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应用医学研究中流行病学分析的研究方法,对我国单板U型场地滑雪运动员在训练或比赛中出现的运动损伤进行调查研究.结果表明:运动员在训练和比赛中出现运动损伤的概率较高;运动损伤主要分布于膝关节、腰部、踝关节、臀部和头、颈等部位;运动损伤的发生率与运动员的训龄无关,但损伤的程度与运动员的等级呈正比关系;运动损伤流行病学特征显示伤病特征与运动特点相关性较高,虽然专项训练是第一位的致伤因素,但伤病是多种因素共同作用的结果;伤病对日常训练的影响十分明显,虽然治疗方法较多,但总体治疗效果并不令人满意.建议在今后的训练中应完善训练条件、提高训练科学化水平;加强防护措施、提高自我保护意识,为不断完善单板U型场地滑雪运动员伤病的治疗方法与手段提供参考.  相似文献   

冬残奥项目发展迅速,但由于冬季项目设置的特殊性,加上残疾人体育项目分级的复杂性,使得冬残奥运动损伤的发生率远高于健全人冬奥会和夏残奥会。2002年以来冬残奥项目伤病特征:整体损伤率较高,近年来呈上升趋势;高山滑雪、残奥冰球、单板滑雪三个项目损伤率较高,肩膀是损伤的多发部位。我国备战冬残奥的队伍中主要损伤部位:高山和单板:肩膀、脚踝和膝盖;残奥冰球:腕部和肩膀;北欧滑雪:腕部和膝盖;轮椅冰壶:肩膀。主要风险因素:残疾本身引起二次损伤、过度使用等内在因素;比赛中天气、温度、赛道以及设备等外在因素。预防措施:启用全过程式伤病监控系统,加强伤病预防综合策略实证研究,注重相关人员伤病预防教育,发挥运动设备的伤病预防作用,提升伤病预防医疗保障条件。我国在备战过程中应特别注意运动员的运动损伤与负荷的记录和分析、运动员的体态问题、运动员的损伤预防教育问题、运动器材辅具的自主设计和研发问题以及运动队医疗人员的配备问题。以减少备战和举办2022年北京冬残奥会过程中运动损伤的发生,体现《奥林匹克2020议程》所提出的"以运动员为中心"的人文关怀理念,为科学备战冬残奥会和促进残疾人冰雪运动发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

伤病是大多数运动员在运动生涯中是不可避免的,相关报道在国际比赛中,每12名运动员中就有1人受伤,伤病带来的后果是一系列的,最遗憾的是许多人因为伤病而损失了大量训练时间,错过了比赛。其中,骨骼肌损伤占所有伤病的40%以上。其他常见的损伤包括骨折、肌腱和韧带损伤,尤其是那些需要高冲击性的运动项目如跳高、跳远。考虑到伤病在运动员中的高发性,因此降低运动损伤风险或缩短伤病恢复时长一直是体能教练与运动科学家们热衷的研究课题。其中影响损伤预防和治疗的一个重要因素是营养,本综述结合以往关于营养在田径运动员中的损伤预防与治疗方面的研究,为田径运动员损伤防治提供客观有效的营养策略,包括宏观和微观营养摄入、总能量摄入以及如何通过营养摄取减少损伤风险和改善骨骼肌和骨骼的恢复时间。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

高岩 《冰雪运动》2014,(5):32-36
基于2006~2014赛季国际滑雪联合会损伤健康系统(FIS ISS)最新伤病报告数据,对自由式滑雪运动损伤类型、损伤严重程度、损伤部分等进行分析,得出自由式滑雪运动员最容易受伤部位是膝盖、头部、脸部、髋部,容易受伤的类型是关节与韧带损伤、骨折与应力性骨折、脑震荡等。从自由式滑雪专项特征、比赛要求、场地与器械、训练等方面分析导致损伤的风险因素,提出规避和降低损伤风险的建议。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理有关高山滑雪运动损伤的英文文献,对高山滑雪项目的运动损伤特征、影响因素及主要预防策略进行综合分析论证。发现:(1)高山滑雪的损伤发生率高;膝关节是最常见的损伤部位,手指、下背部、头面部等部位次之;损伤类型主要包括韧带损伤、应力性骨折、神经系统损伤/脑震荡等,在前交叉韧带(Anterior Cruciate Ligament,ACL)损伤方面无性别差异;损伤程度一般为中、重度,最严重者可致使运动员停训或中断参赛超过28天;运动员在训练与比赛中所面临的损伤风险相近。(2)影响高山滑雪运动损伤的基本因素包括两个方面,一是运动员本身的竞技水平、技术动作、性别年龄、先天遗传等相关的内部因素,它是减少和预防高山滑雪运动损伤最根本和最重要的因素;二是与竞训场地、器材、装备、气候等客观条件相关的外部因素,它们也对高山滑雪运动损伤特征产生一定影响。(3)对高山滑雪运动损伤的预防策略,可主要侧重于提高力量素质、优化技术动作、创新器材设备,并逐步加强多措并举、相互配合以产生综合效应的方向发展。本研究为加强与高山滑雪项目特征相匹配的运动损伤评价体系的构建,加大高山滑雪运动损伤的机制探究,探索新的预防手段和策略等后续研究奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

运动损伤是困扰运动员的重要影响因素,在举重项目中表现得尤为突出,举重是一种竞争性很强的体育运动项目,是力量、技巧、智力的较量,由于其竞争激烈,再加上该运动项目强度很大,技术动作不好掌握等原因,使得运动员在运动训练或比赛当中的损伤发生率较高。本文通过问卷调查法和数理统计法对江苏地区举重运动员的损伤状况进行调查研究,针对损伤部位损伤种类,损伤原因,损伤的多发季节等若干方面进行了相关分析和讨论,并针对这些常见的伤病问题提出了有关预防损伤的建议,为今后减少或避免运动损伤的发生以更好的促进举重教学训练进展以及比赛的开展提供一定的参考性的意见与建议。  相似文献   

多年来,运动损伤一直影响着田径运动员的训练和比赛,使科学系统的训练和比赛难以按计划正常进行,导致一批有前途的运动员过早地离开田径场,严重阻碍了田径运动水平的不断提高。为了避免和减少运动员在训练、比赛中的伤病发生,延长运动员的运动生涯,提高训练质量。本文通过对山西省太原市3所高中业余田径运动员的常见损伤进行了调查统计和分析,并通过问卷调查分析其田径课余训练运动损伤的原因,具体区分男女运动员不同项目、不同层次运动损伤的特点,对其进行总结归纳从而将运动损伤率降低到最低,使我市业余田径运动员预防损伤的意识增强、整体水平提高、运动寿命延长。为该地区教练制定田径业余训练、考学安全预防措施、积极调整学生心理状态,提供依据;使得训练、比赛、考学顺利进行,最终达到提高整个市的运动水平,为我国田径事业的蓬勃发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

橄榄球运动损伤风险非常高,运动损伤是橄榄球运动员因伤缺赛和退役的最重要原因之一.文章回顾总结了橄榄球运动损伤种类、损伤影响因素与发生机制,以及最新的预防性康复训练对策,以期为提高我国橄榄球运动的医务监督水平、降低运动损伤风险、保障运动员健康提供新思路与方法.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查法、文献资料法、统计分析法对黑龙江省单板滑雪运动员的运动损伤情况进行调查分析,发现单板滑雪运动损伤呈多样性,经调查损伤部位主要以膝、踝为主。损伤类型集中于扭伤和骨折。发生损伤主要是自身失误、项目本身易受伤、自身力量不足等因素。表明单板滑雪是难度大、具有危险性、对运动员身体素质要求极其严格的运动。建议在今后训练过程中加强自身保护,控制训练负荷,防止过度疲劳,加强薄弱及易损伤部位的肌肉训练,保证运动员以健康的身体积极参加训练和比赛。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 - 6 years (mean - s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 and 77.04 per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 +/- 6 years (mean +/- s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 pounds and 77.04 pound per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the science of rugby league football at all levels of competition (i.e. junior, amateur, semi-professional, professional), with special reference to all discipline-specific scientific research performed in rugby league (i.e. physiological, psychological, injury epidemiology, strength and conditioning, performance analysis). Rugby league football is played at junior and senior levels in several countries worldwide. A rugby league team consists of 13 players (6 forwards and 7 backs). The game is played over two 30 - 40 min halves (depending on the standard of competition) separated by a 10 min rest interval. Several studies have documented the physiological capacities and injury rates of rugby league players. More recently, studies have investigated the physiological demands of competition. Interestingly, the physiological capacities of players, the incidence of injury and the physiological demands of competition all increase as the playing standard is increased. Mean blood lactate concentrations of 5.2, 7.2 and 9.1 mmol . l(-1) have been reported during competition for amateur, semi-professional and professional rugby league players respectively. Mean heart rates of 152 beats . min(-1) (78% of maximal heart rate), 166 beats . min(-1) (84% of maximal heart rate) and 172 beats . min(-1) (93% of maximal heart rate) have been recorded for amateur, semi-professional and junior elite rugby league players respectively. Skill-based conditioning games have been used to develop the skill and fitness of rugby league players, with mean heart rate and blood lactate responses during these activities almost identical to those obtained during competition. In addition, recent studies have shown that most training injuries are sustained in traditional conditioning activities that involve no skill component (i.e. running without the ball), whereas the incidence of injuries while participating in skill-based conditioning games is low. Collaborative research among the various sport science disciplines is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance the performance of rugby league players. An understanding of the movement patterns and physiological demands of different positions at all standards of competition would allow the development of strength and conditioning programmes to meet the precise requirements of these positions. Finally, studies investigating the impact of improvements in physiological capacities (including the effect of different strength and conditioning programmes) on rugby league playing performance are warranted.  相似文献   

冰球运动以速度、对抗和冲撞成为现代竞技体育运动中最具竞技性、观赏性和对抗性的比赛项目之一,其危险性也是诱发运动损伤较高的比赛项目,训练中积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤发对提高我国冰球运动的普及率具有重要的作用。情绪状态与自我控制能力,对规则的认知与技术的规范性,训练安排与训练负荷的科学性,场地器材与护具等因素是诱发运动损伤的主要原因;冰球运动员的运动损伤主要发生在四肢,尤其以下肢损伤为多,其他部位占少数,损伤最多的是闭合性软组织损伤、关节和韧带扭伤。提出采取加强思想教育,合理、科学地安排训练负荷与训练过程,加强易伤部位的训练,加强保健指导、提高保护和自我保护意识,提高场地器材与护具的质量等措施,积极预防少年冰球运动员的运动损伤的发生,给予体育锻炼者参考与指导,提高冰球运动员运动寿命。  相似文献   

运用数理统计等方法对NBA球员运动损伤进行分析,研究表明:NBA篮球运动员运动损伤率排名依次为后卫、前锋、中锋;各部位运动损伤次数依次为脚踝、膝盖、背部等,以拉伤、扭伤为主;各位置球员运动损伤部位差异显著;损伤与运动员年龄、比赛年限相关;高龄球员重复损伤高于年轻球员。建议:按球员位置制定运动损伤预防方案;加强易伤部位训练;合理安排老队员上场时间;积极开展运动员思想教育。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、访谈和查阅医疗档案等方法对参加第十三届全国运动会体能主导类项目的232名运动员的运动损伤情况进行了分析研究。依据体能主导类项目的力量、速度和耐力3个项群分类,分别给出了各个身体部位运动损伤的发生率及其排序,并对不同项群之间身体部位损伤发生的情况进行了相关分析。结果表明:力量性、速度性和耐力性3个项群内部各自运动项目的运动损伤部位、损伤次数和发生率的排序均具有相似的规律,各个身体部位损伤的分布在同一项群内部的不同项目间均具有显著的相关性。项群间运动项目的损伤部位分布规律存在较大差异。得出以下结论:运动损伤具有"项群现象",运动损伤可进行项群划分,便于运动训练管理及优化后勤保障从而保证运动训练的系统性和运动成绩的提高。  相似文献   

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