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摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛摩托车比赛2004年澳大利亚邮票欣赏  相似文献   

<正>一、组织比赛的出发点要与比赛的目的统一体育课上,教师组织教学比赛的出发点各有不同,其教学比赛所起到的作用、达到的目的和效果也各有不同。教师组织教学比赛的出发点,简单地说就是教师的意图,教师在组织教学比赛时,要针对不同的参赛对象、比赛内容和比赛需要,制定不同的比赛任务和目的,以保证教师的意图与比赛的目的相统一,只有教师的意图和比赛的目的保持一致,教学比赛的价值才能真正显现出来,才能真正体现赛有所用、赛有所值、赛  相似文献   

xiaoy 《电子竞技》2012,(4):36-37
比赛双方:DkH.WarchiefRich(ne)vs(orc)CPLAY.TT.eMaL比赛版本:1.26比赛地图:LastRefuge-1.3比赛时间:21分31秒比赛名称:Zcup杯赛魔兽比赛的精彩有时候取决于比赛的奇妙,有时候取决于操作的飘逸,但更多的时候比赛取决于比赛过程的曲折,你不知道下一秒会发生什么。带着这样的好奇,一步步的走进比赛的过程中,如临其境,被深深的吸引住。故而魔兽有一股魔力,很多人都陷入了进去,只为那些的神奇的秘密。  相似文献   

介绍了球类比赛数学模拟竞技诊断的理论与方法,并用乒乓球比赛的数学模拟竞技诊断实例进行了说明。数学模拟竞技诊断的基本思想是用一个比赛状态(技术或战术)转移概率矩阵概括地描述一场球类比赛,在此基础上通过马尔可夫链计算比赛获胜概率并进一步确定各种比赛状态(技术或战术)的竞技效率值。与传统的球类比赛分析方法相比较,数学模拟竞技诊断不但能通过各种比赛状态的转移概率对技、战术进行描述性统计分析,而且能确定各种比赛状态(技术或战术)对整场比赛获胜概率的影响。  相似文献   

青少年乒乓球运动员在参加比赛时应该持有的态度,是决定其比赛成绩的关键因素之一。分析认为,在比赛时运动员要坚定挑战强者的信心、具有尊重比赛对手的意识,并树立尽全力赢得比赛的决心,如此才能赢得比赛并最终超越自己。  相似文献   

苏三 《电子竞技》2012,(6):42-43
在经过了去年比赛不断之后,今年比赛渐少着实让人有些不适应,不过比赛不多却没有影响五佳精彩比赛的质量。本期的五佳精彩比赛苏三给大家带来了两场东南亚队伍之间的对决,相信看惯了国内比赛的朋友们再看看国外队伍之间的比赛会感觉到风格的不同。除此之外还有两场非常精彩的职业选手路人局比赛和一场MM队伍之间的对决,相信这五场比赛绝对可以让你大呼过瘾!  相似文献   

足球比赛中运动员体能特征的探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过剖析比赛时场上的活动情况,统计了比赛中因球出界、犯规等原因中断比赛的次数和时间、持续比赛的时间等参数,分析目前我国足球运动员比赛中的活动能力,寻找足球比赛中运动员的体能特征,为训练提供参考依据,使训练更好为比赛服务。  相似文献   

本文依据网球运动基本理论和目前很多体育教师及教练员只重视对网球基本技战术的训练,而忽视对网球比赛节奏训练的现实情况,运用文献资料、录像观察、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,对现代网球比赛的节奏特点、影响网球比赛节奏因素、比赛节奏的控制手段以及如何培养网球运动员掌握比赛节奏等几个方面进行了分析。文章旨在加强教练员与运动员对网球比赛节奏的认识,使运动员在比赛中合理的调控比赛节奏,掌握比赛的主动权。  相似文献   

临场组织实施工作是乒乓球比赛的中心环节,能否有条不紊地组织好临场实施工作,对比赛的成败非常重要。通过广东省第二届公安系统乒乓球比赛的裁判工作实践的总结,探讨基层乒乓球比赛组织编排中存在的问题,分析组织实施基层乒乓球比赛的特点和规律。认为与专业大型规模的比赛相比,业余基层乒乓球比赛的组织管理工作有其特殊性,编排灵活机动性较大,为促进基层比赛活动顺利开展提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对国内优秀运动员苏炳添在2013年—2015年3年时间里年度比赛安排的分析,建议体能类项群运动员在每年的8—10月份安排多场比赛,其中,在参加重大比赛前安排几场检查性比赛和适应性比赛,大赛后在最佳竞技状态保持阶段积极参加其他比赛,重大比赛与下一场比赛间隔时间为10—30天,最佳间隔时间为30天左右.并且,选择在10—1月份进行调整,以使机体得到较好的恢复,并为2月份的比赛做准备.  相似文献   

改善青少年身体机能水平的对策性意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对中国学生体质调研工作,针对2005年河北省学生肺活量、耐久力指标均值与2000年全国及本省进行比较,获得动态性分析结果,找出尚存差距,提出改善青少年身体机能水平的对策意见与措施。方法:系统分析2000~2005年全国与河北学生体质调研数据,计算河北2005年与全国2000年数据差值;计算河北2005年与2000年数据差值,并绘制曲线图进行动态分析。结果:2005年河北各年龄段学生肺活量和耐久力指标均值,普遍低于2000年全国与河北平均水平,且下降幅度较大,女生比男生更为严重。对策:分析学生身体机能水平逐年下降的原因,提出对策意见,并采用人体生理、生化监测指标,设计有氧运动实验研究方案,创建科学锻炼的运动模式与运动生理负荷模式,寻求改善青少年身体机能水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文通过分析辽宁省高校高水平运动队的地域分布、项目布局的现状和依据等相关问题,对保证辽宁省高校高水平运动队的健康、科学、稳定、持续发展,大力推进本省竞技体育实力的提高,加强运动队伍的建设,促进本省高校高水平运动队伍的快速发展,保障本省高校高水平运动队管理的良性运行,对提高辽宁省高校的竞技水平,提高本省高校的整体竞争力与完成新时期的新要求具有重要的意义与帮助。  相似文献   

我国西部拥有十分丰富而独特的体育资源,开发西部民族体育资源,是西部大开发战略中的重要组成部分。基于我国西部民族体育资源开发现状,分析存在的问题:民族传统体育文化的传承和发展相对滞后;民族传统体育市场发展缓慢;民族体育资源开发程度与范围有限。提出发展对策:实现西部体育资源与旅游资源开发的共赢;拓展体育资源开发的方式和途径;深化民族体育精髓,传承民族文化;以传统优势项目促进当地竞技运动水平的提高等。  相似文献   

This study investigated the associations between the characteristics of the nearby physical environment with the total and domain-specific leisure-time sedentary behaviour (SB) in young people. The study included 1578 youth (9–18 years) from the UP&DOWN study. Total leisure-time SB was objectively-assessed by accelerometers. Participants self-reported the time spent during leisure-time in different domains of SB (i.e. screen-based, educational-based, social-based, and other-based SB). Information regarding the basic characteristics of the house, the perceived neighbourhood environment, the amount of physical activity facilities, equipment and materials attainable at home, and the media equipment available at home and in the own bedroom was collected. Linear mixed models were performed, including school and city as random effects. The availability of yard was related to lower total SB and time spent surfing the Internet in boys, but not in girls. More favourable perceived neighbourhood environment was associated with lower total SB and time spent playing video games in girls, but not in boys. The amount of physical activity materials at home was negatively associated with screen-based SB, while the availability of a computer in the own bedroom was positively related to the time spent surfing the Internet in boys and girls. The number of televisions at home and having a computer in the own bedroom was associated with lower time in educational-based SB in boys and girls, respectively. Increasing the number of PA materials at home and decreasing the number of TVs at home and the availability of a computer in the bedroom could improve SB profiles of youth.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计、逻辑归纳等研究法,对中外十项全能选手运动成绩表现特征进行剖析.结果显示,中国选手在单项得分对总分贡献率上与世界基本一致,体现了以速度为主的特点,在快速力量、速度耐力等项目上与世界相比存在较大差距.从4大类项对总分贡献率看,中外选手均按跑、跳、投、耐力顺序排列,中国与世界选手的成绩差距不是某单个运动子项的制约,而是体现在跑、跳、投3大项上的全面不足.最后提出了中国十项全能运动发展方向,旨在从中外十项全能选手的成绩特征差异剖析我国运动员成绩提高模式.  相似文献   

采用脑内微透析技术研究活体大鼠海马脑区的相关神经递质在操作式条件反射中的动态变化。结果发现,规律游泳的实验组大鼠操作式条件反射形成更快,其海马脑区谷氨酸和GABA的基础值明显比对照组高,且在大鼠进行条件反射操作的过程中它们的上升幅度也比对照组动物高。结果说明,海马脑区兴奋性谷氨酸能神经元活性增强及抑制性GABA能神经元的调控作用增强使游泳大鼠更快建立条件反射。认为规律的游泳运动可以改善脑内神经元的兴奋性,改变神经元之间突触联系的可塑性,从而促进大鼠的操作式条件反射建立。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、实地调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对甘肃省高校气排球运动的开展情况和气排球引入高校体育公共课程的可行性进行分析,探索地处西北的甘肃省高校中开展气排球公共体育课程面临的问题,积极探寻解决问题的思路并提出相关建议。通过研究显示,在所有甘肃省高校中都没有开设气排球公共体育课程,可以说在甘肃省高校中气排球课程属于空白。制约气排球公共体育课程在甘肃省高校中推广开设的主要因素在于气排球运动普及宣传程度、学校领导支持因素、社会促进因素、教师本领因素、学生爱好因素等。建议加强气排球运动的价值宣传,学校领导和教师积极组织,充分利用学校场地设施等将气排球运动引入到甘肃省高校中来,进而更好地推广开设气排球公共体育课程,丰富高校学生的校园文化生活。  相似文献   


To illustrate changes in elite rugby union match activities, we analysed coded videotape recordings of the first match in each Bledisloe Cup series played between Australia and New Zealand from 1972 to 2004. We also analysed the stature and body mass of players. Effects associated with professionalism, weather conditions, and time (expressed as change per decade) were estimated with a simple generalized linear model and standardized for interpretation of magnitude. The sample size permitted confident conclusions about effects that were of at least moderate magnitude (standardized mean difference >0.6). Increases in passes, tackles, rucks, tries, and ball-in-play time were associated with the advent of professionalism, whereas there were reductions in the numbers of lineouts, mauls, kicks in play, and in mean participation time per player. Noteworthy time trends were an increase in the number of rucks and a decrease in the number of scrums. Good weather conditions were associated with increases in tries and points scored and with reductions in the number of kicks in play and participation time per player. With the advent of professionalism, players have become heavier and backs have become taller. Overall, there have been major changes in international rugby match activities and player size over the past three decades. We believe law changes and developments in match analysis, equipment technology, and player training have contributed to the changes associated with the introduction of professionalism.  相似文献   

This special issue was designed to advance a research agenda focussed on the management of abuse in sport. Despite progress in the field, greater attention to the structures, policies, processes, practices, and sites in which abuse occurs is required. As such, there is a need for evidence-based solutions to improve the management of abuse and integrity in sport. The authors identified five overarching themes across the 12 papers included within the special issue: the harms and legacies of abuse; abuse in mediated environments; abuse of referees; frameworks that sustain abuse; and safeguarding. The articles included in this issue highlight the complexity of abuse in sporting spaces, the impact it can have on victims and the challenges faced in appropriately managing sporting spaces toward the reduction of harm. This special issue is driven by the authors’ desire to promote integrity and enrich the sporting experience for all, with the hope of driving further research into the management of abuse and integrity in sport.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of association football in the South and West Ulster counties of Fermanagh, Tyrone, Cavan, and Monaghan in the pre-World War One era against the backdrop of the sporting ‘revolution’ and the political and social climate in Ireland at that time. While the Irish Football Association was founded in Belfast in 1880 and the game’s early growth in Ireland was centred in East Ulster, South and West Ulster were areas which were rather dislocated from the hearth of soccer in the province’s largest city, where professional structures were in place by 1894 and where senior and junior association football clubs were strongest. The origins of a number of clubs are examined and it will be shown that despite a lack of major industry and a professional structure, by the early 1900s, the game of soccer had established a strong role within society in many local communities in the area. An examination of the social backgrounds of players and administrators illustrates that leagues and cups were played on a cross-community basis in many areas and that patronage, as well as player participation and administration, came from nationalists as well as unionists.  相似文献   

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