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对学业不良的研究与转化是国内外教育界研究的重要课题之一。通过对大学英语学习过程中学业不良学生的观察与调查,可以发现学业不良的成因主要受到三方面因素的影响:学习者自身的因素、学校因素和社会因素。通过实施有效的策略,形成学生、学校和社会的合力才能够促成学业不良学生的转化。  相似文献   

数学学业不良是一种常见的学业不良类型,严重影响教师教学质量和学生的发展。研究发现,虽然学业不良的最初原因是个体的某种认知缺陷,但是这些认知缺陷并不是造成学业不良的唯一原因,学生的各种非智力因素:动机、学习焦虑、自我概念、意志力、与教师、父母和同伴的关系都起到了一定作用。本文对数学学业不良学生的非智力因素特征进行了分析,并对其教学干预在非智力因素方面做了一些思考。  相似文献   

学业不良学生的习得性无能及教育策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学业不良学生的习得性无能及教育策略四川三峡学院赵冰洁学生学业不良的原因研究是教育理论与实践中一个非常引人注目的问题。多数研究者认为,导致学生学业不良的原因不外乎内因和外因两个方面。内因包括个体的智力因素和非智力因素。如情绪问题(焦虑等)、成就动机、自...  相似文献   

一、认识评价的作用及意义学业不良评价是指通过收集各种有关学业不良学生的数据和信息,分析和诊断学业不良学生的问题,并根据这些信息与数据作出对学业不良学生的教育与干预决策的过程。研究学业不良学生的最终目的是要制定相应的干预措施,减少学生的学业不良问题。对学业不良学生的干预必须建立在对这些学生的科学评价基础上,因为只有了解学生,才能教育学生,只有通过评价才能确定问题,使干预对症下药。因此评价诊断是干预的前提,科学的评价可以减少干预的盲目性,增加有效性。在以往的教育实践中,一些教师对学业不良学生实施的干…  相似文献   

数学学业不良是一种常见的学业不良类型,严重影响教师教学质量和学生的发展.研究发现,虽然学业不良的最初原因是个体的某种认知缺陷,但是这些认知缺陷并不是造成学业不良的唯一原因,学生的各种非智力因素:动机、学习焦虑、自我概念、意志力、与教师、父母和同伴的关系都起到了一定作用.本文对数学学业不良学生的非智力因素特征进行了分析,并对其教学干预在非智力因素方面做了一些思考.  相似文献   

李郁清 《天中学刊》2001,16(4):98-100
学业不良特指某些经标准化测试,分数偏离了“文化常模”者,学业不良的成因主要有个人因素及环境因素两大方面,其中个人的学习类型、智力与非智力因素、人际关系以及教法、家庭环境、起居习惯等都对学生学业有重要影响。  相似文献   

当前,中小学生学业不良的现象有增无减。一般认为,学业不良的学生约占学生总数的8—10%。据说在美国,这类“偏离了文化常模”的学生大约占全部学龄儿童的10—20%,甚至超过20%。在日本,有所谓“差生七五三”(指七成高中生、五成初中生、三成小学生为差生)之说,表明跟不上学业的儿童随年级递升而递增,被视为现代“教育质理”的最明显的征兆之一。学业不良一般指学业有困难,学习成绩未能达到最低限度目标。学业不良的成因,有智力程度一类的素质因素,兴趣、动机、习惯一类的人格因素,学校、家庭、社区一类的环境因素,视力、听…  相似文献   

大学优等生与学业不良学生人格特征比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用卡特尔16PF人格量表,对大学优等生和学业不良学生共计99人进行了测量和比较,结果表明:大学优等生和学业不良学生在稳定性、怀疑性、幻想性和自律性因素上存在着显著差异,在应用人格因素方面,从事专业有成就的人格因素和学习成长能力因素上也存在显著差异,说明认知因素并不是造成大学生学习成就高低的最、主要因素,非认知因素与认知因素一样都会对学生的学业成就产生重要影响,甚至导致学生未来职业生涯作出的成就高低。  相似文献   

大学生学业不良的因素分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学业不良主要是指由于焦虑等心理因素影响大学生学习潜力的发挥,造成学习效果不理想的状况。学业不良产生的原因主要来自学生本身和外部因素的干扰。针对大学生学业不良的独特性和不同原因,建议加强对大学生情商培养,开设心理咨询和辅导,实施主体教育和个性化教育,改革考试制度,同时教师要塑造良好的自我形象。  相似文献   

学业不良大学生心理因素综合探讨赵冰洁一、引言在我国,对学生学业成绩不良的原因研究引起了教育界的高度重视,尤其是对中小学生学业不良原因的研究取得了丰硕的成果,但对大学生学业不良的原因研究较为鲜见。一般认为影响学生学业不良的原因包括主观原因和客观原因,主...  相似文献   

Robin Barrow 《Interchange》2006,37(4):287-307
The paper argues that 100 years of empirical research into teaching has failed to provide a usable account of best practice. This is partly because of conceptual and other logical problems that cannot in practice be resolved, as has been argued before. However, it is further argued that the real reason that no useful rules of good teaching can be established is that there are no substantive and important rules covering human interactions such as teaching. It is not that science cannot get the answers; rather it is that there are not any answers, and that is why there is not a science of teaching. Every teaching event is unique and the way to determine good practice is to be clear about what one is trying to achieve and to know one’s particular audience. This is not simply sound practical advice, but logically the only path to knowledge in this area.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate possibilities for conceptions of critical thinking beyond the established educational framework that emphasizes skills. Distancing ourselves from the older rationalist framework, we explain that what we think wrong with the skills perspective is, amongst other things, its absolutization of performativity and outcomes. In reviewing the relevant discourse, we accept that it is possible for the skills paradigm to be change‐friendly and context‐sensitive but we argue that it is oblivious to other, non‐purposive kinds of rationality that are indispensable to critical thought. Our suggestion is that there is an aporetic element in critical thought that is missing from contemporary educational positions. We consider some other efforts to redeem the surplus of criticality that performativity fails to take into account and conclude that the aporetic element that we highlight accommodates better than other theories do the significance of thematizing the taken‐for‐granted instead of focusing on problem solving.  相似文献   

The struggle to become lucid is at the heart of The Myth of Sisyphus. To understand the absurd is to understand that the fit between our conception of the world and the world itself is fraught with uncertainty; lucidity is the elucidation of the absurd. To be lucid is to revolt against the type of certainty that leads to suffering; to revolt against philosophical suicide. Camus teaches us the intellectual humility that stays hands; there is no reasoning that justifies suffering. If it is granted that the ability to recognise and respond to our own and others suffering is an important part of being human, and the task of education is to develop humans, then lucidity, in so far as it holds promise for the development of such an ability, has the potential to contribute positively to education.  相似文献   

历史法学代表人物萨维尼倡导“法是民族精神的体现”,致力于拉近法律与社会生活之间的关系。历史法学所力主的“法是被发现”主要是从法的产生角度也即立法立场来分析的。作为历史法学派的延续之一,概念法学倾向于构建严谨的能够涵摄社会生活各个方面的法律体系。在它的视域中,法官只需从法律体系中发现法律即可完成对案件的判断,从而将司法者囚禁在了概念的城堡里。这种理论上的幻想遭到耶林等社会法学者的批判也在情理之中了。  相似文献   

The paper makes use of Michael Faraday's ideas about learning, in particular his thoughts about attitudes to the unknowns of science and the development of an attitude which improves scientific decision-making. An invented scenario involving nursery school children demonstrates some attitudes displayed there. Discussion of the scenario and variation in possible outcomes suggests that Faraday's views are relevant to scientific learning in general. The main thesis of the paper is that it is central to learning in science to acknowledge that there is an inner struggle involved in facing unknowns, and that empathy with the fears and expectations of learners is an essential quality if genuinely scientific thought is to develop. It is suggested, following Faraday, that understanding our own feelings while we teach is a pre-requisite to enabling such empathy and that only then will we be in a position to evaluate accurately whether or not our pupils are thinking scientifically.  相似文献   

孙奇逢的一个重要思想,即学《易》旨在用《易》以治身、治家与治国平天下。“天下之道莫善于相反而相交以为用”,是矛盾对立统一的。社会的进步和发展,总是安危相随、泰否相因,始终都是“反交为用”的。所以,他提醒人们要泰不忘否。即便事已得凶,亦当仍使之趋吉,犹“逆挽而进之者,此《易》道之用与造化侔,而圣人作《易》之功亦与天地并也。”  相似文献   

This article describes a journey of exploration in which I take a hitherto unexamined aspect of my teaching practice, the use of disruption, and subject it to interrogation. The journey is an exercise in auto‐ethnographic research in that I am my own subject, located within the context of the classroom. My purpose is to surface the beliefs that underpin this pedagogic strategy and to locate it within theories of teaching and learning in higher education, so that that which is known but not yet thought becomes available for reflection and challenge. The article is structured in such a way as to trace the thought processes that shaped the direction of the journey; it follows a logic dictated by the heuristics of recognition and association. Throughout the journey I draw on students’ reflective reports to illustrate my conclusions that disruption is a metaphorical strategy that uses associative logic to promote transformations in students’ underlying belief systems and is an artefact of a relativist ontology. It assumes a political stance about the challenging of power relationships and of collusion. I conclude by identifying some ethical issues that are raised by this teaching strategy. I highlight the importance of a relationship of trust between teacher and student that is based on a shared commitment to each other’s potentiality.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role that vocational education and training (VET) can play in Southern African responses to major socio‐economic challenges. It argues that this role will be most pronounced if it is articulated within a broader educational and economic vision that is shared by a range of stakeholders in society and supported by an adequate funding base, effective information systems and qualified and motivated planners and implementers. However, it cautions that it is also important to remember that VET reform will not in itself transform economies or societies. The paper argues that there is considerable convergence within Southern Africa around 10 themes of VET reform. It argues that there is much that is of merit in the current broad package for VET transformation but that it is essential that it is carefully critiqued and that elements are adapted to national circumstances and visions.  相似文献   

中国莎学一直认为哈姆莱特是人文主义者,直到20世纪80年代才有人开始提出质疑,认为哈姆莱特并非人文主义者。但问题并没有因此得到解决。哈姆莱特到底是什么"者"?这个人物形象的塑造受何思想影响?细读不难发现,哈姆莱特是一个柏拉图主义者、柏拉图"哲学王"政治哲学思想的典范,"莎士比亚的确读过柏拉图"。  相似文献   

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