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本文通过优化开放性实验,创新开放性实验活动,并通过加强实施学员课外创新行动计划,建立学员综合素质评价机制和组建各级学员实践创新兴趣小组等方法,调动学员参与实验和课外创新实践的积极性,提高学员创新实践能力。  相似文献   

为了解决现有电子探测原理实验教学存在的问题,遵循"以学生为中心"的教学理念和学员的认知规律,设计了基于合成孔径原理的实验平台。在该实验平台上设计了3项验证性实验和5项自主创新性实验,通过实验难度螺旋上升的方式,实现课程理论教学主体知识点和关键技术的全覆盖。教学表明,该实验平台和教学方案能有效激发学员学习兴趣,提高学员自主学习与合作学习能力,培养其解决理论指导实践的能力、批判性思维能力和创新能力,使学员受益良多。  相似文献   

浅谈电子技术实验教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对提高学员的3种能力进行电子技术实验的教学改革,根据实验教改的设计思路,介绍了实验教改的实施方案及实施过程,可以充分发挥学员的潜能,培养学员的创新能力。  相似文献   

实验课程作为培养军校学员实践动手能力的一个重要环节,近几年越来越受到机关、院校及用人单位的重视。但目前普遍受关注的是,学员通过实验课程对基本理论的验证、综合应用以及动手能力和创新能力的培养。本文从对军校学员情商培养的角度对实验课程的教学实施进行了剖析和探索。  相似文献   

深化实验教学改革、强化学员实验能力的培养是提高学员综合素质的必然要求。正确认识实验能力是深化实验教学改革的前提;全面培养学员素质是深化实验教学改革的目的;实验教学改革需要良好的外部环境和科学的措施。  相似文献   

物理学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,物理实验在物理学的发展中扮演着重要的角色。在大学物理的教学中,必须牢固树立实验优先的教学指导原则。物理实验教学担负着培养学员观察能力、实践操作能力以及分析和解决问题等能力的任务,有着极其重要的地位和作用。但是,传统的物理实验教学模式单一、内容陈旧、方法呆板。学员只要按实验教材上规定的实验步骤去做,就可以成功地测得数据、完成实验。虽然说这种传统的实验教学模式对学员的知识获取曾经发挥过一定的作用,但它在很大程度上限制了学员的思维和主观能动性的发挥,不利于学员素质、能力的养成,不利于高素质新型军事人材的培养。为  相似文献   

电子学实验是电子学课程中一项重要的实践性环节,是消化、巩固所学理论,提高分析问题和解决问题能力的重要手段,是培养学员实际动手能力的重要途径。由于它极为重要,所以我们把电子学实验作为一门单独的课程来实施。在平时做完模拟电路和数字电路实验内容以后,期末再进行实验考试,并以此作为实验课的总成绩。这样做法我们感到还有如下几点不足:1.一次考试就确定学员的实验成绩不够全面。学员的实验能力是靠平时完成好每个实验,点滴养成而获得的。由于现行考核方法,只注重了期末实验考试,对平时实验情况缺乏考查和成绩登记,客观上使一些学员对平时实验重视不够。如少数学员,预习报告不按时完成;实验报告简单了草、概念糊涂;实  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的快速发展,现代社会对于高校学员的综合素质要求越来越高,实验教学也需要做相应的调整以适应需求。在电学实验中开设"智能灯"项目的开放实验就是基于此种目的,在模拟电路实验和数字电路实验课程中锻炼学员解决问题、动手实践的能力,再结合新的开放实验考核方式对学员的综合素质做出评价,有利于学员创新思维、个性发展的培养。  相似文献   

在本科教育中推行导师制,是国内外高校创新教育模式,提高人才培养质量的普遍做法。随着信息化武器、作战理论和模式的飞速发展,对空军飞行学员的培养质量要求越来越高,传统的教学和培养机制一定程度上限制了飞行学员个人能力的发展,难以激发飞行学员的创新意识和自主思考能力。空军航空大学结合实际,区分基础教育、专业教育、飞行实践三个阶段,创新开展本科生导师制,取得了一定成效。针对导师制实施情况进行探讨分析,对存在问题提出意见建议。  相似文献   

高等数学是高等院校一门重要的基础理论课,为适应新时代金课“两性一度”的要求,必须更新观念,培养学员创新思维能力;改进方法,提升学员自主学习的能力;优化内容,培育学员发现并解决问题的能力;拓宽途径,注重实验,提高学员实践应用的能力。  相似文献   

3 experiments examined 7-month-old infants' ability to discriminate the facial expressions of happy vs. fear. Experiment 1 revealed that infants demonstrated discrimination of happy vs. fear expressions when posed by a single model but that this discrimination was affected by the order of stimulus presentation. In experiment 2 infants were shown 2 models posing the happing and fearful expressions and did not demonstrate generalization of the discrimination of happy versus fear across these models. The third and main experiment varied the test procedure. Here, infants demonstrated reliable generalized discrimination of the 2 expressions across different models. As in experiment 1, however, these results were constrained by the order in which the stimuli were presented. These consistent order effects were not due to the initial salience of the 2 expressions but, instead, appeared to reflect differential rates of habituation to happy vs. fear expressions.  相似文献   

Adult pigeons with one eye covered were trained to peck a response key using grain as a reinforcer. In subsequent tests, with the trained eye covered and the control eye open, the birds failed to peck the key. The subjects were then divided into two groups for a second experiment. The first group was trained on a single-key, peck/no-peck color discrimination task with the original control eye covered. When tested for interocular transfer of discrimination performance, these birds failed to respond at all. They were then trained to peck a blank response key with the training eye covered and the control eye open. Control-eye tests after this motor response training resulted in excellent transfer of color discrimination performance. The second group of subjects was trained to peck a blank key with first one eye covered and then the other, before monocular discrimination training was begun. These birds showed excellent transfer of discrimination performance during control-eye tests. These results show that, at least in the operant paradigm, motor response training does not transfer interocularly and this lack of transfer may interfere with transfer of discrimination performance.  相似文献   

Time-place discrimination has been shown reliably in several avian and insect species, but only occasionally in rats and fish. In the present experiments, we explored the effects of response cost on time-place discrimination by rats. In the first experiment, we increased the cost of making a choice and the cost of recovering from a wrong choice in two types of maze, a radial arm and a vertical maze. In the radial arm maze, we found only general place preference, whereas in the vertical maze, we obtained evidence of time-place discrimination. In the second experiment, we found that the proportion of rats showing time-place discrimination increased with the height and, therefore, the response cost of the vertical maze. These results suggest that rats do not automatically store and/or retrieve the time and place of reward events but that response cost is an important trigger for time-place discrimination.  相似文献   

Are boys discriminated in Swedish high schools?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Girls typically have higher grades than boys in school and recent research suggests that part of this gender difference may be due to discrimination of boys in grading. We rigorously test this in a field experiment where a random sample of the same tests in the Swedish language is subject to blind and non-blind grading. The non-blind test score is on average 15% lower for boys than for girls. Blind grading lowers the average grades with 13%, indicating that personal ties and/or grade inflation are important in non-blind grading. But we find no evidence of discrimination against boys in grading. The point estimate of the discrimination effect is close to zero with a 95% confidence interval of ±4.5% of the average non-blind grade.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the impact of odor preexposure treatments on the acquisition of an olfactory discrimination in dogs. In the first experiment, four groups of dogs were each given five days’ odor-exposure treatment prior to discrimination training. Dogs in the exposure group were exposed to anise extract (S+) for 30 min daily. Dogs in the Pavlovian-relevant pairing group received six daily delayed-conditioning trials to the same S+. The Pavlovian-irrelevant pairing group received conditioning trials to almond extract (S'). Dogs in the control group received no pretreatment. All of the dogs were then trained to detect S+ from a background pine odor (an AX-vs.-X discrimination). The Pavlovian-relevant pairing group acquired the odor discrimination significantly faster than all of the other exposure and control groups, and the remaining groups acquired the discrimination at the same rate as the no-exposure control group. In a second experiment, we extended these results to a within-subjects design using an AX-versus-BX discrimination. Six dogs were simultaneously trained on two different odor discriminations, one discrimination in which the S+ was previously Pavlovian conditioned, and one discrimination in which the S+ was novel. All of the dogs learned the odor discrimination with the previously conditioned S+ faster than they learned the novel odor discrimination, replicating the results of Experiment 1, and demonstrating that familiarity in the form of Pavlovian conditioning enhances odor-discrimination training. The potential mechanisms of the facilitated transfer of a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus to discrimination training are discussed.  相似文献   

The main aim of this series of experiments was to clearly establish the spontaneous development of retention performance following partial aversively motivated training. Experiment 1 indicated that following 15 training trials of a brightness discrimination in a Y-maze, performance spontaneously and transitorily deteriorated 1 h following inital training (Kamin effect) before it improved 8 to 14 days following training (long-term spontaneous improvement). Both of these fluctuations preceded the more durable deterioration that corresponds to long-term forgetting. Experiment 2 replicated the basic findings of the first experiment, always with a brightness discrimination, but using an avoidance paradigm. These results demonstrated the multiphasic nature of the retention curve and emphasized the reliability of retention performance fluctuations.  相似文献   

The present study investigated auditory temporal processing in developmental dyslexia by using a vowel length discrimination task. Both temporal and phonological processing were studied in a single experiment. Seven German vowel pairs differing in vowel height were used. The vowels of each pair differed only with respect to vowel length (e.g., /a/ vs. /a:/). In German, vowel length is characterized by temporal and spectral information. Three types of differences between long versus short vowels were varied: In the phonological condition, pairs of natural vowels were used, differing in their temporal as well as in their spectral content. In two temporal conditions, in contrast, a natural vowel was always combined with a manipulated one to keep spectral content of long and short vowels identical. Thus, the only distinguishing feature between the two vowels was temporal in nature. Vowels were embedded into monosyllabic pseudo-words and presented successively in a speeded samedifferent task. Twenty dyslexics and twenty age-matched controls participated in the experiment. In both groups, discrimination accuracy decreased with increasing vowel height in the two temporal conditions. This result is consistent with former findings on the relevance of temporal information for vowel length identification in German and extends this topic to cover discrimination demands. In the phonological condition, groups did not differ in discrimination accuracy. In both temporal conditions, however, dyslexics performed worse than controls. These results suggest that developmental dyslexia is associated with impairments in processing basic acoustic parameters of the speech signal, in particular, with a deficit in temporal processing.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the acquisition of a feature-positive and a feature-negative discrimination in humans. In the former, an outcome was signaled by two stimuli together, but not by one of these stimuli alone. In the latter, the outcome was signaled by one stimulus alone, but not by two stimuli together. Using a within-group design, the experiment revealed that the feature-positive discrimination was acquired more readily than the feature-negative discrimination. Experiment 2 tested an explanation for these results, based on the Rescorla-Wagner theory, by examining how novel discriminations, based on a combination of a feature-positive and a feature-negative discrimination, were solved. The results did not accord with predictions from the theory. Alternative explanations for the results are considered.  相似文献   

An experiment with pigeons related overall and local behavioral contrast to similarity between stimuli signaling multiple-schedule components. Similarity was defined both physically and by discrimination performance. Initial and final baseline conditions used two equal random-interval schedules. During two intervening test periods, the schedule accompanying one component was changed to extinction. In the first test, components alternated strictly; in the second test, random component sequences were used. Signaling wavelength stimuli were separated by 1.5, 2, or 14 nm. Overall positive contrast occurred reliably, but its amount depended neither on wavelength difference nor on discrimination performance. Local positive contrast was less frequently observed when signaling stimuli were physically dissimilar; however, the effect was most closely related to actual discrimination performance. The relationship between discrimination and local contrast was nonmonotonic, indicating maximum local contrast at intermediate discriminations.  相似文献   


The similarity in the discrimination training leading to behavioral contrast and that preceding tests producing response enhancement to combined discriminative stimuli suggested that the two phenomena might be related. This was investigated by determining if contrast indiscrimination training was necessary for this outcome of stimulus compounding. Responding to tone, light, and to the simultaneous absence of tone and light (T + L) was maintained during baseline training by food reinforcement in Experiment I and by shock avoidance in Experiment II. During subsequent discrimination training, responding was reduced in T + L by programming nonreinforcement in Experiment I and safety or response-punishment in Experiment II. In the first experiment, one rat exhibited positive behavioral contrast, i.e., tone and light rates increased while his T + L rate decreased. In Experiment II, rats punished in T + L showed contrast in tone and light, this being the first demonstration of punishment contrast on an avoidance baseline with rats. The discrimination acquisition data are discussed in the light of current explanations of contrast by Gamzu and Schwartz (1973) and Terrace (1972). During stimulus compounding tests, all subjects in both experiments emitted more responses to tone-plus-light than to tone or light (additive summation). An analysis of the terminal training baselines suggests that the factors producing these test results seem unrelated to whether or not contrast occurred during discrimination training. It was concluded that the stimulus compounding test reveals the operation of the terminal baseline response associations and reinforcement associations conditioned on these multicomponent free-operant schedules of reinforcement.


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