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A survey was conducted of health sciences libraries to obtain information about newer buildings, additions, remodeling, and renovations.


An online survey was developed, and announcements of survey availability posted to three major email discussion lists: Medical Library Association (MLA), Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), and MEDLIB-L. Previous discussions of library building projects on email discussion lists, a literature review, personal communications, and the author''s consulting experiences identified additional projects.


Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions are reported. Twenty-two are newer facilities built within the last ten years; two are space expansions; forty-five are renovation projects; and nine are combinations of new and renovated space. Six institutions report multiple or ongoing renovation projects during the last ten years.


The survey results confirm a continuing migration from print-based to digitally based collections and reveal trends in library space design. Some health sciences libraries report loss of space as they move toward creating space for “community” building. Libraries are becoming more proactive in using or retooling space for concentration, collaboration, contemplation, communication, and socialization. All are moving toward a clearer operational vision of the library as the institution''s information nexus and not merely as a physical location with print collections.


  • Seventy-eight health sciences library building projects at seventy-three institutions were reported as completed in the last ten years.
  • Five health sciences library projects illustrate the diversity of projects reported.
  • Eleven trends in health sciences library buildings are identified.
  • Numerous challenges are briefly discussed.


  • Changing services and usage patterns demand innovative ways to use library space.
  • Libraries are making more proactive efforts to retool library physical space.
  • Migration from print to digital collections is continuing at an accelerated pace.
  • More library space is now dedicated for “community” building.

Excerpts are presented from an interview by the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association buildings projects editor with four academic health sciences library directors: one who had recently completed a major library building project and three who were involved in various stages of new building projects. They share their experiences planning for and implementing library-building programs. The interview explores driving forces leading to new library buildings, identifies who should be involved, recalls the most difficult and exciting moments of the building projects, relates what they wished they had known before starting the project, assesses the impact of new library facilities on clients and services, reviews what they would change, and describes forces impacting libraries today and attributes of the twenty-first century library.  相似文献   

城市图书馆新馆建设概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对城市图书馆新馆建设的模式、建设的理念、建设规划与设计、工程施工与验收、功能布局与家具配置、新馆业务准备与开馆筹备等问题进行了详细阐述,旨在为城市图书馆新馆建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆因存在馆舍建筑设备老旧、空间设计不良以及软硬件设施落后等问题,影响读者到馆阅读意愿以及阅读体验。为此,台湾地区公共图书馆抓住旧馆空间改造和新馆建设的契机,对图书馆内的阅读空间进行环境提升,取得了一定的成效。本研究旨在通过调查我国台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设情况,总结其建设特点,为我国其他地区公共图书馆开展旧馆空间改造和新馆建设提供参考与借鉴。[方法/过程] 运用网络调查法和案例分析法,以我国台湾地区6个公共图书馆为例,阐述其在绿色环保、分龄分众以及特色服务理念下的阅读空间建设情况。[结果/结论] 我国台湾地区公共图书馆能够根据相关标准规范建设阅读空间,所采用的空间建设理念较为先进,阅读空间环境具备一定的舒适性和实用性,并且通过分析得出台湾地区公共图书馆阅读空间建设具有以下特点:创新建设理念,打造多样空间;注重文化内涵,体现地方特色;重视通用设计,提供特殊空间;强调色彩搭配,营造空间氛围。  相似文献   

高校图书馆新馆建设若干问题的思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目前正值全国高校快速建设和发展期,许多高校都把新图书馆的建设作为重点内容。文章从图书馆的角度,阐述了与新馆建设密切相关的新馆建设理念、服务方式、管理模式等三个关键问题及其与建筑设计的内在联系,提出了图书馆在设计过程中应建立的组织结构及有关方案形成的实践经验。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化和经济建设的快速发展,一座座高楼大厦鳞次栉比拔地而起,塑造了高密度的新城市景观。由于土地资源本身固有属性的限制,土地供需矛盾,尤其是高密度地区用地供需矛盾日益尖锐。图书馆建筑也出现低层向多层纵向发展的态势,其周边绿地表现出新的空间特征。在这种背景下如何做好绿地规划与建设,本文提出一些原则和方法,以期图书馆空间环境质量得到不断提高。  相似文献   

英国谢菲尔德大学图书馆IC建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先从空间建设、资源建设和服务三个方面对谢菲尔德大学图书馆IC空间的建设进行分析与研究,分析出谢菲尔德大学在IC建设过程中的成功经验,在借鉴此经验基础上探讨建设理想图书馆IC的几点启示,对于我国创建大学图书馆信息共享空间具有一定的建设性意义。  相似文献   

Twenty-eight health sciences library building projects are briefly described, including twelve new buildings and sixteen additions, remodelings, and renovations. The libraries range in size from 2,144 square feet to 190,000 gross square feet. Twelve libraries are described in detail. These include three hospital libraries, one information center sponsored by ten institutions, and eight academic health sciences libraries.  相似文献   

城市图书馆对城市的现代化建设发挥着不容忽视的促进作用。大城市图书馆是全国公共图书馆的排头兵,在我国公共图书馆事业发展中占据重要地位。大城市图书馆要进一步加大文献信息资源共建共享力度,加快数字图书馆建设,加强培训工作,策划重大项目,充分发挥其在事业发展中的带动作用。要将公共图书馆建设纳入到城市规划之中,加快形成覆盖全社会的图书馆服务网络,建设传输快捷的数字图书馆服务网络,改善事业发展的政策环境,进一步发挥大城市示范作用。  相似文献   

城市图书馆对城市的现代化建设发挥着不容忽视的促进作用。大城市图书馆是全国公共图书馆的排头兵,在我国公共图书馆事业发展中占据重要地位。大城市图书馆要进一步加大文献信息资源共建共享力度,加快数字图书馆建设,加强培训工作,策划重大项目,充分发挥其在事业发展中的带动作用。要将公共图书馆建设纳入到城市规划之中,加快形成覆盖全社会的图书馆服务网络,建设传输快捷的数字图书馆服务网络,改善事业发展的政策环境,进一步发挥大城市示范作用。  相似文献   

随着信息化的高速发展,用户对资源需求的无限性和资源获取的便捷性要求提高,传统图书馆和数字图书馆已很难满足用户日益多样的需求,图书馆正在探索由数字图书馆向智慧图书馆的过渡和转型,图书馆的资源管理、业务流程、服务模式等都将发生变化。目前,我国智慧图书馆建设正处于研究探索阶段,缺乏成熟的理论指导,也缺乏不同图书馆系统内和不同区域图书馆间的统筹规划。本文试图探讨以下五个问题:智慧图书馆的概念之惑,智慧图书馆的名分之实,智慧图书馆的建设之困,智慧图书馆的合作之需,智慧图书馆的理论之贫。建议从理论层面深入研究智慧图书馆建设的相关问题,包括建设标准、建设模式、合作路径等,用成熟的图书馆学理论指导智慧图书馆建设的实践。  相似文献   

构建和谐图书馆   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
秦剑 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(2):48-50
大力加强和谐图书馆的建设是构建和谐社会的一个重要部分,是传承中国优秀传统文化和顺应时代发展的需要。和谐图书馆的构建着重在营造和谐的人文环境,包括建立和谐的图书馆各层面的人际关系、馆藏发展与学科发展的关系、图书馆总馆与分馆的关系和营造和谐的物理环境,包括馆舍设计的实用性、超前性、灵活性以及个性化和细致化等。  相似文献   

石剑兰  廖璠 《图书情报工作》2019,63(14):121-130
[目的/意义]探究美国公共图书馆少儿创客空间服务的实践案例及服务特色,以期为我国图书馆开展少儿创客空间服务提供参考。[方法/过程]参考2017年美国第10次"星级图书馆排行"评比结果,随机选取五星级图书馆中的30所公共图书馆为调查对象,其中有22所公共图书馆提供少儿创客空间服务,有4种少儿创客空间服务类型,通过典型案例的分析,归纳总结美国公共图书馆少儿创客空间服务的特色。[结果/结论]得出如下启示:重视培养少儿创客并构建少儿创客空间服务模式;促进少儿STEAM教育和创造活动,加大宣传力度以吸引女生关注科技;培养少儿自主学习能力和创造力;丰富少儿创客空间服务项目活动及先进的技术设备;重视协同与互助并加强人才队伍建设等。  相似文献   

赵珊珊 《图书馆》2021,(2):90-95
新时代背景下,专题馆建设是促进高校图书馆的内涵建设、改革创新和服务转型升级的新途径。文章通过实地调研、文献分析和案例调查,归纳梳理了高校图书馆建设专题馆的成功经验。高校图书馆建设专题馆应遵循整体性原则,明确专题馆的发展定位,并寻求外部合作,利用多方资源合力开展建设。专题馆通过专题特色资源建设、空间再造、多元化服务等方式拓展服务边界,着力构建多元化的特色服务体系,并通过开展延展性活动来实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在中国特色社会主义进入新时代和《中华人民共和国公共图书馆法》颁布施行的大背景下,公共图书馆“十四五”发展规划的制订对事业发展具有重大意义。本研究旨在为规划编制提出建议。[方法/过程]以规划要素为框架,结合近年来广州市“图书馆之城”建设实践,对“十四五”乃至中长期公共图书馆发展的战略任务、目标、路径、举措、相关问题等进行分析。[结果/结论]公共图书馆在新时代尤其是“十四五”时期应将服务体系建设作为战略任务,战略目标是建立基本覆盖街镇乡的公共图书馆分馆体系,基本路径包括以县区域总分馆体系建设为基本模式,通过中心馆总分馆等模式动员公共图书馆全行业参与;城镇化地区先行、人均GDP指标设定区先行。关键举措与驱动机制包括推动需求可视化、提升图书馆服务效能、推动政府履行主体责任、设立国家重大专项推动等,在推动体系建设的同时,处理好与转型发展、提升效能、社会参与等的关系。  相似文献   

Library as place: results of a delphi study.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: An expert consensus on the future of the library as place was developed to assist health sciences librarians in designing new library spaces. METHOD: An expert panel of health sciences librarians, building consultants, architects, and information technologists was asked to reflect on the likelihood, desirability, timing, and impact on building design of more than seventy possible changes in the use of library space. RESULTS: An expert consensus predicted that the roles librarians play and the way libraries are used will substantially change. These changes come in response to changes in technology, scholarly communication, learning environments, and the health care economy. CONCLUSIONS: How health sciences library space is used will be far less consistent by 2015, as space becomes more tailored to institutional needs. However, the manner in which health sciences libraries develop and deliver services and collections will drastically change in the next decade. Libraries will continue to exist and will provide support for knowledge management and clinical trials, provide access to digital materials, and play a host of other roles that will enable libraries to emerge as institutional change agents.  相似文献   

Despite the digital shift, university libraries have grown in importance as places where students come to learn. Interest in designing better spaces has led to a flowering of user experience studies. Such research into how students use library space could usefully be informed by the theory of embodied cognition, which emphasises the role of the body in thinking and learning. This study explores students' embodied experience of an information commons building. Data were gathered from participatory walking interviews, where students were asked to give the interviewer a guided tour of the building. Findings revealed the way that particular combinations of sensory experience contributed to particular forms of learning. Very small movements or choices seem to reconfigure space significantly. This research also draws attention to the way that different learning atmospheres are actively constructed. The findings contribute a new perspective on inquiry into the use of library space. The potential implication for libraries is the need for more fine grained analysis of use experience from a sensory perspective and for teachers and learners to more explicitly reflect on the role of the body in learning.  相似文献   

示范区(项目)创建与公共图书馆发展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
抓住创建国家公共文化服务体系示范区(项目)的契机乘势而上,将会为公共图书馆在"十二五"时期的发展赢得良好的环境和条件。示范区创建标准中的"公共图书馆指标"体现的导向和特点是:把提升服务能力、改善服务效益作为重要内容;促进远程服务能力和流动服务能力建设;重点任务指标化推进。第一批创建示范项目中的"公共图书馆项目"有三种类型:总分馆体制的探索与实践;基层公共图书馆的基础建设;全民阅读活动。公共图书馆参与示范区创建,首先要形成全面达标的时间表、路线图和保障条件,其次要提炼出在创建过程中重点突破的问题。公共图书馆打造示范项目应特别关注的问题包括:免费开放环境中服务能力建设和服务效益提升;建立科学合理的设施服务半径、覆盖面积指标,探索流动服务、数字服务与阵地服务的配置原则和标准;探索利用文化信息资源共享工程设备和网络的数字图书馆和数字文化馆一体化建设方案。  相似文献   

李书宁  郑霞 《图书情报工作》2020,64(10):146-152
[目的/意义] 归纳总结现有国外图书馆数字馆藏建设游戏项目的实践特点和成功经验,以期为国内图书馆开发设计数字馆藏建设游戏项目提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 综合运用网络调研法和案例分析法,以数字馆藏建设的准备、实施和维护3个阶段为基础,系统地梳理当前国外图书馆馆藏建设中游戏项目的应用形式和实践进展,并以大型开源游戏服务平台——Metadata Game为例,深入剖析该数字馆藏建设游戏项目的基本概况、技术基础、实现机理以及操作方法等内容,从而总结出国外图书馆数字馆藏建设游戏项目的主要特点及经验启示。[结果/结论] 我国图书馆可借鉴国外游戏项目的经验,根据特定建设需要和自身技术条件,在数字馆藏建设项目中逐步引入不同类型、主题及形式的游戏项目。  相似文献   

The emergence of the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web (WWW), as a new medium of information delivery, coupled with the availability of powerful hardware, software and networking technology, triggered large-scale commercial and non-commercial digitization programmes the world over. During the past decade, great progress has been made in both theoretical and practical research in the digital library. Besides, acquiring and buying access to digital collections, academic and research libraries are exerting efforts to initiate digital library projects in their respective institutions so as to build their own digital collections. Moreover, proliferation of network-enabled electronic information products are exerting ever-increasing pressure on traditional libraries, which, in turn, are committing larger portions of their budgetary allocation to either procuring or accessing web-based full-text search services, CD-ROM products, online databases, multimedia products, and so forth. The increasing commitment for building up network-enabled digitized collections at the Central Library, IIT Delhi coincides with the installation of a fibre optics based campus LAN connected to a 2 MBps VSNL Radio Link enabling faster access to the Internet for the academic community of the Institute. The availability of high-speed Internet connection has led to the launching of a number of sponsored and unsponsored projects for building network-enabled digitized collections within the framework of the traditional library and information services at the Central Library, IIT Delhi. The Library has adopted a multi-pronged strategy to embark upon the digital world. The article outlines various constituents that contribute to the making of a digital library at the Central Library, IIT Delhi.  相似文献   

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