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互联网时代的到来一方面为企业提供了“线上销售”这种全新的销售渠道,另一方面也是通过实体门店开展的传统“线下销售”渠道面临巨大困境.笔者认为,线上销售和线下销售各有其优劣点,两者不是简单的取代与被取代关系.通过整合线上和线下销售渠道,可以为企业创造更广阔的发展空间.笔者进而提出,未来企业销售渠道的整合,可以根据自身情况在“线下展示,线上购买”和“线上展示购买,线下增值服务”两种模式间做出选择.  相似文献   

2008年3月底,美国《广告周刊》杂志网站公布了本年度的“杂志热门榜”。“杂志热门榜”(The Hot List)的上榜依据主要有两个方面:一是大众杂志在广告收入和页码的显著增长。其数据主要来源于美国杂志商协会下属的出版商信息局(PIB);二是必须要至少连续出版三年,而且每年必须至少能赚取5000万美元以上的广告收入。  相似文献   

一.日本漫画出版的现状 日本的漫画出版物主要由漫画杂志和漫画图书构成。特别是漫画杂志种类非常多。由于许多小型漫画出版社为了便于销售,过一段时间就更换漫画杂志名称,造成了无法统计漫画杂志种类的局面。仅大型出版社出版的周刊漫画杂志就达13种,隔周出版的漫画杂志10种,影响力比较大的月刊漫画杂志约有20种之多;发行册数每期超过100万册的漫画杂志达10种;而漫画以外的杂志每期发行册数超过100万册的最多只有一种。  相似文献   

周伟 《中国广播》2008,(11):69-71
广告服务于销售,企业销售依靠销售渠道实现。因此销售渠道是决定广告主投放广告的重要因素。一些产品和服务在全国范围销售过程中,不需要在各地建立自己的销售渠道,也不依靠代理商、经销商,我们在这里将这种营销模式称为“非渠道营销”,这类客户投放的销售广告称为“非渠道营销广告”。  相似文献   

美国当地时间5月5日上市销售的《时代》杂志封面,是一张被划了红叉的拉登的脸。这是《时代》周刊历史上第四次采用这样形式的封面。此前希特勒、萨达姆,以及拉登副手、“基地”组织三号人物扎卡维都曾享受过这种“待遇”。对世界来说,拉登是一个句号,而反恐是一个顿号,漫长的挑战还在后面。  相似文献   

一、《糖烟酒周刊》转型之路《糖烟酒周刊》于1993年创刊,原名为《华糖商情》,隶属于河北日报报业集团,现由河北华糖传媒公司运营,是国内创办最早的糖酒食品类杂志,也是全国唯一公开发行的糖烟酒信息权威周刊。行业类报纸和杂志由于其受众群体的特殊性、信息提供的专业性以及不强调新闻的时效性,广告投放利润也比较可观,虽然在都市类报纸竞争趋近于白热化的阶段,它还是可以比较滋润地生存。但随着互联网媒体的崛起,信息发布渠道迅速多样化,行业类媒体的发展也遇到了危机。《糖烟酒周刊》在做深做精杂志的基础上也在积极地寻求渠道变革,做了很多改革和尝试,都取得了不错的成果。  相似文献   

潘洁 《新闻前哨》2009,(12):88-89
在传统纸媒被网络大幅冲击、报纸销量普遍下滑的形势下,鄂版文摘类“新字军”之所以逆势崛起,得益于这类产品及时创新,在内容、形式、渠道做出了特色.打破了平面阅读与网络阅读、报纸形态与杂志形态、报纸渠道与杂志渠道之间的藩篱,吸收了各自的优点,融会贯通,再加上重视渠道销售政策,引领了2009年文摘类报刊发展浪潮。  相似文献   

《商业周刊》首次发行了该杂志的印尼语版,发行量为3万册。该杂志现以13种语言发行,全球销售量为120万册。 “在中国,我们有非常成功的经营合  相似文献   

周必勇 《新闻界》2004,(3):60-61
在近期《中国经济周刊》所登出的“感言2003:中国2003十大经济失意人物”评论中,杨澜的名字赫然在目。这位曾被《福布斯》杂志评为“中国最富有的女性”与她身后的“阳光文化”终于从当年万人仰视的神坛回到了人间。连续三个财年的亏损,已经让“阳光文化”的理想主义旗帜渐渐褪去了颜色,而寄托着杨澜“感情  相似文献   

报纸迎来“厚报时代”后,杂志化已成为一种普遍的趋势,除了现有的新闻文件的“杂志化”外,最明显最集中处的“蜕变”,莫过于报纸的各种周刊了。  相似文献   

中国大陆地区的新闻类周刊1990年代以来取得长足发展,也面临新的挑战与危机。“生逢其时”的社会环境与“生不逢时”的媒体竞争环境,使其努力寻找更为适合自己的生存路径,包括对“刊”形态与“周”时态的重新认识,对“忙人”与“有影响力”的人的重新界定,对“品质”与“风格”的不同选择,以及从“品牌化生存”到“两栖化生存”的拓展,以期借助于其他类型传播媒体的同步传播或“二次传播,”形成品牌,扩大影响,牢牢站稳属于自己的一片媒体空间。  相似文献   

周洁 《出版科学》2011,(4):91-95
对《时代》周刊和《三联生活周刊》2010年所有封面故事的主题类别进行分类统计,并从选题类型、选题分布、特刊选题和封面标题四个方面分析两刊的选题情况,发现两刊除了同样关注社会类选题外,在选题侧重点、选题视野、对读者的引导和塑造以及标题的制定等方面都存在较大差别。  相似文献   

日本由出版社出版的周刊杂志是在电视出现后才出现的一种新的大众媒介,也是日本出版业界在力图把出版作为大众媒介来运营方面所做出的努力。周刊杂志在内容和编排手法上都不同于报纸和图书,易读、注重娱乐性和提供信息是周刊杂志的一大特征。  相似文献   

A healthy publishing industry flourishes in a healthy economy. This article (written June 1990) provides a brief forecast for the U.S. economy and overall consumer spending. The authors combine economic and demographic forecasts to predict trends in book sales. Jim Haughey is Vice President, Research and Economics, at Cahners Publishing Company, which publishesPublishers Weekly, Library Journal, and seventy other business and consumer magazines and newspapers. Deborah Selsky is the economist for the printing and publishing group at Cahners Economics. She regularly writes on economics forLibrary Journal and is the editor ofPublishing Markets, a newsletter.  相似文献   

Singapore's print media now presents frank and open discussions of sexuality, signalling what appears to be a liberating overhaul of the strict moral codes that have restricted media content for decades. The intensely competitive magazine market is leading the charge. This paper examines how magazines such as The Singapore Women's Weekly reframe discourses on sexuality to allow them to operate within Singapore's tightly controlled media system. Drawing from a Foucauldian approach to discourse and censorship, and broader themes of global capitalism and state rule, this paper contends that despite immense pressures to allow the print media and its wealth-generating advertisers a high degree of autonomy in terms of content, Singapore's sexual revolution operates within parameters set by a government keen to strike a balance between maintaining ‘traditional’ moral values and a more pragmatic approach toward sexuality centred, in part, on attempts to promote ‘civic nationalism’ and to arrest the declining birth-rate.  相似文献   

从新一代电子报刊看媒介融合走向   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
新一代电子报纸是近五年来在美国等国逐渐兴起的一种报纸形态。它兼具印刷界面与电子界面的阅读特点,以网络作为发布渠道,沿袭报纸的收费订阅模式。与电子报纸实践并行的是第三代电子杂志的不断开发,它的特点是注重多媒体手段的运用和互动的开发,在生产与发布上走向专业化、集中化,在接收平台上除了网络外,还将面向更多终端,它也带来了多种营利可能。电子报纸与电子杂志虽然未必是终极状态的产品,但它们反映了媒介融合过程所带来的业务形态融合、市场融合、载体融合以及机构融合等各个层面的变革。  相似文献   

Print magazines are unique among nonfiction media in their dedication of staff and resources to in-depth, word-by-word verification of stories. Over time, this practice has established magazines’ reputation for reliability, helped them retain loyal readers amid a glut of information sources, and protected them from litigation. But during the past decade, websites, mobile platforms, and social media have expanded the types of stories and other content that magazines provide for readers. Doing so has shortened the time between the creation and dissemination of content, challenging and in some cases squeezing out fact-checkers’ participation. This study examines the procedures applied to stories in magazines and their non-print platforms, seeking to discern what decisions were made in response to the speed of digital publication, what effects these decisions have had, what lessons have been learned and what changes have been made over time. The results suggest that fact-checking practices for print content remain solidly in place at most magazines, if executed with diminished resources; however, magazine media are also exploring new processes to ensure accuracy and protect their reputations in an accelerated media environment.  相似文献   

Customer magazines blur the boundaries between journalistic reporting and organizational information. On the one hand, customer magazines are intended to communicate the interests, brands, products, and services of an organization. On the other hand, their topics, style, and layout resemble those of journalistic publications, from which readers expect independent and objective reporting. While customer magazines are distributed in high numbers throughout different industries and play an increasingly important role in the media landscape, they have hardly been the focus of researchers to date. It is therefore quite unclear how editorial decisions are made within these publications. This study investigated the relevance of journalistic news factors for topic selection in customer magazines and the extent to which these factors differ from those of journalistic publications. We conducted a quantitative survey of customer magazines’ editors-in-chief in Germany (N?=?143). We compared their responses on the relevance of news factors to the findings of a survey of senior journalists. The findings revealed clear differences in the use of news factors between the two groups.  相似文献   

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