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本文论述了马克思的“世界历史”理论以及其在中国社会主义的建立和发展进程中的指导作用。世界历史是一种不可阻挡的历史趋势 ,顺者昌 ,逆者亡。我国顺应了这一历史趋势取得了很大的成就。现在面对新情况 ,我们既要坚持又要不断发展马克思的世界历史理论 ,这在理论上和实践上都具有很大的意义  相似文献   

我们生活的世界是集模糊和明晰于一体的矛盾统一体,世界的这些属性投射到人类的语言中,就形成了自然语言的模糊性与明晰性,世界的模糊性对我们建立在明晰思维基础上的传统逻辑提出了严峻挑战,迫使我们以多种思维方式认识与把握世界。从自然语言模糊性理论思考的历史进程中,我们找到了前辈们对模糊语言从不同方面、不同角度的理论思考,对这些认识成果的梳理过程便形成了我们对于模糊语言的理论认识。  相似文献   

加入WTO,我国出版业的开放程度将会进一步提高,参加国际竞争,全面走向世界的步伐将进一步加快,我们要使我国的出版业尽快地适应竞争,提高出版业的竞争力,从而给中国出版业带来更多的发展机遇。  相似文献   

Adaptations by higher education to an information-processing world will involve the development of new organizational forms that encourage and reward collaboration. As the world ‘becomes smaller’, we are rediscovering the interdependence of things. The leadership team and interdisciplinary group are emerging as the workplaces for the information-processing world. Colleges and universities that develop viable networks for processing information will lead the way into the 21st century. Recommendations for higher education worldwide include the following: developing interdisciplinary, team-taught courses of study; forming interdisciplinary groups to bring together people to analyze problems; implementing leadership teams in the decision-making structures of departments, schools and colleges. The creation of interdisciplinary problem-solving groups as the building blocks of the information-processing society will require changes in our attitudes toward leadership. The leader as servant will emerge as governance model. Changes in our systems of selection, evaluation and promotion of faculty and administrators will also be required. Interdisciplinary groups and leadership teams will form the infrastructure of the new world order of information processing and decision making.  相似文献   

20世纪社会主义的实践,只是整个社会主义进程中的一个序幕.环顾全球,用冷静而清醒的目光审视世界大势,我们完全可以得出这样的结论:世界社会主义运动非但不会"终结",反而会在逆境中逐步复兴,并在新世纪迎来又一个绚丽的春天.  相似文献   

论网络社会的道德规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络社会已经是我们生活的一部分和生活的环境,新的网络生活世界、交往方式、关系结构,需要有相应的交往规则系统来框定社会交往范型,明确基本权利义务关系。新的网络社会空间中,人也应当有自己的精神家园,建设自己灵魂的居所。因此应当提供一个具有合理性与现实有效性的意义系统,这个意义系统就是网络社会的新型道德规范。  相似文献   

浅论民族音乐在音乐教育中的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界的音乐文化就是世界上各民族音乐文化的总和,没有各民族各具特色的音乐文化,世界的音乐文化就成了无源之水。因此,在一定程度上掌握了不同的民族音乐,就能使人们更加深入地认识自己的音乐传统。  相似文献   

Communicative context adaptation,a non-linguistic context is one of Verschueren's Adaptation Theory.To master key elements of communicative of communicative context adaptation help us in the process of advertisements translation.Here,we will detail it from the three aspects-the adaptation to the physical world,the mental world and the social world.  相似文献   

Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and excellence in the university. We would like to arrive at a point at where the need for quality is no longer necessary. In this article, such a refusal will direct us to a proposal for using the spaces offered by the university and its teaching and research in a different way; in a way that transforms the university into a world university. This paper will argue that a world university is concentrated around attentive pools of worldly study. It is a university that has to invent new languages in order to answer the question “How can we live together?” In order to answer this question, and to be “present in the present,” we will clarify our argument that both acceptance and attention are needed in the world university. This position implies a kind of curiosity that is not driven by the “will to know” but by a caring attitude to what is happening now.  相似文献   

教学之所以需要哲学,是因为哲学作为方法论指导教学研究,且作为思想资源促进教学理论的进步。哲学还具有帮助教师形成教学世界观的作用,促进教师认识到教学是人的世界、是探究的世界、是意义的世界。哲学指导教学研究的功能不能替代具体学科的作用,研究者借鉴哲学成果研究教学问题,要注意运用的条件。当前在教师培养上,虽注重学科知识的学习和教学技能的训练,但缺乏哲学对教师的涵养。这种缺陷不仅影响到教师对自身教学生活的领悟,也影响到对学生人生观的引导。教师要通过学习哲学以形成教学生活理想和宽容态度,提高思维品质,从而丰富和提升教师的内在精神。  相似文献   

马克思主义创始人认为,自从资本主义开拓世界市场以来,历史就转化成了“世界历史”,任何民族都融进了世界历史的创造过程,并将最终造就出共产主义社会所必需的高度发达的生产力。现实社会主义作为世界历史的产物,决定了它必须积极参与世界体系,积极融入世界体系。但这并不意味着我们必须放弃自己的民族利益、民族特点和民族文化,相反,建立在民族独特性基础上的“和而不同,多元一体,互谅互补,和平共处”正是人类应该努力争取的方向。  相似文献   

本文从网络世界中虚拟的产生与内涵分析入手,揭示了人在网络世界中的双重性表现及关系,从人的全面发展的角度系统而深入地研究网络世界与人的发展的关系,一方面使网络研究本身得到了深化和提升,另一方面使当代哲学的发展主要是人的发展找到了新的生长点。  相似文献   

现代意义上的法治源于西方社会,是西方文明发展的产物。法治虽发源于西方,但经过历史的检验,法治已被世界公认为治理国家的最好模式。我们在法治建设方面面临着很多的难题,本文将论述我国在法治建设的过程中所面临的难题及原因,最后提出一些可行性的相应对策,以期能为我国的法治建设提供一些参考。  相似文献   


This paper explores a proposal for an off-line e-learning platform that will provide a bridge for digitally unconnected students and educators to join the contemporary information and communications technology (ICT) intensive world. Individual remote and unconnected learners face a chicken and egg problem for engagement with contemporary e-learning offerings. Without connectivity, remote learners have no way of engaging with now common ICT intensified learning materials that are intended to teach them how to engage in an ICT intensive world! The paper takes systems approach to developing a solution that will fit into the world we have, and not one we wish we had in terms of infrastructure, economics and skills available in remote and developing regions. Digital learning courses are placed onto a portable e-learning environment that is not reliant on a constant network connection to function but retains interactivity, analytics and the ability to synchronise data with an educational institution when a connection is found.  相似文献   

两次世界大战对人类社会造成了巨大的灾难。两次世界大战既有共性,又具有各自的个性。本文从六个方面全面而系统地对此进行了比较分析,这对于进一步研究两次世界大战和总结历史经验与教训是十分有益的。  相似文献   

前一阶段,中美之间由于贸易问题而引发了一系列矛盾。以美国为首的西方国家在国际上散布所谓的“中国威胁论”,认为中国的崛起势必会颠覆现有国际格局,引发一场改变国际格局的大战,威胁世界和平。本文通过对世界大战爆发的现实主义解读,以及影响国际政治格局稳定根源的探究,认为中国的崛起不会对世界造成威胁,反而在一定程度上有利于世界的和平与稳定,因为这既符合中国的国家利益,同时也符合整个世界发展的大趋势。  相似文献   

小世界理论又称作六度分隔理论。其研究的对象是社会网络的构成、演化及其对人类社会的影响,属于社会学研究范畴。伴随现代科技的不断发展,小世界理论逐渐成为一种研究网络状事物性质、规律及其演变的一种重要研究方法和手段,在社会学、信息科学、通讯、传染病学等不同学科领域都已发挥重要作用。通过对小世界理论研究进展梳理和运用领域的拓展分析,预见出小世界理论未来必将在国家安全情报收集、公共安全、经济、管理学等众多学科领域上有更多的拓展空间。随着国内学术界对该理论的引入和重视,小世界理论必将在中国经济社会发展的大舞台上发挥更大的作用,推动多学科研究方法、研究深度的全面提升。  相似文献   

Digitization will change our world at a speed and to an extent never experienced before. This will have a huge impact on how we must think about performance improvement and on how we do our job as performance improvement professionals. This article highlights some of the developments and their impact on performance and raises open questions. Finally, it drafts a framework meant to systematically guide our thinking about the changes we will face.  相似文献   


Understanding climate change is becoming an urgent requirement for those in education. The normative values of education have long been closely aligned with the global, modernised world. The industrial model has underpinned the hidden and overt curriculum. Increasingly though, a new eco-centric orientation to economics, technology, and social organisation is beginning to shape up the post-carbon world. Unless education is up to date with the issues of climate change, the estate of education will be unable to meet its task of knowledge transfer. This article covers the basic science and ethical policy debates, and begins to outline the questions that will necessarily entangle education as we orientate ourselves to the new world that is upon us.  相似文献   

消解与建构——对“教学回归生活世界”论争的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在接受知识动态发展观点的同时,应该承认知识存在固有的系统性和相对稳定的逻辑性。教学对生活世界的回归,是对作为生命个体存在的主体的确认,并不排斥知识的确定性逻辑,不会消弭教学的独特属性。教学与生活世界结合,可以为课程建设拓宽视域,为师生共同发展提供条件,为教学活动注入人文内涵。  相似文献   

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