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德语专业报考动机研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国设置德语专业的高校不断增多、招生人数不断增长,学生报考德语专业的动机越来越受到德语学科界的关注。研究抽样调查了6所本科院校的215名德语专业本科新生,询问了报考德语专业的动机。通过对数据的因子分析和多元方差分析得到如下结果:(1)报考德语专业主要存在以下六种不同类型的动机:对德国的兴趣;对德国人文艺术的兴趣;前途与发展动机;出国动机;品牌效应动机和受外界影响,其中出国动机是学生报考德语专业的主导因素。(2)考生性别、考生来源和专业填报情况对动机有显著的影响。基于以上结论,提出了德语专业在今后招生和课程设置方面的一些建议。  相似文献   

通过调查问卷探讨了英语专业与非专业学生在语法、语用意识及能力方面的差异,及其与英语学习动机的相关关系.结果显示英语专业学生的语法意识和语法能力低于非专业学生,语用意识和语用能力高于非专业学生,但差异都没有显著性.专业和非专业学生最强的学习动机类型为个人发展动机,而最弱的动机为出国动机.专业学生的兴趣动机、社会责任动机和个人发展动机显著高于非专业学生.英语专业学生的出国动机与语用意识显著相关;非专业学生的成绩动机与语法意识、语法能力、语用意识显著负相关,但兴趣动机与语法能力显著相关.  相似文献   

一、小语种的招生方式 小语种专业招生2010年、2011年将分批取消提前单独招生形式。 今年小语种专业招生方式大致分两种:第一种是提前单独招生,由学校自行命题、考试。已被小语种提前单独录取的考生,不再参加高考。北京大学(梵语巴利语)、中国人民大学(俄语)、南京大学(德语、法语、日语、俄语、朝鲜语、西班牙语)、东南大学(日语)、浙江大学(俄1语、日语、德语、法语)等5所高校有关外国语言文学类(非英语)专业今年仍然按照这种方式招生;第二种是参加统一高考,在本科提前批次录取,其报考形式可以查看各招生院校小语种简章。  相似文献   

如何合理填报志愿对于报考艺术类专业的考生来说非常关键,艺术类考生填报志愿时应注意以下几个方面:第一。考生在报考前要深入了解艺术类专业招生政策、招生院校的艺术类专业招生计划、录取批次、专业设置情况、录取原则、就业去向等。  相似文献   

2001年成人高考专科毕业即可报考本科(摘自3月3日《中国教育报》焦新文)为适应成人高等教育的发展,从2001年起,教育部取消了对报考“专科起点升本科”考生的“须有两年以上工龄”的限制,规定:凡取得国民教育系列或高等教育自学考试专科以上毕业证书者均可报考“专科起点升本科”专业。同时,为保证国家本科学历教育水平,教育部规定:从2001年起,所有报考本科专业的考生,参加入学考试时均须应试外语(含报考“高中起点升本科”师范类专业的中学教师)其中,对2001年报考“专科起点升本科”师范类的考生(除报外语专业的中学教师外)和…  相似文献   

在考生体检方面,我们平时更多关注的是《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》(下面简称《意见》)的内容,哪种疾病高校可以不予录取,哪种情况不宜报考某些专业等。根据教育部规定,高校还可以根据本校专业设置等做一些合理的补充规定,所以,很多大学在《招生章程》中,除了按《意见》对考生报考的专业有相关体检要求外,还有一些补充规定。这些补充规定,对于想报考这些学校的考生来说,也相当重要。  相似文献   

被清华大学录取的大一本科生享受到了一项特别优惠政策:学生不受文理分科以及所报考专业限制,可以依据自己的兴趣自由选择专业。也就是说,文科考生可以直接进入自己喜爱的理工科专业就读,  相似文献   

刘馨 《高中生》2013,(8):47-49
应届生与往届生的限制 大多数院校和专业对应届生和往届生都一视同仁,但也有少部分院校和专业只招应届生。除了考生熟悉的军校、国防生只招应届生外,一些特殊院校和专业也只招应届生.如国际关系学院招生章程中明确规定:“考生须是应届高中毕业生(年龄20周岁以下)。”报考提醒如果院校的招生章程中明确规定只招收应届生.那么往届生就要避免报考这些院校或专业。不过,一般对应届生和往届生提出要求的院校与专业极少。考生报考时选择的余地很大。  相似文献   

一、考试专业详见《河北省2002年7月、10月高等教育自学考试考试课程与时间安排表》。二、报考条件1.凡属中华人民共和国公民,不受性别、年龄、民族和已受教育程度的限制,均可参加我举行的自学考试。2.部门委托开考的专业原则上限本系统考生报考。除“公安管理”(本、专科)专业外,其部门委托开考的专业,系统以外的考生也可到部门报考。3.7月份考试只限在籍考生报考。(注:在籍考生指已持有准考证的考生)4.报名参加本科各专业论文答辩或毕业综合考核的考生,必须是取得所报本科专业考计划规定的全部课程合格成绩的考…  相似文献   

采用《不同年级学生英语学习动机问卷》对陕西6个不同年级的270名学生进行调查,考察学生英语学习动机的年级差异及发展特点,为促进英语学习动机的培养提供实证依据。结果发现:不同年级学生的英语学习成绩动机、社会责任动机、媒介信息动机、内在兴趣动机、学习情境动机和出国动机存在显著差异,中学生的内在兴趣动机、出国动机、社会责任动机和媒介信息动机显著高于大学生。不同年级学生英语学习动机总体水平较好,其中个人发展动机水平最佳、出国动机最差,不同类型动机发展还不够平衡。内在兴趣动机、社会责任动机、媒介信息动机发展趋势几乎相同,降升后明显下降然后回升;个人发展动机保持相当稳定,成绩动机呈升降趋势,学习情境动机总体变化不大,出国动机总体呈明显下降趋势。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing numbers of candidates embarking on higher degrees by research (HDRs, e.g., PhD, professional doctorate, practice-based doctorate), we still have limited knowledge about why they are choosing this path. What are the factors that motivate students to embark on research degrees? Given that many of those who succeed in completing their doctorates will not go into academic positions, the motivations for choosing to undertake a research degree may not match the experience or outcomes (and hence, perhaps, contribute to incompletion rates). This article investigates the motivations of students in all faculties embarking on HDRs at an Australian university. A survey of 405 students was subjected to a factor analysis. Five factors emerged: family and friends, intrinsic motivation, lecturer influence, research experience, and career progression.  相似文献   

田径作为学校体育教学的主体内容,贯穿于学校体育的整个过程,有着不可替代的作用随着学校素质教育的执行,但是田径教学的问题也日趋突出。本文对中学田径项目教学开展状况、形式和教学内容设置、师资队伍配置、场地设施现状以及学生对田径项目的兴趣等进行研究,分析田径项目教学存在的问题及原因。同时对影响田径项目教学的主要影响因素进行分析,为中学田径教学提出一些有价值的参考,以促进中学田径项目教学的发展。  相似文献   

在深入调查的基础上,对学生的入学动机、学习兴趣和态度、专业意志以及学生对体育教师职业的认知程度等方面的现实表现进行全面分析,找出其影响因素,并就如何加强学生专业思想教育提出相应的策略,为体育教育专业人才的培养提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

课堂教学是教师活动的主阵地,是学生学习科学文化知识的主渠道。关注学生的学习状况,增进师生之间和生生之间的良好沟通,是提高数学课堂教学质量的关键所在。营造动手实践、自主探究与合作交流的氛围,能为学生沟通创造有利条件;构建以学生为中心的数学课堂教学活动,能让学生在沟通中发展;合理调控活动过程,能让学生在沟通中提高。  相似文献   

As a principal task of higher education in the German Democratic Republic is to create the conditions by which it will have a major impact upon development, a major aspect of these conditions refers to the relationship between university teachers and students. The totality of this relationship can be broken down into relationships of partnership, of authority, and of work. The third of these relationships, particularly collaboration in research projects, creates the best links between teachers and students and enables teachers to gain the fullest knowledge of their students and to have the most fruitful influence over them. The validity of this assertion has been corroborated by the results of the author's investigations of the stimulating and orientational effects of communicative and cooperative relations at Central Exhibitions of Achievements of Students and Young Scientists in the German Democratic Republic. In order to obtain the best pedagogical results through collaborative work, the teacher must understand and add to the student's motivations and be prepared to stimulate the learning process through constant evaluation of both specific achievements and of the development of the student's personality resulting from work on the project. The latter evaluation criterion is in turn best measured by the assessment of results achieved against objectives and by an analysis of the environment of the study process. As individual teachers can only know students in specific courses, the position of “seminar group advisor” has been created in the GDR to be filled by young academics who are assigned to groups of students from their matriculation to their graduation.  相似文献   

职业价值取向作为个体评价和选择职业的标准,在很大程度上决定了个体的职业生涯发展。本研究选取地方性应届本科毕业生这个特殊的群体,对他们的职业价值取向进行探讨。通过问卷调查的方法对197名学生进行了调查,对部分同学进行深度访谈,通过spss分析,得出以下几个结论:(1)当代大学生选择职业时最看重的是经济取向,而且个体间差异很小;(2)不同专业性质的应届毕业生在职业价值观的劳保稳定维度差异显著;(3)与来自城市的毕业生相比,来自农村的毕业生更少考虑今后工作的地域取向。  相似文献   

The student population is becoming increasingly diversified and heterogeneous. In a climate of decreasing traditional enrolments in the Portuguese higher education system and increasing competition for students, it becomes essential to understand the reasons and motivations that attract students to higher education and which are the more relevant factors they consider when choosing a higher education institution. This article presents the preliminary analysis of the results of a questionnaire filled in by a sample of 11,467 students entering different types of higher education institutions in 2006/07.  相似文献   

The author discusses the role of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the ongoing effort to internationalize German higher education. This organization endeavours to bring a substantial number of international students and academics to Germany and to enable German students and academics to study, do research, and teach abroad. Germany is a strong partner in the ongoing Bologna Process. German universities have introduced Bachelor's and Master's degree-level course programmes and are restructuring their doctoral programmes. They are forming networks with foreign universities all over the world. DAAD spends more than €60 million a year in support of structural changes in German universities leading to increased internationalization.  相似文献   

Educational Badges are touted as an alternative assessment that can increase learner motivation. We considered two distinct models for educational badges; merit badges and videogame achievements. To begin unpacking the relationship between badges and motivation, we conducted a study using badges within an intelligent-tutor system for teaching applied mathematics to middle-school students. Our findings indicate that badge earning could be driven by learner motivations and that systems with badges could have a positive effect on critical learner motivations. However, badge acquisition patterns were different across learners with different levels of prior knowledge. Different badge types also affected different learners motivation. Additionally, we believe that our findings are compatible with the research finding that extrinsic motivators have a negative influence on learning. The implication for educational badge designers is that they must consider the ability and motivations of learners when choosing what badges to include in their curricula. We believe our findings exist as one piece of the large research base needed to understand educational badges.  相似文献   

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