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Biology and chemistry instructors at 50 institutions within th North Carolina Community College System were surveyed concerning the types of courses they teach, the diversity of students in their courses, their own academic preparation, how they would have altered their academic preparation for their current position, their preceived value of secondary school teaching in their current position, and additional comments about preparation for teaching in the community college. Personel officers at these institutions were surveyed on degrees they require for hiring biology and chemistry instructors, additional qualifications they seek in instructors, and whether they believe secondary school teaching experience to be of benefit for someone considering a community college teaching position.

Major concerns in hiring an instructor are a stong academic preparation in the teaching field and a second major or minor in a related science field. An additional concern is the ability to address the special needs of the diverse student population found in the community college setting. The instructors suggest that programs in science education can help teachers improve their instructional techniques, and 7 6% of the instructors who have taught in secondary schools indicate that this experience had been beneficial in their community college teaching.  相似文献   

This study focused on preservice teachers’ perceptions of culturally responsive teaching using multicultural literature. They learned about diversity issues, multicultural literature, and culturally responsive teaching, worked on a multicultural literature project, developed hands-on literacy lessons, and taught them to elementary school students. Results showed that preservice teachers increased their awareness of culturally responsive teaching, professional knowledge about multicultural literature and culturally responsive teaching, and skills to teach diverse students and practice culturally responsive teaching.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers benefit from opportunities to intentionally and systematically evaluate their practice. Teachers Observational Tools (TOTs) described in this article are useful instruments that effectively guide teaching interns’ and their coaching teachers’ observations. They give education students opportunities to draw conclusions and evaluate their own work rather then relying on coaching teachers’ opinions. These tools are appealing to constructivist teacher educators. These observational techniques have been used effectively by students preparing to teach young children, but could be used effectively by those working with students of all ages. They are popular with preservice teachers and their supervisors and have, additionally, made an important contribution to our University's professional development school partnerships.  相似文献   

The blackboard, a useful teaching tool in nineteenth-century England, was transformed into a teaching necessity in the decades follwing 1870, when the Education Acts made school free and mandatory for all children. The resulting huge population of schoolchildren inspired the development of teaching techniques appropriate for large-group learning. Many of these techniques relied on the blackboard as a reusable demonstration space visible to the entire class at once, unlike a book or slate. To share these new practices among teachers, particularly the novice teachers recruited to serve the increased school population, dozens of teaching manuals were published around the turn of the twentieth century. These manuals’ instructions for how to teach reading, writing, arithmetic and nature study to elementary school students offer historians a rare glimpse into teachers’ and students’ school experiences by suggesting how the blackboard shaped classroom practices in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century England.  相似文献   

公共英语课程是高职高专非英语专业学生必修的一门基础课程。从教学理论上来说,高职院校英语教学必须探索出符合本校学生特点的教学内容和教学方法。所以探索并找到一套适合高职高专院校的课程教学手段是我们高职高专院校任教的老师的职责和义务。学生的英语学习动机不同,公共英语的教学也要跟着做适当的调整,这就是因材施教。它既适应了学生的实际水平,也能使教师有的放矢。  相似文献   

我校五年制大专非定向生的生源质量参差不齐,导致老师课难上,学生积极性也受打击。可从以下几方面入手改善这种状况:从大局着眼,教育以人为本;构建对学生的多元评价;调整心态,培养师生感情;增强学习体验,改变教学策略。  相似文献   

大学教师在教学中除了将其显性的专业知识以显性课程的形式作用于学生之外,其自身所拥有的其他众多的隐性文化资源也在以隐性的形式使学生潜移默化,这称为内隐性学习。大学教师的隐性教育资源对培养学生的主观能动性、科学精神、可持续发展能力及情感态度价值观的养成等方面都具有重要作用,这种作用尤其体现在探究性课程教学中。以探究性化学实验课程为例,探讨大学教师的隐性课程资源在激发学生的求知欲、促进学生的学习自主性和积极性、培养学生的探究意识、创新能力和实践能力等方面的实效性。  相似文献   

This interpretive study of the preparation of science teachers for urban high schools explored the extent to which learning to teach was facilitated by the methods courses, cooperating teachers and university supervisors. Because the methods course was minimally effective in addressing the needs of teaching low track students from conditions of poverty the methods instructor, Tobin, decided to be a teacher-researcher with such students. He joined Smith, a student teacher and Seiler, a doctoral student, in an investigation that examined learning to teach in a graduate teacher preparation program. In an endeavour to gain a first hand grasp on the challenges of teaching African American students placed in a low track program of study the three authors of this paper co-taught science in an urban high school. The paper incorporates rich perspectives gained from the teacher-researchers and theoretical frameworks associated with resistance, habitus and learning to teach by co-teaching. The paper advocates co-teaching as an essential component of teacher education programs.  相似文献   

We believe that professional mathematicians who teach undergraduate mathematics courses to prospective teachers play an important role in the education of secondary school mathematics teachers. Thus, we explored the views of research mathematicians on the mathematics that should be taught to prospective mathematics teachers, on how the courses they teach can serve teachers in their work with school students, and on the changes they would implement if their courses were designed specifically for prospective teachers. We constructed profiles of the four mathematicians based on their responses to a clinical interview. We employed the construct of mathematics teacher-educators’ triad in the reflective analysis of our findings and extended the construct based on the results of this study. In conclusion, we commented on potential ways to draw stronger connections between university mathematics and the mathematics taught in schools.  相似文献   

In recent years Icelandic schools have seen an increase in students with immigrant background. These changes require schools and teachers to respond to the educational needs these students may have. The aim of this article is to examine these changes by looking at the experience of teachers and parents of immigrant students regarding their education. As part of this qualitative research, 38 teachers were interviewed in focus groups with a view to the challenges and experiences of teaching immigrant students. Ten parents were also interviewed individually about their experiences of Icelandic schools and their children’s education. The findings revealed that teachers are unsupported in their quest for understanding and managing multicultural education and that the Icelandic school system challenges foreign parents’ understanding of school as a traditional place for learning. It is suggested that addressing the lack of collaboration and discussion between both parties on students’ needs and parents’ expectations could improve the education of immigrant students.  相似文献   

Increasingly, school teachers are expected to be able to teach about and across cultures, as well as teach in digitally enriched classrooms. Teacher educators are expected to prepare their teaching students for such challenges. One university designed the eTutor online environment to enhance and support the development of pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) intercultural capability, as well as enhance their capability to use digital technologies in their own teaching practices. Over 450 PSTs and school students from eight schools across four countries interacted with each other online for a 14-week period. Participants posted blogs, comments, wall posts and shared images and videos centred on cultural exchange. Despite the challenges of access to technology and conflicting calendars, eTutor was seen by participating schools as a potentially useful way to engage their students in intercultural learning. The experience of interacting with children from multiple cultures in an online environment contributed positively to a shift, for the majority of PSTs, from an ethnocentric to a more ethnorelative worldview. However, PSTs found establishing relationships with students in the online environment challenging.  相似文献   

由于艺术专业录取时侧重专业水平的选拔,对于英语成绩要求不高,因而艺术专业学生平时学习注重专业课,轻视文化课,他们英语基础薄弱,缺乏英语学习动机。在多媒体教学模式下,采用英语自主学习策略,可有效激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养其自主学习能力,提高英语课堂教学效率。在教学中,教师可利用学生制作多媒体课件等方法激发艺术专业学生英语学习的主观能动性;讲授相应的英语学习策略,培养艺术专业学生的自主学习能力和习惯;根据艺术专业学生的实际,编写和使用适合其特点的英语学习教材;针对艺术专业学生的学习和性格差异,采取个性化的英语教学策略;利用多媒体技术培养和提高艺术专业学生合作、探究式学习能力。  相似文献   

For many years I have engaged future mathematics teachers in activities that focus on emotional dimensions of their learning. Even those teachers who were able to reconstruct themselves as learners of mathematics had difficulties with changing their practice. Through a series of autobiographical stories, I examine my own experiences as a teacher and a learner. These stories—one from a computer class, one from a workshop for elementary teachers, one from college, and one from eighth grade—serve as data from which I draw themes that capture the tensions that I experience as I teach. Sharing these tensions with mathematics teachers has had an impact on the way the teachers talk about their teaching and promises to change how they teach. The paper is written to encourage teacher educators to adopt the practice of sharing teaching and learning stories with their students.  相似文献   

高校思政课教师是加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,他们的人格对大学生的健康成长具有不可估量的教育价值。从高校思政课教师人格魅力的特质分析入手,进一步阐述和论证其对大学生人格的社会化、和谐心理的构建、公民精神的培育以及形成正确的价值判断和行为选择等方面产生的积极影响,提出高校思政课教师应形成高度的文化自觉、积累丰富的情感体验,不断地提升人格精神,塑造理想人格,社会和学校应营造良好的外部环境,更好地发挥高校思政课教师人格魅力的积极示范效应。  相似文献   

Teaching in urban schools, with their problems of violence, lack of resources, and inadequate funding, is difficult. It is even more difficult to learn to teach in urban schools. Yet learning in those locations where one will subsequently be working has been shown to be the best preparation for teaching. In this article we propose coteaching as a viable model for teacher preparation and the professional development of urban science teachers. Coteaching—working at the elbow of someone else—allows new teachers to experience appropriate and timely action by providing them with shared experiences that become the topic of their professional conversations with other coteachers (including peers, the cooperating teacher, university supervisors, and high school students). This article also includes an ethnography describing the experiences of a new teacher who had been assigned to an urban high school as field experience, during which she enacted a curriculum that was culturally relevant to her African American students, acknowledged their minority status with respect to science, and enabled them to pursue the school district standards. Even though coteaching enables learning to teach and curricula reform, we raise doubts about whether our approaches to teacher education and enacting science curricula are hegemonic and oppressive to the students we seek to emancipate through education. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 941–964, 2001  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is the importance student teachers attribute to the practical experience of their teacher education program, the practicum. Four hundred and eighty student teachers from the largest teacher education institution in Israel responded to a questionnaire with 68 closed items asking for their evaluation of various components of the teacher education program in relation to preparing them for teaching, and about sources for support during the practicum. The main findings show that the practicum is evaluated highly by a large majority of students; however, students find importance in the more theoretical aspects of their education as well. Institutional‐based supervisors of the practicum were perceived by student teachers to provide the strongest support, alongside peers and school‐based mentors. School principals were perceived not to be supportive of student teachers during the practicum. The findings align with previous research in terms of importance of the practical aspects in preparation for teaching, however not as a replacement for theoretical courses. Moreover, findings suggest that school principals do not include school‐based teacher education as part of their professional responsibility.  相似文献   

Conclusion The period of time student teachers have to receive feedback from their supervisors and cooperating teachers is relatively short. Techniques and ideas suggested by university supervisors and cooperating teachers are clearly beneficial to beginning teachers, but the students also need direct experience in addressing classroom concerns themselves. Student teachers need to develop techniques for evaluating their own teaching and for solving instructional problems autonomously such as suggested through the use of this model. The problem solving model forces student teachers to take responsibility for their learning about teaching. It forces them to analyze and reflect on their own lessons and to deal with their own problems. Importantly, the model may serve as a tool for self-evaluation that can be used during students’ first few years of teaching and throughout their science teaching career. Student teachers will still undergo the complex and sometimes overwhelming experience of teaching for the first time. However, by addressing each problem they face in a systematic, organized way, the experience may become more manageable, and success may seem more attainable for them.  相似文献   

This study investigates the experience of teaching of 19 teachers who are teaching on university courses involving face-to-face and on-line learning. The teachers are asked about how they think about learning technologies and how they approach the design and teaching of their courses across these two contexts. Results show that there are qualitatively different ways of thinking about learning technologies that relate logically and positively to qualitatively different ways of designing and teaching using learning technologies. The results have implications for teachers and those interested in maximising the likelihood of learning for university students when teachers teach with learning technologies.  相似文献   

Survey data from 222 student teachers at a small, liberal arts college were used to address the following three questions: Do university supervisors add value to the student teaching experience? Do student teachers distinguish between the roles played by supervisors and those played by cooperating teachers? How do student teachers characterise good supervision? Findings support the perspective that university supervisors serve a distinct and important function. Supervisors managed the experience, served as confidantes, and made evaluative judgments about performance. Cooperating teachers were viewed as instructional coaches who gave student teachers the physical and psychological space to try out strategies while supporting their efforts with feedback, modelling, and materials. As a result of this self-study, the unit looked for ways to elevate the role of supervisors and to engage supervisors in conversations about programme improvement.  相似文献   

A random sample of teachers in grades 3 and 4 (N = 157) from across the United States were surveyed about their use of evidence-based writing practices, preparation to teach writing, and beliefs about writing. Teachers’ beliefs included their efficacy to teach writing, their orientations to teach writing, their attitude about teaching writing, and their attitudes about their own writing. The teachers’ responses raised some concerns about the quality of writing instruction third- and fourth-grade students receive, as teachers reported spending only 15 min a day teaching writing and students spend only 25 min a day at school writing. While teachers indicated they used a variety of evidence based writing practices in their classroom, a majority of these were applied infrequently. Further, three out of every four teachers reported that their college teacher preparation programs provided no or minimal instruction on how to teach writing. They further rated their preparation to teach writing lower than their preparation to teach reading, math, science, or social studies. On a more positive note, a majority of teachers asked students to write multiple paragraph texts relatively frequently (4 times a month or more often) and complete at least one narrative, informative, and persuasive writing assignment monthly. Teachers were also generally positive about teaching writing, their efficacy to teach writing, and their beliefs about their own writing. Finally, efficacy to teach writing and philosophical orientations to teaching writing each made a unique contribution to predicting teachers’ use of evidence based practices, whereas teacher preparation did the same for reported time spent teaching writing and reported time students wrote at school and home.  相似文献   

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