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最后2步助跑至起跳技术是撑竿跳高中的关键技术环节。本文采用文献资料法、比较研究法,数理统计等方法对中外优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后2步助跑至起跳技术相关运动学参数进行对照。结果表明,我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员在身体重心运动轨迹变化、摆动膝角等多项指标中与世界优秀选手均存在一定差距,揭示我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后两步助跑至起跳技术的一般性规律与特征。为我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员的科学训练提供定量化参考依据。  相似文献   

最后2步助跑至起跳技术是撑竿跳高中的关键技术环节.本文采用文献资料法、比较研究法,数理统计等方法对中外优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后2步助跑至起跳技术相关运动学参数进行对照.结果表明,我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员在身体重心运动轨迹变化、摆动膝角等多项指标中与世界优秀选手均存在一定差距,揭示我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后两步助跑至起跳技术的一般性规律与特征.为我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员的科学训练提供定量化参考依据.  相似文献   

运用高速摄影的研究手段对我国女子优秀撑竿跳高运动员助最后四步助跑至起跳技术实际情况进行运动学分析。研究结果表明我国优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员身体最低重心和最大水平速度总体趋势出现在倒二步和倒一步上,这与女子运动员的加速方式有关。水平速度损失率稍偏高,助跑速度较慢。最后四步助跑节奏,表现出较好的节奏特点,但步长和腾空时间偏短。起跳腾起角度偏大;多采用三步起跳方式完成翻举竿起跳。除高淑英等运动员掌握追竿技术较好外,其他运动员需进一步完善降竿技术。  相似文献   

对我国5.60m水平以上3名优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员的助跑起跳技术进行分析.研究认为,现阶段我国运动员的助跑速度同世界级运动员差距不大,但助跑节奏存在问题,倒三步重心速度变化不合理;倒一步步长受限于起跳点,刘飞亮和杨雁盛助跑阶段最后两步步长变化不合理;刘飞亮采用“自由起跳”的起跳方式,“自由起跳”属于“跳插同时”型,主要技术特征表现为握竿高度高,翻竿时机早,起跳距离远,插穴时间充分,撑竿表现为“反弓”弧度明显,在起跳离地瞬间“正弓”才开始出现;建议杨泉和杨雁盛增加起跳距离,改进翻竿时机,刘飞亮提高最后两步节奏的稳定性.  相似文献   

采用技术动作录像、影片分析以及数理统计等方法,通过对我国10名优秀女子跳高运动员助跑最后两步和起跳速度变化特征的运动学分析,提出我国优秀女子跳高运动员最后两步缓冲动作稍大,摆动腿蹬离地面时速度水平较低;大部分运动员身体重心高度波动较大;起跳垂直速度水平与起跳时间有较高的相关性;运动员起跳结束瞬间的垂直速度水平差别较大,但整体水平一般.  相似文献   

雍明  邹玉玲  陆阿明 《体育学刊》2011,18(6):119-123
对我国优秀女子跳高运动员郑幸娟倒3步助跑技术进行分析,结果表明:郑幸娟倒3步助跑弧线衔接不流畅,导致助跑水平速度的损失;助跑中两臂摆动动作不规范,倒2步摆动腿"牢固支撑"动作做得不够,直接造成身体内倾角加大;倒两步助跑脚着地瞬间身体重心高度出现上升趋势,从而影响了助跑和起跳的衔接;助跑倒1步身体重心水平速度下降明显,起跳脚着地瞬间身体重心水平速度仅为5.94 m/s,比倒2步下降了0.64 m/s,低于国内外优秀女子运动员;助跑倒1步起跳脚着地瞬间身体重心垂直速度为正值,身体重心呈向上运动趋势。郑幸娟跳高的倒3步助跑技术有待改善。  相似文献   

通过对我国8名优秀男子大学生跳远运动员最后2步助跑和起跳技术影片的解析,发现我国大学生运动员重心水平速度在助跑倒3步中就开始下降,最后2步中水平速度大幅度下降,不能保持已获得的水平速度进入起跳.起跳过程中最大缓冲膝角小,缓冲阶段相对较长,重心移动扇面角较大,起跳速度慢,通过起跳获得的重心垂直分速度较低和腾起角较小是影响成绩的重要因素.  相似文献   

采用运动生物力学中摄像测量的方法,对我国优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员杨雁盛最后三步助跑及起跳技术进行了研究和分析,从而得出:他在握竿高度、助跑速度等方面已接近世界优秀选手;目前他所存在的主要问题是助跑最后阶段的节奏不够积极,起跳时起跳腿蹬伸不够充分,起跳点的位置相对靠前,在起跳时撑竿仍有明显弯曲,起跳过程水平速度损失较大。如能在这些方面有所改善,他将具有更大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

本文选取了参加第9届全国运动会预赛女子撑竿跳高比赛的前15名运动员为研究对象。其中4人是国际健将,11人均为国家健将级运动员,其中9人专业训练在5年以上。并采用了高速摄影机拍摄了运动员最后四步助跑至起跳的全部技术动作过程。1最后四步助跑至起跳重心变化情况分析测试的数据说明,最后四步助跑过程中总体重心下降稍大, 这可能与运动员助跑时步幅较大有关。从倒一步到起跳着地高度差上看,总体相差都不太大,在倒二步与倒一步之间过渡阶段  相似文献   

选取2005年在江苏省宜兴市举行的“江缆杯”全国田径大奖系列赛暨亚洲田径公开赛4名男子跳高运动员助跑技术的运动学参数,并与国外优秀运动员进行比较研究,结果表明:我国选手最后两步助跑身体重心水平速度均低于世界优秀运动员,助跑速度损失较明显;最后一步助跑动作不积极,助跑节奏不合理;助跑倒三步至倒二步身体重心移动轨迹平稳,但倒二步至倒一步身体重心高度变化明显。针对上述问题提出了助跑训练的建议。  相似文献   

李志远  李玉章  李刚 《体育科技》2012,33(1):32-35,39
通过文献资料法、运动录像拍摄及解析法、对比分析法及数理统计法研究分析了2011年全国田径大奖赛(嘉兴站)男子三级跳远决赛前8名运动员的最好成绩下的助跑节奏和三跳比例特征。研究结果获得了我国优秀男子跳远运动员最好成绩下的最后20~11m和10~1m两个阶段的水平平均速度,最后6~3步和2~1步的水平平均速度,最后2步的步长和质心水平平均速度,三跳的距离和三跳的比例特征,并得出相应的结论。旨在为我国三级跳远项目训练的科学化提供一定的理论分析基础和实践参考依据。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研、现场拍摄法、视频图像解析法等对国内、外优秀女子三级跳远运动员的助跑步长和速度进行了纵向的整体性研究及横向的层次性研究。研究发现,助跑速度是运动成绩提高的源动力;国外优秀运动员水平越高,助跑最后10m的速度与比赛成绩的相关性就越大;最后两步步长随着竞技水平的提高有增加的趋势,并具有明显的个体差异性;在横向上,国外优秀运动员助跑最后两步的速度,随着竞技水平的不断提高而增加,呈加速攻板状态,国内优秀运动员在上板瞬间整体呈减速状态;国外优秀运动员的比赛成绩与助跑最后两步步长呈负相关关系,与最后两步助跑速度呈正相关关系,国内优秀运动员助跑最后两步步长与速度匹配的实效性不如国外优秀运动员。  相似文献   


Studies on running biomechanics and energetics are usually conducted on a treadmill. To ensure that locomotion on a treadmill is comparable to locomotion overground, participants need to be expert in the use of the device. This study aimed to identify the number and duration of sessions needed to obtain stable measurements for spatiotemporal and metabolic parameters in unexperienced treadmill runners. Fourteen male recreational runners performed three 15-min treadmill running trials in different days at a submaximal speed. Spatiotemporal and metabolic parameters were registered at minutes: 5, 10, 15 and their within-trial and between-trial changes were analysed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test. Within-trial differences were found in step frequency (decreased over time), Step Length and Contact Time (increased), reaching stability at different time points. Ventilator parameters increased, reaching stability after 5–10 min, while heart rate increased progressively over time. The only between-trial differences were an increase in step length and a decrease in step frequency at min 1, between trials 1 and 3. In conclusion, at least three running trials of 15 min are required to familiarize with the device. The last 5 min of the third trial can be regarded as stable measurements.  相似文献   

使用二维高速摄像技术,采用APAS和Dartfish动作解析软件对山东省优秀3 000米障碍赛运动员姜冰的过栏及过水池技术动作进行定量分析。发现姜冰在完成跨栏动作时,步速过慢,影响其跨栏距离。建议在今后的跨栏训练中注意训练栏前的加速。在过水池时助跑最后一步步幅偏大,导致加速不足,过栏时动作幅度偏小,导致落地距离偏小,双足湿显著影响比赛成绩。建议其在助跑过程中采用小步加速的方法,增加上栏前的水平速度。  相似文献   

我国近代体育课程以癸卯学制的颁布实施为开端,正式登上历史舞台。癸卯学制时期是我国近代教育的起步时期,也是我国体育课程走向近代化的关键一步。笔者对癸卯学制时期清朝政府颁布的钦定学堂章程(未实施)和奏定学堂章程中所规定的有关体育课程的内容做了论述,并着重分析探讨了癸卯学制时期体育课程的主要特征。  相似文献   

笔者分析了我国男子跳远运动员后 10m助跑的现状 ,指出了所存在的问题 :助跑速度相对较慢 ;助跑与起跳结合不连贯 ;倒二步过大 ,使腾空时间延长 ,步速降低。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、信息技术法对2016年国际钻石联赛男子跳远项目的前3名运动员助跑最后四步及步长、起跳技术进行对比分析,探讨运动员之间技术方面存在的差异。结果表明:1)2016国际田径钻石联赛上海站跳远运动员最后四步步长变化不稳定,个别运动员倒数1步步长大于倒数第2步,步长的控制没有达到理想的范围。2)相对来讲,高兴龙助跑节奏较稳定、频率快,踏板准确度高,水平速度发挥充分。3)3名运动员在起跳技术方面高兴龙的起跳技术比较稳定,其他两名运动员在落地和腾空技术上还有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of step length and foot strike pattern along with their interaction on tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) and medial compartment TFJ kinetics during running. Nineteen participants ran with a rear foot strike pattern at their preferred speed using a short (?10%), preferred, and long (+10%) step length. These step length conditions were then repeated using a forefoot strike pattern. Regardless of foot strike pattern, a 10% shorter step length resulted in decreased peak contact force, force impulse per step, force impulse per kilometre, and average loading rate at the TFJ and medial compartment, while a 10% increased step length had the opposite effects (all P < 0.05). A forefoot strike pattern significantly lowered TFJ and medial compartment TFJ average loading rates compared with a rear foot strike pattern (both <0.05) but did not change TFJ or medial compartment peak force, force impulse per step, or force impulse per km. The combination of a shorter step length and forefoot strike pattern produced the greatest reduction in peak medial compartment contact force (P < 0.05). Knowledge of these running modification effects may be relevant to the management or prevention of TFJ injury or pathology among runners.  相似文献   

Kicking for distance in Australian Rules football is an important skill. Here, I examine technical aspects that contribute to achieving maximal kick distance. Twenty-eight elite players kicked for distance while being videoed at 500 Hz. Two-dimensional digitized data of nine body landmarks and the football were used to calculate kinematic parameters from kicking foot toe-off to the instant before ball contact. Longer kick distances were associated with greater foot speeds and shank angular velocities at ball contact, larger last step lengths, and greater distances from the ground when ball contact occurred. Foot speed, shank angular velocity, and ball position relative to the support foot at ball contact were included in the best regression predicting distance. A continuum of technique was evident among the kickers. At one end, kickers displayed relatively larger knee angular velocities and smaller thigh angular velocities at ball contact. At the other end, kickers produced relatively larger thigh angular velocities and smaller knee angular velocities at ball contact. To increase kicking distance, increasing foot speed and shank angular velocity at ball contact, increasing the last step length, and optimizing ball position relative to the ground and support foot are recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the kinematic and postural characteristics associated with sprint running on uphill and downhill slopes of 3 degrees and on a horizontal surface. Eight male physical education students were filmed while sprinting maximally on an uphill-downhill platform under each of three conditions: (a) uphill at 3 degrees, (b) downhill at 3 degrees and (c) horizontal. Running speed, step rate, step length, step time, contact time, flight time and selected postural characteristics of the step cycle were analysed. Running speed was 9.2% faster (P < 0.05) during downhill and 3.0% slower (P < 0.05) during uphill compared with horizontal sprint running. During downhill and uphill sprint running, step length was the main contributor to the observed changes in running speed. It increased by 7.1% (P < 0.05) for downhill sprint running and was associated with significant changes in posture at touchdown and take-off. During uphill sprint running, step length decreased by 5.2% (P < 0.05), which was associated with significant changes in posture and reduced flight distance. Given the interaction between the acute changes in step length and posture when sprinting on a sloping surface, our findings suggest that such changes in posture may detract from the specificity of training on such surfaces. The chronic effects of training on such slopes on the kinematics and posture of horizontal sprint running are currently unclear.  相似文献   

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