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经济、行政科层理性主导逻辑驱动了加拿大大学学术治理的组织、环境、挑战与路径变革。大学学术治理组织角色与权责实现不足,规模扩张、席位构成复杂化,行政权力增强、组织运行低效的趋向,折射出效率与有效性价值的理性“诱惑”。在宏观国际、中观政策和微观组织层面,大学学术治理置身于参与全球知识经济竞争、转变财政资助战略、承受市场化与绩效评估压力的环境中。学术治理面临商业化与“条件性”财政资助、行政权力膨胀与学术权力式微、“倒逼”提升组织运行有效性的共性挑战。平衡学术治理市场化的压力、调和行政权力与学术权力的张力、提升学术治理载体治理能力的改革路向,为探索和推动我国大学学术治理改革提供有益参考。  相似文献   
西方文学中的爱情女性表现出一种强烈的艺术魅力,在这一形象中蕴含着人类对美好爱情的追求与向往,是通过艺术把人生与生命世界审美化;现实社会中,为什么美丽的爱情总是伴随着最深沉的痛苦?  相似文献   
《墨经》哲学是先秦时期科学理论的杰出代表,在《墨经》哲学中墨家体现出能够运用严格的逻辑推理,抽象概括出一些科学定义,其中蕴含着的科学理性是同时代诸子百家所不能相比的,墨家科技思想反映了中国古代科技发展具有的特点和所达到的水平。  相似文献   
论嵇康音乐艺术理论的美学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以现代美学作为审视角度,梳理与研究了嵇康的音乐艺术思想。论文认为,嵇康的《声无哀乐论》集中地表现了魏晋时期音乐艺术美学思想,由传统儒家功利实用审美态度转向崇尚自然,注重个人内心情感体验,以及尊重音乐艺术自身特殊规律的审美倾向。本文共分四部分,即嵇康的艺术人生倾向;《声无哀乐论》与养生论;以“心”为乐之体,以“声”为乐之“用”;“曲变虽众,亦大同于和。”  相似文献   
古籍整理工作经常遇到的问题是如何对古籍进行辨伪求真。一方面使伪书不致在古籍整理的名义下散播流传开来,另一方面,对于论定为伪书者,也不能置之不顾,而应当把它当作研究伪作者那个时代的宝贵资料来对待。往日学者所作的辨伪工作,最大的偏差,一是只辨明了古籍的内容与作者的时代不合,或与作者的思想事迹不合等,便定为伪书,而没有继之以求真的建设性的工作。二是推广的工作不够,被论定的伪书只为少数人所了解,不为多数人所知,这使得历史假象仍然流传不绝。古籍整理不要以圈圈点点自限,而要重视原书的真义,以达到古为今用的目的。  相似文献   
当前公众和学界对教育惩戒的关注度日益提升,而研究表明,教育惩戒权的运行呈现出的“惧用”与“滥用”两极化趋势愈发凸显。其原因在于我国教育惩戒制度的缺陷,即教育惩戒边界模糊、主体范围不明、自由裁量空间宽泛以及救济途径不足。此外,家庭结构和舆论环境等外部因素也加剧了两极化现状。因此,为实现教育惩戒权运行的理性回归,教育惩戒内在制度有待完善,外部环境因素也有待改进。  相似文献   
冯友兰在吸取西方哲学来改造中国哲学、建立自己哲学体系的时候,注意到了西方哲学中的逻辑主义和“逻各斯”传统,而对西方哲学中的个体能动性思想和“奴斯”精神没有予以应有的重视。这样,在冯友兰《贞元六书》的体系中,不仅“新理学”和“境界说”之间、“共相世界”和“天地境界”之间缺乏合理的过渡.而且经过冯友兰改造后的“新理学”也缺乏中国哲学原有的那种契悟、冥会和亲证、体验。冯友兰后来在运用“正的方法”的同时,又求助于“负的方法”,在重视与引进西方的理性主义的同时,又推崇和提倡中国的神秘主义.就是为了解决这一难题。  相似文献   
“把”字句的使用除了要符合句法形式要求外,还受到一定的语用条件限制。表现事物的非正常状态、表现事物的新变化状态、表现主体的主动追求性是“把”字句常见的三种语用限制条件。前两种是对“把”字句中行为对象在动作行为影响下所出现状态、结果的范围限制,第三种是对认知、心理活动类的动词进入“把”字句的条件限制。它们都是“把”字句在使用时的必要条件。  相似文献   
Background: This paper discusses teachers’ perspectives on learning networks and their motives for participating in these networks. Although it is widely held that teachers’ learning may be developed through learning networks, not all teachers participate in such networks.

Purpose: The theme of reciprocity, central to studies in the area of learning in networks, is often approached from a rational exchange perspective. This study attempts to extend this approach with reference to the concept of symbolic interactionism. The study was guided by the following research question: What is the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of learning networks and their motives for participation or non-participation in these networks?

Design and methods: In order to address this research question, semi-structured interviews among 25 teachers in secondary education in the Netherlands were carried out. The semi-structured interviews consisted of three parts: background information, perspectives on learning networks and personal experiences with those networks. Data were analysed qualitatively and analyses consisted of within-case analysis, and cross-case analysis of interview fragments. Three themes were considered: (1) perspectives on learning networks, (2) motives for participation perceived as rational exchange, (3) motives for participation perceived as related to social order.

Findings: The findings are presented around these three themes. Each theme is discussed in relation to relevant aspects from the literature. Findings indicated that teachers perceived learning networks to be organised both within-school and outside school, and mostly focused around specific content knowledge. Reasons for participation or non-participation were related to rational costs and rewards (such as time, technology, self-efficacy); in symbolic motives (such as joy, sharing and mutual understanding), and also in a sense of meaning that resulted from networking activities.

Conclusions: We conclude that, in addition to social exchange motives, the data suggest that symbolic aspects of communication and interaction play an important role in considerations for participation in learning networks. This may be described in terms of four ‘types’ of networking teachers: the Community focused networking teacher, the Locally focused networking teacher, the Not-yet-networking teacher, and the Non-networking teacher. It is hoped that these exploratory findings could be helpful in supporting the development of learning networks for all teachers.  相似文献   
本文介绍了原子簇化合物的分类、结构规则、合理合成以及质谱研究等有关原子瘊化合物的最新研究成果,力图使人们对原子簇化合物这一新生事物有个全面的了解。  相似文献   
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