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单亲、离异家庭给子女的心理、品德造成了一定的影响,心理自卑、行为孤独、情绪郁闷等,造成这种现象的原因是单亲、离异家庭爱的缺失,社会的世俗观念和学校工作的忽略。  相似文献   

积极的学业情绪有助于提升学习动机,提高学业成绩,消极的学业情绪则会对学业表现产生负面影响。通过对家校冲突中的学业情绪进行案例分析,并解读家庭、教师、班集体及个体对家校冲突中的学业情绪的影响,发现缓解家校冲突、创设愉悦的学习环境、调节情绪本身及改变认知评估有助于调节消极的学业情绪。因此,探寻家校冲突下的学业情绪的治理路径,可以为学校、教师、家长、相关部门防治家校冲突中的消极学业情绪提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

农村单亲父亲家庭数量不断增多已成为社会现实.通过对山西省A、B两个行政村的调查发现,农村单亲父亲普遍存在较大心理压力,其子女生活照料,学习教育和心理发展方面也都存在不足,整个家庭的生活质量较低.分析农村单亲父亲家庭产生的原因,提出通过有效整合正式社会支持网络与非正式社会支持网络来改善其生活状况.  相似文献   

单亲家庭子女的教育问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随中国社会离婚率的不断上升,单亲子女的数量也急骤增多,如何对这一特殊群体施以正确的教育,以促进他们健康成长,已成为家庭、学校和社会面临的一个新课题。阐述单亲子女的特点及成长环境,分析单亲子女教育的现状和教育误区,并分别就单亲家庭、学校和社会三个层面提出对单亲子女进行教育的对策建议。  相似文献   

目的:探讨抗逆力水平对中职生学业倦怠的直接和间接影响。方法:以H市某中等职业学校一到三年级409名学生为研究对象,采用中职生抗逆力、家庭支持、学业倦怠问卷进行调查与分析。结果:中职生的抗逆力水平和家庭支持与学业倦怠有一定的影响,都呈现出显著负相关;抗逆力水平与家庭支持呈显著正相关;家庭支持在中职生抗逆力和学业倦怠之间起着中介作用,即中职生抗逆力水平能够通过提升家庭支持,进而降低子女学业倦怠的问题。因此,在教学过程中亟需重视学生面对挫折的抵抗能力,加强心理韧性,同时家长应给予学生更多的支持,降低学生学业倦怠感。  相似文献   

王丹 《快乐阅读》2013,(15):25-26
随着时代的发展和人们社会观念的改变,单亲家庭逐渐增多,从而出现了"单亲"这样一个弱势群体。由于家庭不良环境的影响和父(母)爱的缺失,离异单亲家庭子女的性格会产生一系列的变化。本文重点在于分析单亲家庭子女的特殊心理现象,并分别就单亲家庭,学校和社会三个层面提出对单亲子女进行教育的对策建议。  相似文献   

通过对科尔曼、布迪厄资本理论的综合与扩展,本文分析了城乡家庭经济、文化、社会资本的差异对子女学业成就的影响,得出的结论是:家庭经济、文化、社会资本与子女的学业成就有很强的相关性;城乡间家庭资本存在的较大差距是形成城乡家庭子女学业成就差异的重要因素。本文最后提出了几点关于缩小城乡教育差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展和人们社会观念的改变,单亲家庭逐渐增多,从而出现了“单亲”这样一个弱势群体.由于家庭不良环境的影响和父(母)爱的缺失,离异单亲家庭子女的性格会产生一系列的变化.本文重点在于分析单亲家庭子女的特殊心理现象,并分别就单亲家庭,学校和社会三个层面提出对单亲子女进行教育的对策建议.  相似文献   

青岛市单亲家庭子女教育状况调研报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,单亲家庭逐年增多已是不容忽视的事实。由于教育方法不得当,单亲子女在学习、自我认知、社会交往、人格发展等方面存在问题。家庭是社会的基本构成单位,是建设和谐社会不可或缺的领域。只有从家庭、学校、社会三方面入手,为单亲子女营造一个健康的成长环境,才能促进青少年身心健康发展。  相似文献   

作为在养育子女过程中产生的情绪失调综合征,母亲养育倦怠可能会对幼儿情绪能力发展产生直接或间接的影响。本研究以636名幼儿母亲为研究对象,考察母亲养育倦怠对幼儿情绪能力发展的影响,结果发现,母亲养育倦怠显著负向预测幼儿情绪能力发展;感知协同支持是母亲养育倦怠与幼儿情绪能力发展的中介变量;母亲的正念养育调节感知协同支持与幼儿情绪能力发展之间的关系。基于此,家庭、幼儿园及社会应构建共建共享的协同育人新格局,通过遵循幼儿情绪能力发展规律,为母亲提供心理支持,发挥正念养育的积极作用来缓冲其养育倦怠水平,为促进幼儿情绪能力发展营造良好的教育生态。  相似文献   

通过对我国中、东部地区4省12所中学1865名学生的问卷调查获得第一手资料,建立OLS模型,主要从教师情绪、学生表现和家庭情况这三个维度分析当前影响师生关系的诸多因素,并对农村与城区学校师生关系影响因素进行比较分析,研究发现:我国中学师生关系总体表现良好,老师发脾气会对师生关系有一定负面影响;学生干部更擅长处理与老师的关系,在乎学业成绩的学生比不在乎学业成绩的学生具有更好的师生关系;与漠不关心型家庭的学生相比,民主和专制家庭的学生与老师关系更融洽;与父母一起生活的学生师生关系更和谐等。最后,从“教师有效管理情绪劳动”“不断提升信任力”“学生培养可信赖品质”“家长当好师生信任的‘中间人’”“学校和社会更加关爱留守儿童”等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

从科尔曼开始,众多学者对学生家庭背景影响学业成绩进行了研究,但大部分研究都是针对基础教育阶段学生。此次研究则以高等教育阶段的学生为对象,调查这个相对基础教育阶段学生来说受到更多社会因素影响的群体的学业成绩是否还会受其家庭背景的影响。结果显示:诸如家庭经济条件、家庭结构、家庭变故、父母文化程度等家庭背景的客观变量,对高等教育阶段学生的学业成绩有较显著影响;是否独生子女与父母的职业性质对学业成绩则没有影响。在分析家庭背景变量对学业成绩形成影响原因的基础上,从家长、学生、学校3个方面对高校学生学业成绩的提高提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper draws on longitudinal data to examine the extent to which parents’ educational expectations shape academic development and changes in self-concept among young people with different types of disability. The analysis is based on the Growing Up in Ireland longitudinal study, which tracked 7423 children between the primary to secondary school years, 21% of whom were identified with one of four main disability types. Our conceptual framework assumes that parental expectations at age 9 will be influenced by both the child’s disability and child’s academic achievement at that stage, as well as being influenced by other factors such as parent’s own education, family economic vulnerability, family relationships and family structure. Therefore, we take these factors into account in tracing the consequences of parental expectations at age 9, on academic and social outcomes at age 13 after the transition to secondary education. Among young people with a disability, poorer self-concept at age 13 is partly explained by lower parental expectations, particularly for those with general learning and emotional/behavioural disabilities. Similarly, parental expectations are a significant influence on children’s academic outcomes and partly explain the effects of disability status on academic development. Parents’ beliefs about their children’s abilities have a strong influence on achievement and self-concept, raising important issues around the need to promote equality of opportunity, raising awareness of the educational opportunities available, promoting positive expectations and engagement with school and the importance of promoting a range of opportunities for achievement.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of two family factors (financial, social capital) and school factors on students’ achievement. One hundred eighty two, seventh-grade female students from nine schools in Muranga district, Kenya, were studied. The statistical procedures included logit regression, cross-tabulations, frequency counting and chi-square analyses. These procedures were used to look at the effects of variables on each other and their effects on students’ study habits and achievement. The researcher found that each of the two family factors (financial and social capital), and the school factors had an independent and significant effect on student achievement and study habits. The results indicated that a student's academic achievement is positively influenced by the education level of both parents. The researcher also found that the father's education had more positive influence to the study habits of the females.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of specific variables on the math achievement of 5th-grade children. It involved a random sample of 373 families (parents and children) from a larger pool of 685 families residing in Bangkok, Thailand. We utilized Walberg's productivity model by analyzing the interconnections among a diverse set of family prcesse, family structure, and SES variables within the home environment section of the model. Campbell's differential socialization paradigm was used to analyze the gender differences. The results of the study show that certain family processes (support and intellectual resources) had positive effects on math achievement, while other processes (excessive pressure and help) had negtive effects. Another key finding is that Walberg's home environment factor was found to contain a mix of SES, family structure variables, and family processes. These variables have strong effects on children's overall academic achievement, academic self-concepts, and math achievement. The SES variables were found to be especially important in Thailand. The authors propose the establishment of parent training programs, particularly for low SES families, as a way to increase children's math achievement, aspirations, and future job expectations.  相似文献   

Does home-based family involvement influence academic performance? To answer this question, a case study research was carried out with 96 children from all six levels of primary education at a public school, and their families. Data regarding home-based family involvement were collected using a questionnaire. Academic achievement was measured from school marks. The results reveal that, apart from two of the factors considered, home–family involvement as a whole is not significantly related to academic achievement. These two factors are access to informal education resources and parents’ employment. Family involvement related to the access of children to informal education resources is significantly related to a better academic achievement. Those students with both parents working perform best, and those with none working, worst. Although gender does not appear to significantly influence academic achievement and family involvement, the results show that girls attain better school performance and receive more family attention than boys.  相似文献   

采用自编的家庭环境调查问卷,对安徽省凤阳县1295名初三学生家庭环境状况与中考成绩进行调查,以考察家庭环境因素与学业成绩之间的关系,结果发现:家庭环境因素中家庭教育背景、家庭结构、家庭学习资源对学业成绩显著正相关;家庭教育态度中其父母参与度、支持度、亲子互动对学业成绩显著正相关,监管度对学业成绩显著负相关.家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭职业背景、家庭结构均可透过家庭学习资源间接影响学业成绩;而家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭结构又可透过家庭教育态度间接影响学业成绩,家庭学习资源和家庭教育态度是影响学业成绩的重要因素  相似文献   

Research on perceived instrumentality of students’ academic work for attaining life goals has shown to have positive effects on academic achievement and motivation The purpose of the study was to examine the changes in perceived instrumentality over time and to identify how significant others such as parents, teachers and peers affect changes in perceived instrumentality. The variables of gender, prior achievement levels, academic pressure and socioeconomic status, which had significant influences on perceived instrumentality according to previous research, were used as control variables. Longitudinal data were collected for four years of 6908 students and analysed using the Growth Curve Modelling technique. Parents’ and teachers’ academic expectations and their career guidance, and social support from peers were used as predictors for changes in perceived instrumentality. Our results revealed that perceived instrumentality increased over time but in a decelerated pattern. In addition, parents and peers had significant influences on perceived instrumentality and its change, but teachers did not. The results suggest that support from parents and peers helps students to understand and internalise why they have to study hard in school to achieve their future long-term life goals.  相似文献   

More and more students attend private supplementary tutoring to improve their academic achievement. Private tutoring might be understood as a reaction to insufficient instructional quality in school, especially regarding individual support. However, it might also be possible that parents generally see insufficient grades as an indicator of lacking support and engage a tutor in hopes of improvement or to enhance a competitive edge for their children. So far, the relationship between tutoring attendance and perceived individual learning support during classroom lessons has not been tested. We used multilevel analyses based on N = 2,842 students in 102 Grade 5 classrooms at German academic track schools to test for a relationship between private tutoring in several subjects and students’ shared perception of the instructional quality in these subjects. On the individual level, we controlled for typical predictors of private tutoring such as academic achievement and family income, as well as for additional variables such as working behaviour and parental homework assistance. In classrooms with more individual support, students were less likely to start private tutoring in English. However, we did not find comparable relationships for tutoring in mathematics and German. Therefore, school principals and educational policy-makers should monitor the incidence of private tutoring and consider within-school structured tutoring programmes as an effective measure to improve academic achievement and to meet parents’ desire for individualised instruction.  相似文献   

在社会发展对人才需求日益多样化的今天,家庭教育的重要性得到了越来越多人的认可和关注。然而多年来我国家庭教育的成效却不尽如人意,家庭教育指导不能满足家长需要。虽然青少年家庭教育的成败与家长的教育能力和水平密切相关,但与政府、社区、高校、中小学校的支持与配合也是密不可分的。只有政府、社区、高校、中小学校和家庭五者形成教育合力、发挥叠加效应,才能更好地促进青少年的发展。因此,构建以政府为主导、社会力量为主体的"五位一体"(GCUSF)家庭教育指导模式将有效促进家庭教育指导水平的提升,提高家庭教育的效果。  相似文献   

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