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李丽霞 《中国教师》2009,(Z1):397-397
<正>品德与社会课是一门以儿童社会生活为基础,促进学生良好品德形成和社会发展的综合课程。它以儿童的社会生活为主线,将行为规范教育、法制教育、爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、社会主义教育等有机地结合起来,将学生置身于社会生活中,认识社会,了解社会,并在此基础上加深对自我,对他人,对社  相似文献   

作文创新,就是要打破僵化的思维和固定的模式,求异求新,提出新见解,写出文质兼美的文章。在教学中,我们要让学生作文贴近社会、贴近人生、贴近学生实际,侧重学生思维能力、思辨能力和创新能力的培养,引导学生关注自然、关注社会、关注生活,从而对自然、对社会、对生活等各方面都有广泛而深入的思考。  相似文献   

陈强 《文教资料》2010,(13):129-131
社会生活是指除本职工作之外的其他工作和活动.包括社会工作和社会活动,据此中职学生的社会生活我们可以表述为:除知识和技能、技术学习以外的其他工作和活动。主要包括担任班、校学生干部所从事的工作及各种集体活动、公益活动和学生个人的日常活动、生活、人际交往等诸方面。在实践中,存在学生干部素质和能力不够高,学生参加集体活动不积极,纪律性差,不热心公益,在日常活动和生活中,文明礼貌欠缺,行为不规范等诸多问题,说明中职学生的社会生活堪忧,需要加强指导。  相似文献   

《品德与社会》教材语言简练、画面生动,其内容以学生面对的生活与社会为基础,它将品德、行为规范、法治教育、历史、地理与社会人文教育等有机融合,着力于引导学生通过与自己生活密切相关的社会环境、社会关系的交互作用,不断丰富和发展自己对他人、对社会的认识和理解,并在此基础上养成良好的行为习惯。  相似文献   

地理新课程以贴近学生生活为基点,从学生的发展出发,构建以生活为主题,学科知识与生活现象相结合,科学世界与生活世界相统一的课程体系。因此,在地理教学中,要从提高学生生活质量、生活品位、生活格调等角度,拓展学生生活的视野,通过了解社会经济的发展,学习对生活有用的地理,促进人与社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

李华 《西藏教育》2009,(8):35-35
《品德与社会生活》课程是在小学中、高年级开设的一门以儿童社会生活为基础,促进学生良好品德形成和社会性发展的综合课程。其宗旨是通过对学生生活的引导,发展他们丰富的内心世界和主体人格,培养他们对生活的积极态度和参与社会实践的能力,使之成为有爱心、有责任心、有良好的行为习惯和个性品质的人。而目前《品德与社会生活》的教学脱离学生生活经验和社会实际;学生死记硬背,题海训练的现象普遍存在,课程评价过于强调学生的成绩和甄别、选拔的功能,课程管理强调统一,学生学到的不是丰富的社会生活智慧,而是枯燥的道德语言符号。  相似文献   

学生最终要走向社会、走向生活,教育内容唯有 反映社会生活的需要,与社会生活密切联系,才能帮 助学生认识、参与社会生活,在生活实践中对道德进 行体验、认识,进而成为社会合格的一员。然而长期 以来,由于计划经济体制和"应试教育"的影响,传 统德育常把学生作为一种工具来进行培养,忽略对学 生生命和精神的关怀,忽视对学生人生目的、人生意 义的指导,忽视学生身心发展规律,忽视学生健全人 格的培养。为此,学校和教师要关注儿童生活,积极 有效地把德育内容从教科书拓展到学生的整个生活空 间,构建开放的德育体系,选择和运用开放的教育方 法和途径,使学校从孤立的、封闭的、与外界脱离的 教学模式中解放出来,把学生从课堂引向广阔的社会 生活和社会实践活动之中。  相似文献   

特殊学生寄宿,是他们适应社会生活的第一步,也是培养特殊学生社会生活适应能力的重要途径。本文以特殊学生为对象,阐述了智障生、肢残生、自闭生等在学校寄宿生活中的思想特点,并围绕学生寄宿生活,对他们的思想教育对策进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

初中思想品德课以初中学生的社会生活为主线,将品德、行为规范和法制教育,爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育,国情、历史和文化教育等有机融合,引导学生通过与自己生活密切相关的社会环境、社会活动和社会关系的交互作用,不断丰富和发展学生的经验、情感、能力、知识,加深对自我、社会的认识和理解,养成良好的行为习惯,形成基本的道德观、价值观和较强的道德判断能力。  相似文献   

初中思想品德课,以初中学生的社会生活为主线,将品德、行为规范和法制教育、爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教育,国情、历史和文化教育等有机融合,引导学生通过与自己生活密切相关的社会环境、社会活动和社会关系的交互作用,不断丰富和发展学生的经验、情感、能力、知识,加深对自我、社会的认识和理解,养成良好的行为习惯,形成基本的道德观、价值观和较强的道德判断能力。  相似文献   

当代大学生社会责任心调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用问卷调查法,测量大学生的社会责任心,揭示大学生社会责任心的特点。结果表明:(1)大学生具有积极的社会责任心;(2)对总的社会责任心而言,大学生的性别差异不显著,学科差异也不显著;(3)在集体、家庭和同伴三个责任心维度上,大学生的性别差异显著,而在道德和社会发展维度上,大学生的性别差异不显著;(4)社会历史文化对大学生社会责任心的影响是深远的。  相似文献   

大学生社会支持与孤独感关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究大学生社会支持与孤独感关系。方法:采用社会支持和孤独感问卷。结果①性别对客观支持、支持利用度、社会支持总分、孤独感体验和孤独总分有影响;②生源地对社会支持总分及各因子得分、孤独感总分及各因子得分无影响;③不同年级在社交能力评价、孤独感体验、人际关系评价和孤独总分上有差异;(岔孤独感各因子与社会支持各因子存在显著负相关。主、客观支持和支持利用度对孤独感具有预测效用。结论:大学生应充分利用社会支持来降低孤独感。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between identified gifted adolescents and adolescents not identified as gifted in terms of social acceptance and self-concept (peer relations, academic, and general). In addition, we aimed to investigate the differences between two groups of students identified according to different identification criteria (i.e. intelligence test and teacher assessment), and whether the relationship between students’ giftedness and the indicators of their social adjustment was moderated by gender. A total of 404 Slovenian elementary school students (191 males; 47%, 213 females; 53%) participated in the study; among them 85 (21%) were identified as gifted. No significant differences were found between gifted and non-gifted students in positive sociometric nominations and social preference; gifted students received less negative nominations and had lower social impact, but were assessed as more socially accepted by their teachers. Gifted students reported higher academic and general but not peer relations self-concept. No differences in social acceptance and self-concept were found between the groups of gifted students identified with regard to different identification criteria. In addition, we found significant interaction effects between gender and giftedness for peer relations self-concept. The results indicate the importance of investigating individual differences among gifted students in future studies.  相似文献   

免费师范生职业倾向的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以陕西师范大学1349名大一新生为被试,对免费师范生在社会型上的职业倾向进行分析。研究结果表明:免费师范生、非免费师范生和非师范生的职业倾向在社会型上不存在差异;属于社会型的免费师范生在性别和生源地方面无显著差异;不同专业免费师范生的职业倾向在社会型上的差异显著。  相似文献   

目的:探讨贫困大学生社会支持与自我和谐的关系。方法:采用社会支持评定量表和自我和谐量表测量360名大学生。结果:贫困大学生与非贫困大学生在社会支持与自我和谐方面不存在显著差异,但是贫困大学生的社会支持对自我和谐的影响显著高于非贫困大学生。结论:经济状况在社会支持与自我和谐的关系中发挥着调节作用。  相似文献   

There are three dimensions through which to measure university support for students’ transition to university life: academic adjustment, social adjustment and psychological adjustment. Previous research studies show that there are relationships among those adjustments. However, less is known about gender differences in these relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived gender differences in perception of the relationships among these adjustments during the first year undergraduate transition period. The study is based on a survey of 114 first year undergraduate students from a Hong Kong local university. The findings show that (1) female students perceive social adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, (2) female students perceive psychological adjustment to have more influence on academic adjustment than male students, and (3) there is no significant difference in the relationship between social and academic adjustments for female and male students.  相似文献   

The paper studies the relation between different national cost‐sharing models and how students from different socio‐economic backgrounds finance their higher education in six different European countries: the Czech Republic, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Spain. The findings reveal considerable differences both between the countries and also between different socio‐economic groups of students within each country. Even though there are only small social differences in the students’ level of income, there are considerable social differences in the students’ sources of income. The findings are discussed related to the country’s specific policy and higher education funding structures.  相似文献   


The paper studies the relation between different national cost-sharing models and how students from different socio-economic backgrounds finance their higher education in six different European countries: the Czech Republic, England, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and Spain. The findings reveal considerable differences both between the countries and also between different socio-economic groups of students within each country. Even though there are only small social differences in the students’ level of income, there are considerable social differences in the students’ sources of income. The findings are discussed related to the country’s specific policy and higher education funding structures.


This article intends to identify the effects of school social capital on the educational plans of students, particularly those staying in school and obtaining an intermediate certificate. It is hypothesised that social capital helps to explain individual educational plans and differences between schools regarding the amount of students with particular educational plans. The analyses are based on a survey of 1638?year 8 Hauptschule students in Germany. The results show that the quality of relationships with teachers is of crucial importance for the educational plans of individual students. Furthermore, differences between schools can be explained by the degree of school expectations. This finding supports the assumption that schools provide different settings, not only for learning processes but also for developing educational aspirations and plans.  相似文献   

高中生与大学生的社会网络及其人际关系效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷法考察了198名高中和大学生的社会网络状况,具体包含社会网络结构的三方面内容,分别是规模、关系类型和亲密度.结果发现,高中和大学生的社会网络特点如下:社会网络规模、亲密度均存在显著的组别和性别差异;亲子、同伴与手足关系在其社会网络中占最重要地位;从高中到大学,理想人物特别是虚构人物角色的影响力明显下降;社会网络亲密度对人际整体满意度,特别是对亲子关系满意度具有一定的预测作用.  相似文献   

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