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学科教学知识(PCK)自舒尔曼1986年提出以来,受到了广泛关注。通过在Web of Science核心合集中对"PCK"进行文献计量研究,辅以CiteSpace进行关键词共现等分析,可以从整体上了解国际PCK的研究现状、研究热点与研究前沿问题。通过分析发现,在研究方法上,文献计量方法的综合使用有利于形成科学而准确的结论;在研究内容上,国际PCK的研究热点与研究前沿特征词较相似,体现了创新研究的不足。  相似文献   
麻省理工学院进行的三次工程教育改革举世瞩目。2017年8月,该校启动了新一轮工程教育改革,其宗旨是培养能够引领未来产业发展的领导型工科人才,改革的内容涵盖工程教育的出发点、重心、教学方式和发展方向,体现出多重逻辑:从现实到未来的取向,从学科和心理的分离到整合,从学科隔离到跨学科合作,从工程实践的回归到工程教育育人本质的回归等。虽然此次改革仍存在质量保障及认证等方面的问题,但大胆创新的麻省理工精神却再次引发各国关注。该校能否以此改革契机,开启第四次工程教育改革新时代,引领世界高等工程教育发展的新方向,成了举世关注的焦点。  相似文献   
本文试图以泰克西纳的知识领域划分对哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、香港中文大学、北京大学的通识课程进行考察。研究发现,中外大学的通识课程基本上覆盖所有的知识领域;中外大学均有数量比较多的文学、音乐和艺术评论及历史课程;不同的大学在通识课程开设中各有传统和偏重。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]整体把握馆际互借和文献传递发展脉络,探索馆际互借和文献传递的未来发展趋势。[方法/过程]以WoS核心合集作为统计源,采用文献计量学方法对国外馆际互借与文献传递研究文献的发文时间、国家与地区、机构与作者、发表刊物等进行统计分析;利用HisCite和CiteSpace筛选出重要相关文献,在对其进行阅读归纳的基础上,进行馆际互借研究的发展脉胳与主题分析。[结果/结论]馆际互借可分为传统馆际互借时期(20世纪80年代以前)、馆际互借研究迅速发展期(1980-1990年)、文献传递快速上升期(1990-2000年)、动态发展期(2000-2016年)4个阶段,未来馆际互借员角色应更加多样化。  相似文献   
李吉  黄微  郭苏琳 《图书情报工作》2018,62(11):112-119
[目的/意义]微博对用户获取信息和建立社交网络具有重要作用。提出一种基于相似度和信任度融合的微博内容推荐方法,能够从用户需求出发进行个性化微博内容推荐,对提高微博服务质量、改善信息过载问题具有意义。[方法/过程]基于相似度和信任度融合算法,构建微博内容推荐模型,以新浪微博为研究对象,采用编程方式获取汽车、体育、运动健身、互联网和财经5个领域的数据,展开用户相似度与信任度计算的实验分析和比较。[结果/结论]分析结果显示该方法可以有效表示和挖掘微博内容,改善微博推荐的准确性和用户满意度。  相似文献   
This research examines privacy law and Human Flesh Search (HFS) on the Chinese Internet. HFS is spontaneous, widely participated search and publication of targeted individuals’ personal information on the Internet. This research sees HFS as an important form of non-institutional information gathering and publication, and argues that the regulation of HFS is not only about privacy but also line-drawing for information collection and dissemination in the digital setting. Therefore, legal instruments and court cases in relation to HFS and online privacy must be assessed as important components of the Chinese state’s Internet regulatory scheme. This research finds that the paired concepts of ‘flexibility and populism,’ key features of legal reform and development in contemporary China, are highly relevant to analyze the growth of digital privacy laws in China. The political-legal authorities’ experimentation and innovation in the development of the law shed important light on how China’s Internet governance adapts to changing circumstances and strives to keep pace with profound social transformations in new technological environments.  相似文献   
The emergence of social media has radically transformed the way we create and consume information. These changes have in turn given rise to new models of librarianship centered on principles of participation, interaction, and collaboration. Over the last decade, academic libraries have eagerly adopted social media as a means of enhancing services and connecting with a new generation of users. But how exactly has this technology changed libraries? In what ways has the social web transformed library services or our relationships with users? This article attempts to assess the impact of social media on academic libraries in the United States through a review of the literature published since 2005. In particular, it looks at how academic libraries have used social media to improve or develop new services. By comparing published case studies with the theoretical literature, this article seeks to separate theory from practice and determine the extent to which the social web has transformed library practice. The author concludes that, despite several noteworthy examples, the majority of social library applications ultimately fail to live up to the transformative potential promised within the literature and that this failure may have more to do with philosophical rather than technical limitations.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、录像观察法、访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对2015年女子板球世界杯预选赛与2014年仁川亚运会中我国女子板球队与对手比赛的相关数据进行比较分析.指出与世界强队相比,我国女子板球队仍处于中游阶段,比赛中虽有个别优秀队员涌现,发挥关键性决定作用,但明星球员数量和能力与高水平国家相比还存在差距;我国队员在主动得分、击球得分率和4、6分球等指标上同对手相比无显著性差异,但附加分存在显著性差异;世预赛上我国女子板球队在技战术运用和团队配合等方面较亚运会进步明显,但进攻时技术的稳定性以  相似文献   
俄罗斯国家奥委会遭国际奥委会(IOC)暂停成员资格,导致很多无辜运动员无法参加平昌冬奥会,国际体育仲裁院(CAS)平昌冬奥会特别仲裁机构处理的数起案件均涉及俄罗斯运动员的参赛资格问题。俄罗斯运动员在仲裁程序中败诉的主要原因是《奥林匹克宪章》规定:奥运会是IOC的专属财产、任何人不拥有参加奥运会的所谓权利、IOC可以拒绝任何人参赛而无须出具理由。IOC运用对奥运会的专属权利,无正当合理理由拒绝符合参赛条件的俄罗斯清白运动员参赛,有构成垄断的嫌疑。符合参赛选拔条件、且不存在禁止性限制因素(如兴奋剂禁赛处罚在身)的清白运动员参加奥运会,是他们的权利,而不是IOC赋予他们的特权。切实保护运动员参赛权利是各国法院和国际体育仲裁院在处理体育参赛资格案件中的一贯立场,平昌冬奥会仲裁庭的实践过于保守。奥林匹克运动体育善治的改革,要求必须对《奥林匹克宪章》进行修改,最大限度地保护运动员的参赛权利,实现《运动员权利与义务宣言》的宗旨。  相似文献   

This study used the 2017 Las Vegas and 2016 Orlando mass shootings as case studies to explore alleged double standards in reporting of events featuring Muslim and non-Muslim mass perpetrators of violence. The study used framing theory and content analysis to examine Los Angeles Times and New York Times coverage of the shootings during the one week immediately following each event. Findings are consistent with previous literature and the researchers’ expectations. The Orlando shooting, carried out by a Muslim, was allotted more coverage despite the fact that it produced nine fewer fatalities than the Las Vegas shooting, perpetrated by a white non-Muslim. The analysis also showed that the examined newspapers were more likely to employ a “terrorism” frame in their coverage of the Orlando shooting than in their coverage of the Las Vegas shooting; link the Orlando mass shooting with the global war on terrorism; and to humanize Stephen Paddock, the white perpetrator of the Las Vegas shooting. Framing differences found in this study may contribute to downplaying the threat of white male gun violence, and to reinforcing fears of Islam and Muslims.  相似文献   
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