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从乒乓球发球规则的修改看发球技术的新变化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
国际乒联已从3个方面对规则进行了重订,其中“发球无遮拦”的规定就是对发球规则的重大修改,新规则的实施势必对乒乓球运动产生重要影响。就不同站位、不同方式发球对“闯入”“三角禁区”问题进行比较分析,从而找到针对性的改进发球的方法,以期引起乒乓球工作者的广泛注意,加快适应发球新规则。  相似文献   
建立含有参数的两个三角形不等式 ,并讨论其取等条件 .  相似文献   
鸠山由纪夫为首的日本新政府内外政策的核心已初露端倪。稳定并振兴国内低迷的经济状况、重组日本经济结构、恢复民众对政府和未来的信心是新政府对内的重要任务。外交方面,如何处理好与中美这两个对日本至关重要的大国间的关系是对新政府外交能力的考验。日美间就日本在印度洋对美供油问题上的若即若离显示了日本既想改变传统的美日同盟关系中"大带小,小服大"的不平等局面,又难以真正脱离美国实现自身目的的尴尬局面;对华关系方面,鸠山政府大力推广的"低碳革命"理念不仅是出于自身经济结构重组的需要,更有借此争取在中日关系上更有利地位的政治动机。而在与中国保持更为紧密经贸关系的同时,如何正确对待和处理历史、领土等一系列影响两国关系的重要因素,鸠山政府同样需要做好功课。无论鸠山政府对美和对华政策有何新意,都体现了一直以来日本追求其"普通国家"地位和政治大国的诉求。  相似文献   
系统地论述了边或内角成等比数列的三角形的性质  相似文献   
相量图法是分析正弦交流电路的一种重要方法,文中介绍了相量、相量图以及复阻抗的基本定义和物理意义。具体论述了相量图法在分析正弦交流电路稳态、动态中的应用,阐明了应用相量图法解决复杂交流电路的方法与技巧。  相似文献   
介绍用斜坐标系讨论抛体运动的有关问题,并举例说明在有些抛体运动的问题中,采用该坐标系比采用其它坐标系更为方便。  相似文献   
Under the necessary conditions for a double pyramidal central configuration with a diamond base to exist in the real number space, the existence and uniqueness of such configurations were studied by employing combinedly the algebraic method and numerical calculation. It is found that there exists a planar curl triangle region G in a square Q such that any point in G and given by the ratio of the two diagonal lengths of the diamond base and the ratio of one diagonal length of the base to the height of the double pyramid configuration determines a unique double pyramid central configuration, while all points in Q-G have noreferance to any central configuration.  相似文献   
利用9/9-9/1的层次分析量化标度,基于混合型中心点三角白化权函数的灰色聚类评价模型,按最大隶属度原则确定评估对象所属的灰类等级,并按该灰类等级的综合聚类系数大小对9种生物燃料生产途径的发展潜力进行量化排序与评价.特别的,考虑到当出现多种生产途径被判定为同一灰类,而它们综合聚类系数中的最大隶属度取值相差不大的情形,若仅根据其最大隶属度属于同一灰类的值进行排序不太科学,提出参照所有灰类的中心值进行加权计算、细分排序.该加权修正排序的方法提高了排序结论与人们现实观点的吻合度,可为相关企业制定产业发展计划及选择合适的生产途径提供很好的参考依据.  相似文献   
Higher education expansion is expected to widen access to universities and promote social mobility, but evidence from the real world frequently contradicts this expectation, and China is no exception. Most empirical studies have been conducted on the relationship between social origins and education without considering studies on education and social destinations. As a result, relatively weak modifying measures are suggested without a panoramic view to inform structural changes. Inspired by the ‘positional competition’ observed by Mok, this study attempts to continue the exploration by constructing a dialogue between the two studies and look into the fluidity process across the two relationships to trace the determinants of social stratification in the country. Key findings include the following: 1) The education system is obligated to play a specific role in China depending on the governing theme of the regime, that is, the existing one prioritises economic growth but not social mobility. 2) Social elitist status in China is associated with an occupation in the public sector, the pursuit of which constitutes over-education among graduates. 3) The queuing model derived from the screening and signalling theory exercises explanatory power in the analysis of the public sector, whereas the thesis of human capital may still be illuminative in the private market. This study argues that, without addressing the state’s continual grip on commanding heights, which is a fundamental reason behind weak fluidity, future modifying measures to propel mobility may be fruitless.  相似文献   
Wolstenholme不等式的一个推论的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用Wolstenholme不等式导出了一个简单的代数不等式,继而推证了一些有关三角形的二次型不等式,提出了一个尚待解决的猜想.  相似文献   
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