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德里达在《胡塞尔〈几何学的起源〉引论》中对胡塞尔的“书写”概念做了分析,这是他的首次书写之思.他阐发了书写作为“身体”的意义、辨析了书写单义性要求和多义性必然的关系.德里达此时的书写之思是现象学式的,但为后来解构之思开辟了道路.  相似文献   

传统的翻译观认为,翻译是对原作的“忠实”解读。然而,随着解构主义思潮的兴起,以德里达和本雅明为首的思想家开始从语言学的角度解构传统的翻译思想。本雅明认为,翻译过程就是使翻译成为原作的“来世”的过程;德里达则探讨了拆解的过程而不是解构的结果。本文主要借鉴德里达的理论精髓,借以阐明翻译的过程并不是对原作复制的过程,译作并不代表原作,它只是对原作的继承和延续。  相似文献   

传统的翻译观认为,翻译是对原作的“忠实”解读。然而,随着解构主义思潮的兴起,以德里达和本雅明为首的思想家开始从语言学的角度解构传统的翻译思想。本雅明认为,翻译过程就是使翻译成为原作的“来世”的过程;德里达则探讨了拆解的过程而不是解构的结果。本文主要借鉴德里达的理论精髓,借以阐明翻译的过程并不是对原作复制的过程,译作并不代表原作,它只是对原作的继承和延续。  相似文献   

德里达“文字学”批评思想,构成了德里达文学批评思想的理论基础。他用“解构”作为批评的策略,去分析各种文学经典文本。在“延异”、“踪迹”和“补充”维度上,德里达构建了他的“解构主义”。  相似文献   

德里达与海德格尔之间存在着一种复杂而微妙的关系。德里达曾如此坦言海德格尔对他的影响:“没有海德格尔提出的问题,我想做的工作将是不可能的。”并承认他与海德格尔间的差异是两种哲学和两种书写之间无限小的差异,但同时亦为根本性的差异。不能将海德格尔式的“摧毁”简单地理解成德里达式的“解构”。但不可否认的是,德里达的“解构”正是来源于海德格尔的“摧毁”,并且深受海德格尔的影响。  相似文献   

德里达的“解构”一词来源于海德格尔的“摧毁”概念,二者都是针对传统形而上学。然而海氏的摧毁通过追问“存在的意义”却固执于一个问题的意义。但德里达的解构策略作为一种游戏式反讽形式却允许形而上学解构自身。  相似文献   

当代法国哲学家,解构主义思潮创始人,德里达以其“去中心”观念,反对西方哲学史上自柏拉图以来的“逻各斯中.心主叉”传统。德里达提出的解构主义就是反对一切中心和权威,反对一切恒定意义,使作为研究模式和思维模式的哲学得以继续存在于一个质疑的空间,在对抗的过程中予以肯定并在封闭时马上开放一个空间。本文以德里达的解构主义视角从反对逻各斯中心主义的二元对立、中心论、权威论等方面阐述了大学英语教学存在的问题,提出了几点改进意见。不断地以解构的视角审视大学英语教学,找出其存在的弊端,避免教学模式陷入僵化。  相似文献   

传统的翻译观认为,翻译是对原作的"忠实"解读.然而,随着解构主义思潮的兴起,以德里达和本雅明为首的思想家开始从语言学的角度解构传统的翻译思想.本雅明认为,翻译过程就是使翻译成为原作的"来世"的过程:德里达则探讨了拆解的过程而不是解构的结果.本文主要借鉴德里达的理论精髓,借以阐明翻译的过程并不是对原作复制的过程.译作并不代表原作,它只是对原作的继承和延续.  相似文献   

在《马克思的幽灵》中,德里达在批判福山"历史终结论"的同时,解构了福山形而上学历史观中的两种因素——来自黑格尔-科耶夫的基督教-资本主义模式和来自马克思的经济决定论模式。德里达提出了解构的历史观,和共产主义作为"非弥赛亚主义的弥赛亚性"的即将来临却永无在场。该文试图分析德里达提出"解构的历史观"的逻辑进路和理论旨归,并讨论它对马克思唯物史观的理解和误读。  相似文献   

论德里达对结构主义的解构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德里达把一切具有等级结构和以结构为中心的哲学理论体系叫做“逻各斯中心论”。德里达认为,“逻各斯中心主义”是“在场形而上学”和“语音中心论”的结合体,通过对逻各斯中心主义的解构,打乱了逻各斯中心主义二元对立的传统,从而颠覆了形而上学的根基,改变了我们思考问题的方式,使我们以一个全新的思维角度来审视一切。  相似文献   

余怒是中国当代诗歌界富有个性的诗人,他习惯以语言游戏的姿态,在创作中抹平语言的深度,拆毁原本的语义链条,颠覆传统价值的道场,从语言的皱褶中寻求写作和阅读的“纯粹的快感”。他独特的创作观念中始终贯彻着后现代主义的解构精神。  相似文献   

解构是后现代一种非常重要的思想,卡夫卡一般被认为是现代主义的表现主义作家,但在他的小说创作中已经体现出了一种后现代解构的倾向。其小说创作中体现出的解构性特征为:对人主体性的解构,对传统确定性思维的解构,对传统语言观的解构。卡夫卡的创作具有后现代倾向。  相似文献   

“非构思”写作理论在完全颠覆和解构传统意义上的“构思主义阅读学”观念的基础上,提出了“非构思阅读”的理论和方法。皇指出,“非构思阅读”不仅是一个充分关注了阅读主体、阅读当下语境、时空背景下的阅读智慧的阅读行为过程,而且是一个有阅读思维操作模型(赋形思维模型、路径思维模型、文本思维模型)的阅读过程。  相似文献   

论张爱玲散文的日常化写作倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱玲之所以具有日常化写作姿态,是由商业化社会对文人的世俗化改造,她独特的历史观和沉迷于日常生活并细致地体味的个性心理等因素综合形成的。其散文既写丰富而广泛的形而下的日常生活,更对日常生活进行形而上的透视,将之升华为对传统理想价值观的解构。这主要表现在以世俗实用的眼光消解文学艺术的诗性与神性,以日常世俗性消解历史、圣人、英雄的崇高神圣,和有关女性的神话等三方面。从写作内容及由此表达的“日常生活观”两方面呈现出文学“描述日常生活”的审美理念,使散文写作成为现代文学精神世俗化转向的典型代表,体现了建立大众生存的合理的人性维度的目的。  相似文献   

Spontaneous gesture produced in conjunction with speech is considered as both a source of data about mathematical thinking, and as an integral modality in communication and cognition. The analysis draws on a corpus of more than 200 gestures collected during 3 h of interviews with prospective elementary school teachers on the topic of fractions. The analysis examines how gestures express meaning, utilizing the framework of cognitive linguistics to argue that gestures are both composed of, and provide inputs to, conceptual blends for mathematical ideas, and a standard typology drawn from gesture studies is extended to address the function of gestures within mathematics more appropriately. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of the original article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Advances in cognitive science and educational research indicate that a significant part of spatial cognition is facilitated by gesture (e.g. giving directions, or describing objects or landscape features). We aligned the analysis of gestures with conceptual metaphor theory to probe the use of mental image schemas as a source of concept representations for students' learning of sedimentary processes. A hermeneutical approach enabled us to access student meaning-making from students' verbal reports and gestures about four core geological ideas that involve sea-level change and sediment deposition. The study included 25 students from three US universities. Participants were enrolled in upper-level undergraduate courses on sedimentology and stratigraphy. We used semi-structured interviews for data collection. Our gesture coding focused on three types of gestures: deictic, iconic, and metaphoric. From analysis of video recorded interviews, we interpreted image schemas in gestures and verbal reports. Results suggested that students attempted to make more iconic and metaphoric gestures when dealing with abstract concepts, such as relative sea level, base level, and unconformities. Based on the analysis of gestures that recreated certain patterns including time, strata, and sea-level fluctuations, we reasoned that proper representational gestures may indicate completeness in conceptual understanding. We concluded that students rely on image schemas to develop ideas about complex sedimentary systems. Our research also supports the hypothesis that gestures provide an independent and non-linguistic indicator of image schemas that shape conceptual development, and also play a role in the construction and communication of complex spatial and temporal concepts in the geosciences.  相似文献   

超写作具有写作主体的开放性、写作过程的非连续和非线性、写作状态的交互性等特点,蕴含着动态生成的文本观、参与式消费的互动创作观、自由平等的主体观等作文理念,对作文教学很有启发意义。实践中可以通过采用参与式教学方法、增设“预定读者”、开展集体写作、改革作文评价等策略实现超写作作文理念。同时也要客观评价超写作作文理念,正确处理与传统作文教学的关系。  相似文献   

两则《春城晚报》的材料体现了鲜明的建构思想与解构思想。建构思想重中心、重整体、重意义;解构思想重消解、重颠覆、碎片化。两者交融共存,构成了与外部写作大环境(社会时代环境)相对的内部写作大环境。作为写作教师,应该认识到内部写作大环境对于写作教学的启示意义。  相似文献   

It has been claimed that writing to learn mathematics (WTLM) may benefit students' conceptual understanding as well as their procedural ability. To investigate this claim, we collected data from students in two sections of an introductory calculus course. In one of the sections, students used WTLM activities and discussed the activities after completing the writing; in the other section, students used similar activities that did not involve writing but engaged them in thinking about the mathematical ideas and in discussing the activities. The errors from the in-class and final exams of both groups of students were categorized and analyzed for information about the students' conceptual and procedural understanding. We found no significant differences between the WTLM group and the non-writing group, which suggests that the real benefit from writing activities may not be in the actual activity of writing, but rather in the fact that such activities require students to struggle to understand mathematical ideas well enough to communicate their understanding to others. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to investigate the effect of an important motivational variable — interest ∶ on sixth-grade children’s performance on a writing task. Because our previous research showed that prior knowledge has an inordinate effect on writing, we augmented the children’s knowledge of the topics they were to write about. Students studied one of four texts (two high-interest/moderate-knowledge and two low-interest/high-knowledge) and then were assigned to either a tutorial condition, in which they studied and wrote about the same topic, or a control condition, in which they studied one topic and wrote about a companion topic at the same interest and knowledge level. Our general expectation, that children writing with tutorial support on high-interest topics would do better than all other groups because of the motivational effect, was not supported. The results unexpectedly showed that low-interest topics supported by tutorials resulted in longer productions. In addition high interest topics facilitated only better quality ideas, but not qualitatively better writing. These results indicate that the motivational power of generally interesting topics in writing is confounded with the role of prior knowledge. It is further suggested that attentional factors may explain why topic interest has a limited effect on children’s writing performance.  相似文献   

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