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The publishing industry in Mexico is a distinctive environment due to several elements: the role of the State government as the main publisher or buyer of books, the historic and central role of the Spanish publishing industry in the direction and influence of Mexican market through their affiliate companies, and the influence of the US book market concerning influences and trends. In a country of 120 million people, where the book reading rate is very low, as is the number of bookstores, I explore the changes that are taking place right now in the context of the crisis in the Spanish book market and why I see a promising future for the general interest publishing market in the Spanish language in Mexico and the US.  相似文献   

Citing the small number of bookstores in operation and a poor average annual book consumption among readers in Mexico, publishing industry professionals have long lamented the moribund state of the industry, while calling for more effective legislation to protect both publishers and booksellers and the creation of programs to promote reading among citizens of all ages. But in the last couple of years moves have been made to nurture the book industry and create greater awareness of the importance of reading as a vital cultural pastime, through training programs and by harnessing technological innovation, and while there is still much work to be done, publishers and booksellers alike are optimistic that they are making progress.  相似文献   

“红海”竞争背景下出版社作者关系管理浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出版业是内容产业和创意产业,作者资源是出版业进行生产活动的必备生产要素。随着出版业的快速发展,优秀作者成为稀缺资源,掌控着合作性博弈的主动权。在这种背景下,作者关系管理的重要性日渐凸显,作者关系管理成为出版社管理工作的重要组成部分和龙头工作。本文提出出版社作者关系管理概念,探讨作者关系管理的重要性和管理定律。  相似文献   

Notes about the February 2016 PubWest Conference (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and a panel discussion about the relationship between academic publishing studies programs and publishers. PubWest is a regional publishers’ organization in the U.S., with Canadian members. The 2016 conference—“A Passion for Books”—included keynotes, intensive sessions, and panels on making publishing more profitable. Per Henningsgaard, Portland State University, chaired the panel “What Publishers and Academics Who Study Publishing Can Learn from Each Other.” Co-panelists: Sybil Nolan, University of Melbourne; David Emblidge, Emerson College. Henningsgaard gave an overview of publishing studies programs worldwide, what they teach and how they serve students interested in entering the publishing business. Emblidge presented a publishing studies student project from Emerson College—a book proposal for an illustrated nonfiction trade book. Nolan commented on broader research interests concerning the book business and its history, shared by academics in publishing studies. Similar conferences for publishing industry professionals and publishing studies courses at various universities are noted here, as is a research project aiming to build a comprehensive database for publishing studies teaching and learning materials.  相似文献   

明代作为我国历史上文化高度发达的时代,其重要标志之一即图书出版业呈现出相当繁荣的图景。文章从图书出版主体、图书发行渠道、用于出版的图书类型、图书价格、图书发行宣传、图书出版管理等诸方面,论述了明代的图书出版体系,力图为今天的图书出版业提供一些可借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

In the Greek publishing industry, tradition and the desire for innovation go hand in hand. The industry is influenced by European developments in publishing and bookselling in terms of book promotion methods, the role of chain bookstores and the impact of information technology. Greece shares the features of other small book markets in Europe, whilst retaining the individuality defined by the Greek language and the country’s cultural and social conditions. This article provides an overview of the publishing industry in Greece through a review of the relevant literature and the available statistics. This work also focuses on the need to develop publishing skills through publishing education and continuous professional development.  相似文献   

Developments in vanity presses, electronic publishing and social media have led to outstanding growth in the publishing industry. Eighty percent of people believe they have a book in them and the opportunities provided by new technologies are responding to their needs. This raises important questions: What effect will these developments have on the industry? In this environment, is quality control feasible? How will potential readers find their treasure? Will book publishing remain a cost-effective activity? We will examine the publishing industry looking for the answers to these questions and may just find that things are not as bleak as we initially thought.  相似文献   

In summer 2009 ALPSP undertook the first industry‐wide survey into scholarly book publishing practice. This article covers the key findings and attempts to describe the current scholarly book and e‐book publishing landscape. Publishers' development of e‐books varies considerably from early experimentation to being a standard component of their publishing programme. However, publishers of all shapes and sizes have developed some common policies and practices despite the rapid evolution of an emerging element of scholarly publishing. E‐books currently make up a small, if growing, proportion of total book sales, although they are currently one of the most talked about developments in the entire publishing industry.  相似文献   

The Publishing Industry, as many other ones, is facing all the risks and opportunities linked to a digital transformation. This text provides new dimensions for analyzing seven technological trends and their potential impacts on the book publishing industry. The key consideration is that book publishing is totally dependent on Open Web Platform future. In such an agile environment, the publishing industry should focus on three key objectives in order to keep or even extend its influence on the internet world.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,市场这只“看不见的手”在激发我国图书出版业巨大活力的同时,也导致了我国图书出版市场的外部性现象,使得我国有限的图书出版资源的配置效率较低,影响着我国图书出版业的持续健康发展。本文拟从经济学角度对这一现象进行深刻的剖析,揭示其对我国图书出版业发展的负面效应,并提出相应的矫正思路。  相似文献   

郑小强 《出版科学》2011,19(6):49-52
盗版一直是制约我国出版业发展的瓶颈,图书盗版贯穿于出版产业链的各个环节,盗版者、出版社和作者三个利益主体之间在图书市场竞合,形成典型的三方博弈。政府的介入改变原有均衡,且政府在打击盗版力度上的差异会达到三种不同的均衡状态。只有当政府打击盗版的力度足够大时,图书盗版三方博弈才能达到最佳均衡。  相似文献   

刘苏华 《出版科学》2012,20(2):98-104
延安时期中国共产党图书出版业前后经历了兴盛与调整发展两个阶段。在兴盛阶段,图书出版经历了快速发展时期,图书出版集中度较高,马列主义、毛泽东思想图书的出版是其重点。同时,也特别重视文化教育类和社会科学、政治类图书的出版。进入调整发展阶段以后,图书出版类型发生了变化,有关中国共产党的图书以及科学知识普及类读物增长明显。  相似文献   

With the continuous progress of technology, the publishing industry is in the important period of accelerating transformation and upgrading, integration of traditional media and developing new media. We have to face that the traditional book market has been strongly impacted by the e-commerce, on the other hand also respond to the new technology to bring the needs of the reader changes to the publishing process. Opportunities and challenges coexist. In this tide, Winshare based on years of traditional publishing and book distribution, is rapidly advancing and upgrading the digital publishing transformation. This article will focus on the four aspects of the integration of technology and publishing industry development, from the market environment, new technologies to promote industry changes, to meet the new needs of consumption, and the changing Winshare practice.  相似文献   

Very, very little is known about the children’s book publishing industry of India. This paper looks at book production aimed at a predominantly young readership base and attempts to identify the success areas and the gaps. The absence of statistics within the industry is particularly telling: it indicates the existence of a non-traditional book business and also points to alarming levels of piracy. At the same time, the growth of the traditional publishing industry has been seen as spectacular and unlikely, and growth patterns are proving to be unpredictable. This paper attempts to map trends with the limited resources available. The scope of the study, given the geographical and demographic nature of India, is broad. The focus is on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the industry.  相似文献   

This paper is based on an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitization for the book publishing industry, which was originally completed in 2008 and later extended to cover up to the present day. Although Australian-based the project and subsequent research has wider implications for application elsewhere. The paper initially provides a snapshot of Australian book publishing in a global context, and then summarizes our findings on the current and potential future impact of digital technologies. The original research employed an interpretive research paradigm, using a mixed methodology design, including an online survey of book publishers and the conduct of 14 case studies. The extension of the original research project led to its being given a more global dimension. In reporting this new research, the paper discusses in detail the diverse range of technologies, their limitations and the risks and opportunities they offer to the book publishing industry. This includes insights into the business as well as technical issues confronting the industry.  相似文献   

徽州刻书历史悠久,经宋元时期的发展,明清时期的徽州刻书闻名全国,不断发展壮大而成为全国刻书业的领军,涌现出大批优秀成果。秦宗财博士所著《明清文化传播与商业互动研究:以徽州出版与徽商为中心》,在传播学视角下考证了明清徽州出版的特点与影响,揭示了明清文化传播与商业经济互动的内在机制,既是一部研究价值高的徽学著述,又是一部优秀的研究文化传播之著作。  相似文献   

分析民营书业发展的历史和现状,对比中西方民营书业发展的不同,指出民营出版作为"新兴出版生产力"的重要性,并对民营书业今后的发展提出一些建议.  相似文献   

谢新洲 《出版科学》2007,15(2):65-72
随着我国出版业市场化程度的加深和出版体制改革的推进,图书营销越来越受到从业者的关注,其重要性不断突显.由于出版业竞争的加剧,以及出版业内部和外部的各种原因,我国图书营销中存在的一些问题越来越严重.本文针对我国图书营销方面的主要问题进行分析,并提出一些思考建议.  相似文献   

随着本国政治经济体制改革,俄罗斯出版业也随之变化。从解体后的没落,到新世纪后的慢慢崛起,对于现在的俄罗斯来说,图书出版和销售市场仍然潜力巨大。高度发达的图书事业仍是俄罗斯文化最鲜明的特点之一。  相似文献   

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