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距2008年北京奥运会完美落幕已过去1年。在后奥运时代需要反思媒体在其中的表现,以及奥运会给中国传媒业带来的深刻变化。运用框架理论和内容分析的方法,对《纽约时报》和《人民日报》2008年北京奥运会的报道进行比较研究。结果发现:中国媒体此次报道视野开阔,国际化思路彰显,树立了理性、建设性的报道基调,采取了宽泛的报道框架,从而最终为公众提供了一次非常好的奥林匹克文化教育活动;但是,今后媒体需要从3方面改进体育报道:1)加大深度报道力度,2)坚定"以人为本"的报道理念,3)克服"金牌至上"的报道框架。  相似文献   
The introduction of colour supplements by three ‘quality’ newspapers during the 1960s was a key development in the British press during the decade, and was described by the editor of the Sunday Times as ‘perhaps the most successful single innovation in post-war journalism’. This article provides an overview of the advent of the colour supplements, explaining why they emerged when they did and developed in the manner they did, and exploring some of the difficulties and issues that attended their arrival. The article also demonstrates that sections of the British press were capable of taking advantage of changes in print and advertising culture brought about by the arrival of the post-war consumer society. However, the term ‘colour supplement’ became pejorative shorthand for the perceived vacuity of this new society, in part because of the tension that existed between the editorial and advertising content of these modish new publications. Consequently, the success of the colour supplement experiment was not universally celebrated.  相似文献   
跨媒体经营正在改变美国信息知识的提供形式和成本 ,使传媒业务结构更趋个性化 ,避免恶性的同位竞争。纽约时报公司是一个有代表性的经营个案。公司重视资本运营和品牌资产 ,以报业为主业 ,以“内容供应”为经营理念 ,弱化传媒形态的区隔 ,建立了印刷媒体、网络媒体和广播电视媒体的综合平台 ,通过技术共用而达到媒体融合、资源共享 ,开拓全国和地方市场  相似文献   
This article explores how the current era in which we live, ‘New Times’, a term used to characterize the changing social, economic, and technological conditions of our current era, both affords and constrains the identities of future teachers. The case of Anna Cunningham, a pre-service English language arts teacher, is highlighted as a portrait of the intersection of New Times with teacher identities rooted in content/disciplinary affiliations. Findings suggest the beginning teachers in New Times become adept at negotiating multiple, and sometimes divergent, teacher identities. This negotiation becomes a primary tool in responding to a changing notion of what is means to teach English language arts.  相似文献   
科技期刊论文低被引情况与探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】从低被引论文所占比例及分布情况出发考察期刊学术质量,呼吁编辑同行做引文分析时可适当关注低被引论文情况,以期全方位认识刊物存在的问题。【方法】 选取零被引率、一次被引率、一次被引率减零被引率、二次被引率减一次被引率4种指标,定量考察光电类期刊、电子通信类期刊、工程技术综合类高校学报的载文低被引情况,同时将其和主流正向指标进行比较,发现二者排名并非一致。【结果】 我国科技期刊普遍存在低被引论文所占比例高的现象,收稿范围越大类别的期刊问题越突出,且反向考察期刊论文低被引情况能对正向指标表征的期刊评价信息予以补充。【结论】科技期刊编辑可从低被引论文所占比例、指标历年变化趋势、被引次数分布等几方面对期刊现状予以关注。  相似文献   
以多模态分析框架为理论基础,分别从视觉模态和听觉模态两方面对改编自郭敬明同名小说的电影《小时代》进行了分析,旨在揭示这两种模态如何共同作为社会符号在多模态语篇中发挥意义构建作用。该影片综合运用多种模态资源,传达了对"物质至上"消费文化价值观的推崇,对占观影群众绝大多数的年轻人带来了消极的影响。  相似文献   
Traditionally, communication scholars have examined nuclear discourse at the expense of nuclear images. This essay compensates by developing a nuclear-critical iconology, one sensitive to the role of images in creating and disrupting popular consent to the production of nuclear weapons. As such, this essay contributes to larger critical projects concerned with visual rhetoric and post-Cold War culture. Following a review of Cold War nuclear iconography and the changing post-Cold War nuclear condition, I examine three aesthetics in post-Cold War nuclear iconography for their signi.cance and potential consequences.  相似文献   
“世界产联”所代表的美国工人阶级激进主义反映了资本主义制度在其经济高歌猛进时代所面临的社会危机。汇入这股激进潮流的两个主要工会组织原来都以温和著称,是资本主义的疯狂扩张打破了原来和谐的社区生活,重新划分了阶级营垒。政府支持下的企业主联盟对工人的强烈敌意激发了后者的阶级意识和激进主义倾向;而激进主义斗争方式引发的社会动荡又使“世界产联”失去中产阶级的支持和同情,进而孤立于整个社会,并最终走向衰落。  相似文献   
马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质。科学发展观强调以人为本、全面协调可持续发展,其理论基础是马克思主义,它是我们党将马克思主义基本原理同中国建设和发展实际及时代特征相结合的产物,是立足于时代、根植于实践的伟大理论创新,凸显了马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质。  相似文献   
中国武侠小说鼻祖平江不肖生(向恺然)的《近代侠义英雄传》以霍元甲、大刀王五两人的传记为经纬,勾画出了这两位近代侠义英雄的基本文学形象,后来流行的以大刀王五、霍元甲为题材的小说、电影及电视剧,大多数都是从平江不肖生这部书中派生而来的。除了《近代侠义英雄传》之外,平江不肖生还撰编了两篇"霍元甲传";而除了平江不肖生的作品之外,当年还流行着几种以霍元甲故事为题材的文章。进一步研究这些早期的有关霍元甲的文章,有助于我们了解霍元甲文学形象在民国初期的发展,也有助于我们正确地评价平江不肖生的文学造诣。  相似文献   
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