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加大宣传力度 塑造图书馆形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加大宣传力度塑造图书馆形象张桂凤(辽宁省图书馆)重视宣传工作,加大宣传力度,树立和塑造图书馆的良好形象,以使社会公众正确认识图书馆,自觉利用图书馆,从而充分发挥馆藏文献信息在社会主义物质文明和社会主义精神文明建设中的作用,是图书馆工作的重要内容。图书...  相似文献   

本文论述了在大学里开展图书馆周活动的重要意义、必要性和可行性,并结合哈尔滨工业大学图书馆的实践,介绍了图书馆周的总体设计和可安排的具体活动,并对大学图书馆如何开展图书馆周提出了应注意的问题。  相似文献   

图书馆制度文化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对图书馆制度化的含义和图书馆制度化在图书馆化中的作用的分析,论述图书馆制度化对图书馆个体与组织之间的关系,图书馆献资源建设和图书馆价值取向的影响,并对未来图书馆制度化吸收,创新与建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

现代图书馆建筑功能探索   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
沈怡 《河北科技图苑》2001,14(2):14-15,74
现代高新技术在图书馆领域的全面渗透,改变了图书馆的内涵、功能、服务和管理,直接影响到图书馆本身的结构及图书馆建筑,引发了图书馆建筑的一系列变革,现代图书馆建筑必须充分考虑并满足各方面的要求,图书馆界应发挥其在研究中的主导作用。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的革命和现代电子技术在图书馆的应用,近年来,西方发达国家借助通信网络和高新科技的发展优势,已使图书馆的发展出现了质的飞跃,以至提出了“无墙图书馆”和“虚拟图书馆”的概念,并在逐渐成为现实。再从图书馆理论界提出的“最终要做到无论何时何地都能在最大程度上向读者提供他所需要的出版物”这一功能目标来考虑,似乎理论与实践都看到传统图书馆今后的发展的必然趋势,展望工1世纪,从信息与载体、信息与信息高速公路、图书馆与信息高速公路以至于图书馆与信息产业的命度,一可以预料传统图书馆在今后改革的发展方民…  相似文献   

加强图书馆对外宣传增强社会图书馆意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强图书馆对外宣传增强社会图书馆意识郑咸宁(东莞市图书馆)长期以来,图书馆的宣传工作,在某种程度上局限于图书馆界这个小圈,较少打出外界,对整个社会来说,图书馆的很多事情是鲜为人知的。因此,图书馆所得到的重视和支持,存在一定的局限性。本文就关于加强图书...  相似文献   

浅谈图书馆立法的必要性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文意在强调图书馆立法的必要性和紧迫性。提出:图书馆立法在知识经济时代的背景下,是我国依法治国方略,保护图书馆读者权力,促进和加强图书馆事业的建设与发展的需要。  相似文献   

近年来,中国现代图书馆事业百年纪念活动热潮高涨,图书馆史学研究引起广泛关注,文章首先从学科角度对图书馆史学的概念、特点等进行了相关的论述,继而从国际化和图书馆史学中国研究现状两方面,对中国图书馆史学研究的重要意义、成就、现状及问题等相关问题作了进一步的阐述。在此基础上,对在20世纪对中国图书馆史学研究有卓越成就和贡献的八位图书馆史家及其代表著作进行了详细的评述。  相似文献   

1991年12月,笔者利用去新加坡学习的机会,应邀参观了新加坡国立大学图书馆,所见所闻,获益良多。新加坡国立大学图书馆的前身是前新加坡大学图书馆和前南洋大学图书馆,1980年两大学合并时组成。现有一个总馆,下属五个特种图书馆:中文图书馆、法律图书馆、科学图书馆、医学图书馆和韩瑞生纪念图书馆。目前,该馆藏书总量已超过130万册。在此,笔者择要向国内同行介绍颇具特色的中文图书馆。1藏书概况中文图书馆是新加坡国立大学图书馆属下特种图书馆之一,附设于总馆大楼的最高层(六楼),现有各类图书资料38.5万件…  相似文献   

在市场经济的大潮中,图书馆究竟何去何从?图书馆要改革,应从何处着手?本文认为图书馆改革,着眼点应该放在摆正图书馆的社会位置上,而如何摆正图书馆的社会位置,则可以借鉴市场营销学中的“定位策略”。本文从定位策略及其意义,图书馆的定位和图书馆定位的意义三个方面系统阐述了图书馆的定位问题。  相似文献   

Flash mobs are new, emerging, and evolving social phenomena that have recently been associated with youth violence in the US cities. The current study explores how youth understand flash mobs through focus groups conducted in Kansas City, Missouri (a site of violent youth flash mobs). Results indicate that youth have varying familiarity with flash mobs and define them in different ways; that youth perceive youth boredom to be the most frequent cause of problems with flash mobs; that youth connect ongoing social disorder with the violence associated with flash mobs; and that while social media are facilitators of flash mobs, flash mobs have their roots in youth activities that have been going on for generations (e.g., hanging out in groups and cruising). Results illustrate the importance of conducting formative research with youth, particularly about emergent phenomena, when developing interventions and communication campaigns aimed at reducing youth violence.  相似文献   

缪宏建  王晓蕴 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):415-417
科技期刊编辑在办刊过程中需要与作者、读者、审者等进行有效沟通,也离不开编辑之间的协同作业。通过分析一稿多投原因及稿件处理过程认为:与作者换位思考,编辑应快速处理来稿、尽早发表论文;与读者换位思考,应明确读者需求,强化与读者的互动交流;与审稿专家换位思考,编辑应该把好初审关,选好、选准审稿专家,对审稿专家信息保密,及时沟通交流;与编者换位思考,应取长补短,互相支持,努力工作。并且认为科技期刊编辑在与作者、读者、审者、编者的交往中要善于运用换位思考,构建和谐统一的交流氛围。  相似文献   

游苏宁30年编辑思想述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐慧 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):299-303
自1985年从事编辑工作以来,游苏宁历经30年的编辑实践与思考.综合考察其编辑思想,可以分为引介国外先进编辑经验与方法、融汇中外编辑思想和探索构建中国特色编辑思想3个阶段.通过评述可以发现,其编辑思想的转变与我国改革开放以后科技期刊编辑思想的发展道路相契合,即经历了从引介到自主创新的”蜕变”历程.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):460-479
Organizations and the relationships they create are rife with tensions that pull individual participants and whole organizations in opposing directions. When multiple organizations form relationships with one another these tensions may take on new forms and create new challenges for individual and organizational participants. This study utilized a focus-group methodology to explore how participants in collaborative interorganizational relationships (IORs) experience and cope communicatively with tensions. The data suggest that tensions exist across two areas: relationships and structures. We found that tensions in collaboration are common, acknowledged, and that the tensions manifest and are addressed through communication.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):96-111
This article analyses the professional interactions between female journalists and their sources, key moments in the information production process, and explores, in the context of the Swiss daily press, one of the most masculine journalistic universes: sports journalism. It illustrates that because of the specific mode of recruitment into this journalistic speciality, women are confronted with various constraints—a lack of knowledge in the domain of sports, overwhelmingly male sources, and tensions linked to the fact that they are women—and with expectations from their chief editors that they will develop a “feminine” view of sports news. They are required to adapt and adjust to their role in a way that severely constrains their interactions with their male sources. Thus, controlling their appearance, language, and attitudes, these women make intentional use of certain stereotypes associated with femininity—“women as object of seduction” and “women as weak and inoffensive”—for professional goals, when the interaction warrants. They believe that those strategies allow them to have easier access to their sources and to create interactions encouraging the exchange of information that they judge to be sincere, authentic and more private, that would permit them to write deeper and more “human” articles.  相似文献   

图书馆信息化及其测度指标略论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对图书馆信息化内涵的分析,认为图书馆信息化是依托信息化人才资源,以信息技术在图书馆中的应用为基础,以信息资源建设为内容,通过优质高效的知识服务参与社会信息化进程的综合体系。通过对其测度指标的概括描述,指出相较于被广泛重视的图书馆网络化、数字化研究,使用图书馆信息化来表述和反映当前图书馆事业发展态势和图书馆参与社会信息化进程的程度似乎更全面和恰当一些。  相似文献   

As more and more countries adopt access-to-information (ATI) laws to advance economic development and democratic self-governance, efforts are under way to foster ATI movements in the Arab world. While one nation in that region already has adopted the legislation, the likelihood of adoption in other Arab states is unknown. This comparative study analyzed 12 quantitative indicators measuring political, cultural, and economic factors associated with access to information. Results indicate that Arab countries, as a whole, contrast sharply in nearly all areas with non-Arab countries that have ATI laws and are consistent with non-Arab countries that do not have ATI laws. However, the study also found that the most recent ATI law adopters had weaker political, cultural, and economic enabling environments for government information access, which may portend a global phenomenon that will continue and could explain the interest in adopting the legislation in the Arab world. Findings also suggest that while a handful of Arab countries might have the wealth to effectively implement ATI laws, political and cultural conditions may be substantial obstacles for greater government transparency. Other results regarding the use of quantitative indicators of ATI adoption, particularly structural pluralism, are discussed.  相似文献   

We count words in film subtitle files in an attempt to reveal morally relevant patterns of linguistic content. We argue that function words (e.g., pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions) should be positively associated with thought-provoking narrative forms. To test this hypothesis, we associate function words to aggregate measures of film viewership and appraisals. Results suggest that function words are negatively associated with measures of viewership but positively associated with appraisals. As such, our finding is consistent with the idea that function words are more likely to occur in narrative forms that audiences value more than they actually consume. We relate this finding to past research, which has shown the same pattern for hedonic versus meaningful entertainment gratifications. Discussion centers on implications for recent theorizing in this area.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):133-153
Functional theory defines value-expressive attitudes as attitudes that are formed to aid in the achievement of one's values, and social-adjustive attitudes as attitudes that are formed from the desire to affiliate with others. The current investigation argues that both functions are based in a person's values, with the social-adjustive function being a specific form of a value-expressive attitude. Contemporary approaches to this theory have argued that these attitude functions can be inferred from scores on the self-monitoring scale, thus eliminating the need to measure the values underlying these functions. The current investigation argues that the success of studies using the self-monitoring scale to infer these functions should be due to the covariance of the other-directedness dimension of the scale with the values underlying those attitudes. Overall, the findings of the investigation indicate that the formation of these functional attitudes depends more on the match between the value-content of the persuasive messages and the extent to which the message recipients hold those values than their level of other-directedness. Other-directedness did not covary with the values that underlie value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes, but did aid in the reception of the social-adjustive message. Thus, the research using the self-monitoring scale to infer functions cannot be fully reconciled with the conceptualizations of value-expressive and social-adjustive attitudes.  相似文献   

Critics of celebrity activism often assume that fans blindly follow celebrities who invite them to support celebrity activism and charity. These fans are often imagined as participating in celebrity activism only because their beloved celebrity asked them to — not out of any kind of rational understanding of a political issue, awareness of a public problem, or commitment to a public issue. We contest this view of celebrity activism. Drawing on scholars like Bennett, Ellcessor, and Chouliaraki, we argue that the case of Ian Somerhalder demonstrates that a commitment to a celebrity may actually be connected to a commitment to a public issue. We trace the ways in which Somerhalder plays with the slippage between television celebrity and his character, arguing that such slippage merges the intimacy fans feel for Damon with the intimacy fans feel for Somerhalder and imbues Somerhalder’s environmental appeals with the values his on-screen character comes to represent in The Vampire Diaries. We argue that Somerhalder deploys themes and ideals from The Vampire Diaries in his communication with fans and in his activist appeals. Ultimately, Somerhalder’s celebrity activism demonstrates how intimacy with celebrities might function to connect fans to public issues in powerful ways.  相似文献   

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