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发球是网球比赛每一分的开始,是运动员实施战术的开端,也是运动员克敌制胜的有力武器.随着拉锯式比赛的增多,人们越来越重视网球发球成功率及发球效果.高质量的发球能够为运动员创造有利的比赛控制权甚至直接得分,例如纳达尔的强力发球,在关键的比赛中往往能够利用发球直接得分,打乱对手反扑的节奏.  相似文献   

在网球比赛中,运动员的发球技术很大程度上影响着比赛的走势,因此,网球发球技术训练十分重要。本文介绍了网球发球的关键步骤和网球发球技术动作要点,阐述了网球发球技术训练的必要性,探讨了网球发球技术训练实践,以供参考。  相似文献   

1.技术风格:通过比赛看到我国男子网球运动员在技术风格上已逐步向快、狠、准、巧的方向发展,特别是青少年运动员更突出,几乎百分之百都掌握了发球上网和网前截击的技术,基本上改变了过去主要靠底线球的打法。采用发球上网等战术的主要目的,是先发制人,主动进攻,因此在技术动作上必须快、狠,并结合准、巧。青少年运动员的“快和狠”风格具体表现在发球上网和网前技术使用率提高了。如曾精雄发球上网最高达98%;曹希卓、倪长宏等在90%左右;绝大多数运动员也都在44%以上。女子网球在打法上变动还比较迟缓,  相似文献   

基于长时间跨度、多项重要赛事的大规模数据,首先对青少年与职业网球运动员的年龄、数量增长及参赛特征进行对比分析,然后再从比赛特征和击球特征两个方面对16~18岁青少年精英网球运动员和职业运动员的表现进行了对比研究。结果:(1)青少年精英网球运动员数量年增长率显著高于职业运动员。(2)青少年精英网球运动员与职业运动员的参赛特征存在显著性差异。(3)在发球、网前得分率、制胜分/非受迫性失误比等比赛特征数据上,青少年精英网球运动员与职业运动员存在显著性差异。(4)在击球角度、击球速度、移动距离、平均冲刺速度等击球特征数据上,青少年精英网球运动员与职业运动员存在显著性差异。结论:(1)职业赛事比青少年赛事竞争更为激烈,比赛的胜负差更小,对运动员生理和心理要求更高。(2)职业运动员击球的速度、稳定性、攻击性和多样性等均优于青少年精英运动员。(3)职业运动员击球速度更快角度更大,对回球的预判比青少年精英运动员更好。  相似文献   

目的:找到专项体能测试中与网球发球球速的相关指标,为网球运动员发球技术训练提供参考。方法:运用实验法、文献资料法等研究方法,对上海市10名优秀青少年网球运动员的专项体能素质进行测试,并对其发球速度进行记录和分析,将测试指标与发球球速进行相关性分析。结果:发球球速与部分专项测试指标具有显著的相关性。结论:部分专项体能素质指标与青少年网球运动员的发球球速有密切联系,建议在提高运动员发球速度的训练过程中优先选择这些动作作为训练手段。  相似文献   

本研究对2004年法国网球公开赛我国两对(李婷/孙甜甜、郑洁/晏紫)运动员参加的双打比赛,以及本次比赛前8名世界优秀女双运动员的主要比赛,进行了全程观摩、技术统计与分析。针对女子双打的发展趋势,我国女双运动员同世界优秀运动员的差距等进行技战术分析,找出训练中应着重解决的问题,并提出相应对策与建议。1主要技术统计与分析(1)发球技术:网球双打比赛中,发球的质量,直接影响比赛中是否能在前四拍争得主动,给网前创造进攻机会,是比赛  相似文献   

王啸 《体育风尚》2021,(5):97-98
网球发球是运动员唯一由自己掌握而不受对手控制与影响的击球环节。在比赛中,许多优秀的网球运动员巧妙地运用发球来搭配战术抢得先机。本文主要以2018年郑洁杯和2018年尤尼克斯杯男子十二岁组决赛的四名少年网球运动员为研究对象,运用文献资料法、录像观察法以及逻辑分析法这三种研究方法来分析少年网球运动员发球失误技术的特点。通过对这两种比赛的视频进行发球技术数据统计,得出以下结果:在发球总失误中,因为抛球高度不正确导致发球失误占64.03%,其中抛球高度过高占抛球高度不正确的59.57%;发球时没有顶髋导致发球失误在两场比赛中存在45颗,占总发球失误12.26%;发球时动作脱节导致发球失误有57颗,占发球总失误15.53%;发球时握拍偏正手导致发球失误30次,占总失误率8.17%。对上述结果分析得到了以下结论:少年网球运动员在发球技术上的问题常发生于抛球高度位置不合适,会出现抛球偏高偏低或者靠前靠后,发球时顶髋动作缺失,发球的整体动作节奏感混乱,正手击球后的握拍出现发球中。  相似文献   

杨帆 《湖北体育科技》2017,36(3):236-239
在网球运动的技术体系中发球技术是完成其他技术动作的基础,所有的技战术都要靠高质量的发球动作来支撑。在速度和力量主导的网球比赛中,运动员要依靠发球技术争取进攻的主动权。优秀的网球运动员,如澳网冠军德约科维奇在一场比赛中会发出相当数量的ACE球,纳达尔旋转发球也让对手防不胜防。充满侵略性的发球局,不仅要创造良好的得分机会,同时也能直接得分,发球技术能够改变比赛的结果。  相似文献   

以《状态-特质焦虑调查表》为主要测试工具,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等方法,对浙江师范大学第五届网球锦标赛男子网球运动员赛前状态焦虑对网球比赛中发球的影响进行了研究分析。研究结果表明,赛前的状态焦虑对运动员在比赛中的发球有重要影响,状态焦虑与发球得分存在着显著的负相关。  相似文献   

为更好地提高网球运动员的击球速度,采用体育测量法和数量统计等方法,对28名优秀青少年网球运动员专项速度素质进行测试和分析。研究发现.网球运动员的发球动作速度、正反手击球动作速度与专项速度素质之间有着密切的相关性,专项速度素质之间也有显著的相关性。所筛选的多项测试指标能够较好地反映青少年网球运动员的专项速度素质水平,部分测试方法可以作为网球运动员专项速度素质训练手段进行应用。腿部爆发力的优劣直接影响着网球运动员发球,正、反手击球动作的速度,腰腹的速度力量素质也是影响网球运动员专项动作速度的重要因素。  相似文献   

Season of birth distribution of elite tennis players   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many competitive sports, the use of a cut-off date for junior competition has been associated with a skewed birth date distribution in junior and senior players. The International Tennis Federation uses a junior competition year that commences on 1 January. The purpose of the current investigation was to describe the birth date distribution of 448 elite senior tennis players and 476 elite junior tennis players. There was a significant season of birth bias among elite senior players (P < 0.001), with 58.9% being born in the first 6 months of the year. There was also a significant season of birth bias among elite junior players (P < 0.001), with 59.5% being born in the first 6 months of the year. This pattern was observed in both male and female players as well as in players from different regions. The results provide evidence that it is the cut-off date for the junior competition year that is responsible for the skewed birth date distribution in tennis rather than regional or climatic factors.  相似文献   

In many competitive sports, the use of a cut-off date for junior competition has been associated with a skewed birth date distribution in junior and senior players. The International Tennis Federation uses a junior competition year that commences on 1 January. The purpose of the current investigation was to describe the birth date distribution of 448 elite senior tennis players and 476 elite junior tennis players. There was a significant season of birth bias among elite senior players (P <?0.001), with 58.9% being born in the first 6 months of the year. There was also a significant season of birth bias among elite junior players (P <?0.001), with 59.5% being born in the first 6 months of the year. This pattern was observed in both male and female players as well as in players from different regions. The results provide evidence that it is the cut-off date for the junior competition year that is responsible for the skewed birth date distribution in tennis rather than regional or climatic factors.  相似文献   

纵观中国的体育之林唯独乒乓球事业经久不衰,如果我们想在世界上维持好我们的霸主地位,就必须要不断的提高训练技术和策略并且在业余时间训练优秀的少儿运动员为职业比赛做准备。从少儿的年龄、神经类型、心理、专项素质、身体素质几个方面进行探讨,旨在探索对少儿乒乓球运动员选材的科学性、实用性,以提高运动员成材率。本论文主要讨论的对少儿运动员的选材方法和手段。  相似文献   

Purpose: The net height in tennis (0.91 m) is approximately 50% of a professional tennis player’s height. Children are also expected to play with this net height, even though it is approximately 70% of the average 10-year-old’s height. This study examined the immediate effect of lowering net height on the performance characteristics of skilled junior tennis players aged 10 years and younger. Method: Sixteen players were matched in 8 pairs of even tennis ability and same sex. Each pair played 25-min singles matches in 4 conditions that varied in net height (0.91 m, 0.78 m, 0.65 m, and 0.52 m). Match-play characteristics were analyzed via video replay. Results: Results showed that lowering the net height to 0.65 m and 0.52 m led to players adopting a more attacking style of play, as evidenced by a significant increase in the number of winners without a commensurate increase in errors and more shots struck inside the baseline. Lower nets also led to a greater percentage of successful first serves. The lowest net (0.52 m), however, reduced rally length significantly and therefore decreased hitting opportunities. Conclusion: These results offer support for equipment scaling to enhance match-play performance for skilled junior tennis players. We propose that current net height recommendations for junior tennis should be revised.  相似文献   

对吉林省乒乓球后备人才现状的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
此文对吉林省乒乓球后备人才的培养现状进行了调查,对影响吉林省乒乓球后备人才培养现状的因素进行了分析。结果显示吉林省少年乒乓球运动员的直板与横板握拍方式比例不平衡、打法类型的比例不够合理;教练员的状况基本能适应少年乒乓球训练的要求,重点体校好于普通体校;资金投入不足、教练员科学训练水平不高和教育制度与乒乓球后备人才培养体制的不协调等。  相似文献   

The Lawn Tennis Association’s mini tennis (MT) is a modified version of tennis consisting of progressive stages; however, there have been few attempts to evaluate how MT might shape performance behaviours. Here, we examine effects of playing MT on the emergence of children’s match-play behaviours in 48 junior tennis players. Performance in 1010 match-play points were filmed and coded across 4 tennis stages (MT Red, MT Orange, MT Green and Full Ball), using a notational analysis system. Recorded performance variables included rally length, first serve percentage and shot type, for the purpose of analysing inter-stage comparisons. Results showed a series of specific adaptations to playing characteristics across the stages, including rally length, shot variety and serve success. MT Red rallies (7.36 ± 6.06) were longer than Full Ball rallies (3.83 ± 2.40), and a higher percentage of forehands were played at MT Red (66.40 ± 8.49%) than at Full Ball stage (45.96 ± 6.47%). Findings suggested that MT stages can afford children more opportunities to develop their skills and elicit different match-play characteristics than Full Ball task constraints. Coaches, therefore, should consider the nature of emergent adaptations when designing practice environments to facilitate learning in young tennis players.  相似文献   

2008年澳网中外网球女子单打选手技战术统计分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用录像观察、数理统计等方法,对中国女网在2008年澳网单打比赛中的技、战术指标进行统计与分析。结果表明:与国外选手相比,中国女网选手在身体形态、发球速度、一发得分率等方面存在明显差距;中国选手比赛的攻击性与技术稳定性尚待进一步提高。比赛名次与技术指标的相关分析表明:二发平均速度、二发得分率等指标对比赛名次的影响程度较大。  相似文献   

网球发球动作和基本技术模式   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
通过对参加第27届奥运会选拔集训的26名国家队男、女运动员动作技术分析,并参考世界优秀网球运动员的发球技术,从中概括出理论和实践上我们认为比较合理的、适合我国运动员使用的网球发球技术动作模式.  相似文献   

Adult overhead athletes without a history of shoulder injury show scapular adaptations. There is a lack of detailed assessment of scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. This study aims to investigate three-dimensional scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. We recruited a total of 20 junior tennis players and 20 healthy children without participation in any overhead sports in this study. Bilateral scapular kinematic data were recorded using an electromagnetic tracking device for scapular plane glenohumeral elevation. The data were further analysed at 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° and 120° during glenohumeral elevation and lowering. Statistical comparisons of the data between groups (junior overhead athletes and non-overhead athletes) and sides (serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders of the overhead athletes) were analysed with the ANOVA. Comparisons showed that, in general, the scapula was more upwardly rotated and anteriorly tilted in overhead athletes when compared to non-overhead athletes, however there was no side-to-side differences when serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders compared in junior overhead athletes. The serve dominant arm of junior overhead athletes had alternations in scapular kinematics when compared with the non-overhead athletes. These findings provide clinical evaluation implications and the need for clinicians to assess for potential adaptations in junior overhead athletes.  相似文献   

Waiter’s serve (WS) is a specific tennis serve posture frequently observed in young players, and commonly considered as a technical error by tennis coaches. However, biomechanical impact of WS is unknown. The aims of this study were to identify the potential consequences of WS in young elite players relating to performance and injury risk, and to explain the kinematic causes of WS. Serve of 18 male junior elite players (Top 10 national French ranking, aged 12–15 years) was captured with a 20 camera, 200?Hz VICON MX motion analysis system. Depending on their serve technique, the players were divided into two groups (WS versus Normal Serve [NS]) by experienced coaches. Injury data were collected for each player during a 12-month-period following the motion capture. Normalized peak kinetic values of the dominant arm were calculated using inverse dynamics. In order to explain WS posture, upper limb kinematics were calculated during the cocking and the acceleration phases of the serve. Shoulder internal rotation torque, wrist proximal and anterior forces (P?P?P?相似文献   

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