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采用功率自行车或心率遥测仪对WCBA优秀女篮运动员进行测试,通过血乳酸和心率的变化对训练负荷进行监控和评价,为女篮运动员体能训练提供科技支撑。研究结果发现运动员功率自行车或训练中大强度训练血乳酸和脉搏呈现不稳定状态,持续一段时间后,运动员的专项体能明显下降,反应延迟,注意力分散,通过短暂调控,运动员恢复到较为理想的状态。研究结论:在WCBA运动队训练中,建议使用心率和血乳酸指标监控和评价WCBA的训练负荷。通过对WCBA运动员训练负荷(心率和血乳酸)的测定,可以反映训练负荷强度的大小,对运动员承受训练负荷的能力和训练后的状态进行综合评价,提高训练效果。训练中应根据心率和血乳酸指标变更训练计划,调整运动强度,防止疲劳的产生。运用心率和血乳酸指标加强科学化训练,提高WCBA女篮的训练质量和专项负荷能力。  相似文献   

本文通过对5名山西省男子柔道运动员冬训大负荷训练期血清睾酮(T)、皮质醇(C)、血红蛋白(Hb)、血球压积(HCT)的测试分析表明大负荷训练使男子柔道运动员的T、T/C值显著下降(P<0.05),5名运动员表现出程度不同的运动疲劳,C值变化不明显(P>0.05)。柔道运动员大负荷训练期的Hb、HCT与其基础值之间没有显著意义(P>0.05)。提示,T、C、T/C及Hb是男子柔道运动员大负荷训练期机能评定的有效指标,对防止运动员过度疲劳、及早发现和预防运动员潜在性贫血具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对5名山西省男子柔道运动员冬训大负荷训练期的训练观察及血红蛋白(Hb)和血球压积(HCT)的测试分析表明:大负荷训练使5名男子柔道运动员表现出不同程度的运动疲劳,但柔道运动员大负荷训练期Hb、HCT与其基础值之间没有显著性差异。提示,Hb、HCT是男子柔道运动员大负荷训练期机能评定的有效指标,对防止运动员过度疲劳和预防运动员潜在性贫血具有较高的参考价值,同时表明冬训的运动负荷安排是适宜的。  相似文献   

通过对9名优秀青年女子重剑运动员在集训大负荷训练期间血清睾酮(T)、血红蛋白(Hb)的测试分析表明:大负荷训练期间使女子重剑运动员的T值显著下降,9名运动员对训练大负荷表现出明显的不适应,出现不同程度的运动疲劳。在大负荷训练期间出现过度训练时,Hb值正常,与其基础值之间没有显著意义。T值、Hb值的综合使用,可作为女子重剑运动员大负荷训练期间机能状态评定的有效指标。  相似文献   

优秀运动员大负荷训练的认知评价特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用开放式问卷调查法调查了田径、游泳、自行车、乒乓球、网球、武术套路等6个运动项目101名国家一级以上运动员对大负荷训练的认知评价,旨在为研究优秀运动员大负荷训练中的心理疲劳提供心理依据。研究结果显示:优秀运动员大负荷训练认知评价特征表现为意义性评价为主要评价,情绪性评价反映了运动员对大负荷训练的矛盾心理。运动项目特征表现为体能类运动员较技能类运动员更倾向于积极性评价;性别特征表现为男运动员较女运动员更倾向于积极性评价。  相似文献   

目的:为了解我国优秀女子山地自行车运动员比赛中的负荷特征,采用GARMIN705edge自行车专用心率表记录我国优秀女子山地自行车运动员比赛全程心率;方法:根据6名优秀女子山地自行车运动员在2010—2011年8场比赛中的全程心率数据,采用Lucia的Trimp算法把比赛过程中的全部心率数据根据有氧阈心率、无氧阈心率计算出总Trimp值,以及分区的Trimp I、Trimp II、Trimp III值,同时,结合比赛成绩、赛道程度、对手能力状况进行分析;结果:冠军赛的比赛距离为22~36km,比赛时间为93.86±6.46min~103.34±15.03min,Trimp值为178.00±35.53AU~201.15±46.94AU;全国锦标赛和世界锦标赛比赛距离为33.7km、26km,时间为115.86±13.76min、116.46±2.06 min,Trimp值为232.78±31.20AU、236.07±2.74AU;结论:平均心率、运动时间、比赛距离的变化趋势基本一致,总Trimp值随比赛级别的降低,呈现下降的趋势,具体为:世界锦标赛负荷总量>全国锦标赛负荷总量>全国冠军赛负荷总量;在整个比赛过程中,运动员心率主要集中在有氧阈-无氧阈区间,混氧运动时间比例较大;在比赛的不同阶段,世界锦标赛中运动员途中骑行阶段Trimp>冲刺阶段Trimp>出发阶段Trimp,全国锦标赛和冠军赛中,3个阶段Trimp值相近;对比不同比赛、不同阶段的时间特征显示:全国锦标赛、世界锦标赛途中阶段混氧运动时间较长,开始和冲刺阶段无氧运动时间较长;在冠军赛中,开始阶段、途中阶段、冲刺阶段混氧运动时间较长。  相似文献   

目的:应用训练冲量(TRIMP)和运动训练监控仪对手球运动员的训练负荷进行监控研究,旨在为赛后评价不同位置运动员的运动负荷和机能状态提供合理有效的方法。研究方法:广东省女子手球运动员7名(22.6±1.4岁),健将级别,在全运会备赛期间的教学赛和冲刺阶段的一次对抗赛中和赛后,对不同位置运动员进行跟踪测试,测试指标包括心率、乳酸、熵值、中枢疲劳、应激水平等。研究结果:(1)在教学赛中,指标变化的平均值为:心率169.4±8.16次/min,上场时间44.3±6.0min,TRIMP114.8±18.9,赛后乳酸4.43±1.53mmol/L;(2)对抗赛中运动员平均上场时间47.26±5.41min,TRIMP123.75±9.30,均高于教学赛平均值,个体TRIMP值最高的是右边锋,最低的是左边锋;(3)对抗赛中,A为正常状态,C为中度疲劳,其余均为轻度中枢疲劳,E的应激水平偏低,其余应激水平偏高;运动员熵值水平略低于教学赛平均值;(4)对抗赛中TRIMP值低的运动员,熵值稳定,应激水平(焦虑指数)、脑中枢疲劳状态处于正常范围;TRIMP值高的运动员,熵值会略高于教学赛平均水平,应激水...  相似文献   

目的:能量消耗是周期性速度项目运动成绩的决定因素,也是教练员制定年训练量和营养方案的主要依据。旨在探究男子轮椅竞速T54级运动员不同速度下单位距离能量消耗(Cw)的特征,为推进我国轮椅竞速的科学化训练和制定合理的膳食标准提供依据和参考。方法:招募10名高水平轮椅竞速T54级运动员,年龄(22.90±5.17)岁,体重(59.27±8.31)kg,在室外田径场分别进行1次1 500 m全力运动和逐级递增负荷测试。使用便携式气体代谢仪、Polar心率带、GPSports运动表现追踪系统对受试者每次呼吸的摄氧量(VO2)、心率(HR)、速度和距离变化进行监控。通过全力运动和每级递增负荷测试的总能耗与速度的比值计算出轮椅竞速不同速度下单位距离的Cw。结果:受试者全力运动下的速度为(7.20±0.28)m/s,Cw为0.13 kJ/m;递增负荷测试的Cw从0.09 kJ/m、速度(5.38±0.25)m/s,逐渐增加到(0.12±0.02)k J/m、速度(6.45±0.29)m/s,获得Cw与速度、VO2与速度的指数回归方程,分别为Cw=0.059x...  相似文献   

目的:通过40名自行车专业运动员在功率自行车上进行3种递增负荷运动实验比较有氧耐力.方法:40名自行车运动员(男21,女19)在功率自行车上进行有氧力竭运动,分别采用3 min递增法、1 min递增法和线性递增法进行运动负荷递增,用Oxyam Pro运动心肺功能仪观察最大耗氧量(VO2max)、心率(HRmax)、呼吸商(RQ)等指标,运动前、后采集血乳酸(Lac).结果:3种递增负荷运动实验的VO2max、HRmax指标无显著性差异(P>0.05),3种实验的RQ、Lac指标差异无显著规律性.结论:自行车运动员进行功率自行车3种递增负荷运动实验比较有氧耐力没有统计学差异,3种递增负荷运动实验均可作为功率自行车进行有氧耐力测试的方法.  相似文献   

目的通过评价散打运动员上肢递增负荷后下肢优势腿Y平衡测试的变化,探讨上肢肌肉疲劳对下肢动态平衡能力的影响。方法 8名散打运动员利用手摇式功率自行车进行递增负荷测试,第1级负荷从50%最大功率开始,每2min递增,每级递增负荷分别对应60%、70%、80%、90%最大功率,进入最后一级功率测试时全力摇车至力竭(要求90%最大功率至少坚持1min)。运动员在递增负荷前和运动后即刻用血乳酸分析仪测试血乳酸,用Y平衡测试评价动态平衡能力。结果 1)运动员上肢递增负荷后BLa浓度显著高于运动前,分别为7.98±0.98mmol/L和1.95±0.29mmol/L(p<0.001)。2)上肢肌肉疲劳后,YBT前方伸展距离显著降低(分别为p=0.014,ES=0.63);YBT总体平衡能力降低,无统计学意义但有现实意义(p=0.241, ES=0.43)。YBT后内侧方和后外侧方的伸展距离与运动前无显著差异(分别为p=0.276,ES=0.21;p=0.198,ES=0.23)。结论YBT在散打运动员中重测信度高,可用于有效评价运动员的动态平衡能力。上肢疲劳对散打运动员动态平衡能力有消极影响且呈现出方向特异性,说明针对散打运动员上肢进行抗疲劳训练,对保持或提高下肢和整体的动态平衡能力有积极作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the changes in ratios of different intensity (rating of perceived exertion; RPE, heart rate; HR, power output; PO) and load measures (session-RPE; sRPE, individualized TRIMP; iTRIMP, Training Stress Score?; TSS) in professional cyclists. RPE, PO and HR data was collected from twelve professional cyclists (VO2max 75 ± 6 ml?min?kg?1) during a two-week baseline training period and during two cycling Grand Tours. Subjective:objective intensity (RPE:HR, RPE:PO) and load (sRPE:iTRIMP, sRPE:TSS) ratios and external:internal intensity (PO:HR) and load (TSS:iTRIMP) ratios were calculated for every session. Moderate to large increases in the RPE:HR, RPE:PO and sRPE:TSS ratios (d = 0.79–1.79) and small increases in the PO:HR and sRPE:iTRIMP ratio (= 0.21–0.41) were observed during Grand Tours compared to baseline training data. Differences in the TSS:iTRIMP ratio were trivial to small (= 0.03–0.27). Small to moderate week-to-week changes (d = 0.21–0.63) in the PO:HR, RPE:PO, RPE:HR, TSS:iTRIMP, sRPE:iTRIMP and sRPE:TSS were observed during the Grand Tour. Concluding, this study shows the value of using ratios of intensity and load measures in monitoring cyclists. Increases in ratios could reflect progressive fatigue that is not readily detected by changes in solitary intensity/load measures.  相似文献   

Abstract This investigation examined physiological and performance effects of cooling on recovery of medium-fast bowlers in the heat. Eight, medium-fast bowlers completed two randomised trials, involving two sessions completed on consecutive days (Session 1: 10-overs and Session 2: 4-overs) in 31?±?3°C and 55?±?17% relative humidity. Recovery interventions were administered for 20?min (mixed-method cooling vs. control) after Session 1. Measures included bowling performance (ball speed, accuracy, run-up speeds), physical demands (global positioning system, counter-movement jump), physiological (heart rate, core temperature, skin temperature, sweat loss), biochemical (creatine kinase, C-reactive protein) and perceptual variables (perceived exertion, thermal sensation, muscle soreness). Mean ball speed was higher after cooling in Session 2 (118.9?±?8.1 vs. 115.5?±?8.6?km?·?h(-1); P?=?0.001; d?=?0.67), reducing declines in ball speed between sessions (0.24 vs. -3.18?km · h(-1); P?=?0.03; d?=?1.80). Large effects indicated higher accuracy in Session 2 after cooling (46.0?±?11.2 vs. 39.4?±?8.6 arbitrary units [AU]; P?=?0.13; d?=?0.93) without affecting total run-up speed (19.0?±?3.1 vs. 19.0?±?2.5?km?· h(-1); P?=?0.97; d?=?0.01). Cooling reduced core temperature, skin temperature and thermal sensation throughout the intervention (P?=?0.001-0.05; d?=?1.31-5.78) and attenuated creatine kinase (P?=?0.04; d?=?0.56) and muscle soreness at 24-h (P?=?0.03; d?=?2.05). Accordingly, mixed-method cooling can reduce thermal strain after a 10-over spell and improve markers of muscular damage and discomfort alongside maintained medium-fast bowling performance on consecutive days in hot conditions.  相似文献   

Elite rowers complete rowing-specific and non-specific training, incorporating continuous and interval-like efforts spanning the intensity spectrum. However, established training load measures are unsuitable for use in some modes and intensities. Consequently, a new measure known as the T2minute method was created. The method quantifies load as the time spent in a range of training zones (time-in-zone), multiplied by intensity- and mode-specific weighting factors that scale the relative stress of different intensities and modes to the demands of on-water rowing. The purpose of this study was to examine the convergent validity of the T2minute method with Banister’s training impulse (TRIMP), Lucia’s TRIMP and Session-RPE when quantifying elite rowing training. Fourteen elite rowers (12 males, 2 females) were monitored during four weeks of routine training. Unadjusted T2minute loads (using coaches’ estimates of time-in-zone) demonstrated moderate-to-strong correlations with Banister’s TRIMP, Lucia’s TRIMP and Session-RPE (rho: 0.58, 0.55 and 0.42, respectively). Adjusting T2minute loads by using actual time-in-zone data resulted in stronger correlations between the T2minute method and Banister’s TRIMP and Lucia’s TRIMP (rho: 0.85 and 0.81, respectively). The T2minute method is an appropriate in-field measure of elite rowing training loads, particularly when actual time-in-zone values are used to quantify load.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to modify the training impulse (TRIMP) method of quantifying training load for use with intermittent team sports, and to examine the relationship between this modified TRIMP (TRIMP(MOD)) and changes in the physiological profile of team sport players during a competitive season. Eight male field hockey players, participating in the English Premier Division, took part in the study (mean+/-s: age 26+/-4 years, body mass 80.8+/-5.2 kg, stature 1.82+/-0.04 m). Participants performed three treadmill exercise tests at the start of the competitive season and mid-season: a submaximal test to establish the treadmill speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol . l(-1); a maximal incremental test to determine maximal oxygen uptake ([V]O(2max)) and peak running speed; and an all-out constant-load test to determine time to exhaustion. Heart rate was recorded during all training sessions and match-play, from which TRIMP(MOD) was calculated. Mean weekly TRIMP(MOD) was correlated with the change in [V]O(2max) and treadmill speed at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol x l(-1) from the start of to mid-season (P<0.05). The results suggest that TRIMP(MOD) is a means of quantifying training load in team sports and can be used to prescribe training for the maintenance or improvement of aerobic fitness during the competitive season.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate asymmetry of muscle activation in participants with different levels of experience and performance with cycling. Two separate experiments were conducted, one with nine cyclists and one with nine non-cyclists. The experiments involved incremental maximal and sub-maximal constant load cycling tests. Bilateral surface electromyography (EMG) and gross and net muscle efficiency were assessed. Analyses of variance in mixed linear models and t-tests were conducted. The cyclists in Experiment 1 presented higher gross efficiency (P < 0.05), whereas net efficiency did not differ between the two experiments (21.3 ± 1.4% and 19.8 ± 1.0% for cyclists and non-cyclists, respectively). The electrical muscle activity increased significantly with exercise intensity regardless of leg preference in both experiments. The coefficient of variation of EMG indicated main effects of leg in both experiments. The non-preferred leg of non-cyclists (Experiment 2) presented statistically higher variability of muscle activity in the gastrocnemius medialis and vastus lateralis. Our findings suggest similar electrical muscle activity between legs in both cyclists and non-cyclists regardless of exercise intensity. However, EMG variability was asymmetric and appears to be strongly influenced by exercise intensity for cyclists and non-cyclists, especially during sub-maximal intensity. Neural factors per se do not seem to fully explain previous reports of pedalling asymmetries.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of training load, exposure to match play and sleep duration on two daily wellbeing measures in youth athletes. Forty-eight youth athletes (age 17.3 ± 0.5 years) completed a daily wellbeing questionnaire (DWB), the Perceived Recovery Status scale (PRS), and provided details on the previous day’s training loads (TL) and self-reported sleep duration (sleep) every day for 13 weeks (n = 2727). Linear mixed models assessed the effect of TL, exposure to match play and sleep on DWB and PRS. An increase in TL had a most likely small effect on muscle soreness (= ?0.43;± 0.10) and PRS (= ?0.37;± 0.09). Match play had a likely small additive effect on muscle soreness (= ?0.26;± 0.09) and PRS (= ?0.25;± 0.08). An increase in sleep had a most likely moderate effect on sleep quality (d = 0.80;± 0.14); a most likely small effect on DWB (= 0.45;± 0.09) and fatigue (= 0.42;± 0.11); and a likely small effect on PRS (= 0.25;± 0.09). All other effects were trivial or did not reach the pre-determined threshold for practical significance. The influence of sleep on multiple DWB subscales and the PRS suggests that practitioners should consider the recovery of an athlete alongside the training stress imposed when considering deviations in wellbeing measures.  相似文献   

The menstrual cycle (MC) phases carry to several psychophysiological alterations; however, no study has investigated the impact of MC phases on training load or technical training. In the present study, we investigated the effect of the follicular phase (FP), ovulatory phase (OP), and luteal phase (LP) on training load and technical training in young athletes. Twelve female athletes performed regular daily training sessions with the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and duration being registered every session. Training impulse (TRIMP), monotony and strain were calculated. MC symptoms, RPE, and duration were also measured during technical training, which was carried out on a specific day during each phase. The TRIMP was not affected by MC phases during regular training (p > .05), but training monotony and strain were higher in FP compared to OP (p < .05). During the technical training, MC phases did not affect RPE (p > .05), but the session was longer in both FP and LP, compared to OP (p < .05). MC symptoms were exacerbated in FP compared to both OP and LP (p < .05). These findings suggest that MC disorders were elevated during FP, which indicate that monitoring MC phases might provide important feedbacks for programming training and expected results during competitions.  相似文献   


Prior reports have described the limitations of quantifying internal training loads using hear rate (HR)-based objective methods such as the training impulse (TRIMP) method, especially when high-intensity interval exercises are performed. A weakness of the TRIMP method is that it does not discriminate between exercise and rest periods, expressing both states into a single mean intensity value that could lead to an underestimate of training loads. This study was designed to compare Banister's original TRIMP method (1991) and a modified calculation procedure (TRIMPc) based on the cumulative sum of partial TRIMP, and to determine how each model relates to the session rating of perceived exertion (s-RPE), a HR-independent training load indicator. Over four weeks, 17 elite swimmers completed 328 pool training sessions. Mean HR for the full duration of a session and partial values for each 50 m of swimming distance and rest period were recorded to calculate the classic TRIMP and the proposed variant (TRIMPc). The s-RPE questionnaire was self-administered 30 minutes after each training session. Both TRIMPc and TRIMP measures strongly correlated with s-RPE scores (r = 0.724 and 0.702, respectively; P < 0.001). However, TRIMPc was ~9% higher on average than TRIMP (117 ± 53 vs. 107 ± 47; P < 0.001), with proportionally greater inter-method difference with increasing workload intensity. Therefore, TRIMPc appears to be a more accurate and appropriate procedure for quantifying training load, particularly when monitoring interval training sessions, since it allows weighting both exercise and recovery intervals separately for the corresponding HR-derived intensity.  相似文献   

The psychobiological status of cyclists over a period of 8 months of training was assessed by measuring the sympatho-adrenal level, the central noradrenergic activity, and the cortisol-testosterone ratio status noninvasively. Alteration of these indices after a large increase in training load lasting 4 days (+ 187%) was also examined. Urinary excretion of methoxyamines (metanephrine, normetanephrine) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol sulphate (MHPG-S), and salivary concentrations of cortisol and testosterone, were measured in 12 national cyclists after a non-specific training period and 48 h before 4 days of increased training (T1), after these 4 days (T2) and at the end of 4 months of specific training (T3). Urinary and salivary samples were also collected during a rest period (T0). At each of these times, mood states and ratings of perceived muscle soreness were assessed, and a questionnaire of early clinical symptoms of the overtraining syndrome (Profile of Mood States) was administered. A significant increase in normetanephrine (P < 0.05) and a decrease in the testosterone-cortisol ratio (P < 0.05) were observed at T2, while MHPG-S excretion remained unchanged. Over the same periods, increased training loads did not induce mood disturbances. Eight months of training were associated with significant alterations in metanephrine (P < 0.05) and MHPG-S (P < 0.05). These results suggest a dissociation between the neural and endocrine catecholaminergic components systems. Opposite responses between MHPG-S and Profile of Mood States scores show that further investigations are needed to understand the relationship between central noradrenergic function, which is recognized as a regulatory factor of mood, and psychological tests measuring mood.  相似文献   

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