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高校教师激励型薪酬模式初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国高等教育的快速发展,高校教师的薪酬问题越来越受到人们的关注.根据薪酬概念的界定,本文首先研究了薪酬制度对高校教师的激励作用,接着分析了大多数高校教师薪酬模式的特点,提出激励型薪酬模式代表着高校薪酬制度改革的新方向,最后根据公平性、竞争性、层次性、动态性和民主性的原则,运用有关薪酬激励理论提出一个高校教师薪酬体系的设想。  相似文献   

高校教师薪酬改革是当前我国高等教育领域的重要议题。基于大规模微观调查数据,利用多元回归模型、Shapley和Owen值分解技术研究发现:我国高校教师实发工资水平较低,期望与实际工资存在较大差距;高校教师薪酬满意度不高,尤其工资水平满意度和工资增长满意度较低;薪酬水平和结构对高校教师的薪酬满意度具有重要影响,且改进薪酬水平比薪酬结构更重要,改进含工资增长因素在内的激励性薪酬比保障性薪酬更重要。未来我国高校教师薪酬改革应增强薪酬的现实获得感和预期满足感;建立工资的长效增长机制;着力解决家庭经济负担较重的中青年教师关切的福利问题;优化薪酬结构,坚持“稳基本”和“活激励”。  相似文献   

运用科学知识图谱可视化分析的方法,对1998-2017年期间中国高校教师薪酬的研究成果进行量化分析,发现高校教师薪酬研究的重要成果、来源期刊、核心作者群和高产机构格局稳定。研究主题主要分布在薪酬水平与结构研究、国际高校教师薪酬制度比较研究、高校教师薪酬激励研究、高校教师薪酬决定机制研究、绩效工资理论与实践研究五个领域。研究主题演进遵循政策变迁动力逻辑,即高校教师薪酬研究主题与高校教师薪酬政策内容密切相关,研究主题随着政策内容的变化而转移。未来研究的重点在于探究高校教师薪酬结构的设定依据和模型、民办高校教师薪酬体系和高校青年教师薪酬激励机制。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来我国高校教师薪酬激励制度几经变迁,其原因和当时的政治、经济、文化、教育制度相关,反映出高校教师薪酬激励制度的不同价值取向。20世纪80年代以前,计划经济体制下的高校教师薪酬激励制度以平均分配为价值取,向;20世纪80年代后期,市场经济体制形成了以效率为价值取向的高校教师薪酬激励制度;进入21世纪,知识经济时代的高校教师薪酬激励制度应以学术创新为价值取向。  相似文献   

我国高校教师薪酬激励制度价值取向的变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立以来我国高校教师薪酬激励制度几经变迁,其原因和当时的政治、经济、文化、教育制度相关,反映出高校教师薪酬激励制度的不同价值取向。20世纪80年代以前,计划经济体制下的高校教师薪酬激励制度以平均分配为价值取向;20世纪80年代后期,市场经济体制形成了以效率为价值取向的高校教师薪酬激励制度;进入21世纪,知识经济时代的高校教师薪酬激励制度应以学术创新为价值取向。  相似文献   

薪酬对劳动生产率和工作绩效的激励作用被广泛认同,但高校教师薪酬水平对其科研生产率的激励效应缺乏实证检验。调查结果显示:薪酬水平对高校教师科研生产率具有显著的正向影响;薪酬购买力地区差异影响薪酬对科研生产率的激励水平;年龄、职称和博士学位比薪酬水平更能影响科研生产率;薪酬水平越高的群体其薪酬差距越大。高校应努力提高教师薪酬待遇水平,在薪酬制度设计中引入反映货币购买力地区差异的指标,重视学术氛围等非经济性激励因素的建设,合理处理薪酬中保障与激励的关系。  相似文献   

高校教师对自身薪酬状况的普遍不满意,暴露出高校现有的薪酬体系激励性不强的缺陷。文章从高校教师的劳动特点入手,分析了以薪酬对教师进行激励的必要性,简要剖析了现行高校薪酬机制及其缺乏激励性的原因.进而提出了提升激励效果的有效措施。  相似文献   

在当前高校教育生态趋于恶化的情况下,构建并完善具有中国特色的高校教师精神薪酬模式是一个亟待解决的重要命题。梳理精神薪酬模式的理论来源,探明高校教师管理的精神薪酬现状,以此建构并逐步完善高校教师管理的精神薪酬长效机制,从而提高教师的精神生活质量,促进教师身心健康和谐、可持续发展。应充分发挥高校教师主人翁意识,实行民主管理、情感管理、引用愿景激励,开创以人为本的和谐校园文化。  相似文献   

薪酬不仅能够准确衡量人力资本的货币价值,同时也是实现人力资本价值体现的载体。高校教师人力资本价值依附于教师自身,具有投入高、人力资本价值体现滞后性和长期性、可变性等特点。我国高校教师薪酬普遍存在水平低,结构不合理,激励形式单一,内在薪酬激励不足等问题。提出制定合理、科学的绩效评估标准和人力资本价值补偿机制,改善薪酬结构,提高高校教师人力资本价值的利用率,发挥高校教师人力资本优势等对策。  相似文献   

在高校中建立基于人力资本理念的新薪酬体系,果断、有效地运用新薪酬理论作为激励和改进高校教师绩效的重要工具,建立高校教师薪酬的延期分配计划,能促进高校人力资源战略的成熟发展,提高其核心竞争力。  相似文献   

当前高校教师激励机制存在着不足,而内激励是提高教师队伍质量的有效手段,高校教师队伍内激励机制的构建可以从建立教师发展性评价体系、建立多元化的教师职业发展指导体系、扩大教师参与决策的渠道等三个方面着手。  相似文献   

大学生学习动力不足是高校普遍存在的一个现象。文章系统阐述了激发大学生学习动机的四个连贯的策略。了解与使用这些策略有利于教师创造一个适应大学生心理需要的学习环境,激发学生成为自己的老师与培养独立学习的能力,进而产生令人满意的学习效果。  相似文献   

Classroom Applications of Cognitive Theories of Motivation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines cognitive theories of motivation and their application to classroom experiences of students and teachers. Students' explanations of their school experiences are considered within the frameworks of expectancy × value theory, self-efficacy theory, goal orientation theory, and attribution theory. These same theories are used as lens through which teachers' classroom behaviors are viewed. Suggestions are offer for incorporating cognitive theories of motivation into pre-service and in-service programs for teachers.  相似文献   

外语学习动机与大学英语教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖英 《高教论坛》2005,(4):87-88
本文拟通过对外语学习的动机释义、类型的分析,探讨了我国大学生英语学习的动机,并给大学英语教师提出几点启示。  相似文献   


National surveys indicate that student motivation is a principal concern of teachers, yet few publications within the teacher education literature directly address how teachers can best apply established motivational principles. Pivotal to mobilizing student motivation is understanding the role of rewards in sustaining productive task engagement. This article examines the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for academic learning, the relative value of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation, the potential compatibility of cognitive and behavioral perspectives of student motivation, and research‐based recommendations for promoting classroom motivation.  相似文献   

有机整合动机理论为如何促进幼儿教师工作动机内化、增强工作动机的自主性提供了一个新的视角。促进幼儿教师工作动机内化的策略包括提高教师的能力知觉水平、给教师专业自主权、让教师获得归属感。  相似文献   

The present study investigated how pre-service teachers’ motivation and their sense of teaching efficacy influence their expectation about reality shock during the first year of professional teaching. A total of 533 pre-service teachers at a state university in the US Midwest participated in this study. The results showed that the pre-service teachers’ expectation of reality shock was negatively related to teacher efficacy and intrinsic motivation while it was positively related to introjected and external motivation. The results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that pre-service teachers’ sense of efficacy and introjected motivation were strong predictors of their expectation of reality shock, when gender difference was controlled for. There was an interaction effect between intrinsic motivation and teachers’ sense of efficacy in predicting the reality shock expectation. We discussed the educational implications for future research in an endeavour to reduce the reality shock among novice teachers.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study into the motivation of young Emirati undergraduate students for studying in a higher education institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The participants were male and female undergraduate students in their first or second year of studying. The aim of the study was to examine their motivation using a framework that recognised the unique sociocultural context of the UAE. Data were analysed according to an adapted framework encompassing both Self-Determination Theory and Personal Investment theory. Self-Determination Theory was chosen due to its focus on different types of extrinsic motivation, and Personal Investment theory was chosen for its non-culture specific applicability. A major finding of the research is that an examination of motivation according to dichotomous relationships of intrinsic versus extrinsic, collectivist versus individualistic, self as individual versus self as part of society are over-simplistic in this specific context. A more useful paradigm is one in which the individual is influenced by personal and professional goals, as well as social and familial expectations. Unexpectedly, use of language (Arabic or English) did not influence the results. These findings will provide teachers and university administration with a better understanding of their students, and will replace certain stereotypes that teachers may have about their students and their motivation for studying.  相似文献   

Research in education and psychology contributes to an understanding of how educators create contexts for learning that encourage intrinsic motivation and increase academic achievement. In this article, the researcher investigated how teachers themselves define effectiveness and identified what factors influence their motivation, both positively and negatively. The purpose of this study was to explore what factors teachers self-identified as both supporting and hindering their professional motivation. An understanding of what motivates teachers to maintain effectiveness and what contributes to a loss of motivation allows administrators and districts to make professional development, personnel, and curricular decisions that nourish teacher motivation. Data analysis revealed that teacher motivation is influenced by curricular, relational, and logistical factors. Logistical elements that influence teachers' attitudes and effectiveness are discussed here. Findings reveal that the master schedule, organization of time, and the condition of the physical environment play a major role in whether and how teachers are motivated.  相似文献   

There is a growing expectation that schools should systematically collect and analyse data as a point of departure for decisions. However, research shows that teachers themselves are less convinced that they need to base their decisions on data, as they mainly rely on their intuition and experience. This article examines the extent to which teachers use data as a source of information for decisions at classroom level and what motivates them to use these data. We will also look at what impact the teacher’s decision-making style, supportive relationships and the reflective capacity of the school team have on teachers’ motivation for using data. Our research data was collected by means of an online survey of 408 teachers in 52 primary schools in Flanders. The results demonstrate that the quality of teachers’ motivation for using data is a key element in promoting data use in schools. Teachers who feel autonomously motivated will make greater use of data than teachers with a controlled motivation. We found that the use of a rational decision-making style by teachers, supportive relationships within the school and the reflective capacity of the school team all lead to an increase in teachers’ autonomous motivation for using data.  相似文献   

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