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搜索引擎已经改变了人们利用互联网的方式.中文搜索是一个高速成长的市场,中文搜索领域中不断出现新的变数,也预示着中文搜索的发展方向.中文搜索领域的发展变数有搜索市场竞争白热化,搜索引擎经济火暴;涉足垂直深度搜索、内容整合、内容建设;门户搜索和搜索门户相互渗透;搜索模式开始从海量搜索向定向搜索转变,个性化搜索成为竞争的焦点.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种量化搜索引擎结果页面排名的方法,以较先前类似研究更为广泛的资料,揭示不同地区的本地化中文搜索引擎的搜索结果页面特征。研究结果展现了百度百科和中文维基百科在搜索引擎中能见与否,在不同地区本地化搜索引擎的明显能见差异。研究样本涵盖了3000条中文搜索词条,在中国大陆、新加坡、香港地区和台湾地区四个主要华语地区的搜索引擎结果页面排名。本研究证实了主流的用户生成百科全书能见指数较高,并受到地区因素影响。同时,百度百科和中文维基百科等百科全书网站也揭示了中文搜索环境的构建方式。  相似文献   

针对目前搜索引擎返回结果的海量性,构建一个元搜索引擎,旨在高效利用多个成员搜索引擎返回的结果。介绍元搜索引擎的基本架构及当前结果融合的主要方法,应用统计学方法研究网页标题、网页摘要与网页文本之间的相关性关系,从而确定相关度权值进行结果相关性判断。实验证明,元搜索引擎搜索结果的平均准确率比各个成员引擎的搜索结果平均准确率都有较大提高。  相似文献   

分别从用户对搜索引擎推荐的相关词列表的满意度、用户对利用搜索引擎推荐的相关词进行二次检索得到的网页列表的满意度,以及同义词对的相互推荐能力三个方面对三大主流中文搜索引擎Google、百度和雅虎进行对比分析,得出一些较有说服力的结论.此外,通过分析发掘出搜索引擎相关词推荐功能的不完善之处,提出一些改进建议.  相似文献   

搜索引擎用户日志分析对信息检索学术研究和搜索引擎优化都有重要意义,文章对约20G的新浪爱问搜索引擎(http://iask.com/)日志进行了系统的分析.发现了很多中文搜索的特点,并针对这些现象提出了一些问题.这些内容对于掌握用户搜索行为,完善搜索引擎系统和中文信息检索研究都具有重要的意义.该文为2008年第七期本期话题<用户查询的理解>的文章之一.  相似文献   

Google目前被公认为全球最大的搜索引擎,它提供了简单易用的免费服务.用户可以在瞬间得到相关的搜索结果.本测试考察的是Google的检全率和检准率,且测试从两个角度进行:专有名词和普通名词.结果表明,Google的专有名词和普通名词的检索效果并没有明显的差异,同时Google的检准率相对于检全率要高一些.最后,作者对测试结果进行一些分析和思考.  相似文献   

3月2日,谷歌(GOOGLE)发布了图书搜索简体中文试用版,高调介入中文图书搜索领域:无独有偶,另外一家中文搜索引擎--百度,也正紧锣密鼓筹备中文图书搜索项目,计划于近日推出.两大搜索巨头对中文图书搜索领域的争夺,不仅在互联网界引起轩然大波,也给相对平静的出版发行界带来不小的影响.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的方法,对高校学生使用搜索引擎的行为进行实证研究。研究发现:大学生在使用搜索引擎时,较少使用高级搜索功能;在浏览搜索结果时,近一半大学生只会点击查看3页以内的搜索结果;从时间上来看,不愿让检索时间超出半小时的人占74.9%。同时相关性分析显示,上网频率会对大学生在使用搜索引擎时关键词的输入情况以及逻辑检索功能的使用情况产生影响;上网时间则会对大学生愿意花费多少时间去浏览检索结果产生影响。  相似文献   

马园园 《图书馆学刊》2007,29(6):131-133
介绍了中文搜索引擎的现状,通过对国内著名中文搜索引擎Google、Baidu、悠游、天网、北极星等在数据库规模和收录范围、检索功能、检索性能、结果输出和个性化方面的比较分析,针对目前中文搜索引擎存在的问题和不足,提出了若干合理化建议;最后对中文搜索引擎的未来发展趋势做了展望。  相似文献   

人肉搜索引擎与隐私权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓人肉搜索引擎,通俗点说,就是帮你发动天下所有会上网的高手,让他们免费来帮你解决问题.任何一个论坛,都可以带有人肉搜索引擎的性质和功能.人肉搜索引擎是2006年以来由于各引擎的发达以及各类沸沸扬扬的事件而被提出的概念,影响较大的有:新浪爱问搜索、百度帖吧、百度知道、猫扑论坛、天涯论坛、腾讯搜搜等.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an analysis of medical or health queries to different web search engines. We report results: (i). comparing samples of 10000 web queries taken randomly from 1.2 million query logs from the AlltheWeb.com and Excite.com commercial web search engines in 2001 for medical or health queries, (ii). comparing the 2001 findings from Excite and AlltheWeb.com users with results from a previous analysis of medical and health related queries from the Excite Web search engine for 1997 and 1999, and (iii). medical or health advice-seeking queries beginning with the word 'should'. Findings suggest: (i). a small percentage of web queries are medical or health related, (ii). the top five categories of medical or health queries were: general health, weight issues, reproductive health and puberty, pregnancy/obstetrics, and human relationships, and (iii). over time, the medical and health queries may have declined as a proportion of all web queries, as the use of specialized medical/health websites and e-commerce-related queries has increased. Findings provide insights into medical and health-related web querying and suggests some implications for the use of the general web search engines when seeking medical/health information.  相似文献   

中文搜索引擎用户检索式特征探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马寒  冯锦玲 《情报学报》2005,24(6):718-722
这项研究采集了百度、一搜、中搜和搜狗四家中文搜索引擎的七千余项检索式,分别从词汇出现频次、词汇量、类别等方面分析了中文搜索引擎用户的检索行为特征,对开展用户教育和搜索服务设计都有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to understand the reasons why known-item search queries entered in a discovery system return zero hits. We analyze a sample of 708 known-item queries and classify them into four categories of zero hits with regard to whether the item is held by the library and whether the query is formulated correctly: (1) item in stock, but query incorrect, (2) item not in stock, (3) item in stock, but incomplete or erroneous metadata, (4) query is ambiguous or not understandable. The main reasons for zero hits are caused by acquisition and erroneous search queries. We discuss possible solutions for known-item queries resulting in zero hits from the side of the system and show that 30% of zero hits could easily be avoided by applying automatic spelling correction. We argue that libraries can improve their discovery systems or online catalogs by applying strategies to avoid or cope with zero hits inspired by web search engines and commercial search web sites.  相似文献   

It is known that users of internet search engines often enter queries with misspellings in one or more search terms. Several web search engines make suggestions for correcting misspelled words, but the methods used are proprietary and unpublished to our knowledge. Here we describe the methodology we have developed to perform spelling correction for the PubMed search engine. Our approach is based on the noisy channel model for spelling correction and makes use of statistics harvested from user logs to estimate the probabilities of different types of edits that lead to misspellings. The unique problems encountered in correcting search engine queries are discussed and our solutions are outlined.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper investigated the impact of the advanced search features of three common search engines on retrieval result performance: Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The authors analyzed 240 search queries with different information need emphases to determine retrieval effectiveness differences among regular search, title search, exact phrase search, and PDF file format restriction search. A one-way ANOVA method and regression analysis method were used for the study. It was found that the PDF file format restriction search achieved the best retrieval performance among Yahoo, Google and Live Search. The regular search achieved the best web page ranking performance among Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The findings of this study can be used to assist users in formulating an appropriate search strategy to improve search effectiveness, and to shed light on how search engines react to different types of search features in terms of retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper investigated the impact of the advanced search features of three common search engines on retrieval result performance: Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The authors analyzed 240 search queries with different information need emphases to determine retrieval effectiveness differences among regular search, title search, exact phrase search, and PDF file format restriction search. A one-way ANOVA method and regression analysis method were used for the study. It was found that the PDF file format restriction search achieved the best retrieval performance among Yahoo, Google and Live Search. The regular search achieved the best web page ranking performance among Yahoo, Google, and Live Search. The findings of this study can be used to assist users in formulating an appropriate search strategy to improve search effectiveness, and to shed light on how search engines react to different types of search features in terms of retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

Bing and Google customize their results to target people with different geographic locations and languages but, despite the importance of search engines for web users and webometric research, the extent and nature of these differences are unknown. This study compares the results of seventeen random queries submitted automatically to Bing for thirteen different English geographic search markets at monthly intervals. Search market choice alters a small majority of the top 10 results but less than a third of the complete sets of results. Variation in the top 10 results over a month was about the same as variation between search markets but variation over time was greater for the complete results sets. Most worryingly for users, there were almost no ubiquitous authoritative results: only one URL was always returned in the top 10 for all search markets and points in time, and Wikipedia was almost completely absent from the most common top 10 results. Most importantly for webometrics, results from at least three different search markets should be combined to give more reliable and comprehensive results, even for queries that return fewer than the maximum number of URLs.  相似文献   

利用AltaVista、Fast、Google 3种搜索引擎在不同时间对中国大陆10所大学的总网络影响因子进行对比分析,其结果表明:网络影响因子的有效性和可靠性除受其本身定义的局限外,还受到搜索引擎性能的影响;目前根据网络影响因子来分析各大学网站的影响力,并以此来对各大学的综合实力进行排名的做法尚缺乏足够的科学依据。  相似文献   

The study reports on a longitudinal and comparative evaluation of Greek language searching on the web. Ten engines, five global (A9, AltaVista, Google, MSN Search, and Yahoo!) and five Greek (Anazitisi, Ano-Kato, Phantis. Trinity, and Visto), were evaluated using (a) navigational queries in 2004 and 2006; and (b) by measuring the freshness of the search engine indices in 2005 and 2006. Homepage finding queries for known Greek organizations were created and searched. Queries included the name of the organization in its Greek and non-Greek, English or transliterated equivalent forms. The organizations represented ten categories: government departments, universities, colleges, travel agencies, museums, media (TV, radio, newspapers), transportation, and banks. The freshness of the indices was evaluated by examining the status of the returned URLs (live versus dead) from the navigational queries, and by identifying if the engines have indexed 32480 active (live) Greek domain URLs. Effectiveness measures included (a) qualitative assessment of how engines handle the Greek language; (b) precision at 10 documents (P@10); (c) mean reciprocal rank (MRR); (d) Navigational Query Discounted Cumulative Gain (NQ-DCG), a new heuristic evaluation measure; (e) response time; (f) the ratio of the dead URL links returned, (g) the presence or absence of URLs and the decay observed over the period of the study. The results report on which of the global and Greek search engines perform best; and if the performance achieved is good enough from a user’s perspective.  相似文献   

基于网络商业信息资源的分类、特点,从网络数据库、通用搜索引擎、商业搜索引擎、电子图书和商业网站等方面系统地探讨了网络商业信息资源荻取技术.参考文献7.  相似文献   

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