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Tan  Sok Khim 《Science & Education》1997,6(6):555-572
Implicit in teaching science has been the teaching of a set of values. However, its presence has remained unacknowledged because of assumptions made that its products are value-free and that work of science involves positive values. Malaysian schools have introduced a set of noble values to be taught as a subject called moral education while at the same time expecting all subjects, including the sciences to actively inculcate these noble values in their lessons. A search for values related to science included studies from science education curriculums, studies by scientists and philosophers of science, feminist and Indian critics of science. These values could be categorized into four categories representing epistemological values, supporting values, societal and moral values and power-oriented values. While some categories compliment each other, others are in contention. This paper argues for the inclusion of societal and moral values in the science classrooms. A compassionate scientist should be a reality. The task for Malaysian science educators is to find a way to raise awareness of these values.  相似文献   

本土社会工作价值观的教育应包括"普遍价值观"教育和"本土价值观"教育。利他主义作为社会工作的普遍价值观,自应是我国社会工作价值观教育的核心内容之一。"本土价值观"教育应由四部分组成:我国市场经济中形成的价值观;意识形态提倡的社会主义价值观;中国传统价值观;受西方影响的价值观。  相似文献   

生活正是价值观的来源与变迁的动力,也是价值观最终要指向的目标。非生活化的价值观教育方法必然导致价值观教育目前的困境。只有价值观教育紧密的联系生活,采用融入生活的教育方法,才能使价值观教育走出迷茫,使价值观教育回归到它的本来面目,起到实际的和持久的效果。  相似文献   

As in many other Western countries, in The Netherlands in recent years a discussion has started about the possibilities and necessity of teachers paying more attention to values in schools. In this article we will give a review of research regarding values and education, and make a conceptual clarification. We will analyse how values and communicative skills to reflect on values can be part of education, and will discuss school culture as part of a moral education. We argue for a more integrative approach. This implies at the same time the stimulation of certain values by the teacher, teaching and learning of skills to better communicate on values, and increasing the active participation of students. Throughout the article we focus on the pedagogical and didactic approach of the teacher, the way teachers are confronted with values, and how teachers' own values are part of their teaching practice.  相似文献   

开放大学的课堂文化价值意义,在于它通过一个令人向往的大众传播媒介构建了社会育人课堂,为大学、教师和学习者建构并树立一种全新的远程开放教育人权价值观、学术自由价值观、人格平等价值观、教学民主价值观、科学真理价值观、理性启蒙价值观、博爱人性价值观、社会奉献价值观和文化包容价值观,提供了一个全新的文化活动空间,从而为人类教育开辟了先进的教育理想主义人文精神家园。  相似文献   

当代大学生在经历一元价值观与多元价值观、个体价值观与集体价值观、理想价值观与现实价值观冲突之后,形成不同与以往的冲突与整合的新局面。面对这一形势,德育观念应相应的转变、更新,树立科学新观念,使之与大学生价值观的转型保持同步前进。  相似文献   

人生价值是自我价值和社会价值的统一,质和量的规定性决定了人生价值的衡量标准,而创造价值是人生价值的真正实现。大学生对人生价值的认知具有科学和非科学的两面性,对人生价值标准的认知具有理论知识和实践运用的脱节性,对创造价值的认知具有不确定性。大学生人生价值观培育需要借助思想政治理论课教学展开,注重彰显课堂教学、实践教学和网络教学的培育功能。  相似文献   

伴随着我国社会经济文化的快速发展,社会的价值观念日趋多元化,各种社会思潮甚嚣尘上。社会主义核心价值观的提出,对我国社会上广泛流传的各种价值观念、社会思潮,具有价值整合的作用。社会主义核心价值观是党中央站在国家治理能力与治理体系现代化的高度对全社会的价值观念作出了规范,提出了要求,对于重建全社会的精神家园,重塑人们的思想价值内核,引领和规范人们的思想价值观念具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated children's, adolescents', and young adults' reasoning about the teaching of a variety of values in the school and family contexts. One-hundred and sixty participants in four age groups (8-, 10-, and 13-year-olds, and college students) evaluated acts involving the teaching of values and laws that regulate the teaching of these values. Both the valence (positive or negative) of values and the context in which they were presented (school, family) were systematically varied. Results showed that a variety of factors were considered in evaluating the teaching of values, including context, the valence of the value, and the type of value being taught. Participants' reasoning about values education was found to be multifaceted and included distinctions between moral values that reflect justice and rights, and values that reflect other forms of personality traits and social values. The findings suggest that conceptions of values education may be better understood within models of social reasoning that draw distinctions between types of values (e.g., moral and other values) and account for the increasing capacity to differentiate social contexts and spheres of legitimate governmental regulation with development.  相似文献   

目的:考察大学生性道德价值观与人生价值观的关系,为大学生心理健康教育工作的开展提供科学依据。方法:利用性道德价值观、人生价值观量表对四川高校298名大学生进行调查。结果:不同性别青年大学生在性道德价值观上存在显著差异,性道德价值观能够预测人生价值观。结论:高校应加强对大学生的性健康教育和人生价值观教育,有利于青年大学生树立正确、远大的人生价值观,建立科学的性道德价值观体系。  相似文献   

We examine relations of values and intelligence to overt behavior in a field study of clients in career counseling (N=365). Eleven counselors reported their clients' independence, activity and insightfulness behaviors. As predicted, both values and intelligence correlated substantially with particular behaviors. Activity and independence correlated positively with self-direction and achievement values and negatively with conformity and tradition values. Independence correlated positively with maturity values as well. Insightfulness correlated positively with maturity values and negatively with conformity and tradition values. All three behaviors correlated positively with intelligence. Values predicted behavior over and above intelligence, but intelligence added to the prediction by values only for the clients of some counselors. Implications of the findings for research on values and behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study investigated the perceived educational values of Omani school principals. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form which focused on the core values of school administration as perceived by a sample of 44 school principals; a focus group interview was also held. Data were analysed using Nvivo software. The study results classified the perceived values of Omani school principals into three categories of values based on Hodgkinson’s classification. The most coded values of the principals were cooperation, devotion/genuineness (organizational loyalty, eagerness to learn), respect (self, other, mutual), commitment, responsibility and citizenship, all of which fell into the category of consensus and consequences. A citrus model is proposed to give a visual image of the composition of the three categories of values in school administration. While this study identified a number of educational values, the process by which school principals can activate these values in daily school practices still needs to be clarified.  相似文献   

Making liberal democratic values meaningful to study in schools is a more complex issue than being a question of turning values into explicit educational goals (Schleicher) or of curing a motivational deficit (Critchley). Since values seem to play an important role in the practices and commitments of people's everyday lives, values are calling for a continual refinement of our words in relation to the world (Laverty). The purpose of this article is to offer contours of an educational language about values that acknowledges this refinement and the pedagogical work that teachers might do—by way of language—in order to sustain the living-on of what is valued and valuable to us as individuals and as societies. To this end, the article is divided into two parts. The first part takes the temperature of the current political and educational debates, offering thereby a sociopolitical background to the need of a renewed language about values. Drawing on ordinary language philosophy (Moi, Murdoch and Forsberg) and the idea that there is an intimate relationship between how we look at the world (attention) and the words we use in describing it (language). The second part of the article places the emergence of values in a particular time in history before suggesting a more existential vocabulary about values for the purpose of teaching values in schools.  相似文献   

高校大学生涯是大学生核心价值观形成的关键时期,以社会主义核心价值体系引导和帮助大学生用一元化的核心价值观主导多元化的价值观,要使社会主义核心价值体系为大学生认同和接受,和谐的师生关系是促进大学生核心价值观形成的基础之一,努力构建高校和谐的师生关系,培养德智体美全面发展的中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人,为建设富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家完成好高校的历史任务。  相似文献   

Based on Inglehart’s (1997) idea that the importance of modern values is challenged by a growing importance of postmodern values in postindustrialised sociaties, we analyse the consequences of students’ attempts to integrate (modern) achievement values and (postmodern) well-being values. Since opportunities for value integration are limited, students should frequently experience conflicts, whether to work for school or to engage in free time activities. In a questionnaire study, students (n=184) showed mostly high scores in both, achievement and well-being values. Value conflict — measured by a specific conflict formula — was related to the frequency of action conflicts as well as to the reported difficulty to decide which action to pursue. Values predicted the students’ school-related decisions. Furthermore, students with high achievement values reported better performance in school-related tasks than students with high well-being values. Finally, values were systematically related to time investment and grades.  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化主流的儒学,其伦理道德观长期以来都是整个中国社会价值观念的核心.儒家的伦理价值获得合理性有其内在原因.从整体来看,伦理规范的构建以价值的确认为其逻辑前提,儒家价值的源泉不仅指向的是终极存在,更多的是指向人自身.其价值内涵不仅体现为内在的道德价值,更外化为对群体的社会价值.儒家伦理道德的价值在德性与礼制的内外作用之下在实践中得到落实.  相似文献   

在近代西方思想的影响下,明治初期日本人的公私观发生了巨大变化。在私权方面,思想家呼吁个人独立、自由平等、财产私有的权利,这标志着日本人的私意识不断增强;在公权方面,进步思想家以及政治家中的开明派主张民众参与政治的权利,并积极促使国会、议会的召开,而民众则在启蒙思想运动、自由民权运动的影响下提升了公权意识;在公共思想方面,近代日本"社会"的发现以及知识分子对"社会"的审视推动了近代公共思想的出现,激发了人们关注社会、关心国家的热情。但是,由于受到强大的近代残留的公权力这一封建因素的影响,日本人的私权意识、公权意识、公共思想都被限制在一定的范围内,最终难逃被扼杀的命运。  相似文献   

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing must learn to think critically. Character education (CE) refers to the effort to teach basic values and moral reasoning (Doyle & Ponder, 1977). Values clarification (VC) is the process of examining one's basic values and moral reasoning (Rokeach, 1973). Character education and values clarification as subject matter foster the development of critical thinking (CT), a tool used both to develop and to modify values and moral reasoning. These three areas mutually support one another. The development of a set of values and their underlying moral reasoning is the foundation for thinking critically about values. The authors examine the components of critical thinking, character education, and values clarification, summarize the literature, and provide a template for appropriate lesson plans. They also describe strategies that promote the development of critical thinking, character education, and values clarification.  相似文献   

中学阶段是学生价值观形成的重要时期,全面了解当前中学生的价值观状况,把握目前学生价值观的主流,发现学生在价值观形成与发展过程中存在的问题,对于理解社会转型期多元文化带来的价值观念多元化与多向性特点,改进价值观教育,促进中学生良好价值观的形成有着重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper explored the impact of religious engagement (religious background, religious service attendance and religious activities participation) on adolescents’ civic and social values. Attitudes towards the influence of religion on society were investigated as a possible mediator/moderator of religious engagement. A model based on Western literature was tested using a sample of over 2000 Hong Kong students. Secondary data were drawn from the International Civics and Citizenship Education Study 2009. Multi-level modelling was used to assess individual and school level effects on civic and social values. Results indicated that religious engagement exerted varied effects. Religious background showed small and negative effects on students’ civic and social values. Participation in religious services indicated a small, positive and significant effect on social but not on civic values. Participation in religious activities showed no significant effect on either social or civic values. These variables exerted a small moderating effect on social and civic values through attitudes to the influence of religion on society. The latter exerted a positive and significant effect on civic values and a negative effect on social values. These results suggested that Western models depicting the positive relationship between religious engagement and citizenship values may not hold for Asian societies.  相似文献   

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