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目的:通过对低运动水平城市中青年睡眠障碍人群进行运动干预,观察运动对睡眠障碍的影响。方法:采用有氧运动与抗阻力量训练相结合的干预方式,为期12周,测试运动干预前后PSQI得分和受试者日间功能状态。结果:运动干预后受试者PSQI量表中的睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍和日间功能障碍5个成分得分均比运动干预前有显著性降低,基础心率有所下降、握力显著提高、综合反应时显著降低、线条追踪结果显著提高。结论:有氧运动和抗阻力量训练相结合的干预方式对城市中青年人群睡眠障碍的治疗具有积极作用,受试者日间功能紊乱有了显著改善。  相似文献   

目的:探索多模式运动对轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)老年人认知功能、神经营养因子(neurotrophic factors,NFs)及全脑体积的影响。方法:26名MCI老年人参与实验,随机分为对照组[n=14,年龄(74.77±6.04)岁]与运动组[n=12,年龄(73.83±7.51)岁],运动组进行20周多模式运动干预(60 min/次,3次/周)。评估干预前后认知功能、全脑体积及外周血清NFs水平。配对比较干预前后各类数据变化,并对认知功能变化与NFs、全脑体积变化关系进行相关分析。结果:运动干预后MCI老年人整体认知功能、注意力、言语流畅性显著提高(P<0.05),逻辑记忆与执行功能无明显变化(P>0.05);外周血清NFs水平升高、脑灰质体积增大、脑脊液体积缩小、脑组织分数占比提高(P<0.05);注意力与言语流畅性变化与脑灰质体积、脑组织分数,外周血清NFs水平的变化相关。结论:多模式运动干预可改善MCI老年人整体认知功能、注意力与言语流畅性,提高血清NFs水平,引起脑灰质体积增大,脑脊液体积缩小,脑组织分...  相似文献   

以40名65岁以上有睡眠障碍老年人为研究对象,通过12周有氧锻炼,对锻炼前后睡眠质量的变化情况进行调查分析.结果显示,12周有氧训练后PSQI指数显著下降,总睡眠时间非常显著性延长(P<0.01),睡眠潜伏期(SOL)大幅度缩短(P<0.01),睡眠效率(SE)明显提高(P<0.01).多数老年人群均表明睡眠质量有所改善,睡眠时间更加充足,白天困倦程度也大幅度下降.由此表明,12周的有氧训练能有效地改善老年人的睡眠质量,消除和减轻情绪障碍,进而提高老年人的健康水平和生活质量.  相似文献   

目的探讨健步走、弹力带和哑铃练习不同运动方式对蒙古族中年高血压患者血压的影响及其可能的机制。方法选取蒙古族中年原发性高血压男性患者21名,随机分为3组,每组7人,分别进行为期13周健步走、弹力带和哑铃练习、健步走+弹力带和哑铃练习等不同运动方式的干预,并测试受试者的相关指标变化。结果与干预前相比,各组受试者身高均无显著性差异,体重及BMI虽有所下降,但均无显著性差异(p>0.05);与干预前相比,各组受试者收缩压、舒张压和脉压均有不同程度的下降,并以收缩压下降最为明显,随着运动干预时间的延长,MSO组受试者血压下降最为显著(p<0.01)。结论采用13周的中低强度的健身走、弹力带和哑铃练习、健身走+弹力带和哑铃练习3种不同的运动干预方式,对蒙古族中年高血压患者的身高、体重和BMI影响不大,但可以有效地降低患者的收缩压、舒张压和脉压,以收缩压下降最明显,并且健身走+弹力带和哑铃练习这种综合运动干预方式的降压效果最显著。  相似文献   

以64名老年人为研究对象,经过36周的实验观察发现:太极柔力球练习相对于其它运动改善老年人睡眠状况的效果更好,尤其是入睡时间、睡眠效率和睡眠质量三个方面效果显著;太极柔力球练习可以全面有效的改善老年人的心理情绪状态,主要体现在始终保持平稳的心理状态、降低焦虑和抑郁水平、防止偏执和恐怖等心理问题的产生等诸多方面。  相似文献   

目的:探索多模式运动对轻度认知功能障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)老年人认知功能、神经营养因子(neurotrophic factors,NFs)、β-淀粉样蛋白(β-amploid,Aβ)、Tau蛋白及海马亚区体积的影响。方法:将25名健康老年人和25名MCI老年人分别随机分为运动组与对照组,对运动组进行20周多模式运动干预,评估干预前后认知功能、血液生化指标及海马亚区体积萎缩率,配对比较干预前后各类指标变化,并对各指标进行相关分析。结果:1)干预后MCI运动组整体认知功能、注意力、语言流畅性及逻辑记忆水平显著提高(P<0.01);2)MCI运动组Aβ1-42含量显著升高(P<0.01),对照组Tau蛋白含量显著升高(P<0.05),运动组NFs水平显著提高(P<0.01);3)运动组左侧海马安蒙氏角1区(LCA1)(P<0.01)、左侧海马齿状回(LDG)(P<0.05)萎缩率显著低于对照组;4)认知功能变化与LCA1、左侧海马安蒙氏角4区(LCA4)萎缩率及Aβ1-42、Tau蛋白变化呈显著负相关,与NFs变化...  相似文献   

本文通过对老年人参加空竹训练前后睡眠质量和焦虑、抑郁症状进行比较研究,了解空竹运动对改善老年人睡眠质量和焦虑、抑郁症状以及生活质量的作用和功能,为“空竹”运动成为适合老年人锻炼和健身、健心的方式提供科学依据。本文的研究对象是:某单位老年退休人员60名,男、女各30名。选取的老年人身体健康,近期无急性病,所有实验者均为自愿参加。研究方法:1.运动时间和负荷量:老年人每周参加3次空竹练习,总计训练48周;每次练习45~60min,中等强度。2.调查工具:采用Buysse博士等编制的匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburghsleepqualityindex,PSQI…  相似文献   

为探讨五禽戏对MS老年人认知功能影响的规律及其可能机制,对长期练习五禽戏的40例MS老年人进行血管危险因素和神经心理学检查。结果表明,6个月练习后,运动组与对照组相比、与自身运动前相比,血管危险因素(BMI、FBG、TC、TG、LDL和HDL),神经心理学指标(MMSE、视空间与执行能力、命名、注意、延迟回忆、定向、MOCA总计、HAMD和VFT等)均有显著积极性变化,且WC、SBP、FBG、TC、TG和LDL均与认知功能呈负相关,HDL与认知功能呈正相关。提示五禽戏练习可以明显改善MS老年人血管危险因素,提高认知功能。分析认为,五禽戏练习对血管危险因素产生积极影响可能是MS老年人认知功能提高的生理学机制之一。  相似文献   

目的:探索太极拳练习和快走练习对老年人平衡能力的影响效果。方法:31名老年女性被随机分成太极拳组(TC)和快走组(BW)。两组受试者分别接受16周的太极拳练习和快走练习,每周5次,每次1h,随后停止练习跟踪8周。受试者每4周测试一次平衡能力,共测试7次。测试指标包括睁眼(SLO)和闭眼(SLC)状态下的单腿站立时间(TIME)、足底压力中心在左右方向的最大位移量(DX)、足底压力中心在前后方向的最大位移量(DY)。结果:太极拳组(TC)TIME-SLO/SLC从第4周显著性增加,而快走组(BW)从第8周显著性增加;太极拳组DX-SLO/SLC、DY-SLO/SLC从第8周显著性减少,而快走组从第12周显著减少。停练阶段,太极组的平衡能力指标未有显著性变化,但快走组指标中除了DY,其他指标均有明显变化的趋势。结论:太极拳和快走练习均可以提高老年人的平衡能力,太极拳提高的更快(太极vs.快走:8周vs.12周);8周的停练阶段,两种练习方式对平衡能力均有较好的维持作用,但太极拳的维持效果更好。因此,相比于快走练习,老年人可以考虑将太极拳作为首选的练习方式。  相似文献   

检索国内外5个大型电子数据库中关于体育锻炼干预老年人认知功能的随机对照试验,按英国牛津循证医学中心认定的证据水平评价标准,对纳入文献进行分级,统计与分析体育锻炼各变量对认知功能的影响效果,形成体育锻炼延缓老年人认知衰退量效关系的专家共识。结果显示:有氧运动对执行功能的干预效果较好,推荐方案为每周3次,中等强度,每次30~60 min,锻炼周期为12~24周;抗阻运动对执行功能干预效果较好,推荐方案为每周锻炼2次,中、高强度,每次60 min,锻炼周期为24周;多成分运动对整体认知、记忆、执行功能均具有良好的干预效果,推荐方案为每周锻炼3~4次,中等强度,每次30~60 min,锻炼周期为12~24周;中国民族传统体育对整体认知功能干预效果较好,推荐方案为每周锻炼3~5次以上,中等强度,每次锻炼30~60 min,锻炼周期为12~24周。  相似文献   

Research on successful aging has shown that physical training can have positive effects on cognitive and motor functions in the elderly. The article describes a study involving a 12-week multidimensional exercise program (endurance, strength, flexibility and relaxation) with one session per week which was established for older adults (60 years onwards). Cognitive training (e. g. attention, concentration and memory) was additionally targeted in each exercise session. The exercise program was evaluated by different standardized tests regarding its effects on motor and cognitive performance as dependent variables. In a randomized controlled trial with experimental and waiting control group two points of measurement were conducted. The results showed a significant increase in fitness parameters (endurance, strength and dynamic balance) for the experimental group in contrast to the control group. The expected significant increase for cognitive functions was not found. There is still not enough known about the relationship between cognitive function and physical activity in older adults.  相似文献   

The health benefits of playing football and the importance of exercise and social contact for healthy ageing are well established, but few older adults in the UK take enough exercise. Football is popular, flexible in format and draws players into engrossing, effortful and social exercise, but the physical demands of play at full speed may make it unsustainable for some older adults. Restricted to walking pace, will play still be engaging? Will health benefits be retained? Will physical demands remain manageable? This pilot study aims to investigate: (1) the experience of older adults playing walking football every week, is it sustainable and rewarding, (2) the intensity and locomotor pattern of walking football, (3) the scale and nature of walking football health benefits and (4) possible cognitive benefits of playing walking football through measures of processing speed, selective and divided attention and updating and inhibition components of executive function. ‘Walking football’ and ‘waiting list’ groups were compared before and after 12 weeks of one-hour per week football. Walking football was found to be engaging, sustainable for older adults and moderately intensive; however, selective health and cognitive benefits were not found from this brief intervention.


  • Walking football is a lower impact but authentic form of football that enables older players to extend their active participation.

  • Walking football is enjoyable and moderately demanding and may be a sustainable form of exercise for older adults.

  • Health and cognitive benefits to playing walking football were not found.


The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of resistance training (RT) performed with 1 or 3 sets per exercise on osteosarcopenic obesity (OSO) syndrome parameters in older women. Sixty-two older women (68.0 ± 4.3 years, 26.8 ± 4.4 kg/m2) participated in a 12-week RT program. Participants were randomly assigned into one of the three groups: two training groups that performed either 1 set (G1S, n = 21) or 3 sets (G3S, n = 20) 3 times weekly, or a control group (CG, n = 21). Body composition was assessed by dual X-ray absorptiometry, strength was evaluated by 1 repetition maximum testing. The G3S presented significantly higher strength changes than G1S. The changes for percentage of body fat were higher for G3S compared to G1S. There was no difference in skeletal muscle mass between G3S and G1S, however both training groups displayed greater increases in this outcome compared to CG. There was no effect for bone mineral density. The overall analysis indicated higher (< 0.05) positive changes for G3S than G1S (composed Z-score: G3S = 0.62 ± 0.40; G1S = 0.11 ± 0.48). The results suggest that a 12-week RT period is effective to improve the risk factors of OSO, and that 3 sets induce higher improvements than a single set.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sleep hygiene (SH) education on sleep quality in soccer players after a late-evening small-sided-game (SSG) training session. Twenty-nine non-professional players were recruited and allocated to either an experimental group (EG, n = 17) that received SH education, or a control group (CG, n = 12). SSG consisted of 3 × 4 min in a 4vs4, with 3 min of recovery and was performed at 8.00 p.m. Sleep quality was monitored via actigraphy and sleep diary entries before (PRE) and two nights after (POST1, POST2) the SSG. Sleep latency (SL) differed between the two groups at POST1 (4.9 ± 5.4 vs. 15.5 ± 16.1 for EG and CG, respectively; p = 0.017, effect size [ES] = 2.0); SL values were lower at POST1 compared to PRE for the EG (?47%; p = 0.021, ES = 0.6). Subjective sleep quality was better in the EG than the CG at POST1 (8.6 ± 1.0 vs. 7.1 ± 2.0 for EG and CG, respectively; p = 0.016, ES = 0.9) with a significant improvement over PRE-values (+11.0%, p = 0.004, ES = 0.8). Although SL and subjective sleep quality did not decrease significantly from POST1 to POST2 values at POST2 no longer differed significantly form baseline and, hence, indicate that observed effects may be short-lasting. No other objective sleep indices were influenced by late-evening training or SH practices implemented by the EG. Soccer players may benefit from acute SH strategies to reduce the time to sleep onset after late-evening training sessions.  相似文献   


We performed a randomized, controlled trial to analyse the effects of resistance training (RT) on cognitive and physical function among older adults. Fifty participants (mean age 67 years, ~60% woman) were randomly assigned to an RT program or a control group. Participants allocated to RT performed three sets of 10-15RM in nine exercises, three times per week, for 12-weeks. Control group did not perform any exercise. Variables included cognitive (global and executive function) and physical function (gait, mobility and strength) outcomes. At completion of the intervention, RT was shown to have significantly mitigated the drop in selective attention and conflict resolution performance (Stroop test: -494.6; 95%CI: -883.1; ?106.1) and promoted a significant improvement in working memory (digit span forward: -0.6; 95%CI: ?1.0; ?0.1 and forward minus backward: -0.9; 95% CI: ?1.6; ?0.2) and verbal fluency (animal naming: +1.4, 95%CI 0.3, 2.5). No significant between-group differences were observed for other cognitive outcomes. Regarding physical function, at completion of the intervention, the RT group demonstrated improved fast-pace gait performance (?0.3; 95% CI: ?0.6; ?0.0) and 1-RM (+21.4 kg; 95%CI: 16.6; 26.2). No significant between-group differences were observed for other mobility-related outcomes. In conclusion, RT improves cognitive and physical function of older adults.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite the strong evidence of aerobic exercise as a disease-modifying treatment for Alzheimer''s disease (AD) in animal models, its effects on cognition are inconsistent in human studies. A major contributor to these findings is inter-individual differences in the responses to aerobic exercise, which was well documented in the general population but not in those with AD. The purpose of this study was to examine inter-individual differences in aerobic fitness and cognitive responses to a 6-month aerobic exercise intervention in community-dwelling older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia due to AD.MethodsThis study was a secondary analysis of the Effects of Aerobic Exercise for Treating Alzheimer''s Disease (FIT-AD) trial data. Aerobic fitness was measured by the shuttle walk test (SWT), the 6-min walk test (6MWT), and the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) test, and cognition by the AD Assessment Scale-Cognition (ADAS-Cog). Inter-individual differences were calculated as the differences in the standard deviation of 6-month change (SDR) in the SWT, 6MWT, VO2max, and ADAS-Cog between the intervention and control groups.ResultsSeventy-eight participants were included in this study (77.4 ± 6.3 years old, mean ± SD; 15.7 ± 2.8 years of education; 41% were female). VO2max was available for 26 participants (77.7 ± 7.1 years old; 14.8 ± 2.6 years of education; 35% were female). The SDR was 37.0, 121.1, 1.7, and 2.3 for SWT, 6MWT, VO2max, and ADAS-Cog, respectively.ConclusionThere are true inter-individual differences in aerobic fitness and cognitive responses to aerobic exercise in older adults with mild-to-moderate dementia due to AD. These inter-individual differences likely underline the inconsistent cognitive benefits in human studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived psychological benefits and explore the mechanisms underlying the link between exercise and psychological well-being for a group of older adults (65-72 years; 6 women; 4 men) who participated in a 12-week program of moderate-to-high intensity resistance training. They were interviewed in-depth at 1 week preintervention, 1 month after commencement, and 1 week after completion. The participants believed that resistance training enhanced their well-being, and they gave various physical, mental, and social reasons to explain this link. In particular, self-efficacy and social interaction were found to be key mechanisms underlying this relationship. This study exposed meaningful perceived improvements in psychological wellbeing that have not been uncovered in quantitative studies of healthy older people undertaking resistance training. The findings highlight the importance of using qualitative methods to enrich understandings of the positive effect of exercise on psychological well-being. The findings also have implications for designing effective resistance training interventions for older people.  相似文献   

Normal and pathological ageing are associated with several motor impairments that reduce quality of life and represent a general challenge for public healthcare systems. Consequently, over the past decades, many scientists and physiotherapists dedicated their research to the development and improvement of safe and costless methods to counteract the progressive decline of motor functions with age. The urgency of finding new and easy to implement methods is even more paramount in case of acute pathologies (e.g. stroke or hip surgery). The frailty of older population makes it difficult or even impossible to use traditional physical therapy at an early stage after the occurrence of a pathology. To that purpose, non-physical approaches such as cognitive training (e.g. memory, attention training) and mental techniques (e.g. motor imagery) have grown in popularity for the elderly. Such methods, involving individual and/or group exercises, have shown particular effects on increasing or maintaining cognitive functions, as well as physical performances. Improving the motor function (especially in older age) requires an improvement of motor execution, i.e. the pathway from the brain motor areas to the muscle but also higher cognitive control. The present work reviews different non-physical interventions that can be used as a complementary approach by asymptomatic or frail older adults, and the effects thereof on functional performance. The use of cognitive training or motor imagery protocols is recommended when physical practice is limited or not possible. Finally, insights into the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms are proposed.  相似文献   

The number of older adults (individuals ≥65 years), particularly women, in our society is increasing and understanding the impact of exercise on muscle capacity (e.g., strength and power) and subsequently physical function is of utmost importance to prevent disability and maintain independence. Muscle capacity declines with age and this change negatively impacts physical function in older women. Exercise, specifically resistance training, is recommended to counteract these declines; however, the synergistic relationships between exercise, muscle capacity, and physical function are poorly understood. This review will summarize the literature regarding age-related changes in the aforementioned variables and review the research on the impact of resistance training interventions on muscle capacity and physical function in older women. Recommendations for future research in this area will be discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effect of an 8-week strength training (ST) program on the rate of force development (RFD) and electromyographic activity (EMG) in older women. Seventeen women (M age = 63.4 years, SD = 4.9) without previous ST experience were randomly assigned to either a control (n=7) or training (n=10) group. A leg-press isometric test was used for assessment. ST (three sessions/ week, three sets of 10-12 repetition maximum, five different exercises) induced significant increases (p < .05) on peak RPD (48.4%) and on RFD) and EMG of vastus medialis at time intervals of 0-50, 0-100, 0-150, and 0-200 ms (41.1-69.2% and 43.8-64.3%, respectively). Therefore, ST resulted in favorable changes in neuromuscular responses in older women.  相似文献   

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