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针对初中学生的独特特点,在物理的教育教学中,教师应该积极地采用学习和实验并重的教学方法进行,让学生通过物理课堂实验进行深入理解和学习,使学生的手、眼、心都受到启发,这样通过实验就能使学生对初中物理学科的认知,促使学生加强对物理知识的综合分析与理解,进而提高初中物理课堂教学成效。  相似文献   

边朝峰 《时代教育》2009,(5):198-198
物理学是一门以观察、实验为基础的学科,课堂演示实验是物理教学的重要组成部分.在教学过程中恰当地运用演示实验,可以使学生更深刻地领会物理概念和规律、理解和掌握物理过程,还能使学生充分参与到课堂教学之中,对于提高学生学习物理的兴趣,培养学生的创新能力,提高学生的综合素质具有重要作用.  相似文献   

在边远地区没有先进的物理教学设备,各种信息比较闭塞。从绪言教学中提高学生的物理兴趣,从做经典物理实验中激发学生学习物理的兴趣,用现代化的教学手段来诱发学生学习物理的兴趣,带领学生自制教具及跨年级教学激发学生学习物理的兴趣是有用的途径。  相似文献   

物理教师在提高学生物理学习热情的同时,还要制定出符合学生性格特点的教学方案,在课堂教学中积极地引导学生主动进行思考,利用多媒体的教学设备,提高课堂教学效率。塑造积极有趣的教学环境,以便更好地迎合新课程改革和高考策略。  相似文献   

为了提高课堂教学效率,教师可以对物理教学策略进行创新,通过开展生活化的教学来帮助学生深入学习物理知识,促使课堂教学效果逐步得到提升,确保物理学科教学能够有效得以创新.因此,本文从教学内容生活化、物理实验生活化、课后作业生活化、注重课后反思四个方面入手,阐述了教师如何利用生活化教学促使学生能够获取到更为直观的学习感受,使学生学习物理的兴趣充分得以激发.  相似文献   

物理教学中适当应用现代教育技术,能使枯燥乏味的物理原理、概念变得生动有趣;能使某些物理现象更加清晰、完整;能使部分实验室难以完成的物理实验,通过多媒体等手段而顺利完成。现代教育技术的发展使广大物理教师可以根据教学内容与教学目标去选择、设计和组合运用多种教育媒体,从而对培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的观察能力和实验能力,促进学生智能的发展,提高课堂教学效益起到积极作用。本对现代教育技术如何在物理教学中的应用问题谈几点看法。  相似文献   

在物理教学中创设情境,能引领学生积极参与教学活动,营创出良好的教学氛围,使学习成为学生的一种主观需要,进而提高课堂教学效率。这是课改中行之有效的好方法。那么在物理教学中,如何创设教学情境呢?下面笔者结合自己的教学实践谈几种方法和途径:1.利用实验。物理是以观察和实验为基础的科学,几乎堂堂有实验。教师可恰当地运用各种类型的实验,如教师的演示实验、学生的分组实验、教师自制小制作,来  相似文献   

通过多媒体技术与物理课程教学的整合,激发学生对物理学科的学习兴趣,课堂上参与意识很强,对知识的理解掌握程度较理想。尤其是实验教学,学生的实验理解能力、动手能力均取得长足的进步。实践证明,多媒体技术与物理课程教学的整合能鞭策教师去进一步完善课堂教学,使教学过程更具有科学性,帮助教师在课堂上更合理地掌握和利用时间,吸引学生的注意力,使学生在课堂上接受和掌握更多的知识,提高物理课堂教学的效率。但是,使用多媒体时应注意以下原则。  相似文献   

信息技术在物理课堂中的适当运用,对提高学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂教学效率做出了相当的贡献。利用信息技术创设物理情境,能激发学生的学习兴趣;利用信息技术模拟物理实验,能使学生获得直观感觉;教师应根据实际教学的需要适当运用信息技术来优化物理课堂,要用得恰到好处,真正发挥信息技术有效"辅助"教学的作用。  相似文献   

近代物理具有较强的抽象性,中学阶段缺乏相应教学设备,教师无法进行相关的实验.特别是近代物理学家对实验的巧妙设计,更是难以再现其实验过程,这样学生很难理解教学内容,学习也很吃力,更无法想象近代物理学家们艰苦卓绝的开创性工作,教学自然缺乏相应的效果.利用多媒体技术进行课堂教学,可以弥补它的不足,提高课堂教学效果.本文重点剖析如何应用多媒体技术加强物理课堂教学.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in the field of mathematics have demonstrated that teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, as a central component of teachers’ professional knowledge, plays a significant role in high-quality instruction and students’ learning gains. The study presented here explores the significance of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for gains in pupils’ understanding of scientific concepts and for motivational and self-related outcome criteria in primary science education in Germany. It reports on findings from a study with a pre-post-design comprising 60 primary school teachers and their 1326 pupils. Teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and pupils’ learning gains as well as motivational and self-related outcome criteria were directly assessed with paper-and-pencil tests. Two-step models controlling for several relevant variables at the individual and the class level were specified. Results revealed a substantial positive effect of the measured pedagogical content knowledge on pupils’ achievement gains as well as on pupils’ situational interest and perceived competence.  相似文献   

A particular difficulty in physics learning is the fact that pupils’ “intuitive” concepts are often resistant to instruction. This article reports empirical results from two related studies within an interdisciplinary project of physics education and educational psychology in ray optics. Two different kinds of treatment groups (TG A and TG B), both targeted at widespread pupils’ intuitive concepts (N?=?511), were compared with the results of a control group (CG C) learning with conventional tasks (N?=?218) provided by a related study II. Pupils in TG A) of study I worked on cognitively activating tasks related to widespread intuitive concepts in ray optics explicitly requiring them to deal with multiple representations. Pupils in the TG B) of study I worked on the same intuitive concepts, but without the cognitively activating representational component. TG A) and B) were compared with each other and with CG C) learning with conventional tasks. The results indicated that tasks addressing widespread intuitive pupils’ concepts improved conceptual understanding significantly more than conventional tasks. There was evidence of a significant intermediate effect showing medium-term stability.  相似文献   

普通高中物理小实验实施现状的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理小实验指的是物理课程要求必做之外的,教师为解释某一物理现象,取材方便且不需要特殊场地就能完成的实验。其在帮助学生理解物理概念和规律,培养学生学习兴趣,启发思维等方面具有积极的作用。通过对普通高中物理小实验的实施现状进行调研,探索存在的问题及原因,为有效实施及有针对性地改进小实验教学提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

历史一直是社会科课程重要的学习领域之一。在品德与社会教科书中,如何结合小学生的认知规律和思维水平,开展有效的历史学习并培养他们的历史思维能力,是教科书编写的难点。在以儿童的社会生活为主线的指导下,现有教科书尝试淡化历史学科体系的痕迹,倡导主题式的呈现方式。这种尝试在增进学生对历史的了解时,也存在着时序不清晰等问题。基于此,教科书历史内容的编写应突出时间顺序,增强对学生历史思维能力尤其是时序思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

小实验将实践操作与理论知识结合起来,可操作性强,比较贴近生活,能激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学效率和教学质量,提升学生物理核心素养。文章从小实验的内涵、小实验的应用意义、小实验应用举例、小实验应用建议等方面,对核心素养视域下的物理小实验应用进行探究。  相似文献   

Teachers’ learning in a learning study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The point of departure in this study is the question: do teachers who develop theoretical knowledge of the variation theory change the way(s) they offer their pupils the object of learning due to the theoretical framework. The aim of the study is to describe this development, i.e. to find if and how teachers developed theoretical knowledge when planning instruction, and in what way(s) this has an impact on the pupils’ learning outcome when using contrasts in the instruction. The theoretical framework is strongly content related, and by analysing the learning object’s critical aspects the teachers are guided to focus on the content in this particular way. The question “what does it take to develop knowledge about the object of learning?” has to be answered by the teachers before choice of teaching method is made. The research method used is Learning Study, a fusion between lesson study and design experiment. The teachers (6) have carried out nine research lessons in three Learning Study cycles (containing three lessons each). The pupils belong to three different classes and are between 9 and 11 years old. The result shows how the teachers gradually use the variation theory when planning instruction and how the learning outcomes shown by the pupils improve. The developed theoretical insight seems to affect the teachers’ ways of seeing the object of learning, such as subtle changes of how to organize the critical features of the learning object, are discerned. In every learning study cycle contrasts are used in one lesson, and in the analysis of the effect of the contrasts, the two remaining lessons are used as control groups. The results show the impact of contrasts in the pupils’ learning outcomes. The need to complement a lesson study with a theoretical perspective on learning is that the teachers are then given the opportunity to make use of the theory when planning instruction individually, not only in a lesson study. There again, the Learning Study model seems to be a powerful model with which to develop teachers’ understanding of the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

The application of computers in Kenya is relatively uncommon, and the facilities and stage of professional and organisational development in Kenya appear to reflect this. This article describes the views of a group of pupils and their teacher regarding the impact of a computer-based instruction (CBI) programme that involved the collaborative learning of a physics course on measurement. Three secondary schools and a total of 118 pupils were studied in three classrooms, one class acting as a comparison. The same teacher taught the same physics content to all three classes using one of two teaching methods, namely: (1) the traditional mode and (2) the CBI mode. Selected students and their teacher were observed and interviewed. The qualitative data analysis methods of comparison and clustering were used to identify pattern and themes within the interview data. Results of the study indicate significant improvements in pupils' learning of physics as well as in the development of positive effects and/or socialisation skills. Accounts by the teacher, as well as those by the students, indicate a perception of the potential of CBI to enhance their learning of measurement concepts and methods. For instance, the study revealed that, apart from its positive influence on the pupils' classroom interaction patterns, the pupils in the treatment groups learned the concepts and methods better than their counterparts in the true control group. Furthermore, the experience influenced the teacher's belief about teaching using CBI to augment physics instruction.  相似文献   

李玉霞 《天津教育》2021,(3):185-186
小学生课外阅读兴趣的培养具有重要的意义。为了增加学生的阅读积累量,使其能在学习中发挥自己的能力,激发阅读兴趣,本文阐述了小学生课外阅读现状,提出了培养小学生课外阅读兴趣的方法。有效引导学生进行课外阅读,对学生的语文学习有着重要的意义,能使学生在今后的学习中具备完善的知识基础。  相似文献   

Many of the explanations for girls’ disinterest in physics focus on the role of the educational system in creating this situation. Here, we use evidence from free‐choice science learning settings to study if this lack of interest is also expressed in non‐school settings. Three sets of self‐generated questions raised by children, adolescents and adults in the fields of biology and physics were used. The outcomes of this analysis show that the polar pattern previously described in school science settings, in which physics proves significantly less interesting to girls than to boys, while biology is of greater interest to girls than to boys, also appears in free‐choice science learning settings. While boys develop an interest in physics with age, girls do not develop such an interest to the same degree. Thus, the initial gap in interest is probably not based on school‐related causes, but its widening in later years probably is. A difference was also found between the genders in the type of information requested and in the motivation for raising the questions. Using topics that appeal to girls’ interest as the context of science learning could prove beneficial in the process of mainstreaming science education. These topics can be identified using girls’ spontaneous questions.  相似文献   

The Finnish system of religious education offers instruction in the pupil’s own religion or in ethics throughout comprehensive school. By taking the pupil’s background as a basis for instruction, this system aims at promoting equality and integration with respect to religion and one’s worldview. However, there has been little knowledge about how the system of instruction is experienced by pupils themselves and how it affects pupil’s identities at school. This study illuminates through a participant observation study in grades 1–6 how pupils in five minority instruction groups experience their classes and perceive themselves in relation to other pupils in school. The study shows how working in small groups represents an important element in pupils’ experiences. Pupils generally experienced participation in instruction as positive and fun, but age integration, organisation of schedules and classrooms were also important concerns. Even if pupils were content about having their own instruction group, feelings of otherness and a negative sense of difference in relation to the majority of pupils were found particularly among pupils of religion.  相似文献   

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