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The kind and size of a library determines the need to collect and the method of controlling government publications. New Zealand libraries tend to handle these publications like any other book with the exception of official records and statistics. As a rule, public, rather than academic libraries, are the designated depositories. In comparing the concept of New Zealand libraries to that of the University of Oregon Library concerning government publications, I found that New Zealand libraries collect and store official and statistical publications and give them partial use; most government publications are integrated into the general collection (use is not known), and few libraries have separate government publication sections with special librarians governing the collection. On the other hand the University of Oregon collects all types of government publications for optimum use; many have been integrated into the general collection (use is not known); and a separate documents section is open to the public with several librarian specialists in attendance. Government publications in the general collection are not, as a rule, recognized as government publications by the public, but those publications are readily accessible. Many government publications at the University of Oregon Library are housed in the general collection, but since 1974 publications of the United States, Canada and many international organizations are shelved in the Documents Section. Use of the various classification schemes has proved successful; however, changes and improvements should be considered frequently to make the government publications collection the best able to serve the public.  相似文献   

The government publications are an unexplored facet of Pakistan librarianship. Ineffective bibliographical control affects their sales and distribution. The publications are sold either directly by the Manager of Publications or through agents. Most libraries catalogue and shelve them as they do books. Some maintain a separate catalogue and a few institutions have a combination of the two approaches. AACR is used. Documents are arranged in alphabetical order by issuing agency, followed by individual titles arranged by year of publication. Special libraries devoted to finance and banking make the most use of government publications. A “Public Documents” course is mandated to be in the curriculum of six library schools in the country, but only the University of Karachi offers this course.  相似文献   


Special libraries exist in an ecosystem consisting of the information industry, the library world, their own organizations, and workforce demographics. Librarians need to be aware of the trends shaping all of these facets. This column takes a close look at Outsell's Information Industry Outlook report for 2016 and its implications for special libraries. The outlook for special libraries is neither the previously forecast Baby Boomer retirement crisis nor the dire end of special libraries many feared during the recent recession. Instead, the special library world is transforming, creating both challenges and opportunities for special librarians. Millennials entering both the workforce at large and the library workforce will make their presence known. Savvy information professionals will stay on top of these trends and find their niche, whether in a traditional physical library or in emerging careers outside the library.

Column Editor’s NoteSpecial libraries share concerns with their more general academic, public, and school counterparts, but they also have unique characteristics and concerns which merit separate consideration. Libraries of all types are evolving, and just as special libraries can learn from the general literature on libraries, practitioners in all types of libraries can learn from the experiences and best practices of special libraries. “The Specialist,” appearing in even-numbered issues of this journal, addresses the administrative concerns of special libraries. The column's scope is a broad umbrella of specialized librarianship and includes corporate, non-profit, government, and independent libraries as well as the specialized departments and branches of academic and public libraries. Contributions from practitioners and scholars on any aspect of special libraries are welcome. Interested authors are invited to contact the editor at tmurray@stamps.org for submission guidelines.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(27-28):305-312
Government publications in serial form provide timely, authoritative information on a range of subjects but reference librarians are not always aware of what is available in these sources. In libraries with separate documents departments, reference staffs may abrogate all responsibility for government publications, relying upon commercial sources to fill information needs more appropriately met with government periodicals. Documents librarians and reference librarians can facilitate the incorporation of govemment information in serial form into the general reference process. Benefits will include improved service to library patrons and an expanded user base to support the continued publication and distribution of government periodicals.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comparative case study of the capture and selection practices used to populate electronic depositories of born-digital state government publications. The three case sites illustrate differences in collection building approaches, technological infrastructures, and statutory contexts. The findings reveal two basic modes of selection practices—active selection and passive selection, and three selection models based on the loci of selection control—library selection, liaison selection, and creator selection. Also, the findings suggest the power of defining and selecting government publications for state depositories is shifting from government agencies to state libraries in the active selection model. The authors argue for the need to attend to Web publications in non-traditional formats (e.g., an interactive HTML document) and to include common publications produced for lay citizens (e.g., brochures, fact sheets, FAQs, etc.) in the permanent collections in order to fully document government activities for the historical record.  相似文献   

文章通过对国内数据素养研究文献的梳理,提出了数据素养是大数据时代个人及组织的基本素养和技能的观点,以期促进全社会形成人人皆应具备过硬的数据素养的共识,并构建以政府及教育行政主管部门、各级各类学校、图书馆、公司、企业等社会组织及公民个人为主体的数据素养提升系统。  相似文献   

Libraries and information centres use often multiple classification schemes for organizing their collections. In Canadian full depository libraries government publications can be organized in collections using a government publishing office's own notation, knowledge organization notation, or other notational scheme designed especially for government publications. Provenance-based schemes such as CODOC are attractive for their universality and for work-related purposes that may be influenced by financial challenges. However, libraries that use multiple notations for government publications may open the potential for intellectual disruption to information retrieval practices in either physical or virtual browsing.  相似文献   

The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is in a period of transition from dissemination of primarily print government publications, to an expanded program including distribution of and access to electronic government information. In an electronic FDLP, the traditional roles of producing, acquiring, and disseminating government publications are expanded with additional roles of providing ongoing, long-term access to selected documents, and increasing the level of services to depository libraries. FDLP has already undertaken the transition with electronic initiatives. Additional projects are being developed which will facilitate access to electronic government documents. A more electronic FDLP implies significant changes for Library Programs Service and depository libraries. The goal of the transition is to improve the depository library program and continue to support public access to government publications.  相似文献   

在Human Library服务中,图书馆、高校院系、高校社团协会、政府部门、民间非营利组织、媒体等都可成为图书馆的合作对象,合作内容包括真人书资源的共建共享、真人图书馆员的共建共享、读者工作的协同管理、活动费用的多方筹措、活动场地的相互借用。图书馆要通过培养合作意识、成立合作协调机构、构建图书馆Human Library服务联盟、发挥图书馆在合作中的引领作用来有效提升图书馆Human Library服务的水平。  相似文献   

Australia has a well-established history of access to government information and publications by citizens, much of it through libraries. The changes in the 1990s and 2000s with the move to electronic publishing and Internet access have led to significant changes in the accessibility of information. In 1997, the Australian Government framework for electronic delivery of information service was established by the report Management of Government Information as a National Strategic Resource. Since this report, there has been a rapid increase in the availability of government information, including government publications. There has also been an increased demand for public libraries to support access. The paper reviews establishment of the initial framework and changes in the past decade. Trends in production of government information, citizens' use of electronic Australian Government publications, satisfaction with online government services, and implications for libraries are analyzed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在当前政府职能转变的背景下,政府与社会组织合作提供公共图书馆服务是公共图书馆管理体制改革的有效措施,也是公共图书馆事业发展的重要趋势。研究政府与社会组织的合作关系,不仅能够丰富相关理论成果,而且能为公共图书馆服务供给政社合作的发展提供参考。[目的/意义]通过文献调研、网络调研与实地调研相结合,论述公共图书馆服务供给政社合作关系的概念及特征,对公共图书馆服务供给政社合作关系中各主体的角色、政社合作关系的成因、政社合作关系的类型及形成过程进行深入分析。在此基础之上,提出公共图书馆服务供给政社合作关系可持续发展的对策。[结果/结论]良好合作关系的建立需要端正合作动机,完善合作制度,规范合作行为。  相似文献   

通过调查我国国家及省级医学情报研究机构的发展及合作情况发现,以增挂牌子的虚体整合模式以及与当地高校医学图书馆合作,将是我国医学情报研究机构的发展方向;查新咨询、期刊编辑、网络系统及网站建设工作、文献信息服务、情报研究服务、文献检索教学与用户培训、卫生政策管理与研究、卫生信息统计工作是当前各医学情报研究机构的主要业务,近来出现的电子政务科室为政府机构(卫生厅)、医学情报研究机构和医学图书馆的区域性合作提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

图书馆外文图书政府采购问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多图书馆是由政府全额拨款的,如何用好购书经费一直是图书馆研究的重点。近来政府书刊采购已成热门话题,本文旨在找出外文图书采用政府采购时应该考虑到的问题,以便顺利开展此项工作。  相似文献   

Increasingly, federal government departments in Canada are publishing and disseminating official information in electronic form. A survey of all full and selective depository libraries in the Canadian Depository Services Program was undertaken to determine the extent to which those libraries are prepared for the shift to electronic formats. Findings reported in the article show that academic and government libraries are better positioned than public libraries to provide service. Academic and government libraries have access to greater numbers of more powerful personal computers, better printers, and higher speed connections to the Internet. The imposition of fees for service is seen to be an important issue. Public libraries comprise the largest single sector of libraries among depositories, and yet, their users are significantly disadvantaged in accessing government information by means of the new technologies.  相似文献   

从我国公共图书馆相关组织机构设置、政府信息公开处理流程和方法的设计以及政府信息公开提供服务的技术平台设计3方面探索我国公共图书馆配合政府信息公开的机制,以期对我国公共图书馆政府信息公开的实践工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

党校图书馆为领导决策服务的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济社会的高速发展,政府决策的难度越来越大,党校图书馆应抓住契机,发挥其为党政机关决策服务的功能,积极为党政机关领导决策服务。文章从党校图书馆加强决策信息资源建设、加强与党政机关沟通、建立学科馆员制度、提高馆员信息服务综合素质、发挥党校图书馆在信息素质教育中的作用、探索和创新党校图书馆为党校教研人员科研课题服务的方式方法等六个方面提出完善党校图书馆为领导决策服务的措施。  相似文献   

国内外高校科学数据管理和机制建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学数据管理的重要性在国外已得到广泛共识,科学数据公开和共享的法规、社会环境以及管理和运行模式已经成熟,世界组织和资助机构采取措施加以推进,高校管理层及图书馆积极应对,科学数据管理方式不断演进,合作与联盟的机制已经形成。相比之下,国内高校科学数据管理相对滞后,政府、基金项目主管部门和高校内部都未建立明确的管理制度,因此提出建立我国高校科学数据管理机制的5点建议。  相似文献   

基于5W1H分析法的基层公共图书馆服务供给政社合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]在国家深化文化体制改革的背景下,政社合作提供图书馆服务是对公共文化服务供给模式的探索与创新。本文在丰富基层公共图书馆服务供给政社合作的理论基础上,探讨政府和社会组织如何实现有效合作,为我国基层公共图书馆的建设和发展提供参考。[方法/过程]运用5W1H分析法,深入分析基层公共图书馆服务供给政社合作的动因、参与主体、模式、不同模式之间的差异、流程以及发展策略。[结果/结论]促进政社合作长效发展,需要加强顶层制度设计,创造良好的合作环境;明确角色定位,保持社会组织的独立性;严把评审环节,科学选择合作对象;依据客观情况,灵活选择合作模式。  相似文献   

校地共建共享图书馆指由高校和地方政府共同出资建设,为高校师生和地方社会读者提供文献信息服务。这种新型的图书馆建设模式在加强高校文献建设、繁荣地方文化方面起着积极的作用,但在管理和使用中存在着责权模糊、读者权限不平等等问题。在未来发展中共建双方应制定长效的管理机制,切实做到"共建共享"。  相似文献   

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