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目的探讨DICER基因微小RNA结合区域单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)与有氧运动能力表型的关联。方法选择178名大学新生进行18周的长跑训练,测定训练前后最大摄氧量绝对值(VO2max)、摄氧量相对值(rVO2max);进行跑节省化实验测定12 km/h跑速下的RE各项指标;同时测定训练前后受试者心室结构和功能相关指标。采用PCR-RFLP基因分型技术检测DICER基因rs1057035位点多态性。采用荧光素酶报告基因系统对rs1057035位点进行功能研究。结果 DICER基因rs1057035多态位点与VO2max、RE、心室结构和功能相关指标的初始值没有关联,但是与VO2max、心室结构和功能相关指标的训练敏感性有关联。长跑训练后,TC+CC基因型受试者VO2max和rVO2max变化量显著高于TT基因型者;TC+CC基因型受试者心室结构指标ESD、IVSS、PWD、LVM和LVMI变化量显著高于TT基因型者;TC+CC基因型受试者心室功能指标SV、EF变化量显著高于TT基因型者,而T变化量则显著低于TT基因型者;经协方差分析,这些差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。另外,基因功能研究显示,与rs1057035位点T基因型相比,C基因型显著降低DICER基因的表达活性。结论 DICER基因rs1057035多态位点与研究对象长跑训练后有氧运动能力表型存在着关联,长跑训练后TC+CC基因型者VO2max以及部分心室结构和功能改变显著高于TT基因型者,该位点多态性可以成为人群训练敏感性的分子遗传学标记。  相似文献   

耐力训练效果与CKMM基因A/G多态性的关联研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周多奇  胡扬  刘刚  龚莉  吴剑  席翼  文立  张勇 《体育科学》2006,26(7):36-39,95
研究目的:探讨耐力训练效果与中国人群CKMM基因A/G多态性之间的关联性。研究方法:测定102名中国汉族新兵,经18周的5000m跑,耐力训练前后的V02max、RE(running economy)指标,并应用PCR—RFLP法测定受试者CKMM多态性,统计CKMM基因多态性与VO2max、RE指标之间的相关性。结果:CKMM基因经PCR及NcoI内切酶消化以后得到3种基因型:AA、AG和GG,经卡方检验符合Hardy-weinberg遗传平衡定律,具有群体代表性。训练前各组基础值经方差检验无显著性差异;训练后,RE/HR、RE/VO2和RE/rVO2在整体及AA、AG组都显著下降,但GG组变化不明显;此外,下降率/XRE/VO2和/XRE/rVO2,AG组显著高于AA;而VOzmax和rVO2max在整体和各基因型组均没有显著性变化。结论:CKMM基因型与RE有关,影响个体对耐力训练的敏感性。携带AG基因型的人对耐力训练的敏感性显著高于AG型和GG型。  相似文献   

运动训练后个体的机能水平受多种因素影响,其中环境和遗传因素在很大程度上起决定作用。某一群体可能因携带特定基因型对运动训练 具有更高的敏感性,从而表现出更好的训练效果。训练效果的遗传学研究已开展40余年,在有氧耐力训练效果的个体差异领域,研究最系统,成果 也最丰富,但有关心肺健康特征指标有氧耐力训练效果的遗传预测标记研究方兴未艾。为此,综述了迄今为止该领域的候选基因法及全基因组研 究进展,旨在为相关研究的开展提供参考和研究方向。综述后发现,40余个基因的愈百位点/单体型与我国北方汉族人的有氧耐力训练敏感性相 关,血管紧张素转化酶基因等18个候选基因的作用则有待商榷。在全基因组研究中,训练后在50 W功率输出水平下每搏量(SV50)和亚极量运动 心率(HR50)分别与驱动蛋白家族成员5B基因编码区内的rs211302和位于cAMP反应元件连接蛋白1基因座5’区的rs2253206及rs2360969相关联; 通过将转录物组学与基因组学技术结合,获得了11个可共同影响23%VO2max训练效果变化量的SNPs;而在多个HERITAGE项目研究中,则分别发 现了与45%的VO2max训练效果个体差异显著相关的16个SNPs,100%影响HR50训练效果个体异质性的9个SNPs,以及20%影响20周标准耐力训 练后60% VO2max强度运动下摄氧量(△VO260)的13个SNPs及单体型。  相似文献   

目的:探讨热休克蛋白70(Heat Shock Protein 70,HSP70)基因(HSPA 1A)+ 190G>C单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism,SNP)与有氧运动能力表型指标的关系.方法:试验对象为400名大学一年级学生,其中男生300名,女生100名,均为汉族.受试者以95%~105%个体通气无氧阈(VT)进行每周3次,每次5000m,为期18天的长跑训练.测定训练前后摄氧量绝对值(VO2)、摄氧量相对值(rVO2)、通气无氧阈(VT)和每分钟通气量(VE),并进行跑节省化试验.采用ABI7900HT的Taqman基因分型技术,检测HSP1A1基因+190G>C位点基因型.结果:HSP1A1+190G>C位点基因多态性与有氧运动能力表型存在关联,随着G等位基因的增加,个体有氧运动能力也在增加;有氧耐力训练前后,不同基因型者VO2max、rVO2max、VT/VO2和VE均无统计学差异(P>0.05);有氧耐力训练前GG基因型个体RE/HR值显著低于GC和CC基因型者,且随着C基因型的增加,RE/HR值也逐渐增加,趋势检验发现具有剂量效应关系(Rtrend<0.05);有氧耐力训练后不同基因型RE/HR和RENE值以及他们的变化率间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),且随着C基因型的增加,RE/HR和RE/VE值以及他们的变化率也逐渐增加,趋势检验发现具有剂量效应关系(Ptrend<0.05).结论:HSPA1A基因+190G>C位点与有氧耐力训练后有氧运动能力表型存在关联,GG基因型个体具有较高的有氧运动能力水平.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国北方汉族男性亚铁螯合酶(FECH)基因-252A/G多态性与耐力训练敏感性的关联,寻找与有氧耐力训练效果的分子标记。方法:选取102名中国北方汉族男性健康受试者,以95%~105%个体无氧阈强度进行5 000米跑训练,每周3次,共18周,训练前后测定VO2max、RE等指标。使用PCR-RFLP和测序方法解析该基因多态性的分布特征,并进行该多态与上述生理指标进行关联性分析。结果:1)耐力训练前,AA基因型跑节省化时的心率(RE/HR)、跑节省化时的最大摄氧量(RE/rVO2)起始值均显著性低于GG基因型(P<0.01);2)有氧耐力训练后,AA基因型通气阈时的摄氧量(△VT/VO2)增加的幅度显著性高于GG基因型(P<0.05);AA基因型在跑节省化时的心率(△RE/HR)下降的幅度显著性高于GG基因型(P<0.05)。结论:在FECH基因-252A/G多态性中,AA基因型耐力训练具有较高的训练敏感性,可作为预测有氧耐力训练敏感性的分子标记。  相似文献   

目的:选取HIF-1a基因第7内含子上的C958G单核苷酸多态(SNP/C958G)解析,并与有氧耐力训练后生理表型指标进行关联性研究,探讨该多态位点作为预测有氧耐力训练效果的分子遗传学标记的可行性.方法:实验对象为102名中国北方士兵.受试者进行18周有氧耐力训练,测试有氧耐力训练前后血红蛋白(Hb)、最大耗氧量(VO2max)及通气无氧阈(VO2 VT)等指标,应用PCR~RFLP解析HIF-1a基因SNP/C958G的基因型,采用关联(Association-Study)研究方法,研究18周有氧耐力训练前Hb、VO2m3ax及VO2 VT等指标变化量与HIF-1a基因SNP/C958G关联性.结果:HIF-1a基因SNP/C958G基因型在士兵中分布频率经卡方检验[X2(df=2)=0.20,P>0.05]符合HaMy-Wcinberg平衡.SNP/C958G的GG基因型受试者18周有氧耐力训练后Hb、VO2 max、VT/VO2分别提高了5%、5%、4%,同时,GG基因型与CC、CG基因型受试者有氧耐力训练后Hb、VO2max、VT/VO2的变化量相比明显增加(P<0.05).结论:HIF-1a基因SNP/C958G多态性GG基因型可作为预测有氧耐力训后Hb、VO2 Max、VT/VO2敏感性变化的分子遗传学标记.  相似文献   

目的:探讨钙调神经磷酸酶的5个编码基因(PPP3CA、PPP3CB、PPP3CC、PPP3R1和PPP3R2)的55个单核苷酸多态性与心脏功能表型的初始值及耐力训练效果的关联性.方法:102名无训练史的青年健康男子完成18周有氧耐力训练,测试训练前后的安静、次最大负荷(50W、100W和150W)下及恢复期的心脏结构及功能指标,采用PCR-RFLP和MALDI-TOF MS对多态性进行分型,所有的统计学分析均进行多重比较的修正.结果:1)rs3763679(PPP3CA)与安静时的心率初始值关联; 2)rs1879793、rs1075534、rs7430、rs2461483和 rs10108011(PPP3CC) 与恢复期的每搏量或/和心输出量的训练敏感性关联;3) rs1407877(PPP3R2) 与次最大负荷(50W)下的射血分数的训练敏感性关联.结论:钙调神经磷酸酶基因多态性可能部分解释心脏功能指标的个体差异性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肌球蛋白轻链1f(Myosin light chain,1 fast;MLC 1f)基因多态性与中国北方平原地区汉族男性有氧运动能力及心脏结构的关联性.方法:102名无训练史的健康男子测试最大摄氧量(VO2max),超声心动测量左心室结构.PCR-RFLP分析mlc 1f的C2159G多态性.单因素方差分析检验C2159G多态性与心肌结构、功能及有氧运动能力的关联.结果:C2159G基因型频率为:CC=0.09,CG=O.60,GG=0.31;C2159G多态性与VO2max无显著相关,只有CC,基因型显著大于CC(P<0.05);C2159G与心脏结构和功能有关联,ESD、EDD、50W/SV、100W/SV指标CG、GG均显著(P<05)大于CC.结果提示C2159G基因多态性与心脏结构和功能相关.  相似文献   

目的:通过膜铁转运蛋白1(FPN1)基因多态性与有氧耐力训练后左心室功能指标训练效果的关联性分析,以期能为预测有氧耐力训练效果和制定个性化有氧耐力训练方案提供科学依据.方法:对102名中国北方平原地区健康男子进行为期18周的有氧耐力训练,使用超声心动仪测定其训练前后安静状态和递增负荷运动下的左心室结构功能指标,应用PCR-RFLP技术解析受试者FPN1基因rs1123110、rs4145237多态性.采用association studies with training response phenotypes方法,分析rs1123110、rs4145237多态性与训练前后左心室结构功能指标变化的关联性.结果:经18周有氧耐力训练后,rs1123110的CC型群体100W/SV和100W/SVI的增加量显著高于TT型群体、CO和COI的下降量显著大于TT和TC型群体;rs4145237的CG型群体训练前安静时CO和Re/EF的增加量显著高于其他基因型.研究表明,rs1123110的CC型和rs4145237的CG型可以作为预测部分心室功能指标训练效果的分子标记.  相似文献   

张漓  李燕春  衣龙彦  聂晶  王景玲  胡扬 《体育科学》2012,32(4):41-52,76
目的:拟从EDN1及NOS2A基因的多态性位点中筛选出与HiHiLo(高住高练低训)训练效果相关的分子标记,为帮助制定个性化的低氧训练方案提供理论参考。方法:采用Association-Study研究方法,测定、分析了72名我国北方地区汉族健康男性青年30天HiHi-Lo训练前后有氧运动能力、心功能变化率与EDN1、NOS2A基因多态性的关联性。HiHiLo训练方案包括每晚10h低氧环境(14.3%~14.8%含氧量)暴露、每周3次30 min75%VO2max强度的低氧运动和日常的体育锻炼。有氧运动能力指标包括递增负荷功率车运动中测定的最大耗氧量、固定负荷血乳酸以及低氧训练中的血氧饱和度,心功能指标包括彩色多普勒测定的安静及三级固定负荷(50 W→100 W→150 W)功率车运动3min后的心脏结构与功能指标。基因多态性选取了EDN1基因外显子SNP/rs5370、rs1800997和3’端rs4714383,NOS2A基因启动子区STR(CCTTT)n和内含子SNP/rs2248814。结果:1)经过30天HiHiLo训练后,EDN1基因SNP/rs1800997的3A/3A基因型人群在安静状态下左心室心肌收缩力提高程度显著优于含4A等位基因的基因型人群,SNP/rs4714383的CC基因型人群运动中左心室泵功能改善程度显著优于含T等位基因的基因型人群;2)NOS2A基因STR(CCTTT)n上2个等位基因n值之和与VO2max提高率显著正相关,SNP/rs2779249的GT基因型人群固定负荷运动中心脏机能节省化水平提高的程度显著大于GG基因型人群。结论:在我国北方汉族男性人群中,EDN1基因SNP/rs1800997、rs4714383和rs2779249的3A/3A、CC和GT基因型携带者HiHiLo训练后心功能提高效果较好;NOS2A基因STR(CCTTT)n基因座上2个等位基因n值均较大的基因型携带者HiHiLo训练后VO2max提高效果较好。  相似文献   

夏小慧  胡扬  席翼  文立 《体育学刊》2012,(3):125-129
为了研究肉碱棕榈酰转移酶(CPT-1β)基因区的rs 131758、rs 470117多态位点以及由其组成的单体型与有氧耐力训练前后敏感性指标的变化之间的关联性,探讨其作为有氧耐力训练敏感性标记的可行性,对102名中国北方汉族青年进行为期18周的有氧耐力训练。采用活动跑台的逐级递增运动负荷方法测定训练前后"跑节省化"(RE)相关指标;采用卧式蹬车的极限下递增定量负荷运动方式测定训练前后不同负荷状态下(安静时、50 W、100 W、150 W、恢复期)的心脏结构指标;由心脏结构指标获得心脏功能相关指标。采用MALDI-TOF MS方法解析受试者基因组DNA rs 131758、rs 470117多态位点基因型。分析训练前后相关指标的变化与多态位点不同基因型之间的关联性。结果发现:1)rs 131758位点的AA型与训练后跑节省化时心率(ΔHRRE)的训练敏感性相关联;2)rs131758位点的AA型与训练后心脏收缩末期左室后壁厚度ΔPWS指标的训练敏感性相关联;3)由rs 131758-rs 470117位点组成的单体型AT与训练后安静时每搏输出量指数(ΔSVI)、心动周期(ΔT)、心输出量指数(ΔCOI)的训练敏感性相关联。说明:rs 131758位点的AA型和由rs131758-rs470117位点组成的AT单体型可以作为中国北方汉族人群对有氧耐力训练敏感的分子标记。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal anaerobic running test, maximal endurance performance, maximal oxygen uptake ([V·]O(?max)), and running economy were assessed. Maximal strength improved in the heavy (P = 0.034, effect size ES = 0.38) and explosive resistance training groups (P = 0.003, ES = 0.67) with increases in leg muscle activation (heavy: P = 0.032, ES = 0.38; explosive: P = 0.002, ES = 0.77). Only the heavy resistance training group improved maximal running speed in the maximal anaerobic running test (P = 0.012, ES = 0.52) and jump height (P = 0.006, ES = 0.59). Maximal endurance running performance was improved in all groups (heavy: P = 0.005, ES = 0.56; explosive: P = 0.034, ES = 0.39; muscle endurance: P = 0.001, ES = 0.94), with small though not statistically significant improvements in [V·]O(?max) (heavy: ES = 0.08; explosive: ES = 0.29; muscle endurance: ES = 0.65) and running economy (ES in all groups < 0.08). All three modes of strength training used concurrently with endurance training were effective in improving treadmill running endurance performance. However, both heavy and explosive strength training were beneficial in improving neuromuscular characteristics, and heavy resistance training in particular contributed to improvements in high-intensity running characteristics. Thus, endurance runners should include heavy resistance training in their training programmes to enhance endurance performance, such as improving sprinting ability at the end of a race.  相似文献   

夏小慧  胡扬  李燕春  席翼  文立 《体育科学》2011,31(8):27-31,77
目的:研究腺苷酸激活的蛋激酶α2亚基(AMPKα2)基因区的7个标签单核苷酸多态性位点(SNP)及其组成的单体型与有氧耐力训练前后心脏结构和功能敏感性指标变化之间的相关性,探讨其作为有氧耐力训练敏感性分子标记的可行性。方法:对102名中国北方汉族青年进行为期18周的有氧耐力训练,测定训练前后安静时、不同负荷状态下(50 W、100 W、150 W)以及恢复期的心脏结构和功能相关指标。采用MALDI-TOF MS方法解析受试者基因组DNA多态位点基因型,分析训练前后相关指标的变化与基因型之间的关联性。结果:1)rs1418442、rs11206889以及部分单体型与心脏结构指标室间隔舒张末厚度(IVSD)和左心室质量指数(LVMI)的训练敏感性相关联;2)部分单体型与心脏功能指标150 W负荷下每搏输出量指数(SVI)的训练敏感性相关联。结论:AMPKα2基因的部分基因型或单体型可以作为中国北方汉族人群心脏对耐力训练敏感的分子标记。  相似文献   


Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), described as the acute weakness of the musculature after unaccustomed eccentric exercise, increases oxidative metabolism at rest and during endurance exercise. However, it is not known whether oxygen uptake during recovery from endurance exercise is increased when experiencing symptoms of EIMD. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of EIMD on physiological and metabolic responses before, during and after sub-maximal running. After a 12 h fast, eight healthy male participants completed baseline measurements comprising resting metabolic rate (RMR), indirect markers of EIMD, 10 min of sub-maximal running and 30 min of recovery to ascertain excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Measurements were then repeated at 24 and 48 h after 100 Smith-machine squats. Data analysis revealed significant (P<0.05) increases in muscle soreness and creatine kinase (CK) and decreases in peak knee extensor torque at 24 and 48 h after squatting exercise. Moreover, RMR, physiological, metabolic and perceptual responses during sub-maximal running and EPOC were increased in the two days after squatting exercise (P<0.05). It is suggested that the elevated RMR was a consequence of a raised energy requirement for the degradation and resynthesis of damaged muscle fibres. The increased oxygen demand during sub-maximal running after muscle damage was responsible for the increase in EPOC. Individuals engaging in unaccustomed resistance exercise that results in muscle damage should be mindful of the increases in resting energy expenditure and increased metabolic demand to exercise in the days that follow.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that habitual physical activity (PA) together with progressive endurance training contributes to the differences in training response (Δ[V(·)]O(2max)) in healthy and physically active male participants. Twenty volunteers (age 30±3 years and [V(·)]O(2max) 54±7 ml·kg?1·min?1) participated in an eight-week training program which included four to six heart rate-guided exercise sessions weekly. PA data over the whole period were collected by an accelerometer-equipped wristwatch. Individual relative intensities of endurance training and PA were separately determined by adjusting to [V(·)]O(2max) reserve and calculated as mean daily duration (min) of training and PA at light, moderate, high and very high intensity levels. [V(·)]O(2max) increased 6.4±4.1% (p < 0.0001) during the training period. Δ[V(·)]O(2max) correlated with the amount of habitual PA that was mainly of light intensity (r = 0.53, p = 0.016), but not with the duration of moderate, high or very high intensity PA (p = ns for all). Age, body mass index, and daily amount of training at any intensity level of exercise were not related to Δ[V(·)]O(2max) (p = ns for all). In conclusion, a high amount of habitual PA together with prescribed endurance training was associated with good training response in physically active males.  相似文献   

为研究同时进行爆发力训练与有氧耐力训练所产生的效果,本研究以14名耐力运动员为实验组(E)、14名耐力运动员为控制组(C)进12周的训练,实验组除15%爆发力训练代替传统耐力训练外,其余训练内容相同。结果发现:5 km跑成绩与RE在实验组明显提高(P<0.05),控制组无差异;5 J在实验组有非常显著性提高(P<0.01),控制组下降显著(P<0.05);VO2max在控制组显著性提高(P<0.01),对实验组变化不明显。混合控制组与实验组数据发现:5km跑时间与RE存在中度负相关(r=-0.54)。结论:同时进行爆发力与耐力训练在不改变VO2max的情况下可以提高5 km跑的成绩。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine if the primary time constant (tau) for oxygen uptake (VO2) at the onset of moderate-intensity treadmill exercise is related to endurance running performance, and to establish if tau could be considered a determinant of endurance running performance. Thirty-six endurance trained male runners performed a series of laboratory tests, on separate days, to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), the ventilatory threshold (VT) and running economy. In addition, runners completed six transitions from walking (4 km x h-1) to moderate-intensity running (80% VT) for the determination of the VO2 primary time constant and mean response time. During all tests, pulmonary gas-exchange was measured breath-by-breath. Endurance running performance was determined using a treadmill 5-km time-trial, after which runners were considered as combined performers (n=36) and, using a ranking system, high performers (n=10) and low performers (n=10). Relationships between tau and endurance running performance were quantified using correlation coefficients (r). Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the primary predictor variables of endurance running performance in combined performers. Moderate correlations were observed between tau, mean response time and endurance running performance, but only for the combined performers (r=-0.55, P=0.001 and r=-0.50, P=0.002, respectively). The regression model for predicting 5-km performance did not include tau or mean response time. The velocity at VO2max was strongly correlated to endurance running performance in all groups (r=0.72 - 0.84, P < 0.01) and contributed substantially to the prediction of performance. In conclusion, the results suggest that despite their role in determining the oxygen deficit and having a moderate relationship with endurance running performance, neither tau nor mean response time is a primary determinant of endurance running performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s: age 23+/-4 years; body mass 69.7+/-9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23+/-4 years; body mass 72.7+/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO2max, running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1); and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO2max, running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1) or the lactate minimum speed. In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO2max (from 47.9+/-8.4 to 52.2+/-2.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3+/-1.7 to 13.9+/-1.6 km x h(-1)), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2+/-1.8 to 11.9+/-1.8 km x h(-1)) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1) (from 12.5+/-2.2 to 13.2+/-2.1 km x h(-1)) (all P < 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0+/-0.7 to 10.9+/-1.7 km x h(-1)). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed, when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

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