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一、现代运动训练原理 在训练过程中,机体对负荷的反应总是从不适应到适应。适应就是机体内、外环境不断取得平衡的过程,是自然界生物活动的基本规律之一,也是运动训练能够提高人体竞技能力的生物学基础。竞技状态的形成要求机体各系统器官的机能形态以及心理、智力等方面的生物适应性,都达到相对完善的程度。只有运动训练符合竞技状态形成的客观要求,才能保证生物适应性合理的发生和发展。  相似文献   

在耐力性运动中,有氧代谢是机体能量供应的1种主要方式,肌组织对有氧训练的适应能力是通过训练中肌肉的主动性运动而获取的。这些适应能力依靠运动训练的持续性而存在或发展;随运动训练的停止而减弱或消退。本文就肌纤维的类型、线粒体的含量、毛细血管的分布、血流量等方面分析了耐力性运动中肌组织在有氧代谢过程中所产生的适应性变化的机制以及运动强度和持续时间等外界因素对这种生理变化过程的影响。  相似文献   

运动训练过程,主要是对运动员机体施加一定负荷的刺激。这种刺激是有计划、有目的的打破机体内环境的平衡,产生新的适应。从而使机体各器官、系统的机能向更高水平转化,获得新的平衡。这种训练适应的前提条件就是训练过程中对运动员所施加的负荷安排的科学性。训练负荷太小,运动能力提高不明显;运动负荷过大,不仅不能提高运动能力,反而会产生劣变现象。采用生理、生化指标,对优秀网球运动员进行运动负荷的监督与控制,收到了良好效果。使运动成绩有了明显提高。  相似文献   

1.柔道运动训练中的疲劳1.1疲劳的定义学术界对疲劳的定义是:指机体生理过程不能持续其机能在一特定水平上或不能维持预定的运动强度。疲劳是一种正常的生理现象。是机体的一种保护性的反应。训练要求的提高会产生疲劳,只有把疲劳和恢复过程作为一个整体,作为运动训练的一个过程,在训练计划中作好安排,从各方面来加速疲劳消除,提高恢复的效果.使训练对身体的影响在新的水平上获得适应性提高,才能更快地完成训练任务。  相似文献   

对运动训练中的超量恢复现象与超量恢复原理的审视   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对运动训练的超量恢复现象的分析认为,机体承受已适应的运动负荷刺激对物质的消耗,至机体机能恢复到原有水平所出现的波动现象,是机体机能的消耗与恢复达到充分平衡后的后效应,不会对机体机能能力产生直接的提高与降低。其原理,是机体在适度刺激条件下适应外环境的变化过程中,机体内环境偏离平衡态后所出现的过量恢复和恢复后在一定值的范围内波动。根据运动训练中机体承受运动负荷的特点,认为运动训练中的超量恢复原理是指机体承受超过原有运动负荷刺激后,所达到的适应性恢复水平与原有恢复水平之差。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,借助生物适应理论探讨运动训练的本质,为提高运动员竞技能力提供理论依据。运动训练是有目的的改造人类自身的实践活动,其本质就是基于内稳态的生物适应,是对内稳态理论的应用与发展。运动训练中人体对训练负荷产生的应激反应,能引起有机体机能水平的适应性提高,适应过程和适应机理均可通过应激学说来解释。训练刺激会给机体内部带来正负两种效应:适应效应和疲劳效应。在有效的时间内,任何一次训练刺激最终表现为正负两种效应的综合。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法对补充外源性抗氧化剂对运动诱导的适应性变化的影响进行探讨。研究发现为了抵抗自由基的消极作用,运动爱好者常摄取外源性抗氧化剂来消除运动时产生的自由基。抗氧化剂的补充对运动带来的适应性变化有抑制作用,这可能是由于内源性细胞氧化还原状态的调节依赖于机体中复杂的自由基产生和消除系统,这些系统可以精确地调节特定的自由基。而常用的抗氧化剂不具备特异性消除自由基的能力,反而破坏了机体这些系统的调节能力,不仅消除了有害的活性氧/活性氮(ROS/RNS),还影响了细胞适应所需的相关信号。但以往研究在探讨运动或抗氧化剂对于机体氧化还原状态的影响时,没有将氧化还原状态的个体差异考虑在内。ROS/RNS浓度对运动训练适应性和运动表现具有非线性作用,运动时产生适量ROS/RNS有利于机体对运动产生良好的适应性变化,当运动时产生的ROS/RNS未达到对机体有害的浓度范围时,外源性抗氧化剂的补充可能会影响细胞适应所需的ROS / RNS相关信号,抑制机体对运动产生适应性变化。  相似文献   

何跃华 《游泳》2009,(5):52-55
高原训练作为一种新的训练方法和手段,正逐步在越来越多的运动项目中得到广泛应用。在高原训练过程中,运动机体处于高原低氧环境和运动训练两种因素的双重刺激下,对机体外周血中部分免疫细胞,如白细胞、中性粒细胞和自然杀伤细胞等,会产生一定影响,从而对机体免疫功能和高原训练过程及效果产生相应影响。本研究观察了4周高原训练过程中,运动机体外周血中部分免疫细胞数量及比例变化,探讨高原训练对机体非特异性免疫功能的影响,为高原训练作为训练手段在运动实践中更好地应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

高原训练对人体生理功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高原训练时机体在低氧的刺激下,将产生一系列适应性生理反应以应对低氧刺激,这些适应有利于运动能力的提高。综述了高原训练对机体呼吸功能、心脏、骨骼肌、血液和激素与代谢的影响。  相似文献   

一、现代运动员在进行运动训练时要求机体承受较大的负荷,这种负荷必然会使机体产生适应性与功能性的变化,而其中以心血管系统的变化意义为最大。二、运动生理学研究证实:心血管系统的形态和功能方面的发展取决于机体如何成功地实现血液循环。在机体有规律地承受运动负荷的影响下,心血管系统会产生适应性调节,这是为机体提供从事高强度运动的能力所必不可少的。那么,运动训练时心血管系统功能的发展和改善到底起有什么作用呢? 中等强度有氧耐力训练(如:跑、游泳和滑雪等)能逐步增大心脏体积并有助于改善外周循环。以有氧与无氧相结合的方法进行  相似文献   

为了解跆拳道运动员赛前训练中身体机能的变化规律,对跆拳道运动员备战大型运动会大周期中1~2月强化训练期内红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞压积、血肌酸激酶、血尿素、血清睾酮和皮质醇等生理、生化指标进行测试,并对其进行分析。结果表明:大赛前运动员的部分机能指标随运动强度呈现不同的阶段变化,强化期训练负荷达到“适应-强化调整-临战”的要求;表现为巩固性小周期时,运动员生理、生化机能指标与调整和强化性小周期呈现显著性增长(P〈0.05);赛前2周或1周基本调整至较好状态,运动员身体机能由于训练效果的累积,处于暂时疲劳状态,有利于机体产生更大的训练适应与恢复,为激烈的比赛奠定身体机能基础。  相似文献   

This article highlights new nutritional concerns or practices that may influence the adaptation to training. The discussion is based on the assumption that the adaptation to repeated bouts of training occurs during recovery periods and that if one can train harder, the adaptation will be greater. The goal is to maximize with nutrition the recovery/adaptation that occurs in all rest periods, such that recovery before the next training session is complete. Four issues have been identified where recent scientific information will force sports nutritionists to embrace new issues and reassess old issues and, ultimately, alter the nutritional recommendations they give to athletes. These are: (1) caffeine ingestion; (2) creatine ingestion; (3) the use of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) as a fuel during exercise and the nutritional effects on IMTG repletion following exercise; and (4) the role nutrition may play in regulating the expression of genes during and after exercise training sessions. Recent findings suggest that low doses of caffeine exert significant ergogenic effects by directly affecting the central nervous system during exercise. Caffeine can cross the blood–brain barrier and antagonize the effects of adenosine, resulting in higher concentrations of stimulatory neurotransmitters. These new data strengthen the case for using low doses of caffeine during training. On the other hand, the data on the role that supplemental creatine ingestion plays in augmenting the increase in skeletal muscle mass and strength during resistance training remain equivocal. Some studies are able to demonstrate increases in muscle fibre size with creatine ingestion and some are not. The final two nutritional topics are new and have not progressed to the point that we can specifically identify strategies to enhance the adaptation to training. However, it is likely that nutritional strategies will be needed to replenish the IMTG that is used during endurance exercise. It is not presently clear whether the IMTG store is chronically reduced when engaging in daily sessions of endurance training or if this impacts negatively on the ability to train. It is also likely that the increased interest in gene and protein expression measurements will lead to nutritional strategies to optimize the adaptations that occur in skeletal muscle during and after exercise training sessions. Research in these areas in the coming years will lead to strategies designed to improve the adaptive response to training.  相似文献   

This article highlights new nutritional concerns or practices that may influence the adaptation to training. The discussion is based on the assumption that the adaptation to repeated bouts of training occurs during recovery periods and that if one can train harder, the adaptation will be greater. The goal is to maximize with nutrition the recovery/adaptation that occurs in all rest periods, such that recovery before the next training session is complete. Four issues have been identified where recent scientific information will force sports nutritionists to embrace new issues and reassess old issues and, ultimately, alter the nutritional recommendations they give to athletes. These are: (1) caffeine ingestion; (2) creatine ingestion; (3) the use of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) as a fuel during exercise and the nutritional effects on IMTG repletion following exercise; and (4) the role nutrition may play in regulating the expression of genes during and after exercise training sessions. Recent findings suggest that low doses of caffeine exert significant ergogenic effects by directly affecting the central nervous system during exercise. Caffeine can cross the blood-brain barrier and antagonize the effects of adenosine, resulting in higher concentrations of stimulatory neurotransmitters. These new data strengthen the case for using low doses of caffeine during training. On the other hand, the data on the role that supplemental creatine ingestion plays in augmenting the increase in skeletal muscle mass and strength during resistance training remain equivocal. Some studies are able to demonstrate increases in muscle fibre size with creatine ingestion and some are not. The final two nutritional topics are new and have not progressed to the point that we can specifically identify strategies to enhance the adaptation to training. However, it is likely that nutritional strategies will be needed to replenish the IMTG that is used during endurance exercise. It is not presently clear whether the IMTG store is chronically reduced when engaging in daily sessions of endurance training or if this impacts negatively on the ability to train. It is also likely that the increased interest in gene and protein expression measurements will lead to nutritional strategies to optimize the adaptations that occur in skeletal muscle during and after exercise training sessions. Research in these areas in the coming years will lead to strategies designed to improve the adaptive response to training.  相似文献   

通过对国家女子青年赛艇队运动员在备战世界青年赛艇锦标赛集训期间血清睾酮、血肌酸激酶、血红蛋白、血尿素氮指标的系统监测和分析,结果发现:1)血睾酮指标及血清肌酸激酶指标可以有效反映女子青年赛艇运动员身体机能状态及其对运动强度的适应性,两个指标之间呈现相关性。2)血红蛋白和血尿素氮指标可以反映女子青年赛艇运动员对运动训练的适应程度,同时可以反映运动训练计划安排的科学性及合理性。3)结合各测试指标对运动员进行具体分析,可以了解运动员身体机能状态变化程度及疲劳恢复时间,有利于对运动员赛前状态的调整和训练的安排。  相似文献   

方法:运用文献资料法、数理统计法、实验法等,以我国女子铁人三项运动员为研究对象,对高原训练期间的训练负荷进行研究。结果:训练负荷量与训练周期成反比,铁人三项中各单项训练量从大到小的顺序依次为自行车、跑步和游泳;在训练强度上,是有氧训练为主,混氧训练为辅;高原训练的效果与训练负荷、训练周期相关,但是与训练周期不完全相关。结论:1)适当缩短高原训练周期,提高有效负荷训练;2)根据运动员的具体情况,合理安排铁人三项中各单项的训练负荷;3)在训练负荷量较小的前提下,加大重点课次的训练负荷强度,加深对机体的刺激深度,从而提高训练效果。  相似文献   

拓展训练对培养大学生手脑并用实际操作能力、良好的心理素质、团队合作精神以及良好的社会适应能力等方面有着重要的积极作用,它具有途径多样、形式灵活、内容丰富等特点,能使学生增长知识、锻炼身体、陶冶情操,同时为学生更好地适应社会打下坚实的基础。在高校建设拓展训练基地,开发高校拓展训练课程,培养社会真正需要的人才,提升大学生综合素质,有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等探究硬地面与非硬地(水中、沙地)界面上进行“plyometric”训练对运动表现与肌肉损伤的影响,并提出运动训练实践建议。研究发现:硬地与水中plyometric训练均可以提高运动表现,且干预效果相似;硬地与沙地进行plyometric训练,均可以提高运动表现,不同的测试指标反向纵跳、蹲跳、垂直跳的干预效果存在异同。水中和沙地相对于硬地面进行plyometric训练可以明显较少训练后肌肉酸痛程度,降低运动损伤风险。硬地面适应机制:肌腱复合体和关节的训练适应机制;神经-肌肉对训练的适用机制等。水中和沙地的适应机制:“离心-向心”转化速度;神经冲动与适应机制等。对运动训练的建议:在水中进行plyometric训练时,水面一般在身体的腰部-胸部位置,水温的选择一般在27°C左右;水中、硬地plyometric训练的干预周期介于6-10周之间,每周干预频率介于2-3次之间;组合界面plyometric训练的相关研究文献较少,需进一步研究论证;当在硬界面时,中等负荷量可诱导出最佳的效果;在进行Plyometric训练时,强度比量更重要,且小强度优于大强度;不同年龄、性别进行Plyometric训练时,要选择适应的训练手段,水中和沙地面可以作为传统训练的替换手段。  相似文献   

Contemporary training for power sports involves diverse routines that place a wide array of physiological demands on the athlete. This requires a multi-faceted nutritional strategy to support both general training needs--tailored to specific training phases--as well as the acute demands of competition. Elite power sport athletes have high training intensities and volumes for most of the training season, so energy intake must be sufficient to support recovery and adaptation. Low pre-exercise muscle glycogen reduces high-intensity performance, so daily carbohydrate intake must be emphasized throughout training and competition phases. There is strong evidence to suggest that the timing, type, and amount of protein intake influence post-exercise recovery and adaptation. Most power sports feature demanding competition schedules, which require aggressive nutritional recovery strategies to optimize muscle glycogen resynthesis. Various power sports have different optimum body compositions and body weight requirements, but increasing the power-to-weight ratio during the championship season can lead to significant performance benefits for most athletes. Both intra- and extracellular buffering agents may enhance performance, but more research is needed to examine the potential long-term impact of buffering agents on training adaptation. Interactions between training, desired physiological adaptations, competition, and nutrition require an individual approach and should be continuously adjusted and adapted.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法和访谈法对江苏省参加2015年全国皮划艇锦标赛的10名女子皮艇运动员在赛前6周训练中血清肌酸激酶、血尿素氮、血红蛋白、红细胞积压、尿PH值、尿比重等指标进行监测。结果:在赛前第6周高强度大运动量后,运动员血清肌酸激酶、血尿素氮含量出现较大程度的上升,血红蛋白和红细胞压积整体偏低,表明高强度训练产生强烈刺激,且未能在短期内较好恢复;经过积极调整后,血液指标逐步降到正常水平,部分队员尿液指标处于正常值以外;第3周适当增加训练量和强度后,训练后增加了恢复手段与营养调整,第2周继续增加训练量降低强度,部分产生应激反应,采取积极恢复方法,赛前第1周整体处于正常范围。结论:生化指标能反映运动员对赛前运动负荷的适应情况以及身体机能的状况;通过及时分析生化指标变化,及时调整训练计划和恢复措施,能有效控制运动员身体机能;建议训练负荷的安排要循序渐进,因人而异;训练恢复方法多样。  相似文献   

传统的高原训练是人体在缺氧的环境下,使人体的生理机能产生代偿性适应变化。通过模拟高原环境下进行间歇性低氧训练,该训练法对于高校游泳运动员的生理机能产生了适应性变化,本文旨在进一步提高高校游泳运动员的竞技水平。  相似文献   

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