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近十年来,穿越小说的创作方兴未艾,并以其穿越性、意识流动性、可读性而在文坛上风骚独领。但追本溯源,我们发现,穿越小说的创作方法、生成方法、结构等都应该是意识流小说的传承与创新。  相似文献   
通过对22例汗孔角化症患者的发病特点、临床表现、并发症、临床治疗以及转归等进行回顾性分析和研究,全面认识汗孔角化症。在我院从2007年12月至2013年07月期间治疗的汗孔角化症患者中,详细询问家族史、病史、发病情况及提供伴发病诊断依据和治疗情况,体格检查及实验室检查,辨别特征性皮损,对其进行病理活检确诊,并进行相应治疗。有22例皮损形态、组织病理改变均具有特征性,确诊为汗孔角化症,19例患者为青年人,其中16例有家族遗传史,19例无系统性疾病史;3例老年患者,无家族遗传史,其中2例患糖尿病和高血压多年,常年服药;另外1例有骨髓移植史。汗孔角化症是显性遗传病,特征性皮损为棕褐色斑块,中心萎缩,境界清楚的角化性边缘,一般经临床表现及病理检查确诊。一直以来认为家族遗传史、光照、外伤、感染因素最易诱发此病,但近年来随着器官移植、免疫抑制剂的应用、机体免疫力下降等免疫机制紊乱因素成为汗孔角化症的发病又一重要原因。  相似文献   
新世纪以来,基础教育进行了新一轮课程改革,在教学理念、教学目标、教学内容、教学方式上发生了显著变化,给教师教育专业建设和教学改革提出了新方向和新课题。围绕高素质教师教育人才培养目标,在创新人才培养模式上进行了理论研究和实践探索,概括了高素质教师教育人才的内涵,明确了创新高素质教师教育人才培养模式是提高人才培养质量的关键,确定了立德树人、实践育人的培养主线,提出了"一条主线、二个体系、三项结合、五种能力"的高素质教师教育人才培养新模式,提出了具有实践特质的"知行合一"一体化实践育人培养体系和高校与地方政府、中小学"三位一体"有机衔接的合作培养新机制的建设思路。  相似文献   
在特教学校结合职业技术教育,探讨了赫哲鱼皮文化的学习和传承。通过特教学校设为校本课程,进行了赫哲鱼皮画技艺的理论教学和实践教学,研究了传承赫哲鱼皮文化的"1+2+3"模式,论述了在文化知识、制作工艺、操作技术、艺术品质方面的传承内涵,总结了几年来的教学经验和特教职教启示,展望了赫哲鱼皮文化发展远景。  相似文献   
The persistence of gendered learning myths in educational contexts and the wider imaginary continues to trouble feminist educational researchers and practitioners. The tracing of such myths and the categories they create through authoritative and elite discourses of the past suggests how they have functioned across different fields to preserve a hierarchised binary. Gendered myths seem to be lent authority by some of the more popular claims of contemporary neuroscience as they were by the nascent Victorian psychological sciences. Adopting Le Doeuff's [2003. The Sex of Knowing. Translated by K. Hamer and L. Code. London: Routledge] heuristic of identifying which attributes are absorbed into masculine intellectual legacies and which ‘cast off’ to women allows for a focus on patterns of privileging of learning discourses across the humanities and sciences, and the ways these are constituted in historical and contemporary contexts.  相似文献   
This paper reflects on key moments occurring during the course of a three-year study of elite girls’ education, with a focus on the power relations that emerged between researchers and elites within the context in which the study was conducted. Central to our analysis is a focus on the affective dimensions of interaction between the researcher and study participants. Our experience gaining access to elite schools in the study illustrates how productive relationships may be fostered by a demonstrated alignment of interests; the desire for intellectual dialogue; and factors linked to the dynamics of the local education market. In our interviews with elite young women, we found that experiences of affinity, foreignness or awe within the interview process triggered different systems of affect. These moments are significant in shaping understandings of the social projects pursued by elite subjects.  相似文献   
Drawing on a larger study on “Gender practices and violence between peers: the stakes of mixed-sex education”, this paper examines the methodological challenges specific to carrying out ethnography in an elite high school. The researcher’s subjective experience in the field reveals the power dynamics at play in the elite setting. We also examine how interdisciplinary collective analysis of the observation journals unveils less-examined challenges to conceptualization in the research process. We call for the heuristic value when contradiction and subjectivity are acknowledged and implicated both in the field and data analysis, which leads us to articulate different social identities in the elite school environment.  相似文献   
北宋著名的文学家苏东坡,为官清正,惠泽百姓,仕途坎坷而百折不挠;他多才多艺,成就辉煌,光照千秋而及当世。在黄州和惠州,作为贬官,手无寸权,但他还是竭尽所能救助弱小,泽惠民生,他的文学成就、胸怀品德和人文精神永远值得继承和发扬。  相似文献   
摘要:在西方文化话语的时代,武术的发展偏离了其传统文化的土壤,在不自觉状态下发生了异化现象。采用文献资料法、调查法、比较法等研究方法,从文化自觉的视角全面审视武术异化现象。研究认为:当今武术异化已形成一个相对独立的体系,主要包括两个维度五个方面:武术文化异化即传承异化、技术异化、评价异化;武术人异化即身体形态异化、心理异化。站在“文化自觉”的立场上探讨武术异化体系,理清思绪,试图揭开阻碍武术发展的阴霾,期待引发学界对武术文化“自知之明”的思考。  相似文献   
改革开放30多年,深圳仍被外界誉为“文化沙漠”的城市。为了证明深圳是有文化内涵的城市,以 民族传统体育发展为切入点,通过田野调查和文献资料的查阅,在分析深圳市民族传统体育现状的基础上 ,认为城市化发展与民族传统体育的发展方面、管理机构和研究团队方面、以及后备力量和普及度方面还 存在不同程度的问题。并根据深圳市的实际情况提出了几项保护与传承的路径:政府重视加大保护力度, 拓宽传承的路径和加大宣传的力度和广度等等措施。  相似文献   
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