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讨论了图书馆门禁及管理系统与校园一卡通系统集成的结构模式和要点,介绍了基于校园一卡通的图书馆门禁管理、图书借阅、资源利用等图书馆业务集成管理的简便式非接触式校园IC卡与图书馆门禁系统及图书馆管理系统的集成方法。  相似文献   

读者主导式采购是馆藏建设领域的一个热点问题,也是国外众多图书馆采用的一种图书采购方式。我国图书馆尽管也有许多让读者参与图书采购的举措,但真正意义上的读者主导式采购模式基本上还不存在。我国图书馆要实施读者主导式采购,必须从更新观念、变革图书馆工作方式和方法、选好突破口、培育合格的中文图书供应商等方面加以努力。  相似文献   

<正> 咨询服务工作,在国外称之为参考咨询工作。目前还没有一个规范化、标准化的概念。这项工作就是图书情报部门根据读者提出的问题,向读者提供解答、线索、数据或进行文献服务工作。通过这些工作,帮助读者学会利用图书馆,提高读者查找文献和事实数据的能力,增强读者的情报意识,节约读者的时间,提高读者的工作效率。在高校图书馆咨询服务主要有如下几种类型:1.目录咨询:以辅导读者学会利用图书馆的目录体系为目的的咨询。2.文献咨询:利用各种检索工具书向读者提供文献线索或原始文献的咨询。3.数据咨询:通过找参考工具书向读者提供事实数据(包括数字和非数字)的咨询。  相似文献   

图书征订目录与图书馆藏书建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书征订目录与图书馆藏书建设吴家玲,秦明图书征订目录,是出版发行部门宣传介绍图书、发行图书的一种书目。它报道一个时期内某出版单位或某地区发行部门已经或将要出版发行的新书,为图书发行部门以及读者提供新书信息和征订方法。图书馆是一个收藏和利用图书文献的文...  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆藏建设刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从高校图书馆文献馆藏建设的现状出发,通过对有关高校图书馆文科图书文献馆藏建设的一些具体问题的分析,提出一些针对性意见,并对高校图书馆文科图书文献馆藏建设的前景提出一些预期设想。  相似文献   

试述图书宣传中的读者信息反馈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出图书宣传是图书馆开发利用文献资源,教育、影响(?)吸引读者的有效方式,它能主动地向读者揭示馆藏,积极地为读者开拓书刊资料的源泉和线索,为读者提供最新,最好的书刊资料,有利于发挥图书馆藏书的作用,扩大图书馆的影响。但是,图书宣传作为现代图书馆与社会相互沟通文献信息的中介来讲,只注重图书的宣传,而不注重读者接受宣传后的反应,只停留在传统的宣传模式过程中。如图:  相似文献   

一、地方文献和书目工作省、市、自治区图书馆的主要任务,是“收集、保藏、利用图书报刊、地方文献资料,为社会主义建设和科学研究服务”。这里,在一般图书报刊资料之外,突出“地方文献”,作为省市图书馆必须收集、保藏、利用时的一个重要环节。这也是地区性的图书馆不同于诸如科研、高校或其它专业图书馆的地方特点所决定的。因此,利用地方文献为我  相似文献   

探索适合国情的城市中心图书馆建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中心图书馆制度是发达国家和地区比较流行的城市公共图书馆建设模式,这种模式具有促进图书馆业务标准化和文献资源共建共享,有利于提高读者服务质量等优势.近年来,国内一些探讨图书馆管理和体制改革的文章里,也提到要建设中心图书……  相似文献   

PDA作为读者决策的图书采购模式,使读者从文献资源建设的接受者和终端变为发起者与首端,成为文献资源建设的决策者,但也暴露出对馆藏文献资源建设不利的一些问题。由此,关于图书馆在藏书采选中如何平衡图书价值和用户需求,如何使PDA更好地融合到图书馆文献资源建设中成为亟待回答的问题。论文基于图书馆藏书数据和流通数据,依据布拉德福定律及统计学分析方法,构建了优化读者决策采购的路径,并提出树立馆员与读者采购一体化馆藏新理念,建立和完善文献资源采购过程控制机制,创新服务手段,开展图书采购评估,加强馆藏文献借阅数据支撑体系建设,开展馆员培训与用户教育,加强采购主体培养等优化读者决策采购策略。  相似文献   

全开放式服务模式下的高校图书馆文献保障分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以新时期高校图书馆的任务和目标为视角,探讨了全开放式服务模式下高校图书馆在文献保障方面存在的问题,如由管理难度增加带来的文献保障问题、图书供求矛盾的加剧及大学生读者群体内利用图书权利不平等现象等,并提出了对馆藏图书实行有重点、分主次的管理和服务方式,才能提高在全开放式服务模式下高校图书馆的文献保障功能.  相似文献   

在对湖北地区高校图书馆印刷型文献存储现状开展调研的基础上,分析了其中存在的矛盾与面临的困境,提出针对低利用率文献构建合作储存体系是解决空间问题的最好尝试;分析了湖北省高校图书馆低利用率文献合作储存的运行机制,提出了区域集中储存和学科分布储存两种合作模式,并提出解决地区高校图书馆文献存储空间匮乏的对策,及高校合作储存库模型构建和运作的方法。  相似文献   

In Ohio, the space needs of campus libraries are changing just as book depositories are filling up. In response to this situation, the university libraries are re-examining the depositories to see if the space can be used even more efficiently, the funding distributed more predictably, and the services standardized and expanded. The Northeastern Ohio Cooperative Regional Library Depository has a plan to rethink the space in the depository, redefine the collection housed there in terms of ownership and access, and to repurpose the depository from a warehouse model to a service-centered model. The Northeastern Ohio Regional Library Depository plan and its anticipated role in changing the way that contributing libraries statewide assess depository collections and provide for access to those collections is the focus of this paper.  相似文献   

Academic research libraries have a tradition of collaboration, from selecting foreign language material to licensing electronic resources. Although most storage facilities have tended to be local, some libraries have collaborated on operating shared storage facilities. The growth of digital repositories of printed materials has given the library community the opportunity to engage in a conversation about how to collaboratively take responsibility for the long-term selection and preservation of the print originals. Establishing regional repositories will allow member libraries to draw down local print collections. This review article will trace the major development of this progression from local storage facility to regional print repository.  相似文献   

As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

Chinese university libraries are transitioning from traditional print collections to hybrid collections, resulting in collections which may be print-only, electronic-only, or contain both formats. This leads to many challenges in the management of electronic library resources. This study explores the moderating effect of tie (perceived similarity) on the transfer of ease of use (amount of effort required to use library resources) and usefulness (the degree to which using library resources would improve performance) from print resources to electronic resources, with the view in mind of facilitating the effective use of online electronic resources in Chinese university libraries. Drawing upon self-perception theory and the technology acceptance model (TAM), a research model is developed and tested using questionnaires and, partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM). The results suggest that the perceived tie by users between print resources and electronic resources positively moderates the transfer of ease of use from print to electronic, while negatively moderating the transfer of usefulness from print to electronic.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium (PALCI) has developed a shared print archive, an archive that promises to maintain rarely used print journals from noted scientific society publishers for a ten year period. The goals for this collaborative project are to ensure access to commonly held print journal titles, to allow libraries to withdraw materials so they may re-purpose valuable space, and to share the responsibility of storing print titles at individual institutions instead of requiring a centralized storage facility. This paper discusses the grassroots origins for this project and the process decisions involved in turning the archive from vision into reality.  相似文献   


The tremendous increase in the availability of full text electronic resources has been particularly beneficial to distance education students who do not have easy access to print collections. However, Western Michigan University (WMU) has been experiencing a decrease in requests for traditional document delivery of print based materials. This article presents a case study of WMU document delivery services for the distance education community. A survey was also conducted of libraries serving distance education programs to determine whether other institutions are also experiencing a decrease in usage of document delivery. Survey results show a more universal trend toward decreasing requests for delivery of print based articles; book requests are also decreasing but not at the same rate. The article concludes with some possible reasons for the decrease in usage of document delivery for distance education.  相似文献   

The Nigerian society has cultural and social differences from those of people in developed countries from which educational programmes and practices have been borrowed. The differences are reflected in the peculiarities in the majority of Nigerian citizens’ need for educational and informational services in libraries. In responding to these peculiar needs of a people whose majority has had no tradition of using books, the librarian who administers their needs may require education and training which must differ in content from the conventional library programmes as currently borrowed from developed countries.

Core courses for the training of librarians who are expected to provide information which may not be recorded in print form, have been suggested for preparing these librarians for the kind of service that would sustain the interest and appreciation of their clientele in the use of libraries. The selected courses, based on the culture and structure of the people, will involve the production of literacy resources, information gathering and dissemination for non-literates, book publishing to conform with local demands and public relations activities which would ensure the social relevance of the library school programmes to the needs of the society.  相似文献   

The kind and size of a library determines the need to collect and the method of controlling government publications. New Zealand libraries tend to handle these publications like any other book with the exception of official records and statistics. As a rule, public, rather than academic libraries, are the designated depositories. In comparing the concept of New Zealand libraries to that of the University of Oregon Library concerning government publications, I found that New Zealand libraries collect and store official and statistical publications and give them partial use; most government publications are integrated into the general collection (use is not known), and few libraries have separate government publication sections with special librarians governing the collection. On the other hand the University of Oregon collects all types of government publications for optimum use; many have been integrated into the general collection (use is not known); and a separate documents section is open to the public with several librarian specialists in attendance. Government publications in the general collection are not, as a rule, recognized as government publications by the public, but those publications are readily accessible. Many government publications at the University of Oregon Library are housed in the general collection, but since 1974 publications of the United States, Canada and many international organizations are shelved in the Documents Section. Use of the various classification schemes has proved successful; however, changes and improvements should be considered frequently to make the government publications collection the best able to serve the public.  相似文献   

The author briefly describes arguments used in the quality versus demand debate, discusses how a number of public librarians have compromised between the two in their selection practices, and shows how battle lines are being redrawn with the rise of public libraries which claim to be exclusively demand‐oriented.

The bulk of the paper, however, reviews research done during the last quarter‐century in public libraries to determine whether any evidence has been found to support claims that demand‐oriented public libraries are filled with materials of dubious quality. While a great deal has been written on the quality versus demand issue, the author notes that much of it is rhetoric only; the research itself is scanty, in part due to the complexities of defining and measuring quality. However, three factors are identified which have been assumed to affect collection quality: the financial resources the library devotes to book purchases, the educational background of individual selectors, and the degree of contact such selectors have with the public. The author reviews studies relating to these factors and concludes that to date, there is no evidence to corroborate the belief that the quality of books in demand‐oriented libraries is less than that of their quality‐oriented counterparts. Suggestions for future research needed are included.  相似文献   

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