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研制中国学生发展核心素养是全面贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务的迫切需要。学生发展核心素养回应了"教育要立什么德、树什么人"或者说"教育要培养什么样的人"这一教育最根本的问题。中国学生发展核心素养以培养"全面发展的人"为核心,分为文化基础、自主发展、社会参与三个方面,综合表现为人文底蕴、科学精神、学会学习、健康生活、责任担当、实践创新等六大素养,具体细化为国家认同等十八个基本要点。学生发展核心素养的培育是全面推进素质教育的具体表现,深化课程改革、教学实践、教育评价等是落实核心素养的基本途径。  相似文献   

“生活·实践”教育将学生全面发展作为目标,提出了以“六力”为核心的学生素养观。明晰“生活·实践”教育学生核心素养的构成与价值意蕴利于推进当下课程内容联系生活、促进教学方式贴近实践、驱动教育评价维度多元。为具体落实“生活·实践”教育理念、发挥“生活·实践”教育作用,应坚持实践育人理念,融合教育政策做好顶层设计;确立知行合一教法,贴近学生生活构建实践平台;拓展教育评价维度,围绕学生素养展开评价活动。践行“生活·实践”教育理念可为我国培养全面发展的人提供理论引导,为落实劳动教育和素质教育提供新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

语文课程标准提出了“综合性学习”的要求,以加强语文课程与其他课程与生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。语文素养是指能适应生活需要的、整合的、具有可持续发展前景的综合素养。要培养这种以促进人的发展为宗旨的综合素养,必须将教育与生活紧密相连。  相似文献   

许永梽 《学周刊C版》2019,(23):139-139
发展学生核心素养是落实以德树人的一项重要举措,不仅适合我国教育改革的趋势,也有效提升了我国的教育国际竞争力。媒体的快速进步给发展学生核心素养带来了重要契机和挑战。因此,教师要注重运用媒体,使学生发展核心素养达到最优值,优化组合丰富学生课堂生活,调动学生积极性,让学生形成健康良性的核心素养发展机制,促进学生的思维发展和能力提升。  相似文献   

学生综合素养的科学评价需要大数据的支持,而大数据在学生素养评价中的落地,依赖于新型素养评价体系和平台的研发。深圳小学借鉴现代教育理论开发了基于大数据的“气象站式”学生素养评价系统,该评价系统在素养评价的理念、格局、功能、方式四个维度实现了突破,即变“评价”为“观测”、变“人工”为“智能”、变“封闭”为“开放”、变“评定”为“促进”,以期用客观、科学的评价助力学生综合素养的发展。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》提出了“综合性学习”的要求,以加强语文课程与其他课程与生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。语文素养是指能适应生活需要的、整合的、具有可持续发展前景的综合素养。要培养这种以促进人的发展为宗旨的综合素养,必须将教育与生活紧密相连。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》提出了“综合性学习”的要求,以加强语文课程与萁他课程与生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。语文素养是指能适应生活需要的、整合的、具有可持续发展前景的综合素养。要培养这种以促进人的发展为宗旨的综合素养,必须将教育与生活紧密相连。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》提出了“综合性学习”的要求,以加强语文课程与其他课程与生活的联系,促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。语文素养是指能适应生活需要的、整合的、具有可持续发展前景的综合素养。要培养这种以促进人的发展为宗旨的综合素养,必须将教育与生活紧密相连。  相似文献   

学会学习素养作为中国学生的六大核心素养之一,如何科学的界定与评价受到研究者的广泛关注。学会学习素养的产生和发展是适应知识经济时代发展需要的结果,是全球教育质量提升的共同诉求,也是公民自我完善和建设学习型社会的重要保证。学会学习素养具有主体性、延展性、整合性、建构性、价值性等特点,而且国际上学会学习的评价研究取得很大进展,英国的有效终身学习项目、芬兰的学会学习研究、欧盟学会学习的三维框架以及经合组织的国际学生评价项目都颇具代表性。为深入推动学会学习研究,亟需建构兼具全球化和本土化的学会学习评价框架、优化评价方法和工具、坚持评价主体的多元化等。  相似文献   

李祥兴 《教师》2010,(34):41-41
《语文课程标准》提出了“综合性学习”的要求,主张促进学生语文素养的整体推进和协调发展。语文素养是指能适应生活需要的、整合的、具有可持续发展前景的综合素养。要培养以促进人的全面发展为宗旨的综合素养,就必须把小学语文课堂教学和生活紧密联系起来,让语文课堂教学更生动活泼,让语文课堂教学更吸引学生,让语文课堂教学更容易理解。著名教育家陶行知先生说过:“没有生活做中心的教育是死教育,  相似文献   

Language and literacy skills are an essential element of young children’s development and allow them to interact meaningfully with other people and to develop knowledge in all subject areas. Despite the importance of language and literacy development, however, more than one-third of children in the United States enter school with significant differences in language, early literacy skills, and motivation to learn that place them at considerable risk for developing long-term reading difficulties. The quantity and quality of language interactions children have with their parents and exposure to print in their home environment prior to entering school have an important impact on these individual differences. This paper provides teachers with guidelines and tools for helping families identify and create language and literacy opportunities in their home environment that reflect their unique strengths and routines.  相似文献   

进入信息时代,非医学类院校图书馆在承担信息教育和服务职能过程中,如何发挥自身资源优势,满足读者对健康信息的需求,提升读者的健康信息素养就变得愈加重要。通过介绍健康信息素养教育、健康信息服务的概念,分析非医学类高校图书馆健康信息素养教育的现状及其必要性,借鉴医学院校图书馆的实践经验并结合实际,为非医学类高校图书馆健康信息素养教育的开展提出建议。  相似文献   

Literacy as a social practice is integrally linked with social, economic and political institutions and processes. As such, it has a material base which is fundamentally constituted in power relations. Literacy is therefore interwoven with the text and context of everyday living in which multi-levelled meanings are organically produced at both individual and societal level. This paper argues that if language thus mediates social reality, then it follows that literacy defined as a social practice cannot really be addressed as a reified, neutral activity but that it should take account of the social, cultural and political processes in which literacy practices are embedded. Drawing on the work of key writers within the field, the paper foregrounds the primary role of the state in defining the forms and levels of literacy required and made available at particular moments within society. In a case-study of the social construction of literacy meanings in pre-revolutionary Iran, it explores the view that the discourse about societal literacy levels has historically constituted a key terrain in which the struggle for control over meaning has taken place. This struggle, it is argued, sets the interests of the state to maintain ideological and political control over the production of knowledge within the culture and society over and against the needs identified by the individual for personal development, empowerment and liberation. In an overall sense, the paper examines existing theoretical perspectives on societal literacy programmes in terms of the scope that they provide for analyses that encompass the multi-levelled power relations that shape and influence dominant discourses on the relative value of literacy for both the individual and society.  相似文献   

The concepts of literacy events and practices have received considerable attention in educational research and policy. In comparison, the question of value, that is, ‘which literacy practices do people most value?’ has been neglected. With the current trend of cross-cultural adult literacy assessment, it is increasingly important to recognise locally valued literacy practices. In this paper we argue that measuring preferences and weighting of literacy practices provides an empirical and democratic basis for decisions in literacy assessment and curriculum development and could inform rapid educational adaptation to changes in the literacy environment. The paper examines the methodological basis for investigating literacy values and its potential to inform cross-cultural literacy assessments. The argument is illustrated with primary data from Mozambique. The correlation between individual values and respondents’ socio-economic and demographic characteristics is explored.  相似文献   

信息素养是教师必备的现代教学素质,也是教师专业发展的基础,加强在校师范生信息素养的培养是师范院校教学的重点。针对小学教育师范生信息素养的内涵以及师范生信息素养培养存在的不足,对师范生信息素养进行了多层次、多渠道培养,是解决这一问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

民族地区信息化的发展,需要大量具有较高信息素养的复合型人才,因而提升少数民族大学生信息素养是民族地区发展的现实需求。少数民族大学生在具有多元民族文化背景的民族院校进行跨文化学习和生活,文化适应能力成为其信息素养构建和发展的一个重要影响因素。本研究借助文化适应理论,依据少数民族大学生信息素养问卷调查和个体深度访谈的数据分析结果,对民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养构建中的态度倾向、存在问题和影响因素进行归因分析。研究发现:少数民族大学生的信息素养建构与其文化适应意识、能力具有显著的相关性;少数民族大学生进入大学前的信息素养文化资本较弱,入学后普遍对信息素养重要性的认识呈现积极态度;民族院校开设的信息技术等公共必修基础课程为少数民族大学生提升信息素养提供了重要帮助,校园网络、在线网络课程、同伴间的互相学习也是少数民族大学生跨文化适应和信息素养发展的关键影响因素;民族院校的信息素养教育课程体系和教学环境亟待完善。最后,本研究基于文化适应的学习环境,提出提升民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养的路径:(1)在意识观念上加强少数民族大学生的信息素养意识教育;(2)在技术知识上不断完善民族院校的信息素养教学改革;(3)在组织管理上加强民族院校的顶层设计和制度建设。  相似文献   

Health literacy has emerged as an important factor related to health in older persons. The reason for the link between health literacy and health outcomes is not clear. Possible explanations include common relations among income, education, access to health care, health-promotion behaviors, frequency of reading, and perceptual impairments. In this study we investigate the relation of health literacy to self-reported health status and explore the impact of these explanatory variables on this relation in persons aged 40 years and older who participated in the 2003 U.S. National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL). Using regression models, we evaluated the impact of potential explanatory variables on the relation of health literacy to self-reported health status. Regression models confirmed previously-observed relations of health literacy, age, income, and education to health. The inclusion of income and education significantly decreased the relation of health literacy to health. While other variables, such as health maintenance and preventive health behaviors, were significantly related to health, they did not change the relation of health literacy to health. Even after taking multiple explanatory variables into account, the relation between health literacy and health status remained significant, suggesting that they alone do not completely account for the observed relation. Some other factor or combination of factors may account for the relation of health literacy to health.  相似文献   

培养学生核心素养是目前我国教育学界的一项重点工作,新课程标准要求教师在教学中必须重视培养学生的核心素养。英语阅读教学作为高中英语的重要组成部分,也必须依照新课标要求培养学生的核心素养。教师在英语阅读教学中应注重发展学生的语言能力、思维能力、跨文化意识和学习能力,进而培养学生的英语核心素养。  相似文献   

As nonprofit adult literacy programs are often the only options for low-income Latin American immigrants in North America, problems accompanying these programs affect the ability of immigrants to benefit from them. North American nonprofit adult literacy programs often struggle due to the difficulties inherent in using volunteer instructors (often from different cultural backgrounds than participants) who use curricula that often do not reflect students’ communities of origin. Hence, the outcomes of these programs can be problematic. One potential way to ameliorate these difficulties is found in the critical framework of Paulo Freire, wherein curricula are student-generated. The primary argument in this review essay is that trained community instructors (or Freirean-trained outsiders) – using Freire's model of instruction and curriculum development, working under a demand for true accountability for results from organizational administrators – could improve existent benign North American adult literacy programs into more empowering social resources for Latin American immigrant communities in the United States. The possibilities for such improvement are explored through analysis of positive and negative case studies within the larger literature on adult literacy.  相似文献   

对财经信息进行理性分析和决策成为当今社会个体生存和发展必不可少的核心能力。以培养该能力为核心的财经素养教育已成为当前国际教育发展的热点之一。本文从发展核心素养的实践创新素养出发,对发展核心素养框架下的财经素养教育定位进行了深入分析,指出财经素养教育是发展实践创新素养的有效载体,同时,实践创新素养的培养要求也为财经素养教育提供了发展方向。本文归纳总结了财经素养的发展沿革、基本内涵和特征,提出了系统的财经素养整合理论框架。并结合我国学生发展核心素养的教育改革方向,提出财经素养教育的实施建议。  相似文献   

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