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档案著录是现代档案管理工作的核心环节,探索档案著录工具在数字记忆构建中的应用有利于促进档案工作与社会记忆在数字环境下的深度融合。研究首先依据功能对档案著录工具进行分类概述,接着以不同类别档案著录工具的功能性为指导框架对档案著录工具在数字记忆构建中的可用性进行分析,最后以三个数字记忆项目为实例列举了档案著录在数字记忆构建中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the factors influencing the integration of digital archival resources in China. The integration of digital archival resources as discussed in this article refers to the way in which information contained within dispersed digital archives within a country, or a specific area such as a province, city or county, can be successfully integrated, classified and restructured around specific topics and actual needs in order to realise optimal social sharing and utilisation of digital archival resources. There is little Chinese published research regarding what factors influence the integration of digital archival resources. This article, therefore, uses Charmaz’s Constructivist Grounded Theory approach and draws forth the theory that archivists’ cognition on the integration of digital archival resources and the context (which consists of the organisational culture of archives, archives management systems, and the laws and regulations on archives disclosure), influence the integration of digital archival resources, and these factors interact with each other. This theory can also be illustrated by the model: cognition–context–action. This research can provide some recommendations for the promotion and sustainable development of the integration of digital archival resources in China as well as other countries.  相似文献   

随着电子政务的发展,国内档案数字资源的建设已经取得了很大的进展,逐渐形成了海量的档案数字资源。传统的档案管理系统提供了档案数据的存储、管理等功能,但并不支持海量档案数据的挖掘分析,无法充分利用档案数据隐含的价值提升档案管理和公众服务水平。语义网技术的发展为档案数据的管理和利用,提供了新的应用研究方向。本文将针对档案数据的特点,深入分析语义网技术在档案数据挖掘分析中的作用,最后探讨将来档案管理系统可能的建设方向和存在的问题。将语义网技术引入数字档案馆建设,将为管理部门提供有效的高效管理工具,也将为公众提供更好的公共信息服务。  相似文献   

本文旨在数字转型背景下,构建一套国家数字档案资源建设评估指标体系。文章综合分析了国内外数字档案资源建设相关评估指标体系的研究现状和存在问题。在档案多元论的指导下,通过分析借鉴数字档案资源建设相关评估指标体系研究,构建了一套国家数字档案资源建设评估指标体系,并通过访谈和问卷调查,对评估指标体系进行了初步验证。  相似文献   

运用“遥读”和“细读”相结合的方法,对2021年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的220篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,但国家档案局的研究力量突显。2021年中国档案学研究主要关注“档案治理”“档案学基础理论”“电子文件管理”“中国古文书学”“档案与数字人文”“档案资源服务”“档案教育”等主题,并呈现出较强的本土性和跨学科性。未来中国档案学研究仍应加强本土化研究,构建具有中国特色的档案学理论体系;要关注“人”的需求,体现档案学研究的人文主义;需关注跨学科问题,实现档案学与其他学科之间理论与方法的双向互动。  相似文献   

任越  路璐 《档案学研究》2022,36(1):97-102
在档案价值实现形态的产品化阶段,档案文化产品是实现档案价值与获取经济、文化效益转化的重要载体。数字创意产业的兴起将档案文化产品开发的思维与行为置于技术与创意的双重语境下,档案文化产品特质得以重新诠释和解读。同时,在数字创意产业的政策红利、生产要素优势、衍生领域与档案馆的亲缘关系以及档案馆自身文化资源专属性等因素的驱动下,档案文化产品形成了以游戏业、影视业、旅游业、服饰业等数字创意产业核心领域与衍生领域为基本框架的全新开发路径。  相似文献   

学界对档案学研究技术取向的批判主要表现为批判档案学研究内容技术化过度、过热与超前,忽视技术研究与理论研究及实践转化的融合;批判档案学研究方法技术化不足或者技术工具滥用等。从档案学研究技术嵌入的历史来看,虽然存在某些需要批判与抵制的“伪技术”研究,但总体并未造成技术研究过度,反而存在技术研究不足的现象;档案学研究方法技术化倾向还未形成,学术共同体对研究方法的技术取向存在认识误区。随着大数据、数字人文等技术与档案学研究的融合,档案学泛在信息技术应用研究将不断扩张,档案学研究方法技术化将加速推进。  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

基于参与式社交媒体信息档案化管理的研究旨在在数字与社会转型背景下对档案社会化进行理论探索与提炼。本文以案例研究与理论构建法对现有社交媒体信息档案化管理实践从不同的社会化拓展广度和深度予以梳理和分析,剖析档案社会化在对象、主体、方式、场景、结果维度下的具体内涵及其形态。提出对档案社会化的理解与应用应当:推进档案化融合态势以把握档案社会化本质、夯实数字化构建基础,以巩固档案社会化设施、加强资源化建设导向,以延展档案社会化维度、立足档案世界发展,以持续档案社会化认知。  相似文献   

蒋冠 《档案学研究》2020,34(3):46-50
数字档案资源服务是伴随着档案信息化建设的深入推进而产生的一种新型服务模式。了解和掌握数字档案资源服务的具体质量要求,对于科学有效地推进数字档案资源建设至关重要。本文在确定数字档案资源服务基本要素的基础上,提出了数字档案资源服务质量的核心维度,即服务对象的广泛性与普遍性、服务内容的相关性与有用性、服务方式的易用性与趣味性。  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,我国档案学科在学科建设、人才培养、学术研究、服务社会、国际交流与合作等方面取得了长足进展,推出了丰富的研究成果,获得了新的更大的发展空间。但在档案学原创性基础理论研究、档案学研究平台、团队与基础设施建设方面仍较薄弱,学科影响力尚需进一步提升。“十四五”期间,我国档案学科仍将关注人文、管理和技术三大研究取向,更注重这三者的交叉与融合,重点对文件档案管理数字转型、档案记忆理论与数字记忆、档案与数字人文、档案社会化趋向与文件档案管理理论创新、文件档案治理、古文书与档案事业发展史、文献遗产保护与修复及档案学专业教育改革与发展等领域开展研究,开创开放、多元、创新的学科新局面。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of systems development research methods in the context of ongoing research that is formulating a specification for a metadata schema registry. The paper extrapolates from this discussion how such methods can be utilized in archival systems research and how such an approach differs from commercial systems engineering. In particular, the paper suggests that adopting a user-centred prototyping approach in a research context allows for exploration of the interplay between theory and practice, advancing the practice, while also offering new insights into theoretical concepts. It argues that these research methods are of increasing interest to the archival profession in order to conceptualise and realise the tools necessary to support recordkeeping and archival processes in digital environments.  相似文献   

档案信息集成管理是数字校园环境下冲破传统档案管理与利用障碍的最佳实践模式。它将集成的理念创造性地运用于档案信息管理之中,依托数字校园的层次化结构搭建起五个相互依存的操作平台,通过标准集成、系统集成、信息集成、过程集成、技术集成、组织集成以及服务集成的有力支撑,实现档案信息资源的高效管理与高度共享。  相似文献   

档案与数字人文之间的关系日益密切。档案知识服务与档案价值阐释是数字人文理念与技术应用于档案领域的代表性场景,数字人文能增强档案知识服务的技术刚性,延展档案价值阐释的人文柔性。档案化管理能帮助实现数字人文资源对象的全过程管理,保障数字资源的完整性与可用性;维护背景联系有助于构建资源信任,拓展数字人文的价值空间。数字记忆是记忆在数字时代的一种新形态,体现了档案与数字人文在人文—记忆之维与数字—叙事之维的融合共生。从档案与数字人文的双向视角考察二者相互的概念理解、价值意义,分析二者相互建构的实践路径,有助于推动档案与数字人文之间的学科对话,促进学科发展。  相似文献   

郑勇  张敏 《山西档案》2020,(2):109-112,32
在当前互联网技术不断完善的发展背景下,档案文化资源开始向着全新的角度发展,数字人文视域下形成的数字档案资源,能够有效助力新时代文化传播。而基于档案文化资源的高效利用的目的,档案工作人员应积极的创新资源开发与整合新模式。本文在分析档案文化资源的开发、整合与利用时,从数字人文视域出发,对当前档案文化资源开发的主要对象、档案文化资源开发整合面临的困境以及数字化档案文化资源开发整合的实现路径进行深入且全面的探讨。  相似文献   


The boundaries that define a discrete collection of intellectual or informational resources have never been precise or immutable. With the proliferation of born-digital and digitized analog materials, these boundaries are becoming even less well defined. Supporting users' information needs in the current digital environment requires redefining the responsibilities of persons responsible for executing traditional library collection development practices and archival appraisal strategies. Developing and supporting the necessary technical and organizational infrastructure for long-term sustainability of digital collections will require intentional collaboration among information professionals. This article explores these issues in the context of both academic and state government entities, clarifying the need for a shift in roles for information professionals.  相似文献   

Codes of ethics around the globe exhort archivists to neutrality so that they and their repositories will be trusted by records creators, the general public, and posterity to be impartial in their actions. However, archival neutrality is increasingly viewed as a controversial stance for a profession that is situated in the midst of the politics of memory. Archival educators have been prominent among those calling for the profession to address more directly the cultural and ethical dimensions of the role played by archives and records in society. This paper contemplates how archival neutrality and social justice concerns can surface within the context of archival education. Drawing upon experiences of the Department of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), it suggests pedagogical approaches for raising and addressing ethics and diversity issues within a social justice framework, and for encouraging students, as future practitioners and scholars, to engage critically, reflexively, and meaningfully with these issues in ways that support the public trust in archives and the archival profession.  相似文献   

The recent convergence of digital cameras into mobile phones with Internet connectivity has provided the opportunity for individuals and organisations to adopt new image-making practices. The widespread use of photo-sharing and social networking platforms for sharing, accessing and storing digital photographs is presenting scholars in the social sciences with new areas of research that address the nature of digital photography. By examining the technological, social and cultural factors involved in contemporary image-making practices, scholars are presenting new concepts regarding the characteristics of digital photographs that impact archival activities aimed at managing and preserving trustworthy digital records. This article identifies and discusses the key concepts emerging from social science research on digital photography that are most relevant to the archival field. Analysis of the findings of these studies suggests that new technologies and social practices are changing how people use digital photographs and their expectations of permanence. Therefore, archivists need to be engaged in interdisciplinary discussions regarding the evolution of photographic practices and emerging characteristics of digital photographs in order to anticipate the management and preservation activities required to protect contemporary visual records for future use.  相似文献   

李萍 《档案学研究》2017,31(1):118-122
自1789年法国大革命率先实行档案工作改革以来,档案管理始终是国家深入思考和变革的第一块试验田,而变革的关键在于协调。数字时代亦是如此,档案行业最本质的变化是实现数字化,数字技术为此成为最核心和最普遍的技术,那么更好的协同作战会很容易实现较大的规模,并需要有满足社会公众期望的现实的公共政策。本文将从档案管理模式和档案数字化两方面分析法国档案管理变革与协调的具体体现,并从中提炼对我国档案管理的启示。  相似文献   

Paul Conway 《Archival Science》2011,11(3-4):293-309
Digital archives accept and preserve digital content for long-term use. Increasingly, stakeholders are creating large-scale digital repositories to ingest surrogates of archival resources or digitized books whose intellectual value as surrogates may exceed that of the original sources themselves. Although digital repository developers have expended significant effort to establish the trustworthiness of repository procedures and infrastructures, relatively little attention has been paid to the quality and usefulness of the preserved content itself. In situations where digital content has been created by third-party firms, content quality (or its absence in the form of unacceptable error) may directly influence repository trustworthiness. This article establishes a conceptual foundation for the association of archival quality and information quality research. It outlines a research project that is designed to develop and test measures of quality for digital content preserved in HathiTrust, a large-scale preservation repository. The research establishes methods of measuring error in digitized books at the data, page, and volume level and applies the measures to statistically valid samples of digitized books, adjusting for inter-coder inconsistencies and the effects of sampling strategies. The research findings are then validated with users who conform to one of four use-case scenarios: reading online, printing on demand, data mining, and print collection management. The paper concludes with comments on the implications of assessing archival quality within a digital preservation context.  相似文献   

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