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青少年和未婚青年性与生殖健康教育已成为当今世界普遍关注的重要问题.基于"青春健康"国际合作项目济南项目点的调查结果表明,未婚青少年对性与生殖健康的相关知识有了一定的了解,但存在着很多误区,且获取途径单一、缺乏科学性和规范性.他们的性观念特别开放,婚前性行为、贞操观等已不再是神秘而敏感的话题和行为禁区,传统的性道德观念正在受到前所未有的挑战与冲击;开展并提供系统、科学、规范的性与生殖健康教育与服务,是未婚青少年的迫切需要,也是全社会的责任.  相似文献   

通过利用对高校未婚硕士生的调查资料,研究未婚硕士生对婚前性行为的态度。调查分析发现未婚硕士生对婚前性行为的理解度高,但对他人婚前性要求的接受度低。性别、学校地域、专业性质、户口、恋爱经历、恋爱方式上不同的未婚硕士生在对婚前性行为的态度上存在着显著性差异。  相似文献   

目的:了解铜陵市女性人工流产及避孕情况。方法:随机对500例要求进行人工流产的女性进行匿名问卷调查。结果:进行人工流产女性平均年龄为26.3±5.4岁(16—44岁),其中已婚妇女328例,平均年龄29.5±4.8岁(21岁-44岁),未婚妇女172例,平均年龄21.6±3.1岁(15—8岁)。每次性行为都采取避孕措施的占18.4g,偶尔采取避孕措施的占62.2%,从未采取避孕措施19.4%。人工流产的危害68-4%知道出血、感染,约15%的调查对象完全不知道人流的不良反应。结论:现代女性首次性生活及首次人流年龄提前,并呈年轻化趋势,与已婚人群相比,未婚青年对生殖健康、避孕知识及人工流产了解严重缺乏,加强生殖健康和避孕知识的教育刻不容缓。  相似文献   

当代女大学生生殖健康现状及教育现状日渐受到关注。通过CKNI全文期刊数据库分析得知,当代女大学生生殖健康知识缺乏,性观念相对开放,对婚前性行为接受程度高,发生意外怀孕及人工流产率高。建议建设一支专业的教师队伍,开展形式多样的生殖生理知识教育以及心理教育、道德教育和法律教育,更好服务于女大学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

当前高校性教育的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国HIV/AIDS呈加速流行趋势,性病发病率逐年上升,洁身自爱,拒绝性乱是阻HIV/AIDS和性病蔓延的有效措施。然而,调查资料表明,受威胁最大的青年人群中的大学生对婚前性行为持宽容态度日益增多,婚前性行为呈上升倾向。为此,必须加强高校性教育,大力倡导中华民族优秀的传统道德观,传授科学健康的性知识,促进大学生们为维护自身生殖健康,培养明的性态度、性观念和负责任的性行为,有效地遏制HIV/AIDS、性病的传播,让青年学生身心健身地成长。  相似文献   

为了了解大学生婚前性行为现状及其态度与发展趋势、了解大学生对生殖健康的认识情况,为开展性健康教育和研究提供基础材料,并为失恋大学生思想政治教育对策提供前期资料准备。课题组采用网络无记名方式向大连在校大学生发放调查问卷,并统计近三年甘井子靠近大学周边地区三甲医院各年龄段人流情况。调查结果发现,男生较女生更赞成婚前性行为,大学生生理卫生知识多是在中学通过非正规网络影像中学习得到,对正确生殖健康知识比较缺乏,而家长及辅导员在生殖健康方面与大学生缺乏交流。因此,应加强高校性健康教育,同时父母及社会应对大学生予以正确的指引,减少婚前性行为的伤害。  相似文献   

大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解大学生生殖健康与预防艾滋病相关知、信、行水平及教育和服务需求情况,采用定量与定性研究的方法,以永州市人口和计划生育委员会编制问卷和访谈提纲调查湖南科技学院学生。结果显示:学生掌握一定的生殖健康知识,但不全面。对婚前性行为、恋爱持开放宽容的态度。14.71%的人表示有过性行为;94.12%的学生认为开展生殖健康和预防艾滋病相关知识教育很有必要。因此,加强对大学生性观念的正确引导、防止大学生成为新的艾滋病高发群体是高校健康教育的重要议题。  相似文献   

在校女大学生性与生殖健康认知的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解在校女大学生时性与生殖健康的认识,普及性与生殖健康知识.方法:采用问卷调查方法对813例在校女大学生进行调查.内容主要包括女大学生对性生理卫生知识的掌握情况、性观念和态度、对性病和艾滋病及其传播途径的认知情况、避孕知识的了解情况、获取性与生殖健康知识的来源和对性与生殖健康教育的需求情况.结果:女大学生对性与生殖健康知识缺乏全面、正确的理解;有半数以上的女生认为婚前应保持贞操,但有相当比例的女生认为婚前性行为和未婚同居可以接受,婚外性行为可以理解;对艾滋病有较高的认知度,其次是非淋菌性尿道炎,而对其他性病知晓率均在50%以下;在避孕知识方面,除对安全套有较高的认知外,对其他避孕措施缺乏了解;学校教育和父母教育并没有成为大学生获取性知识的主要途径;98%的学生认为在大学生中应该进行性教育.结论:必须对当代在校女大学生进行科学、系统的性与生殖健康安全教育.  相似文献   

傣族青年恋爱自由, 但严格禁止婚前发生性关系。傣族社会中男女婚姻的结合是以祭神之后才为合法的, 这已成为两性结合的必经手续和仪式。婚前有性行为被视为神所不容, 未婚先孕更被看作是一种触犯鬼神的现象, 当事人要受到村寨头人的各种惩罚, 还要祭祀寨神勐神祈求神灵的宽恕。婚内外的界限分明产生了关于婚前性关系的行为规范及其道德观念, 未婚男女发生性关系将受到村寨法规的严厉惩处。  相似文献   

目的 了解女大学生对性、生殖健康知识的掌握情况及时生殖健康服务的需求,探讨更好的方法,为她们提供相应的服务.方法对2741份高校女大学生放问卷调查进行统计分析.结果有性行为者2109例,占76.94%.首次性行为时不采用避孕措施的占65.88%,主要的避孕方法依次是安全套、避孕药物、安全期避孕等,占68.36%.有流产经历1658例,占60.48%,对婚外恋的看法82.37%赞同,12.63%不赞同.通常获得性与避孕知识及生殖健康保健服务知识的途径主要是电脑、看书、电视等,希望从专业人员那里得到相关的性与避孕知识及生殖健康保健服务知识.结论女大学生的性和生殖健康知识缺乏,学校应通过多种形式加强她们对性及生殖健康教育,使得她们获得必要的、系统的性与生殖健康知识及有效的避孕方法,提高自我保护意识和能力,维护她们的身心健康.  相似文献   

The Central Lao Youth Union (LYU) is implementing the third component of the Reproductive Health Sub-Program. It has collaborated with the National Statistic Center in a knowledge, attitude, and practice study on reproductive health among adolescents and youth between the ages of 15 and 24. The findings of this study will provide data on the knowledge that youth have on birth spacing and contraceptive methods; their attitudes towards unwanted pregnancy, reproduction, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and substance abuse; and common youth practices concerning heterosexual relationships, sexual relationships, discussions on sex, planning for marriage, and sex with commercial sex workers. Moreover, the LYU is also collaborating with the Institute for Mother and Child Health, the Lao Women's Union, and the Ministry of Education in developing a reproductive health manual. The manual will cover reproductive health-related topics that will be used as reference material for LYU leaders and volunteers at the district and village levels.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a survey evaluating the adolescent reproductive health program by the Vietnamese Government. Conducted by the Population Research Consultants, survey findings revealed several setbacks of the adolescent reproductive health program; these included the following: 1) adolescents favor radio, television and newspapers as sources of reproductive health (RH) information; 2) adolescents have no knowledge of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS prevention; 3) the demand for RH information varies according to the sociodemographic characteristics of respondents; 4) while the majority of adolescents do not favor premarital sex and premarital pregnancy, their choice is to keep and deliver the baby in case of a premarital pregnancy; 5) adolescents give a poor rating to the quality of RH/family planning services at the centers; 6) adolescents need to further understand RH but not knowing its meaning, they cannot tell what type of information they require; 6) adolescents have poor knowledge of adolescent reproductive health; 7) friendship and love are often discussed among adolescents, but sexuality rarely is; and 8) adolescents have poor knowledge of RH and poor interest in RH/family planning service facilities.  相似文献   

文章以贵州五个少数民族男性为对象,进行男性人口性行为现状进行研究。通过分层整群抽样法抽取苗族、侗族、布依族、仡佬族和水族男性人口,认为少数民族地区学生性观念相对保守;青少年性与生殖健康教育仍然是空白;而已婚人群性与生殖健康水平也有待提高。  相似文献   


In 1997, two organizations, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) and ICDDR,B (International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research), as part of their collaborative research model, developed an HIV/AIDS prevention strategy for rural Bangladeshi youth. Currently, HIV/AIDS is not apparent in rural Bangladesh. Other sexual and reproductive health problems are more pressing. Moreover, there are few inor out-of-school sex education programs for adolescents in Bangladesh. Therefore, preliminary qualitative research was conducted to understand the broad parameters of sexual and reproductive health within the sociocultural context of young people's risks and vulnerabilities. Exploratory research revealed that youth were vulnerable to sexual diseases, late-term abortions, sexual violence, reproductive tract infections, and premarital pregnancies. Adolescents and adults thought that youth today need sex education. Adults said that youth should not be educated about condom use because this would conflict with a girl's prospects for an arranged marriage. Bangladeshi youth today are being exposed to experiences unfamiliar to their parents. Lacking appropriate knowledge, information and awareness about sexual and reproductive health unduly heightens young people's fears, and increases their social and sexual vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, as in many other countries, moral discourses about female sexuality in general, and pre- and extramarital sexual experience in particular, create an environment that discourages women from engaging in open dialogue about their sexuality and their past or future sexual experience. In the study of induced abortion among unmarried women in Addis Ababa on which this paper rests, women describe a situation in which they are both surrounded by silence about sexual issues and forced to remain silent themselves. This paper investigates the nature of, and conditions for, this silence and the ways in which it is socially brought about and negotiated. In particular, it explores the ways through which young, unmarried women who have undergone abortion seek to reconcile seemingly contradictory, condemning discourses about premarital sex and more general codes addressing social, as well as moral, propriety and integrity. The discussion highlights that, while issues of sexuality are silenced, neither the silence nor the silencing power of dominant, gendered moral discourses is absolute. Moreover, silence may also be jointly produced and negotiated in social discourse fraught with moral objectives and ends.  相似文献   

目的:为促进理工科大学生性生殖健康提供理论与实践依据。方法:以某院校2017、2018级理工科156名学生为观察对象,问卷调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性态度,随机抽取30名作为干预组,干预前后问卷与访谈调查理工科大学生性生殖相关知识认知状况及性行为态度。结论:医学生同伴参与理工科大学生生殖健康教育能有效提高性生殖相关知识知晓度,纠正学生错误的行为认知,有效预防艾滋病病毒和性传播疾病,转变性态度,促进大学生生殖健康。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine family risk factors associated with dissociative symptoms among homeless and runaway youth. METHOD: Three hundred and twenty-eight homeless and runaway youth were interviewed using a systematic sampling strategy in metropolitan Seattle. Homeless young people were interviewed on the streets and in shelters by outreach workers in youth service agencies. RESULTS: The current study revealed widespread prevalence of dissociative symptoms among these young people. Multivariate analyses revealed that sexual abuse, physical abuse, and family mental health problems were all positively associated with dissociative symptoms. No gender differences were found for any of the models. CONCLUSIONS: Dissociative behavior is widespread among these youth and may pose a serious mental health concern. Some young people experience numerous stressors, and with few resources and little support available, many may invoke maladaptive strategies such as dissociative behavior to handle such situations, which may in turn be detrimental to their mental health. Unless youth are provided with programs and intervention, the cycle of abuse that they have experienced at home is likely to continue on the street.  相似文献   

In Phnom Penh and Kratie province, Save the Children Fund/UK, through its implementing agencies (Women's Organizations for Modern Economy and Nursing, Squatters? Urban Poor Federation, Kratie Women?s Welfare Organization), is working to improve knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among marginalized youth aged 12-25 years. Moreover, the project seeks to increase access to contraceptive methods among young people in selected squatter communities, and to help change adolescent attitudes and behavior, as well as improve their life skills. The strategies being pursued include assessing the training needs of nongovernmental organizations and organizing shared training in reproductive and sexual health, as well as quarterly meetings to enable the sharing of experiences. A summary of the main activities of the project is presented.  相似文献   

Through the use of interactive radio and other media, Health Unlimited through its implementing agencies, the Cambodia Health Education Media Services and Cambodia Health Education and Development is working towards increasing knowledge of reproductive and sexual health among Cambodian adolescents. It also seeks to promote the use of reproductive and sexual health services for the youth; improve youth involvement in developing information, education and communication (IEC) materials on reproductive health; and increase the capacity of nongovernmental organizations, government agencies and the private sector to develop IEC for the youth. The strategies being pursued include exploring the role of radio and using nongovernmental organization expertise in radio show production and sharing IEC messages with the media. The main activities being carried include the production of interactive radio magazine programs for the youth along with magazine supplements, training of health and media staff and providing them with work experience, and involving the youth in media production by using an interactive format and focus group discussion.  相似文献   

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