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Radio is migrating to digital transmission, expanding its offerings to include captioning for individuals with hearing loss. Text display radio requires a large amount of word throughput with minimal screen display area, making good user interface design crucial to its success. In two experiments, we presented hearing, hard-of-hearing, and deaf consumers with National Public Radio stories converted to text and examined their preferences for and reactions to midsized and small radio text displays. We focused on physical display attributes such as text color, font style, line length, and scrolling type as well as emergency alert messages and emergency prompts for drivers, announcer identification schemes, and synchronization of audio and text. Results suggest that midsized, Global Positioning System (GPS)-style displays were well liked, synchronization of audio and text was important to comprehension and retrieval of story details, identification of announcers was served best with a combination of name change in parenthesis and color change, and a mixture of color and flashing symbols was preferred for emergency alerting.  相似文献   
Identification of distinct units within a continuous flow of human action is fundamental to action processing. Such segmentation may rest in part on statistical learning. In a series of four experiments, we examined what types of statistics people can use to segment a continuous stream involving many brief, goal-directed action elements. The results of Experiment 1 showed no evidence for sensitivity to conditional probability, whereas Experiment 2 displayed learning based on joint probability. In Experiment 3, we demonstrated that additional exposure to the input failed to engender sensitivity to conditional probability. However, the results of Experiment 4 showed that a subset of adults—namely, those more successful at identifying actions that had been seen more frequently than comparison sequences—were also successful at learning conditional-probability statistics. These experiments help to clarify the mechanisms subserving processing of intentional action, and they highlight important differences from, as well as similarities to, prior studies of statistical learning in other domains, including language.  相似文献   
小学低年级学生活泼好动,良好的学习习惯还未形成,学习完全凭兴趣。如果我们的课堂教学是填鸭式硬灌,由学生进行死记硬背的枯燥无味的“苦学”,就会导致学生“厌学”、“怕学”和“拒学”。因此,我们就必须巧设课堂教学,使低年级的课堂教学变得生动有趣,让学生乐学。  相似文献   
为了向广大小学教师提供系统的教学参考资料,湖南人民出版社编辑出版了一套「小学教师实用手册」,《小学教师数学实用手册》就是其中的一种。这本手册采用工具书编纂方法,注重知识性、科学性和实用性。书中的纲目设置,较好地体现了教学大纲的精神,同时,涉猎的知识又不局限于大  相似文献   
人类自古迄今,以数以千计的不同学科.去探索、研究天体、生命和意识等三大领域的事物的起源、发生发展的特征和变化中的规律,从而为人类利用、开发及改造这些领域,使它们能更好地为人类生存,生活服务。心理学是探索人类意识发生、发展和规律的主要的学科。认识论、逻辑学以及其它相关学科,也对人类意识的某一个侧面的探索研究起了重大作用,但都不如心理学研究的那样直接具体和全面。人类对自己的意识(心理、内心世界)的探索研究,是人对自己意识活动的特征、规律的反思,是以自己的智慧来剖析自己内心世界,是内向的对自我精神领域的科学进军。人类对自己的意识的探索,表明人类除了向外在世界的探索外,开始了  相似文献   
高等学校是最能全面体现“三个代表”重要思想的领域。充分发挥高校三大社会功能。实现高校事业的跨越式发展,是贯彻“三个代表”的客观要求,也是“三个代表”在高校的全面体现。实践“三个代表”,实现高校人才培养、科学研究、社会服务三大社会功能,关键在于高校党组织在学校工作中政治核心作用的发挥。  相似文献   
最近,笔听了一位青年骨干教师上的“分数与除法的关系”一课,颇有感触。现就怎样让学生在探究中学习的问题,结合其教学案例作一粗浅的分析。  相似文献   
古者左图右史,所以为读书之助也。《史记·秦始皇本纪》记始皇穿治郦山陵墓:“上具天文,下具地理。”郦道元《水经·渭水》注云:“上画天文星宿之象,下以水银为四读百川五岳九州,具地理之势。”是知古者夙有三垣列宿之图矣。(古代帝王陵墓墓穴常有天文、地理绘画。如:南京附近祖堂山南唐李昪、李璟的钦陵、顺陵,俱有图像绘刻。顺陵地宫后室顶上画有天象图,钦  相似文献   
端木  第一招:喂鱼猫吃鱼是理所当然的事  但凡事都有例外  即使苏有朋借自己的嘴叼鱼喂猫  病猫仍不为所动。  同场加演:苏有朋喂猫新招数虽然我爱的人爱的不是我  但苏有朋依然对林心如“死心塌地”。为博红颜一笑  苏有朋不惜牺牲自己的色相  出尽办法拯救林心如深爱的猫咪。第二招:喂骨头苏有朋把病猫当狗了  用这么大块骨头吸引它当然不会有反应啦  光是那表情就够吓人了  用油条去做诱饵  不过同样是失败  谁知猫咪终于有反应了。原来猫最爱的食物竟然是饼干  记得还有我  我不在乎你退而求如萍  我的生活目标是让你快乐  但书恒不喜欢我身上的刺  我惟 《音乐世界》2001,(1)
万众期待的《情深深雨蒙蒙》已是琼瑶第四次把小说《烟雨蒙蒙》改编成影视作品,这回琼瑶把这个故事的环境迁到了三十年代的上海,以“九一八”事件为背景,把男女主角的感情纠葛投入到历史的大环境里。这部由赵薇、林心如、苏有朋、古巨基领衔主演的剧集,自去年4月开拍以来,制作大队一直对外封锁消息,不接受任何形式的采访。剧中赵薇林心如一对好姐妹会为“争夺”古巨基而“拼个你死我活”,现在就率先为大家披露剧中的部分情节和男女主角的感情纠纷。  相似文献   
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