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The dichotomy between virtue and self-interest or pleasure is held to face modern moral educators with a conflict between the interest of society and that of their pupils, as well as presenting obvious motivational difficulties. Three possibilities for mitigating this conflict are offered. First, it is argued that virtue is an essential constituent of our well-being insofar as even undetected wickedness isolates us from others. Second, young people, alienated by the negative nature of conventional morality, may respond positively to certain moral appeals in a way that is fulfilling and life-enhancing. Third, it is argued that moral education which emphasises the rights of young people themselves alongside those of others would be both more reputable and more effective than that based on the opposition between virtue and self-interest or pleasure.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that although the Aristotelian ideal of leading a virtuous life for its own sake is admirable, conventional Aristotelian and neo‐Aristotelian accounts of how it might be realised are empirically inadequate: Habituation is unlikely to produce ‘a love of virtue’, practical experience cannot then produce practical judgement or phronesis, and Aristotle's conception of a virtuous life excludes all but an idealised elite. Instead, I argue that two conceptually distinct aspects of moral development can be identified: the ‘Aristotelian’ and the ‘Humean’. In the former, the desire to lead a virtuous life for its own sake is produced through certain forms of challenging experience which, by disturbing and decentring the egoistic self, evoke a personal moral transformation. In the latter, the capacity to act well in specific social situations is the outcome of a process of socialisation, first in upbringing and later through initiation into the practices of adult life. Both aspects should be promoted in moral education for together they produce something akin to full virtue in the Aristotelian sense: Practical wisdom and practical judgement—or phronesis. Moreover, ‘the good life’ is best conceived as encompassing a variety of transcendent goods. To live a virtuous life for its own sake constitutes one good or form of human flourishing; but it is not the only one.  相似文献   

For open‐mindedness to be an Aristotelian personal virtue, its possession must make agents better off. Unfortunately, open‐mindedness does not currently pay. The reasons include (1) novelty glut — taking seriously even a tiny percentage of the worthwhile, available ideas would be overwhelming; and (2) deception campaigns — we lack the time, sophistication, and knowledge to uncover the truth ourselves. Our best coping strategy is closed‐mindedness, that is, to ignore whatever we encounter unless vouched for by trusted experts. However, as Jessica Gottlieb and Howard Curzer argue in this article, student learning demands open‐mindedness. Although open‐mindedness is a personal vice, it is a student‐role virtue. Thus, teachers must buffer their classrooms against those features of the contemporary world that make open‐mindedness counterproductive. Teachers can counter these threats by using core practices that are general (such as facilitating classroom discussions) and content‐specific (for example, engaging students in scientific investigations). Core practices enable teachers to craft environments and experiences that make open‐mindedness great again.  相似文献   

That wonder is educationally important will strike many people as obvious. And in a way it is obvious, because being capable of experiencing wonder implies an openness to (novel) experience and seems naturally allied to intrinsic educational motivation, an eagerness to inquire, a desire to understand, and also to a willingness to suspend judgement and bracket existing—potentially limiting—ways of thinking, seeing, and categorising. Yet wonder is not a single thing, and it is important to distinguish at least two kinds of wonder: active wonder(ing), which entails a drive to explore, to find out, to explain; and deep or contemplative wonder, which is not inherently inquisitive like active wonder and, as a response to mystery, may leave us lost for words. Claims for wonder's importance to education and science often do not distinguish between the two, but whereas for active wonder that importance seems obvious, this is much less so for deep wonder, which by its very nature rather seems to be anti‐educational. Yet in this paper I explore exactly the educational importance of deep wonder. This importance is found to lie, not just in its motivational effects—real though they are—but in making us attend to the world for its own sake, and making us aware of the limits of our understanding.  相似文献   

Despite the Aristotelian renaissance in the philosophy of education, the development of virtue has not received much attention. This is unfortunate, because an attempt to draft an Aristotelian model of moral development can help philosophers to evaluate the contribution Aristotelian virtue ethics can make to our understanding of moral development, provide psychologists with a potentially richer account of morality and its development, and help educators to understand the developmental phase people are in. In the article, it is argued that the Aristotelian categories of the ‘morally indifferent’, ‘un‐self‐controlled’, ‘self‐controlled’ and ‘properly virtuous’ can be interpreted as the successive stages or levels of a comprehensive developmental model. For each stage, it will be made clear whether people are committed to virtue, whether they act virtuously or not, whether they act with pleasure or pain, and which desires and reasons they have for acting. The article closes with suggestions about what needs to be done if the proposed Aristotelian account of moral development is to become psychologically more realistic and educationally useful.  相似文献   

关于德性与德行的一种思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中西方伦理思想中,德性与德行是一对既有联系又有区别的重要概念。然而,自古以来中西方伦理学界对德性与德行的具体使用及其相互关系的理解却始终存在着很大的差异。西方传统伦理学家们一般用"德性"这个概念,到了亚里士多德那里才出现了"理智德性"和"道德德性"等说法。而中国传统伦理学家们一般则用"德"这个概念,但也出现了"德性"和"德行"等说法并存的现象。名词术语上的这种差别不是没有原因的,它集中体现着中西方伦理思维方式的根本性问题。在西方传统伦理学家的逻辑里面,"德性"(理智德性)是人及其实现活动的终极目的本身,"德行"(道德德性)则只是完成这种人及其实现活动的一种过程和手段而已。在中国传统伦理学家的逻辑里面,"德"或"德性"(理智德性)只是人及其实现活动的一种过程或手段;而"德行"(道德德性)才是人及其实现活动的目的本身。一个人只知道"德性"不等于他有道德;同样,一个人也不是先成为道德的人然后再去做有"德行"的活动。"德性"是人的内在品质;而"德行"则是人的外在品行。内在品质要通过外在品行来表现;外在品行是内在品质的影像。因此,人们获得德性与德行的具体途径是不同的。我们只有在理论上弄清楚德性与德行的联系及区别,才能够充分认识和找到获得德性与德行的具体途径。  相似文献   

Most children's books assume a moral framework in which their characters live and grow, but in most cases, morality remains extrinsic to the characters themselves: it is what happens to them and what they do, rather than what they believe and who they become. Kevin Crossley-Holland's novel Gatty's Tale , is unusual in that it presents a protagonist for whom being good matters for its own sake. This article explores Gatty's developing goodness, and shows how Crossley-Holland helps young readers understand what virtue is.  相似文献   


My starting point for this paper is a problem in critical thinking pedagogy—the difficult of bringing students to a point where they are able, and motivated, critically to evaluate their own deeply held beliefs. I first interrogate the very idea of a deeply held belief, drawing upon Wittgenstein’s idea of a framework belief—a belief that forms part of a ‘scaffolding’ for our thoughts—or of a belief that functions as a hinge around which other beliefs pivot. I then examine the role of deeply held beliefs, thus conceived, in our ways of being in the world, exploring the extent to which engagement with others whose deeply held beliefs differ from ours may be possible through imaginative ‘travel’. Finally, I reflect upon the extent to which these imaginative moments also offer up opportunities for critical reflection upon our own deeply held beliefs and, thus, the possibility of changing or adapting those beliefs.  相似文献   

谈德育教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
什么是道德?"道"指做人的准则、规矩和与人交往的原则和规范;"德",最基本的涵义为"得",所谓"德者得也",即人对"道"的获得,人们认识了"道",由得于已,外施于人,便称之为"德",即人遵循为人之道所引起的收获体验。"道德是否可教"的问题,其实就是:道德规范之外的内容,是否可教?把对学生进行道德教育的过程,还原于学生生活和成长的过程,在学生的生活中来进行道德教育,而不是像现行的模式这样把道德教育过程当作是为了生活而准备的过程。  相似文献   

A number of character (or moral) education researchers rightly point to the importance of metacognition as an essential component for success. Thinking about one’s thinking, however, quickly reaches a significant limitation if subconscious beliefs are not included in the reflections—and they seldom are. Concentration-Activated Transformation (CAT) suggests that trance-based learning, intentional or not, is a source for such beliefs. How they relate to Fear, Authority, Words and Nature (FAWN) determines whether learning modifications are positive or negative. Because uninvestigated beliefs about FAWN usually stem from one’s worldview, it becomes vital to use metacognition for evaluating the efficacy of our dominant worldview understandings by contrasting them to the Indigenous worldview, the only other significant historically observable existing option. In doing so, honest reflection reveals that Indigenous ways of engaging FAWN yield higher levels of character actualization, especially as relates to courage, generosity, cooperation, respectfulness and honesty. Such Indigenous-based virtues can also better link human culture to Nature rather than continuing an attitude of separation. Such a link may be necessary for curbing the rising destructive momentum of human behaviors.  相似文献   

德性发展的动力机制及自我管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促使个体形成良好的德性品质,应从个体德性发展的动力和行为加以探索。德性行为发生的动力机制,心理学界盛行四种理论:先天本能论、社会学习论、交互作用论和社会动力论。德性行为启动过程为:在启用机制条件下进行德性收益分析,经过激励机制的调控,迅速判断后发出德性行为。这是一般情景的德性行为启用过程,在复杂的德性情景中,促使个体做出有效德性行为的是自律德性,即德性自我管理,它的形成途径是:对德性规范的认同,用责任为德性立法,在意志指导下行动,习得自我约束力。  相似文献   

The changes brought by the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) code of practice: 0 to 25 years, 2014, is an opportunity for educational psychologists (EPs) to reposition ourselves so that we can improve our contribution to the services for children and young people with special educational needs (SENs) or a disability. Underpinning such a repositioning is a reaffirmation of our core moral principles of promoting autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and social justice. Taking up a new position is difficult. However one way of thinking about it is reminding ourselves of our values. Values underpin our morality and interact with a person’s character (virtue). Socrates’ famous rhetorical questions remains unanswered for EPs “what sort of person ought I to be?” The purposes of this article is to draw attention to the moral principles that could underpin our work with the new code and lead us to build our practice around advocacy, practice based evidence and a social model of disability  相似文献   

孔子德治思想不仅奠定了中国古代德治思想的基础,还对后世的经济社会发展和道德完善产生了重大影响。从孔子德治思想的提出背景入手,从对统治者的道德教化、对民众的道德教化和以德治为主但并不排斥必要的刑罚三方面进行剖析,深化对其理论理解,孔子德治思想丰富和发展了历史唯物主义的群众史观,为我国深化实施以德治国和依法治国提供理论借鉴,为中国特色社会主义制度的完善提供精神动力和智力支持。  相似文献   

What follows is an interview with William Damon and Anne Colby, pioneers in the fields of moral psychology and education. Throughout their careers, they have studied, moral identity, moral ideals, positive youth development, purpose, good work, vocation, character development in higher education, and professional responsibility. In their words, they are interested in the ‘best of humankind’—not only the competencies, but also the character necessary for living a good life—not only for the sake of the individual, but also for society. They have received numerous academic and civic awards and honors. Their publications include Some Do Care, Greater Expectations, Educating Citizens, The Path to Purpose, and most recently, The Power of Ideals—in addition to editing, for example, New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development and The Handbook of Child Psychology. As a married couple, their vocational journeys have mostly been separate, but have always complemented each other and sometimes converged. This interview asks about reflections on their careers, their own sense of purpose, their greatest contributions, current needs in our field, and advice to emerging scholars.  相似文献   

Aristotle took practical wisdom to include cleverness, and something more. The hard question, that he does not explicitly answer, is what this something more is. On my interpretation, the practically wise are not merely more knowledgeable about what is good for people. They are also better able to discern all the values at stake, in whatever circumstances they find themselves. This is an ability that good people develop, typically rather late in life, provided they are masters of their own affairs. According to Aristotle, this development is stunted by wickedness and also by wretchedness. It follows from his account that attempts to teach this virtue are not likely to succeed unless teachers have opportunities for developing practical wisdom through their work. Aristotle’s arguments give us reasons to doubt that teachers can help their students to become virtuous and wise, if their own way to earn a living is not conductive to human flourishing. If we take his message to heart, we should, first and foremost, think about how to steer clear of wretched work conditions, where teachers’ moral agency is narrowly circumscribed.  相似文献   

马基雅维利的《君主论》在政治思想史的影响巨大,对其解读颇多争议。作为对纯粹实证政治哲学学说的评价,不应当停留在道德与非道德之间的争论,应该将其作为一种中立实证的国家学说即主权者的理论来理解。《君主论》中的君王的道德要求并非把君王看成单纯的“人”,而是将其视为国家主权的化身,因此他的行为评价就不能再是简单的依据道德,而应当以国家的最高利益———安全和稳定为标准。  相似文献   

一个健康的社会,应有两套规范系统相辅相成:健全完备的政治法律制度和整个社会的道德教化系统,前者指制度道德性,后者指公民德性。在当代社会的道德建设、特别是公民德性伦理建设中,必须立足传统的道德根基,否则在要求公民养成德性和承担义务上的任何努力,往往会成为无根之木、无源之水;必须传承民族的主体价值,否则就会极大地限制我们承续民族文化和伦理的范围,导致在世界文明冲突剧烈、社会生活普遍商业化的条件下,难以确立国家和社会的合理文化认同,难以避免信仰危机和道德真空。至于在这一基础上形成的道德观念,主要是一种特殊的整体性终极关怀,即深刻的、自觉的义务感,它相应于充分保障公民权利的"制度道德性",在构成提高"公民德性"的共同性伦理背景的同时,也必然对整个社会生活的道德建设产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

康德的道德哲学中包含有丰富的德性理论,德性论是其道德哲学研究的目的,具有最重要的地位。康德德性理论的核心问题包括:德性专属于人这种"有限的理性存在者",只有人才能够拥有德性;从德性与义务、内在自由、准则的关系中才能准确把握德性概念;德性是幸福的前提和条件,德性与"配享的幸福"的一致才是人类道德实践应当追求的目的。当代人们的道德实践应注重道德原则与品格担当的统一,反思个体幸福实践。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  In this paper I explore the role of manners and morals.1 In particular, what is the connection between emotional demeanor and the inner stuff of virtue? Does the fact that we can pose faces and hide our inner sentiments, i.e., 'fake it,' detract from or add to our capacity for virtue? I argue, following a line from the Stoics, that it can add to our virtue and that, as a result, moral education needs to take seriously both a commitment to good character and a commitment to the 'aesthetic' of character.  相似文献   

Is it always ethical to ask a person to be “open‐minded” in volatile political contexts? What might open‐mindedness entail and when might such an expectation be harmful? Drawing on observations and interviews related to a controversial dialogue that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, following the violent Unite the Right rally of August 2017, Rachel Wahl argues, first, that whether we might consider someone “open‐minded” has little to do with their participation in processes that formally affirm and even genuinely aim for this virtue. Second, the division between people who view civil dialogue as the key to social progress and people who aver that direct resistance is what is called for is rooted in deeply different conceptions of the social world and what ails the nation. This divide is at once a response to the political moment and to the human condition, as it is a manifestation of an enduring tension between openness and commitment. Third, the disposition to be what one might call “open‐minded” about this division is premised on how one understands one's self and life. While popular and philosophical conceptions of this division tend to valorize either openness or commitment, Wahl draws on René Arcilla's conception of a life of education in order to articulate how these might be integrated. The possibility of understanding one's life as an education illustrates what may have made it possible for one exemplary participant in the Charlottesville dialogue to be open‐minded even about the value of some expressions of open‐mindedness while maintaining his principled commitments.  相似文献   

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