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This article explains the realisation and impact of tutoring on learning through a new kind of on-the-job learning method in workshops led by professional musicians. The research is a qualitative case study involving 62 upper secondary Finnish vocational music students who participated in 11 workshops. The research data consist of (a) workshop plans and personal learning goals written by the students before the workshops and (b) reflective essays about experiences after the workshops. The data were analysed using theory-oriented content analyses. In the workshop, the guidance-oriented interaction promoting learning starts at the beginning of the workshop with cooperative planning. The interaction between the students and the professional musician influenced the nature of the guidance – the professional musician was more like a colleague rather than a teacher. The students expressed that they had been able to influence the workshop goals in different phases and, thus, their professional competence had increased significantly. In vocational institutes, it is important to observe different ways of realising on-the-job learning and to develop new models of action, like the workshop method, to promote the development of students’ skills and competence.  相似文献   
This study evaluates a performance-based instructional coaching model intended to improve teacher pedagogy and classroom organization for educating diverse student populations. Elementary teachers (N = 21) participated in a 30-h workshop and seven individual coaching sessions across an academic year. The coaching model promoted use of the Standards for Effective Pedagogy, five research-based practices known to increase student achievement. Findings demonstrate performance-based instructional coaching led to statistically significant (a) improvements in teacher pedagogy, (b) patterns of teacher growth, and (c) changes in classroom organization. Implications for improving teachers’ ultimate achievement, the coaching protocol, and research are addressed.  相似文献   
任亚杰 《毕节学院学报》2011,29(10):114-119
19世纪美国著名小说家爱伦.坡的小说,偏爱冷色调,常以恐怖、变态心理为主要内容,对人物的双重性格的刻画细致入微,善于用作品的幻想表现他本人的清醒与睿智,强调文章应产生的效果,并且善于用第一人称来宣泄自身情感。这一系列特点的形成,与爱伦.坡本人的身世成长经历及其爱好密不可分。  相似文献   
新闻记者的职责就是为受众提供事实的报道,而新闻采访中情境的不确定性和时间的局限性使记者的新闻选择与价值判断成为一种特殊的决策。本文试图探索影响新闻记者新闻选择和价值判断基本过程的社会心理因素,以改进我们对新闻决策过程的理解,提升新闻报道的质量和水平。  相似文献   
郭欣 《出版科学》2011,19(5):66-68
利用心理分析方法对读者的阅读心理进行分析,并结合不同的读者类型,着重分析网络时代的购书心理,有针对性地揭示读者购书心理,从而提高出版服务水平,以满足图书消费者的阅读需求。  相似文献   
鲁迅研究无疑是20世纪文学研究中最大的显学,然历来分析鲁迅文化心理的论著不少,但却很少有人关注过鲁迅的性心理问题。他悲剧的婚姻,压抑的爱恋心态,一直少有深入的探索。鲁迅性格禀赋本就阴柔,有女性味。故追求爱人较迟疑被动,未得到理想的真爱。鲁迅的特殊性情和文学叙述方式都深受其悲剧婚姻和长期的爱恋压抑和性苦闷的影响。但是,爱恋的苦闷却被鲁迅坚韧地升华为文艺的独特才气和特质。鲁迅对传统文化的偏执批判,冷峻犀利之文风,思想的创造性都与此紧密相关。还原鲁迅的性爱心理,乃是深度理解一代大师内心世界和文艺心灵的另一个重要的角度。  相似文献   
MOOCs的发展经历了从2012年的狂热支持,到2013年的反对声日益高涨的急速转变之后,如何有效设计高质量的MOOCs成为研究者和实践者日益关注的重要问题。教学目标与教学交互是网络课程设计的两大关键。基于布鲁姆认知目标分类以及穆尔的教学交互分析框架对现有三种MOOCs实践形式进行分析发现:以内容传递为主的MOOCs(xMOOCs)把认知行为主义作为理论基础,强调知识的传递,注重学生与内容的交互,处于认知目标分类底层;以任务完成为主的MOOCs(sMOOCs)混合了认知主义和建构主义学习理论,强调做中学,重视学生之间以及师生之间的交互,处于认知目标分类的中间层;以网络建立为主的MOOCs(cMOOCs)基于联通主义学习理论,强调学生和内容的交互是学习发生的基础,学生和学生的交互是学习发生的关键,学生与教师的交互是学习发生的保障,处于认知目标分类的最上层。三类MOOCs各有其优势和不足,在MOOCs设计和开发的过程中需要打破这些MOOCs分类之间的界限,根据教学目标,选择最佳的教学内容、教学方法,保持目标、内容、方法的一致和最佳匹配。我国在设计和开发MOOCs的过程中,还需要思考如何利用精品课程建设的已有成果,如何开放学习过程,并且在此过程中形成自身特色,吸引学习者的可持续、大规模参与。  相似文献   
大规模开放网络课程(MOOCs)的发展得到了国际社会的广泛关注。在主流的两类MOOCs(cMOOCs与xMOOCs)中,xMOOCs是目前发展速度最快,受众面最广的一类。而教学视频是xMOOCs最核心的课程资源。 xMOOCs中的教学视频设计应该把握哪些要点?为解决这一问题,特意分析了国内外四个主流课程平台的20门xMOOCs课程中的视频,参考《网络课程评价规范》形成视频分析框架,结合网络课程设计理论从界面设计、课程内容、教学设计三个方面对xMOOCs视频进行分析。根据视频分析结果,总结了xMOOCs教学视频在易识别性、课程说明、内容分块、学习目标、教学策略、学习者控制、内容交互性、信息呈现、练习与反馈九个方面的设计要点,并辅之以案例说明。希望对未来xMOOCs教学视频的设计有一定的参考与借鉴作用。  相似文献   
Student Evaluations of Instruction (SEIs) from about 6,000 sections over 4 years representing over 100,000 students at the college of business at a large public university are analyzed, to study the impact of noninstructional factors on student ratings. Administrative factors like semester, time of day, location, and instructor attributes like gender and rank are studied. The combined impact of all the noninstructional factors studied is statistically significant. Our study has practical implications for administrators who use SEIs to evaluate faculty performance. SEI scores reflect some inherent biases due to noninstructional factors. Appropriate norming procedures can compensate for such biases, ensuring fair evaluations.  相似文献   
Instructor-facilitated collegiate classroom discussion (IFCCD) is a highly valued yet undertheorized instructional practice. Research examining the structure of classroom interaction, scholarship advocating rationales for discussion-based pedagogy, and an investigation of a related interactive classroom communication practice provide an informative backdrop for this study. The data in the study were collected using action-implicative discourse analytic techniques throughout a semester in three classrooms at the same university. Reconstructing the three levels of the practice through grounded practical theory—the problem/dilemma level, the normative situated ideals level, and the talk/discourse techniques level—provides some insight into why in two of these cases of IFCCD, engaged and participatory discussion was accomplished. The shared dilemma of the practice is reconstructed as the problem of engagement in which both individual engagement with curricular content and shared engagement in co-creation of the discussion are valued. The dilemmatic nature of the practice is explored specifically in terms of traditional and nontraditional teacher talk and associated participation structures. Significant similarities and differences across the three cases are found and examined in the reconstructions of instructor situated ideals and third-turn facilitation techniques. Initial conclusions are incorporated in the discussion of discourse-based applications for practitioners interested in facilitating discussion in college classrooms.  相似文献   
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