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通过创设良好的体育文化环境,创建特色的体育活动板块和开放学校的体育场地设施等方法,使校园体育文化渗入学生生活和学习领域,从而有效地促进学校体育文化氛围的形成。  相似文献   

中小学体育场地设施是保证体育教学、训练、竞赛及课外活动的物质条件。目前,现有体育场地设施远不能满足大众的健身需求,适时合理地将中小学体育场地设施对外开放,有利于改善和缓解供需矛盾。本文对长沙市8所中小学(长沙市一中、周南中学、长郡中学、三角塘小学等)体育场地设施对外开放的管理与利用情况进行调查,旨在开放学校体育场地设施,为全民健身的开展提供参考。一、中小学体育场地设施对外开放的现状长沙市中小学校体育场地设施基本能满足教学和训练需要,仅个别学校不能完全保证学生课外体  相似文献   

体育场地和体育器材、设施是学校体育建设不可缺少的物质基础。当今的学校体育场地与器材,正不断朝着多功能、高科技、人性化的方向发展。本文就学校体育场地与器材的改革和发展趋势略谈一二。  相似文献   

运用文献资料和逻辑分析等方法,对当前体育强国战略背景下我国学校体育的功能,发展现状与面临的主要问题进行深入剖析,探索学校体育发展路径.研究表明,现阶段发展我国学校体育全面推进体育强国建设的有效路径是:坚持走"教体结合"之路;继续广泛深入开展阳光体育运动;科学规划学校体育场地设施建设,完善场地开放制度;提高体育教师地位并鼓励参与群众体育指导.  相似文献   

当前学校体育和社区体育的蓬勃发展.体育场地设施的匮乏,难以满足学校教育和社区人们对体育休闲娱乐的需要.实现学校体育资源的整合及社会共享,使让学校体育和社区体育相互融合,共同发展.  相似文献   

黄永军 《湘南学院学报》2006,27(2):106-108,112
高校体育环境是一个开放的、动态的、可持续的系统,它包括教育环境、体育观念、体育制度、体育场地与设施以及作为体育组织者的老师和体育参与者的学生等.必须坚持“以人为本、健康第一”的指导思想,以学校为依托,以教师和学生为主要对象,不断优化体育环境,促进学生的全面发展.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、文献资料法对大学生的体育意识、体育行为的现状进行了调查。结果表明:当前大学生体育意识与体育行为方面存在着差距。大部分学生的体育意识处于良好水平,但是体育锻炼的现状不令人满意,这与一部分学生体育意识不强有关,也与学校的体育场地和体育设施有关。由此提示,在今后的体育教育中,对运动不积极的学生要在体育意识上加以引导,还要加强改善学校的体育场地和设施。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法、文献资料法对大学生的体育意识、体育行为的现状进行了调查。结果表明:当前大学生体育意识与体育行为方面存在着差距。大部分学生的体育意识处于良好水平,但是体育锻炼的现状不令人满意,这与一部分学生体育意识不强有关,也与学校的体育场地和体育设施有关。由此提示,在今后的体育教育中,对运动不积极的学生要在体育意识上加以引导,还要加强改善学校的体育场地和设施。  相似文献   

学校体育场地设施关系着学校体育工作的顺利开展。探讨了我国学校场地设施建设中存在的主要问题,提出政府应该进一步增加经费投入,学校要科学进行场地设施规划,严格按照规范的标准进行施工,学校体育设施应该对外开放,学校应当建立健全体育场地、设施使用的管理和维修制度等干预对策。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法等方法,对皖北地区120所农村中小学的体育师资、体育教学情况、课余体育活动状况、体育场地器材设施配备情况等方面进行了调查和研究,发现皖北地区农村中小学体育教师兼职现象严重、男女比例失调,体育教学状况、课外活动执行情况令人担忧;学校体育场地器材严重缺乏.针对这些问题,提出了自己的建议,供学校领导和决策部门参考.  相似文献   

由于受地区经济发展水平和地理环境的制约,云南省中小学的体育经费低于全国平均水平;最近3a来,有一半以上的学校没有场地建设费、体育行政办公费和体育服装费;各学校间体育经费分配、支出极不均衡,悬殊过大;部分学校领导对学校体育缺乏全面、深入的认识,体育经费被挪用、占用.因此,学校应严格执行体育经费在学校教育经费中所占比例的有关规定,合理分配使用体育经费.  相似文献   

Since the very earliest times, schools have provided a place (the playground) and a time (playtimes) in which children can have time away from the direct involvement of adults and formal learning. Although the basic design of school grounds has changed in a number of ways over the years, from the subtle to the more direct, what effect these changes have had on the overall education of the child is less clear. Research has identified a number of positive effects on leaning that playtimes and the informal use of school grounds provides, yet it is also clear that schools themselves often greatly under‐use this potential, or even actively restrict access to it, as a counter to what is often seen as the ‘problem’ of playtime. This paper will draw on recent research into ‘what’ happens on school playgrounds and ‘where’ it happens, using visual examples from the UK. The findings from this research will explore the direct links that have been found between school building design and children’s use of the outdoor environment for play.  相似文献   

从上海部分小学课间禁止学生进入操场,实行课间“圈养学生”的新闻事件,对学校体育中“健康第一”的人才观的树立、家长对学校体育的要求、学校执行国家有关学校体育的规定、体育教师的保险措施等方面进行了探讨和思考,为更好地实现学校体育教育的功能提供一些参考.  相似文献   

Sedentary living is a serious global public health problem that is associated with numerous preventable diseases. Schools are in a position to be the most costeffective public resource to combat inactivity. In schools physical educators are positioned to be the strongest advocates of a healthy, active lifestyle. To effectively promote physical activity on school campuses and to encourage it in communities beyond the school day, physical educators will need to develop skills that are not typically stressed in undergraduate physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. As a result, both undergraduate PETE and in-service staff-development programs will need to be revised if schools are to play a major role in physical activity promotion.  相似文献   

The school playground experience is an inevitable part of school life for primary school children. For most children, the experience is a positive and enjoyable one that contributes to their physical and social well-being and has been associated with enhanced attention and learning in the classroom. For some children, however, the playground can be a frightening and dangerous place in which aggressive behaviour and bullying can be experienced and/or witnessed. The recognition of this fact has, in some cases, led to the reduction or elimination of playground time. Many intervention programmes aimed at promoting positive in-school behaviour and preventing negative behaviours, including bullying, have been developed and used with positive results in schools. This paper provides a research-based commentary on some of the positive and negative features of playground life for children and some of the successful intervention programmes that have been developed and used. It is argued that facing the issues and problems presented by negative playground behaviour and dealing with them in a positive way, rather than avoiding them with policies that restrict the freedom of children to interact and engage with peers in the playground, is essential for the well-being of children and school staff. The paper calls for further research to inform school policy and action in this area.  相似文献   

In search of educational equity for the migrant children of Shanghai   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Around the world there is a growing consensus that migrant children's rights must be protected, regardless of where they have emigrated from. One of these rights is the right to a public education of equal quality to that granted to non-migrant children regardless of where one's family is registered or pays taxes. This article focuses on migrant children schooling in Shanghai. It will show that three main problems are still impeding migrant children from getting a high-quality education. They are: the inferior quality of migrant children schools; the lack of access to a public school and the much higher costs of schooling; and the high mobility of migrant students. Our conclusion: the education rights of migrant children have become contingent on the wills of urban local governments, public attitudes, and available space in local public schools.  相似文献   

张謇作为中国近代著名的实业家,也热衷于发展教育事业。张謇的体育思想,受当时一些主要社会思潮的影响,以"武备精神"为核心,以"体力与智力平均发达"为手段,以"德行艺全面发展"为灵魂,一贯主张体育与其它学科具有同等地位。张謇的体育思想,与当时时代主题相契合,明确体育课程的地位与价值,支持体育竞技活动的参与,高度重视公共体育场地设施建设,主张政府和学校共同致力于体育教育的大力发展,对当代中国的教育体育改革具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on the existence of non-government schools that cater to children from low-income families. These schools can now be found in the majority of developing countries, many of which have a prescribed public policy to provide free public education. This raises the question, why would a low-income family choose to send a child to a fee-paying school if a place in a free school were available? This paper will report on case studies of low-fee schools in Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Indonesia and Pakistan and will assess the reasons for their increased demand. In the past, some have argued that development assistance agencies should limit assistance to public school sector. Others have argued that the public sector is inadequate and in many ways has failed in its ambitions to provide a minimum quality for every child.This paper will consider what public policy should be toward low-cost private schools, including the policy of development assistance agencies which seek to assist low and middle income countries as well as the appropriate public policy for national and local governments. The paper will conclude with several recommendations. One recommendation is that although children from low-income families attend non-government schools, they continue to be citizens; hence they should not be excluded from poverty assistance strategies. A second recommendation is to expand government statistical functions so that non-government schools are regularly included in the calculations of enrollment rates. Lastly, the paper does not recommend voucher or other program of publically financed school choice on the grounds that the public sector should remain the main conduit for public schooling. It does, however, raise questions as to the limits of the public sector in delivering high quality schooling and whether these limits should be more candidly acknowledged.  相似文献   

Creativity is described as an important cognitive process by which ideas are generated, developed and transformed. Despite the importance of creativity for students’ intellectual development, the types of outdoor physical activities students engage in within primary schools according to creativity criteria has yet to be explored. The purpose of the Creative Recess Engagement during Activities Time Exploratory (CREATE) study was to qualitatively capture how physical activities developed by students (n = 279) meet creativity criteria in two primary school with differing playground equipment provisions. Using a momentary time sampling qualitative field note observation procedure, a combined total of 730 scans of the school grounds were undertaken with written accounts and analysed according to creativity criteria. The CREATE study provides exploratory insights into how the development of primary school students’ creativity can be supported or hindered, by the type of equipment provisions made available for students' physical activities within school grounds.  相似文献   

Market reforms in education are part of the educational policy landscape in many countries. Central to arguments for market reforms is the idea that competition and choice will spur changes in schools to be more innovative, which in turn will lead to better student outcomes. We define innovation in terms of a practice's relative prevalence in a local district context. A charter school is innovative in its use of a practice if the traditional public schools in its local school district are not using that practice. We explore factors based on arguments for charter schools that may affect a charter schools’ propensity toward innovation to explain variation in levels of innovation across charter schools. We find that, on the whole, charter schools do not fulfill their promise of innovation. Teacher tenure is the most notable exception. Parental involvement is the only characteristic of charter schools that significantly predicts variation in levels of organizational innovativeness.  相似文献   

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