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读者为什么要读副刊,喜欢读什么样的副刊?编者为什么而编副刊?应该办出什么样的副刊?编辑与读者需要形成一些什么共识?我试图从副刊读者心理的角度做一些探讨,并从编辑的角度寻求某些相应的对策。副刊读者心理,包括以下三个方面: 求知心理读者有求知欲,否则就不会读报。作为报纸副刊的读者,他们总  相似文献   

图书营销时代的编辑行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有什么样的体制,就会产生什么样的行为.这话用在当今的编辑出版领域亦十分恰当.我们通常讲的新形势下的编辑性质、职能、定位等,如果从出版社运行机制和管理的角度讲,实则就是新的编辑出版体制下的编辑行为问题.这一点,不管我们过去有没有意识到,实际上都是这么做的.那么,出版产业化的大背景对编辑行为又提出了什么新的课题呢?作为编辑个体,该有什么新的思考呢?  相似文献   

科技发展的变化及其对科技期刊编辑工作的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来科学技术受到全社会的广泛重视 ,尤其是以通信和计算机为代表的信息技术 (IT)更成为人们关注的热点。在这种背景下 ,众多的出版单位涉足科技出版。而各种以IT为报道重点的报刊也如雨后春笋般出现。经过两三年的时间 ,有的报刊逐渐发展壮大 ,而有的则渐渐为人所遗忘 ,但后来者仍是层出不穷 ,期望在频繁创造神话的科技出版行业中占据一席之地。那么现在科技的发展是一个什么样的模式 ?它同以往的科技发展有什么不同 ?它对科技期刊将会产生什么样的影响 ?特别是对编辑工作的影响。这些问题是摆在每个科技期刊编辑面前的课题。1 现阶…  相似文献   

美国资深编辑柯蒂斯(Richard Curtis)在自身的职业经验中得出了这样的结论:‘面临今天出版业的种种变革,编辑有什么工作要做呢?答案是。几乎每一件事情都需要编辑。今天的编辑和老一辈编辑不同的是,他们必须什么都会,既要精通书籍制作、行销、谈判、促销、广告、新闻发布、会计、销售、心理学、政治、外交等等.还要有优秀的编辑技巧。”这就是说,  相似文献   

路透社在审稿、发稿等方面有什么规定?路透社对于其报道中所犯的错误有什么样的更正处理流程?杨晓白编译的《路透社新闻手册之编辑职责》,对此做了详细的介绍。近来,维基解密事件成为世界舆论关注的焦点之一。在媒体的喧嚣中,不少学者对维基解密  相似文献   

企业科技人员的情报需求在当前处于一种什么状况?他们最喜欢使用哪些科技资料?最欢迎哪些情报服务方式?他们在利用科技信息中存在哪些困难与障碍?在当前以及今后迎接新的技术革命挑战中,对科技情报工作有什么要求和意见?围绕这些问题,我们做了一些调查。这次调查的对象是北京市某电子器件工业公司。发出调查表550份,收回160份。  相似文献   

进入20世纪末,经济的发展、技术的进步、文化的交融和普及等与出版直接相关的环境因素的巨大变化使得世界出版业也进入到了一个与之相适应的大变革时期.那么,在这样一个环境急剧变化的时代,编辑到底应该扮演什么样的角色呢?美国资深编辑柯蒂斯(Richard Curtis)的观点或许对我们思考这一问题有一定的启发意义.柯蒂斯指出,"面临今天出版业的种种变革,编辑还剩下什么工作可做呢?答案是,几乎每一件事情都需要编辑.今天的编辑和老一辈编辑不同的是,他们必须十八般武艺样样俱全,既要精通书籍制作、行销、谈判、促销、广告、新闻发布、会计、销售、心理学、政治、外交等等,还必须有绝佳的--编辑技巧."①当然,编辑角色的调适是一个十分复杂的问题,需要编辑学界给予高度的关注.出于对这一问题的浓厚兴趣,本人也试图就这一问题谈几点粗浅的看法.  相似文献   

编辑工作是一门学问。各类读物的编辑工作都有其自身的特点和规律,理论读物编辑也概莫能外。如何认识理论编辑工作?理论读物和社会主义现代化建设之间有什么关系?理论编辑应当具备什么样的素质?如何编好理论书稿?怎样发现与培养理论人才?  相似文献   

收视率导向下,既然电视媒体把第一要务定位在吸引观众上,而且是追求尽可能多的观众,那么,它的传播内容和手段都要为吸引观众来服务,由此,电视媒体带来的直接变化是什么呢?美国的传媒学者科恩做了形象的描述:以前新闻室在演播前争论的焦点集中在什么是最重要的信息,而现在关心的是.观众想听什么?他们想看什么样的节目?"为了在激烈的竞争中生存下来,为了吸引观众,人们制作收视率取向的新闻去奉承、取悦观众,而不是去告知和启发现众.  相似文献   

2013年中央文化企业数字化转型升级项目涉及软件、硬件、资源三大块,其中软件部分是本次项目实施重点和难点,共分六个软件包.但在出版社内部,特别是各个编辑业务部门,对于此项目是什么?做什么?达到什么目标?为什么分六个软件包?各有什么功能?相互之间有什么关系?知之者甚少.然而,本次转型升级是全社范围内实施的一次以软件工具为基础的技术改革,广大编辑是这些工具的使用者,让他们了解这六个软件包,是数字出版工作者最起码的职责.  相似文献   


What factors affect the handling of usage data? What skills does an electronic resources (ER) librarian need to work with usage data? How do they solve problems innovatively and contribute to the library's efforts to deliver digital information? First and foremost, ER librarians need a firm understanding of the libraries in which they work and what innovations or adaptations are appropriate. There are no true answers to the question of how to handle usage data, which leaves the field open for innovation and customization.  相似文献   

新闻媒介生产什么?如何生产?为谁生产?对于这些问题的解答都直接取决于对新闻“是什么”的认识。本文以经济学中有关私人物品、公共物品等概念为分析工具,论证了“新闻是公共物品”的论点。  相似文献   

Most journals have editorial boards. Their composition, what the individual members do, and how they operate will vary, but they are generally recognized as having certain central roles. What makes a good editor? How can potential editors be identified and then persuaded to join an editorial board? Once on the board, what can be done to keep them happy, committed, and working productively for the journal? What sorts of problems can arise, and how can they be avoided? These are some of the questions dealt with in this article.  相似文献   

图书馆阅读论的研究对象及研究意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阅读是什么?阅读学研究什么?图书馆阅读论思考和确立什么?文章对阅读和阅读学的研究对象作了初步的论述,初步分析图书馆阅读论的研究对象,并指出确立图书馆阅读论研究对象的意义所在.  相似文献   

What science does, what science could do, and how to make science work? If we want to know the answers to these questions, we need to be able to uncover the mechanisms of science, going beyond metrics that are easily collectible and quantifiable. In this perspective piece, we link metrics to mechanisms by demonstrating how emerging metrics of science not only offer complementaries to existing ones, but also shed light on the hidden structure and mechanisms of science. Based on fundamental properties of science, we classify existing theories and findings into: hot and cold science referring to attention shift between scientific fields, fast and slow science reflecting productivity of scientists and teams, soft and hard science revealing reproducibility of scientific research. We suggest that interest about mechanisms of science since Derek J. de Solla Price, Robert K. Merton, Eugene Garfield, and many others complement the zeitgeist in pursuing new, complex metrics without understanding the underlying processes. We propose that understanding and modeling the mechanisms of science condition effective development and application of metrics.  相似文献   

Over the past 2 years, shelf-ready services, the outsourcing of cataloging and processing services, has become the hot topic in the library world. This article examines the implications of shelf-ready service, both operationally and organizationally, for both library and vendor. Using the format of a dialog between librarian and vendor, the article discusses the following questions: Why are you interested in contracting for (or providing) these services? What do you hope to gain? What are the stumbling blocks to implementing a shelf-ready program? What is the impact on workflow and staffing in your organization? How many and what kinds of jobs are affected? How do library/vendor responsibilities change when shelf-ready procedures are applied to an approval plan … to firm orders … to standing orders? How can quality control be assured? Which errors really matter? Are the same standards applied to vendor staff as to in-house staff? How are standards affected by shelf-ready? How do both library and vendor know when they’re “ready for shelf-ready” in a given situation?  相似文献   

This study examines the current state of business librarianship. What are the educational backgrounds of business library and information practitioners? Where and in what manner are they providing business librarianship? How do they interact with their peers? Is business librarianship a field which is attracting new librarians? Perhaps most importantly, are business librarians happy in their profession? Past articles have focused specifically on academic business librarians. However, a significant amount of business librarianship occurs outside of academia. This survey benefited from data gathered from librarians from all types of libraries.  相似文献   

The faith in science that was almost boundless in the epoch of the scientific-technical revolution (scientism) has, by the end of the 20th century given way to skepticism growing into discredit (antiscientism). What processes in science could have caused these changes? What are the roles of positivism and dialectics in modern science? These matters are considered in this work.  相似文献   

In a climate of fear about funding for libraries and the arts, the preservation of many periodicals and newspapers is under threat. Digitisation is therefore justifiable as a conservation directive however what of those volumes that are not chosen? Are we creating an alternative version of Victorian culture through so selective a gaze? Indeed, who is choosing these titles? There is a question of access, both of what material is available to digitise and also what it is perceived ‘the audience’ want. However, a further question is raised—who are ‘the audience’? What are these archives going to be used for? This article will examine the different forms of nineteenth-century periodical and newspaper archives that are available, how they are organised and who their perceived audience is, before going on to consider the pedagogical utility of such sites. How can we enhance students' understanding of nineteenth-century culture by using these archives in our lecture theatres? And if we do, what are the implications for research in the future?  相似文献   


Not a day appears to go by without breaking news of some Artificial Intelligence (AI) advance that seemingly has the potential to transform our lives. As recordkeeping professionals, we can very well ask, ‘What about us?’ Where is the AI or automation to help us with our classification, appraisal and disposal work? If we are to meet the challenges of managing records in the digital age, such technology – together with appropriate skills and knowledge – will be necessary. How can AI automate our digital recordkeeping and archive work? In this article, the authors provide a snapshot of the practice of AI in Australian recordkeeping. What is the reality versus the hype of such technology, and what is actually being done now? In answering these questions, they first provide a brief introduction into AI techniques and their characteristics in relation to recordkeeping work. They then introduce four case studies from Australian archival and government institutions that have embarked on AI initiatives. In each case, they provide an overview of the project in terms of requirements, activities to date, outcomes and futures. The article concludes with a discussion of the lessons learnt, issues and implications of AI in the archive.  相似文献   

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