critique of the public taste for violence which, as he saw it, encouraged the emergence of professional boxing with gloves, under the Queensberry rules, as an even more brutal and dangerous spectacle. Shaw's intimate knowledge of the world of prizefighting, in decline in the 1880s, and his examination of the life of an athlete in a dangerous ‘profession’, open up a critical juncture in the history of modern sport.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):3-13
Brutality and violence are, according to many observers, an increasing feature of modern sports. Violence in sport receives publicity through its spectators and the media. Because many forms of sport violence are legitimate, they act as reinforcers, particularly among children and youth.  相似文献   

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