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概率与贝尔定理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文证明:贝尔不等式可以追溯到一个显然不成立的经典概率论的公式,而量子力学的自旋相关公式则可以追溯到一个已经被实验证实的量子力学公式。贝尔对贝尔定理有两点误解:第一,他把自己所用的特殊的隐变量理论当作一般的隐变量理论;第二,这个隐变量理论可以导出两个结论,其中的一个与量子力学相容,而另一个则导致贝尔不等式。而贝尔把前一个理解为贝尔不等式的前提,却把后一个结论看作不言而喻的。G·洛查克揭示了贝尔的第一个误解,但没有揭示其第二个。因此,他正确地指出贝尔不等式与定域性原理无关,却没有发现贝尔不等式其实也与隐变量理论无关。  相似文献   

2022年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了阿斯佩克特等三位物理学家,以表彰他们利用纠缠态实验证伪贝尔不等式,并开创了量子信息科学新领域的杰出贡献。本文描述了量子纠缠概念的由来,厘清了量子力学发展历史上的定域实在论、隐变量理论、空间非定域性以及贝尔不等式之间的脉络关系,并简要介绍了诺贝尔奖得主们在该领域所做的重要工作。最后,结合第二次量子革命兴起的新形势,阐述了上述研究工作的重要意义。  相似文献   

通过左右鞋子的例子,介绍了量子纠缠和EPR佯谬的由来,在隐变量理论与量子力学之间的争论中,引出贝尔不等式,以及三位诺贝尔奖得主为验证贝尔不等式作出的贡献。最后,对量子纠缠的未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

研究了存在DM相互作用的两比特和三比特海森堡链中热态的贝尔不等式违背.结果表明:两比特海森链情况下贝尔不等式可以被破坏;三比特情况下贝尔不等式不能被破坏.  相似文献   

贝尔不等式是明显区别爱因斯坦局域原理与量子力学非局域观点的一个关系式.通过推导给出了两粒子任意自旋S(S是整数或半整数)单重态贝尔不等式的普遍性的描述.这个不等式是判断自旋两个可能方向夹角θ的函数.另外还发现:对任意半整数自旋系统,θ在某区间内是违反贝尔不等式的,这个区间的右边界固定且等于π/2,随着自旋量的增加,左边界越来越靠近右界,违反贝尔不等式的范围按照1/S1/2比例渐近减少趋于0;对于有限整数自旋存在类似现象.因此对于大数自旋系统,爱因斯坦局域原理与传统量子力学非局域观点趋于一致.  相似文献   

80年代,“实在”问题重新引起科学哲学关注。其起因源于EPR.从EPR思想实验到贝尔不等式的实际检验,实现了从一般哲学论争到科学精确检验的转变,这种转变进一步推动了对“量子实在”本性的认识。实在论与反实在论的争论,及其对“反常事实”的消化,使实在概念更为深化:“隐实在”与“潜实在”;EPR定域实在论的问题;微观实在与宏观实在的差异与统一,实在的感知问题即科学实践在争论中被双方所忽视,乃是一个老问题不断被赋予新形式而一再提出的症结所在。  相似文献   

虽然量子论是历史上最成功的理论,但是它的理论含义却非常怪异.量子论的怪异性表现在它固有的"非定域性".修正爱因斯坦"系综解释"后,可导出推论:量子论的经典极限是经典统计力学,而不是经典力学.因此,量子论并不是主流观点所认为的波动力学,而是波动统计力学.如果说经典统计力学存在隐参数理论(即牛顿力学),那么,波动统计力学同样也存在隐参数理论(即波姆力学).在此理论框架下,为了试探性解决"非定域性"难题,可以预测新现象:粒子和围绕着自己的波函数构成不可分割的客观整体--"微观实体",纠缠粒子通过波函数也构成不可分割的客观整体——"复合微观实体".这种新现象可以用实验加以检验,而且它是其它解释所不能预测的.  相似文献   

张荣彬  王芳 《新高考》2009,(10):32-35
在高中数学中有一类与"恒成立"有关的问题,其一般表现形式为:给出一个等式或不等式,其中有多个(常见的为两个)变量,已知在某一个(些)变量的给定的取值范围内,该等式或不等式总能成立,求另外一个(些)变量的值或取值范围.  相似文献   

<正>初中阶段求运动问题中线段最大值最小值问题备受命题者的青睐,是考试中的一个热点和难点问题.有时利用常规方法求解往往比较困难,甚至走入死胡同,这时,如若能找出一些隐含的"不变量",如角、面积、体积、定点、定直线、恒等式等等,在运动问题中控制挖掘这些隐含的"不变量",并利用这些不变量巧妙的构造三角形,利用三角形三边关系,往往能化繁为简,化难为易.例1如图1,把一个三角板(AC=BC=  相似文献   

反证法是属于"间接证明法"一类,是从反面的角度思考问题的证明方法,即:肯定题设而否定结论,从而导出矛盾推理而得.法国数学家阿达玛(Hadamard)对反证法的实质作过概括:"若肯定定理的假设而否定其结论,就会导致矛盾".具体地讲,反证法就是从否定命题的结论入手,并把对命题结论的否定作为推理的已知条件,进行正确的逻辑推理,使之得到与已知条件、已知公理、定理、法则或者已经证明为正确的命题等相矛盾,矛盾的原因是假设结论不成立,所以肯定了命题的结论,从而使命题获得了证明.  相似文献   

从人的社会性来看“形式”和“意味”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克莱夫·贝尔将“有意味的形式”中的“意味”界定为“神秘意味”,并不能视为贬义色彩上的神秘主义。因为不但人的存在需要神圣之维,而且审美也需要这一维度。贝尔的神秘主义的贡献就在于,他始终强调这一维度,并坚持真正的审美情感必然包含着对“纯粹形式”中的“神秘意味”的领会。也许正是贝尔所强调的东西,构成了人的审美和动物“审美”的一个区别。  相似文献   

Alexander Graham Bell is often portrayed as either hero or villain of deaf individuals and the Deaf community. His writings, however, indicate that he was neither, and was not as clearly definite in his beliefs about language as is often supposed. The following two articles, reprinted from The Educator (1898), Vol. V, pp. 3-4 and pp. 38-44, capture Bell's thinking about sign language and its use in the classroom. Contrary to frequent claims, Bell does not demand "oral" training for all deaf children--even if he thinks it is the superior alternative--but does advocate for it for "the semi-deaf" and "the semi-mute." "In regard to the others," he writes, "I am not so sure." Although he clearly voices his support for oral methods and fingerspelling (the Rochester method) over sign language, Bell acknowledges the use and utility of signing in a carefully-crafted discussion that includes both linguistics and educational philosophy. In separating the language used at home from that in school and on the playground, Bell reveals a far more complex view of language learning by deaf children than he is often granted. (M. Marschark).  相似文献   

Bunge  Mario 《Science & Education》2003,12(5-6):445-466
Three main theses are proposed. The first is that the idea of a quantum or minimal unit is not peculiar to quantum theory, since it already occurs in the classical theories of elasticity and electrolysis. Second, the peculiarities of the objects described by quantum theory are the following: their basic laws are probabilistic; some of their properties, such as position and energy, are blunt rather than sharp; two particles that were once together continue to be associated even after becoming spatially separated; and the vacuum has physical properties, so that it is a kind of matter. Third, the orthodox or Copenhagen interpretation of the theory is false, and may conveniently be replaced with a realist (though not classicist) interpretation. Heisenberg's inequality, Schrödinger's cat and Zeno's quantum paradox are discussed in the light of the two rival interpretations. It is also shown that the experiments that falsified Bell's inequality do not refute realism but the classicism inherent in hidden variables theories.  相似文献   

In his 1984 paper published in Economics of Education Review, E. Bell indicates that when capital markets are imperfect in a certain sense, the possibility of a paradox arises that the demand for education may not always be directly related with the net present value of education. This study shows that Bell's paradox is possible under the alternative definitions or views on capital market imperfections. Further, this study specifies conditions for Bell's paradox to occur, which remain strong under the alternative capital market regimes.  相似文献   

《法国革命史》是米涅最重要的著作,获得很大成功,不失为一部良史。《法国革命史》的良史风范表现在:史实层次高,着眼于探究事物的本质;求实精神,详细占有资料;夹叙夹议,从史实中抽象出理论;观点鲜明,对人对事评说直言不讳;学而致用,学术研究为现实服务。《法国革命史》也存在一些资产阶级局限性的印迹,但它在诸多方面绽放出良史的丰采,成为世界历史学的典范。  相似文献   

对于双缝衍射实验,概率幅的迭加原理是指当两条缝同时打开时,一个电子通过某一条缝达到屏幕上某处的概率幅等于两条缝轮流打开时,该事件的两个概率幅之和.从这一原理得出结论:概率本身不遵循迭加原理,而这就是经典概率论不适用于微观过程的原因.柯氏概率论立足于概率的频率定义与事件运算的布尔代数两大基石,在微观过程中,概率的频率定义仍然有效,但事件运算不再遵循布尔代数的规则,特别是不遵循其乘法的交换律.因此,只要不涉及事件运算,柯氏概率论的联合概率的概念还是可以用于微观过程.但是当涉及事件运算时,将联合概率的运算公式应用于微观过程很可能得出错误的结论,贝尔不等式就是这样一个错误的结论.  相似文献   

阐述了Bohm思想实验和Bell不等式中存在的问题,再次指出Aspect实验同Bohr与Einstein之间的“巨人之争”完全无关。  相似文献   

王羲之以书法艺术闻名,但为官逾其人生之半,且力争在立德、立功、立言上有所作为,显示了他的行政管理思想和能力。如,有大局意识,忧国忧民,能从国家全局的高度观察和处理问题;勤政,务实,爱民;针砭时弊,改革弊政,精官简文,严刑惩贪;重责任,轻权力,不以官位为进退等。在当时,堪称清醒的政治家,爱民的地方官。当然,他没有尽全力从事行政管理工作,不是职业政治家。这与他所处的恩赐官僚制时代有关,更与他儒释道杂糅的思想和骨鲠孤傲、不拘于俗、追求自然的个性及酷爱书法艺术的心境有关。  相似文献   

In this essay, Quentin Wheeler‐Bell aims to reframe recent attempts to rethink the core principles of critical pedagogy. He argues that these attempts have been unsuccessful because they reproduce a deeper problem — specifically, an identity crisis — within critical pedagogy. The source of this problem, he contends, is that those working in this tradition have, over time, become more distant from and forgetful of its roots in critical theory; as a result, critical pedagogy is now in a state of dilution and fragmentation in which critical pedagogues are unable to bring the plurality of critical education approaches together theoretically around a set of shared principles. In order to address this problem and begin to reframe the core principles of critical pedagogy, Wheeler‐Bell first briefly sketches the debates around Max Horkheimer's classic essay “Critical Theory and Traditional Theory,” focusing on why critical theory grew into an interdisciplinary tradition situated between philosophy and social science. Then he explains why the recent attempts to rethink critical pedagogy rely upon a problematic, albeit dominant, narrative of the critical education tradition — a narrative that only tacitly recognizes a connection between critical education and critical theory. This dominant narrative contributes to the identity crisis within critical education because it supports a collective memory loss regarding the importance of both philosophy and social science to critical theory. Finally, Wheeler‐Bell attempts to develop a thin definition of critical education: one that connects critical education back to its roots in critical theory, while respecting the plurality of critical education approaches.  相似文献   

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