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邱采真 《学子》2013,(8):53-54
本文分析了目前大学生英语写作普遍存在的问题及其原因,阐述了运用过程教学法提高学生写作能力的理论依据,指出开展写前活动进行构思训练,培养英语思维意识和加强英语写作思维训练是提高学生构思性英语写作水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

要想写好作文是离不开构思的。所谓的构思就是调动情感,对素材进行加工、整理、安排的过程。在作文写作中,学生要有充足的情感酝酿,进行日常生活的素材积累,可以写日记记叙生动的生活片段,培养情感,进行反思,并通过广泛的阅读来提升思想,合理安排顺序。  相似文献   

很多学生在写作文时不懂得构思,也没有养成构思的习惯。他们总是想到哪里写到哪里,想起什么就写什么,既不能把握写作的方向和主题,又不能把握自己所写文章的体裁。所以,他们很容易写出"四不像"的文章。本文论述了构思的重要性及如何构思,意在帮助学生学会构思。  相似文献   

在作文教学方面,长期以来我们强调写作技巧的传授,重视学生作文的成绩,却忽略了对学生作文构思过程的引导,只是一味强调构思的重要性,可是如何构思?能否对学生的作文构思进行一定的可操作性的训练,使他们养成构思的习惯,形成一种自觉的构思方法,从而更有效率地提高学生写作的速度和成绩?这确实是一个值得我们深思的问题,这篇文章要探讨的正是可以由教师操作的一种训练学生作文构思,使学生学会构思行文的具体方法。  相似文献   

钟宽洪 《下一代》2010,(11):13-13
作者在提笔之前,把要写的文章现在脑子里酝酿,这个过程叫做构思,也唤作打腹稿。构思在作文中很重要。构思成熟了,写起来自然顺当,否则,你先不忙写,得先好好想一想。你想告诉读者什么,从哪里下笔,寻找一个什么样的角度,哪儿要浓墨重彩比渲染、描绘,哪些地方只用简要地交代清楚就行……想明白了再动笔。  相似文献   

记叙文写作既要求学生写自己耳闻目睹的事情,又要学生抒发真情实感,优秀作文的形成离不开学生动笔前的精妙构思。教学时引导学生掌握写作构思的技巧,使学生在写作时妙笔生花,寓意明确突出,写出扣人心弦且引人入胜的佳作。结合教学实例,从“巧”“奇”“妙”三方面探讨记叙文写作构思的有效策略。  相似文献   

英语议论文写作教学在专业英语基础教学阶段占有重要地位。对学生来讲,英语议论文写作是英语专业四级测试(TEM-4)的一个弱项。典型地表现在学生写前没有构思的习惯、用汉语式的思维模式进行英语表达和缺乏足够的英语议论文输入。文章基于国内外写作构思的相关性研究提出了培养学生构思性写作的意识、构建英语议论文语篇结构和增加英语议论文的输入量,以达到促进英语议论文写作教学的良好效果。  相似文献   

构思是服装设计过程中最为重要的环节,构思的成败直接影响到服装作品的好与坏.本文对服装设计构思的重要性及构思过程进行了阐述,分析了服装设计构思如何进行.  相似文献   

构思是写作过程的重要环节,由于其存在着特有的形态,使作者难以辨析.本文从分析各种文体构思形态角度,辨析出构思概念新内涵,提出了构思存在着实象构思和虚象构思新概念,以完善传统构思概念和丰富写作理论.  相似文献   

在高中英语教学中,写作教学是重要内容之一,也是学生的薄弱环节,其原因在于不少学生习惯使用汉语思维,这就给英语写作带来了障碍。对此,笔者由谈谈写作教学中的写前构思训练,以逐步提高学生写作水平。  相似文献   

国内外相关研究已证实元认知知识在二语写作中的重要性。因此,自觉提高写作者的元认知意识,加强元认知知识的运用,无疑能更好反作用于二语写作。文章从认知主体出发,探讨了如何在二语写作中有效地对元认知知识加以调节和监控。最后得出只有在自我监控与外部监控、宏观监控与微观监控相互作用的动态过程中才能最大限度地发挥写作者的元认知知识,更好地服务于二语写作。  相似文献   

李谦 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(2):110-112,115
根据Flavell提出的元认知概念,写作者可以认识了解自己的写作过程并对该过程实施监控。近些年的相关研究表明元认知与写作密切相关。丰富的元认知知识有助于写作能力、水平的提高。本文介绍了近年来国内外基于该理论的英语写作研究成果,并对如何培养学生的元认知来提高英语写作水平提出了一点看法。  相似文献   

李谦 《铜仁学院学报》2009,11(4):129-131
根据Flavell提出的元认知概念,写作者可以认识了解自己的写作过程并对该过程实施监控。近些年的相关研究表明元认知与写作密切相关。丰富的元认知知识有助于写作能力、水平的提高。本文介绍了近年来国内外基于该理论的英语写作研究成果,并对如何培养学生的元认知来提高英语写作水平提出了一点看法。  相似文献   

The study examined the relationships between teachers’ metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies and their students’ metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension. The study was carried out among language art teachers (N?=?34) and their students (N?=?534) in the last year of primary school (ninth grade) in Estonia. Multilevel modeling was used to test the hypotheses of relationships between students’ metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension, while controlling for students’ previous reading comprehension (in eighth grade) as well as the relations between teachers’ metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies and students’ metacognitive knowledge and comprehension. The results showed that students’ metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies related to their reading comprehension, concurring with previous findings. The main finding was that teachers’ metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies significantly related to their students’ metacognitive knowledge, but not to reading comprehension. These results indicate that students’ reading comprehension may be supported by improving their metacognitive knowledge of reading strategies. In addition, the findings highlight the importance of teachers’ metacognitive knowledge in students’ metacognitive knowledge.  相似文献   

元认知指一个人对自己的认知活动的知识和意识过程,也指一个人检验、调整和评价自己思维的能力。以5名中等水平的学生为对象,采用填写“听力学习策略自我监控表”的方法,在英语听力学习策略训练中进行了培养中学生元认知能力的个案研究。结果表明:提高了学生的英语听力学习成绩,增强了学生的自我效能感,培养了学生选择适当学习策略的能力。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,Flavell对元认知知识进行了诸多研究。他认为,元认知知识是个体已获得的世界知识的一部分,元认知知识对外语阅读教学的重要作用在于:有利于发展学习的自主性、有利于提高学习的动机、有利于增强学习的责任感、有利于发挥元认知策略的有效性、有利于鉴别学习的阅读品质。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate and discover whether going through the process of reflection by keeping reflective design journals (RDJ) enhances architecture students’ metacognition and whether this enhanced metacognition improves their design understandings and skills. The study was a mixed‐methods design and utilised content analysis method to identify the metacognitive actions of the participants. The study also investigated participants’ attitudes towards RDJs and their views regarding the effect of enhanced metacognition on their design understandings and skills. Twenty college students registered to an undergraduate course offered by the department of Architecture participated in the research. The findings of the study revealed that by writing in their RDJs, participants were able to progressively enhance their metacognitive skills and performed several metacognitive actions by using the four main metacognitive strategies: awareness, organisation and planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The results also disclosed that participants found RDJ keeping exceptionally effective and stated that their enhanced metacognition improved their design understanding and abilities.  相似文献   

Theory on student learning provides that students are able to direct their learning when they have metacognitive knowledge about their own learning processes. In this article, a preliminary attempt to assess untrained high-school students’ metacognitive knowledge of learning processes as an ability through multiple-choice questions is reported. In three studies, item selection was established for ninth graders at the end of their school year. Also, in the final study the results showed that the ninth-grade students’ self-reported use of learning and studying strategies, study techniques, school learning and tiresome academic subjects related significantly to their metacognitive knowledge regarding learning processes. In the discussion, the practical consequences for school assessment are explicated and future research questions are raised.  相似文献   

近几年,元认知策略作为学习策略中一种高级策略,已经受到越来越多学者的关注。相关研究表明,对元认知知识具有良好理解力的语言学习者通常会根据他们自己的设定的目标制定相应的学习计划,并有意识的监控和评价他们自己的学习过程。因此,元认知策略的应用和自主学习之间是有密切的关系。该研究是针对元认知策略培训和自主学习之间的相关性的实证研究。  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that metacognition is an important mediator for successful and high-level learning, especially in higher education. Nevertheless, a majority of higher education students possess insufficient metacognitive knowledge and regulation skills to self-regulate their learning adequately. This study explores the potential of reciprocal peer tutoring to promote both university students’ metacognitive knowledge and their metacognitive regulation skills. The study was conducted in a naturalistic higher education setting, involving 67 students tutoring each other during a complete semester. A multi-method pretest–posttest design was used combining a self-report questionnaire, assessing students’ metacognitive knowledge and their perceived metacognitive skilfulness, with the analysis of think-aloud protocols, revealing students’ actual use of metacognitive strategies. Results indicate no significant pretest to posttest differences in students’ metacognitive knowledge, nor in their perception of metacognitive skill use. In contrast, significant changes are observed in students’ actual metacognitive regulation. At posttest, students demonstrate significantly more frequent and more varied use of metacognitive regulation, especially during the orientation, monitoring, and evaluation phases. Furthermore, our findings point to an increase in more profound and higher-quality strategy use at posttest.  相似文献   

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