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以辽宁女子优秀中长跑运动员王军霞等先进脚着地技术为例,针对我国中长跑运动员患胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎频数多,直接影响运动训练与成绩提高的状况,探讨产生的原因与有效解决方法。主要结论:(1)我国传统的中长跑“前脚着地技术”是引起胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎主要原因。(2)“滚动式”脚着地技术对提高运动成绩和预防胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎起到重要作用,但掌握“滚动式”脚着地技术的学生极少,急需推广应用。  相似文献   
胥吏产生于宋代,发展在明代,兴盛于清代,由于清代沿袭明代的低俸政策,衙役和书吏的薪水几被裁汰,所剩无几,书吏干脆没有薪水,理由是他们有陋规收入,胥吏作为一个与平民密切接触的阶层,由于官府的默许,胥吏索取陋规就更加肆无忌惮,动辄鸡飞狗跳、家破人亡,陋规已经成为州县胥吏获取钱财、迫害老百姓的重要工具,陋规名目繁多,但大多在三方面比较集中:诉讼、征收钱粮、征收商业税和契税等。  相似文献   
This study explored possible contributing factors to gastrointestinal distress, including endotoxemia, hyperthermia, dehydration and nutrition, during a 161-km ultramarathon. Thirty runners participated in the study and 20 finished the race. At three checkpoints and the finish, runners were interviewed to assess the incidence and severity of 12 gastrointestinal symptoms and to determine dietary intake. Core temperature was measured at the same locations. Runners were weighed pre-race, at the three checkpoints and the finish to monitor hydration status. Blood markers for endotoxemia (sCD14) and inflammation (interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein) were measured pre- and post-race. Gastrointestinal symptoms were experienced by most runners (80%), with nausea being the most common complaint (60%). Runners with nausea experienced significantly greater (P = 0.02) endotoxemia than those without nausea (sCD14 mean increase 0.7 versus 0.5 µg · mL?1). There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.652, P = 0.005) between nausea severity and endotoxemia level. Inflammatory response, core temperature, hydration level and race diet were similar between runners with and without nausea. This study links endotoxemia to nausea in ultramarathon runners. Other possible contributing factors to nausea such as hyperthermia, dehydration and nutrition did not appear to play a role in the symptomatic runners in this study.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the pacing strategy adopted by elite marathon runners when setting every marathon world record in the last 50 years. We divided former marathon record holders into two groups: classic athletes (record holders between 1967 and 1988) and contemporaneous athletes (record holders between 1988 and 2018). The total distance of the marathon was divided into 8 sections of 5?km and 1 last section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. On average athletes were slightly faster in the first half-marathon than in the second one, where they slowed down progressively (ES?=?0.28, small effect). However, when comparing classic vs. contemporaneous athletes, we observed that classic athletes started significantly faster (p?相似文献   
我国开展女子3000米障碍跑的可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶于 《体育与科学》2000,21(1):46-48
综合运用文献资料等方法,对我国开展女子3000米障碍跑的可行性,从我国女子选手的精神品质因素、中长跑项目的水平与基础、我国女子中长跑选手身体形态特征以及我国开展新设项目的经险等方面进行研究,并对我国开展女子3000米障碍跑项目提出看法和建议。  相似文献   
中长跑项目特点运动量大,持续时间长,能量消耗大,在训练及比赛中极易产生疲劳,所以营养及时合理补充就对体能的恢复变得极为重要,就疲劳的产生及营养的补充进行探讨,旨在提高高校长跑运动训练质量及运动水平。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate running kinematic characteristics and foot strike patterns (FSP) during early and late stages of actual and common high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT): 5 × 2000 m with 120-s recovery between runs. Thirteen healthy, elite, highly trained male endurance runners participated in this study. They each had a personal record in the half-marathon of 70 ± 2.24 min, and each had a minimum experience of 4 years of training and competition. Heart rate (HR) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored during HIIT. High levels of exhaustion were reached by the athletes during HIIT (HRpeak: 174.30 bpm; RPE: 17.23). There was a significant increase of HRpeak and RPE during HIIT; nevertheless, time for each run remained unchanged. A within-protocol paired t-test (first vs. last run) revealed no significant changes (≥ 0.05) in kinematics variables and FSP variables during HIIT. There were no substantial changes on kinematics and FSP characteristics in endurance runners after fatigue induced by a HIIT. Only the minimum ankle alignment showed a significant change. The author suggests that these results might be due to both the high athletic level of participants and their experience in HIIT.  相似文献   
女子中长跑运动员肌氧含量与个体乳酸阈关系的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为解决运动训练中生物医学参数的在体、无损、实时监测,利用基于光漫射理论的三波长近红外肌氧监测系统,对受试在功率自行车上做等级性递增负荷运动时局部骨骼肌组织中的肌氧含量的相对变化进行了在体、连续、实时监测与分析,并与血乳酸浓度、运动强度和“个体乳酸阈”等进行对比研究。结果表明:肌氧含量的相对变化与血乳酸浓度、“个体乳酸阈”和运动强度具有密切的关系。为用无损监测肌氧含量的相对变化取代有损监测血乳酸提供了实践依据,为运动员的生理机能评定和运动训练效果的生理学评价引入新的生物学测试技术和方法。  相似文献   
聚焦于具有丰富参赛经验和重要社群影响力的资深跑者群体,通过运动依恋、地方依恋、赛事质量感知和社群依恋等多个潜变量构建了城市马拉松赛事重复参赛意愿的影响路径分析模型。模型丰富和拓展了赛事与跑者心理依恋的研究维度和内容体系,研究结果为提升城市马拉松持续吸引力和竞争力提供了新的洞见:①运动依恋、赛事服务质量感知和赛事依恋是重复参赛意愿的直接驱动因素;②城市地方依恋对赛事依恋有着较强的正向影响,并以赛事依恋为间接路径影响重复参赛意愿,形成了部分中介效应;③资深跑者的社群依恋对跑者的重复参赛意愿具有完全中介效应。最后,从赛事供给、社群建设、特色展示和情感连接等方面为提升跑者重复参赛意愿提出策略和建议。  相似文献   
我国女子中长跑的现状及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国女子中长跑在2004 ̄2005年几大赛事中的成绩呈现逐渐下降趋势,特别是受到了“海外军团”的强大冲击。根据我国运动员的目前状况,本文对其进行了深层剖析,并且提出解决的思路和策略。  相似文献   
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