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鞠国帅 《成人教育》2013,33(5):73-74
校企合作的办学模式以市场和企业需求为导向,强调学习与实践结合,在各高校和企业广受欢迎,同时也吸引了管理者和学者开展相关研究,形成研究成果。通过对中国知网上发表的相关文章进行调查,发现虽然关于校企合作的文章丰硕,但是关于成人教育中校企合作的研究十分有限。文章以中国知网刊发的文献为基础,以符合搜索关键词要求的文章为研究对象,系统梳理十年间关于成人教育中校企合作的主要研究内容:校企合作的必要性;校企合作模式的构建,实践与探索等。通过对现有研究成果的分析,客观揭示该领域的研究进展及存在的不足,为今后的研究者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2011年2月19—20日,东亚马克思研究的到达点与课题国际会议在日本中央大学、首都大学东京举行。该会受日本东北大学大学院经济学研究科和日本学术振兴会的资助,由日本马克思恩格斯研究者会(代表干事首都大学东京宫川彰教授)、中央大学经济研究所马克思经济学研究会(代表人鸟居伸好教授)、东北大学大学院经济学研究科(代表人大村泉教授)联合主办,邀请来自中国北京大学、中国人民大学、清华大学、中共中央党校,韩国高丽大学等中韩学者前来参加,旨在促进东亚马克思研究的交流与合作,提升东亚马克思研究的国际水准。  相似文献   

英国《泰晤士报.高等教育副刊》2月23日称,在北欧国家,学者们面临用英文发表研究成果,扩大国际影响力的压力。虽然很多人认为这是一个提升大学品质、吸引国际学生和学者的必经之路,但现在对于英语化现象产生了日益强烈的反弹,因为一旦停止使用芬兰、挪威、瑞典和丹麦本国语言进行研究分析,以及探索复杂概念,这些语言的未来走向很值得担忧。  相似文献   

为提升日本大学的国际竞争力,培养更多国际化人才,日本于2011年正式实施"大学间交流项目"。从项目定位来看,日本期望构建高等教育国际合作网络,加速培养国际化人才,以此提升自身的政治、经济、文化的影响力;从项目举措来看,项目大学要在质量保障、项目形式、前期准备、项目成效等方面推进与国外高校的合作;从项目外部保障来看,日本政府委托日本学术振兴会统筹战略项目实施;从项目内部保障来看,项目大学要每年向振兴会提交战略项目计划推进的年度评估报告,并接受振兴会的中期考核和终期评估。可见,"大学间交流项目"筹划的政府性、遴选的全面性、开展的广泛性和评价的第三方性对中国推进高等教育国际化具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

“U-S”伙伴合作关系问题研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以国内外学者的研究成果为主要依据,分别就大学与中小学(简称"U-S")伙伴合作关系的概念内涵、合作的价值意义、合作的类型与取向、合作中采用的策略及合作成功条件等问题加以梳理,并指出了研究中存在的问题与不足。  相似文献   

顺应论在中国的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1987年Verschueren提出"顺应论"以来,国内研究者们从引进介绍该理论到将该理论应用到翻译、文学以及语用学研究中作了大量研究.文章回顾了顺应论在中国的研究,归纳了我国学者们主要的研究成果,分析了该领域的研究特点和存在的不足,提出了有待于进一步讨论的问题.  相似文献   

近十年大学国际化问题研究趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王颖 《江苏高教》2008,(3):47-50
文章通过文献综述法,归纳总结了近十年大学国际化问题的研究成果,包括大学国际化的概念界定、大学国际化的内容与形式、大学国际化的动因、大学国际化的策略研究、大学国际化的实证研究等,指出了当前大学国际化问题研究的不足,并展望了进一步的研究趋向。  相似文献   

王曦  闫建璋 《高教论坛》2022,(2):110-116
运用可视化软件CiteSpace对近20年大学(高校)教师角色研究文献进行梳理,研究发现:关于大学教师角色的高质量研究成果较少;研究者之间合作有限,没有形成团队化状态,研究深度和质量受限;研究热点围绕大学教师角色定位与转换、角色冲突展开,研究范围较广,但研究内容缺乏系统性、针对性和创新性,造成研究成果泛而不精,缺乏深度;研究对象多围绕高校教师展开,较为单一;研究方法多以理论研究为主,较少使用实证研究;研究缺乏实践性。基于以上结论提出相应建议以促进大学教师角色研究朝着更好的趋势发展。  相似文献   

从日本已经发表的有关文章得知,为探讨八十年代日本理工科大学的改革方向与具体课题,日本不少大学教师和学者就此发表了许多看法和建议。其中最主要的有以下几个方面: (一)关于大学的根本机能问题日本的现有大学,作为向学生传授科学技术知识,为国民经济提供最新研究成果这两点来说,其成就是不容否定的。但是作为发展青年身心、提高国民素质的“教育机能”来  相似文献   

教育史研究的"国际化"是教育国际化和教育研究国际化的应有之义,是教育史研究"开放性"与"本土化"结合的产物。教育史研究的"国际化"主要包括"国际表达"和"国际合作"两个方面;"国际合作"是较高的阶段。在"国际表达"和"国际合作"方面,教育史研究还存在不足,必须在推进两个方面的基础上,从基本问题入手,坚持"国际视野",遵循国际通行研究惯例,开展持续的研究,以促进教育史研究的发展。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,日本在资金有限的情况下,为了提升国家的科技竞争力、培养科技后备人才,于2011年推出了"普及与确立终身教职制计划"。该计划通过向高校提供经费支持,鼓励与推动高校实施终身教职制,为优秀的年轻研究者提供稳定的工作岗位和优厚待遇,以及利于其开展研究工作的支持。该计划在高校的积极参与下,招揽了优秀的年轻研究者,年轻研究者也在该制度的激励下以及政府和高校的扶持下,取得了出色的科研成果。但随着计划的推行,也出现了急功近利、重理轻文等问题。  相似文献   

The Japanese academics have high recognition of themselves as the researchers rather than the teachers. This kind of climate developed in the national research universities including Teikoku Daigaku in the prewar time and even in the postwar time; it has extended to almost all academics not only in the research universities but also in the non-research universities. This fact was testified clearly in the CAP survey conducted in 2007, in which the Japanese academics’ research orientation belonged to the German type. A climate of academics in Japan is different from the counterparts in the USA as shown in the CAP survey, in which the American academics are oriented to research and teaching with a weight of half and half. Given the Japanese academic climate involved in research orientation, the national government offers in recent years the research grants to academics as the category of researcher on the basis of “selection and concentration principle” to the extent that only distinguished researchers in research productivity can be selected. Accordingly, Kakusa Shakai, or the social difference between the institutions with high productivity and those with low productivity, seems to be increasingly extending recently. The question that how the Japanese government disseminates research outputs to make these outputs be more socially utilized is likely to be not answered adequately for many years because there are few meta-evaluations to assess policy’s usefulness. However, such meta-evaluation of policy is expected to be done strictly since 2002 when it was introduced in the context that government policy’s contribution to society was functioned substantially.  相似文献   

欧洲社会对知识教育高度重视,持续对人才培养进行投资,以推动社会创新进步和可持续发展。作为人才培养基地,研究型大学不仅为欧洲社会输送了大量人才,更在全球知识交流体系中发挥了重要作用。一些博士后研究人员可能继续在大学里从事学术工作,也有很多研究人员离开学术界去公共、私营部门等其他领域寻求发展。尽管学术界以外的劳动力市场就业良好,但博士后研究人员仍期待更具吸引力的职业前景。欧洲研究型大学联盟由此提出,建议大学、研究机构等最高教育层完善政策措施,提高博士后研究人员的职业吸引力,以促进学术创新和知识交流;充分肯定博士后研究人员作为不断增长且日益重要的独特研究群体的重要作用;在招聘、晋升等职业发展中满足博士后研究人员多样性的需求;公共、私营部门可与大学、研究机构展开合作,促进博士后研究人员的技能迁移,并消除职业流动的障碍;采取研究资助计划和就业支持政策,帮助博士后研究人员获取研究能力之外的职业技能,促进博士后研究人员在学术界与公共、私营部门之间的流动性。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of research that I have conducted during my career using data sets collected by offices of institutional research. Many of the examples discussed in the paper deal with graduate education. The paper illustrates how valuable the data collection efforts by these offices are to academic researchers interested in helping to formulate institutional, state and national higher education policies. It concludes with suggestions for how the usefulness of institutional researchers to colleges and universities can be improved and stresses that institutional researchers and administrators would be wise to involve more faculty members in research that aids in institutional decision making and the formulation of public policy towards higher education.  相似文献   

We identify factors influencing young scientists’ plans for research stays abroad by embedding theories of social inequality, educational decision making, and migration into a life course framework. We test the developed model of international academic mobility by calculating a structural equation model using data from an online survey of scientists employed at German universities below the rank of full professor. We find that earlier international mobility mobilises scientists to plan a research stay abroad. This turns out to be a potential channel of social inequality reproduction, as individuals from a high social origin in particular spend time abroad in their early life course. Moreover, scientists’ research contexts play a vital role: Internationalised institutional environments and academic disciplines as well as personal international networks create opportunity structures that ease research stays abroad. Similarly, the current social context matters: Parenthood decreases the likelihood of plans for international mobility among female scientists. This may entail long-lasting gender inequalities. Finally, young scientists striving for an academic career are more likely to plan a research stay abroad than those with exit plans. Our results show that beyond the current context, both past life events and future life goals shape scientists’ decisions about international mobility.  相似文献   

This paper analyses international student prospectuses from twenty-two Japanese universities involved in the Top Global University Program (TGUP) to examine how universities in Japan present and understand internationalization. International prospectuses were analysed using qualitative text analysis to generate a series of themes connected to university internationalization. Different categories of TGUP participant universities were compared to better understand the differences between how different participant types present and understand internationalization. The findings suggest that while there are differences between participant types and individual universities, overall, there appears to be a tension between understanding internationalization as an authoritative, university-centred activity and as a student-centric activity in which students are active participants. Furthermore, it found that although rankings are an important aspect of the TGUP, few prospectuses mentioned rankings. The paper suggests possible reasons for this omission based on the TGUP participant type. Finally, this study offers insights into how Japanese universities understand internationalization and position themselves as international institutions.  相似文献   

通过分析比较中日研究型大学的教育现状,从学制、导师制、经费来源以及合作交流等四个方面对中日研究生的培养模式及管理方法进行对比,从中得到启示和借鉴,提出我国研究型大学在研究生教育中应注重加强人才培养目标的定位、创新能力的培养、学校管理力度以及国际合作交流等方面。  相似文献   


One of the institutional challenges of taking in large numbers of international graduate students is supporting their academic literacy skills. To accommodate a large population of international students, Japanese universities offer various services to support their academic studies and life-related issues, such as hiring international student advisors, offering Japanese language courses, and implementing peer-support programs. As a type of academic support for writing for international students, writing centers have caught the attention of universities in the last decade. To examine the institutional role of the writing center at a Japanese university, this study employs a language management lens to compare the beliefs and interests among administrators, tutors, and international students in improving international students’ Japanese writing. Interviews with the three groups of participants displayed incongruences between the administrators’ interests aligned with institutional goals, the educational philosophy of the writing center, and international students’ language learning needs. The findings point to the tutors' crucial role as language specialists who inform organized language management, and the necessity for collaboration between academic support units and faculty members in providing sufficient academic socialization environments for international students.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether a video produced by young African people could serve the goal of education for understanding ‘others’ in the context of Japan. This was investigated by assessing Japanese pupils’ perceptions of Africa before and after viewing a video produced by Kenyan students. Data were gathered from Japanese pupils’ drawings. The result suggests that, after seeing the test video, the pupils changed their perceptions of Africa significantly. This concluded that video can contribute to the goal of education for understanding ‘others’, but the effect must be reinforced by providing more information concerning Africa and encouraging interactions between Africa and Japan  相似文献   

为提升日本大学的国际竞争力和国际适应性,日本于2014年正式实施为期10年的"顶级国际化大学"项目,遴选37所大学作为项目大学。从战略定位看,项目大学都有自己明确的战略定位;从战略举措看,项目大学要完成政府设定的通用指标和大学自身设定的个性指标;从战略外部保障看,日本政府委托日本学术振兴会统筹战略项目实施;从战略内部保障看,项目大学要每年向振兴会提交战略项目计划推进的年度评估报告,并接受振兴会的中期考核和终期评估。可见,日本探索出了基于"政府—大学—学会"的三螺旋型合作的世界一流大学建设之道,即作为行政力量的政府高度化介入、作为学术力量的大学特色化实施和作为第三方力量的学会无缝化参与。  相似文献   

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