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Despite teacher self-efficacy and burnout’s influence on student outcomes, little research has been conducted on teacher self-efficacy and burnout in residential treatment schools. This study attempts to fill this need by examining the self-efficacy and burnout of teachers and paraeducators in a residential treatment school in the United States. We explore the relationships between educators’ perceptions of school supports and educators’ sense of self-efficacy and burnout Our results revealed that while educators’ perceptions of school supports were not related to educators’ sense of efficacy, there was a significant relationship between educators’ perceptions of school supports and reported levels of burnout. Educators who reported lower levels of school supports had high levels of burnout. We discuss implications for larger studies on this topic and for supporting educator well-being in residential treatment schools.  相似文献   
The teaching of professions in which technical and manual acts combined with excellent judgment are used to enhance the safety of people, poses challenges to educators. Book learning combined with mock or simulated situations goes a long way, but ultimately “in-the-field” instruction and learning is necessary to qualify trainees for many occupations such as doctors, pilots, firefighters, police officers, and many others. The dilemma is how to teach potentially life-altering techniques in a real-life setting without compromising the safety of the recipient of the service being taught. Using the exemplary model of surgical teaching in the technology-heavy and high-tension world of neurosurgery, the authors attempt to explore this ethical and practical dilemma.  相似文献   
在政治、经济、文化等全球一体化浪潮的推动下,建设中国开放大学的呼声越来越高。本文从宏观俯瞰的高度探讨建设中国开放大学的相关核心问题,梳理出中国建设开放大学的外部环境和内部条件,明确中国建设开放大学的有利和不利因素,透析中国建设开放大学将要面临的困境和挑战,同时寻求较为科学的解决问题的途径,以明确未来的努力方向。  相似文献   
新技术创新促进教育与学习:地平线项目研究启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地平线项目是新媒体联盟(NMC)于2002年启动,以新兴信息技术进入教育主流性应用的潜能作为主要评估标准,开展持续而系列化的质性研究,以年度报告的形式发布研究成果。文章通过认真研读《2011地平线报告》的核心内容,概述了报告提出的六种新兴技术、四个关键趋势及重要挑战,并对近年来地平线报告发布的新技术特点与趋势进行了分析,从非正式学习的发展、未来教育所面临的挑战以及技术发展的融合与技术观角度讨论了地平线报告带给我们的启示。  相似文献   
特殊的地理位置、相对独立的行政建制形成了具有胶东自身地域特色的文学风貌。这既形塑了胶东文学,也使它背负着传统的重负。今日胶东文学的萧条有着多方面的原因,其中胶东文学创作自身显示出的种种缺陷不容忽视。一则,胶东文化历史沉淀所带来的负面影响难辞其咎。再则,传统情结很重的胶东文学还不习惯于在市场经济大潮中自觉地进行自我宣传、展示,不注重自我包装,不注重广告效应。在新的文化语境中,胶东文学机遇与挑战并存。今日的胶东作家应当自觉转变创作心态和艺术表现的视角,在文化高度商品化的今天,积极谋求文艺创作与现代文化产业的对接,关注文艺产品产销的市场行情,把握市场和时尚的脉搏,谋求经济效益和社会效益的双赢。  相似文献   
高铁在中国的超常规发展以及高铁旅游城市圈和城市带的形成,对我国旅行社的发展产生重要的影响。文章分析了高铁时代旅行社面临的机遇,即出游人数增多,为旅行社提供了广阔的潜在市场空间;为旅行社开发更多、更深层次的旅游线路,提供了重要先决条件;出境组团旅行社将会迎来客源的增长;旅行社旅游淡季的状况将得到改善。同时指出旅行社还将面临着挑战,即游客对旅行社的依赖减少;多数旅行社开发新旅游产品和线路是心有余而力不足;旅行社航空票务代理业务收入将受到冲击;旅行社的服务接待能力遭遇全面的考验。对此,文章提出了相应的发展对策和建议,即构建垂直分工体系势在必行;围绕高铁设计和开发旅游产品;旅游社的接待能力需不断加强,尤其是加强对导游人员的管理和培训。  相似文献   
成立ANTA以来,相关政策在澳大利亚职业教育和培训发展中发挥着至关重要的作用,同时也存在诸多问题。其政策往往是与经济、社会、政党轮替以及相关管理机构的增设紧密联系在一起的。澳大利亚职业教育和培训政策的制定与规划主体呈现多元化特点,各自扮演着应有的角色,相关政策的出台通常是多个利益团体达成的妥协。澳大利亚现行的职业教育和培训政策面临着若干日益严峻的挑战。  相似文献   
改革开放以来我国公民道德建设取得重大成就,公民道德理论不断创新,公民道德建设工作体系逐步形成,模范人物不断涌现,公民道德建设经验日益丰富。但是也面临道德多元化和"西化"等挑战,尤其是我国公民道德还存在着社会诚信缺失和精英人物道德自律薄弱等问题。在推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化中彰显中国特色社会主义制度的优越性是公民道德建设思想政治保证,建立健全道德激励和道德约束机制是其制度保障,大力推广志愿者活动,实现志愿服务制度化和常态化是其着力点。  相似文献   
《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):539-553

This article examines studies done on the use of the CA locally, in addition to insights from studies done abroad, as well as critically examining the nature of the CA and the language situation in Zimbabwe, to identify and discuss the main challenges associated with the use of this approach to the teaching of ESL in Zimbabwe and its implications for ESL teacher education. It explores the status of the CA as ‘imported technology ’, that has been grafted to address the teaching of English as a second language in the local context, necessitating its adaptation and the development of local versions of the approach. It argues that, to address these challenges, various stake holders such as teacher educators, material developers, examination bodies, and other relevant authorities such as the ministry of education should each play their part to ensure the success of the implementation of the CA.  相似文献   
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