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通过对2011年湖北省武术锦标赛中青少年散打运动员腿法技术运情况进行研究,运用录像观察、文献资料、数理统计等方法进行统计分析,研究结果表明在各项腿法技术运用中,鞭腿技术在比赛中使用率和成功率最高,其次是侧踹腿,再次是蹬腿。不同级别运动员腿法技术运用情况不同,与国内优秀运动员还有一定的差距;该研究对青少年散打运动提供一些理论上及实践上的参考.  相似文献   
足球运动中踢球脚有优势脚与非优势脚之分,优势脚踢球主要表现为踢球力量大、出球准确,而非优势脚则与之相反。两者摆动腿摆动特征具有相似性,但运用生物力学手段对其研究发现,优势脚与非优势脚摆动腿的摆动特征存在很多差异性,主要表现在非优势脚摆动腿的蹬地不充分、股后肌群力量较弱、小腿屈曲不充分、小腿前摆时间过早、膝关节制动太早以及小腿前摆不充分等一系列差异上。因此,平时应该加强非优势脚训练,以形成正确动力定型。  相似文献   
The appropriate determination of performance outcome is critical when appraising a performer’s technique. Previous studies of rugby place kicking technique have typically assessed performance based on ball velocity, but this is not the sole requirement. Therefore, a mathematical model of rugby place kick ball flight was developed to yield a single measure more representative of true performance. The model, which requires only initial ball flight kinematics, was calibrated and validated using empirical place kick data, and found to predict ball position with a mean error of 4.0% after 22 m of ball flight. The model was then applied to the performances of 33 place kickers. The predicted maximum distance, a single performance measure which accounted for initial ball velocity magnitude and direction, and spin, was determined using the model and was compared against ball velocity magnitude. A moderate association in the rank-order of the kicks between these two measures (ρ = 0.52) revealed that the relative success of the kicks would be assessed differently with each measure. The developed model provides a representative measure of place kick performance that is understandable for coaches, and can be used to predict changes in performance outcome under different ball launch or environmental conditions.  相似文献   
本文论述脚掌击球技术、作用和实战应用。  相似文献   
采用实验研究法、文献资料法、专家访谈法等。对民族传统体育项目蹴球进行创新,内容包括:①场地:在传统蹴球场地对边中线1/4处设置4根障碍柱,其地面高度与球的直径等高,四柱的连线成正方形,其中心在蹴球场中心,每柱离边线距离为1/4边长;②器材:将运动员的平底运动鞋创新为脚底有条纹、园钉等各种形式的纹路与图案的、任何规格的运动鞋;③技战术:技术上主要体现在原有的“蹴”、“挤压”技术基础上增加“捅”、“蹬”、“踩”、“拔”、“拉”、“滑”、“搓”等技术,要求运动员掌握蹴侧旋球、回旋球等;战术上主要体现在围绕障碍柱设置障碍球以及利用障碍柱或本方球进攻等;④竞赛规则:改原规则“用脚底蹴球”、“穿平底运动鞋”为“用脚蹴球”、“可穿任何规格的运动鞋”。取消了部分不利于蹴球创新与发展的规则;⑤计分:增加本球击障碍柱、击本方球的计分方法。结果表明:创新后的蹴球比传统蹴球:①技术更细腻、更全面;②战术变化更多、更复杂;③更能体现运动员的心理素质和临场应变能力;④比赛过程更曲折、更精彩,趣味性、观赏性更强。  相似文献   
主要对体育学院普修通用教材《田径》一书中的短跑途中跑支撑技术部分内容提出质疑。认为脚着地后,踝、膝、髋关节不应主动弯曲,做退让工作,而应主动支撑。并以这一动作环节为契机,探讨了跑的原理和现代跑的技术特点所形成的原因。认为支撑效果在短跑中仍起决定性作用。缩小腾空移动距离,相对增加支撑距离,是提高速度的根本所在。其中身体中轴肌群发力,摆动腿积极下压,小腿积极后扒一次完成整个支撑动作是跑的动作结构  相似文献   
对影响掷标枪最后用力阶段左侧支撑技术的因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
左侧支撑技术是掷标枪最后用力过程中的关键性技术,其重要作用和意义已在标枪教学和训练中引起广泛关注和足够重视.为此,着重从左腿支撑、左肩制动和左腿蹬伸三个阶段七个方面,对影响左侧支撑技术的因素进行全面分析和阐述,以期能为标枪教学和训练提供一些帮助和建议.  相似文献   
The double side kick is a frequently used technique in pointfighting on which most offensive kicking techniques are based on. The aim of the study was to identify parameters, e.g., trunk and leg positions, durations and velocities that affect successful technique execution.

44 fighters, male and female, including European and World champions, participated in the research. The participants performed double side kicks to a punching bag with the target at chest level. 10 international experts scored (1–10 points; interrater correlation ICC (3,1): 0.952) videos of the best individual trial for quality of technique execution. Based on the average of the scores participants were categorised into 2 equally sized groups. For kinematic data acquisition, a Vicon 3D-motion capturing system was used. The normalised knee height of the kick leg (KHK), normalised absolute distance to the frontal shoulder (DKS) at the end of both chambering phases, the horizontal velocity during both chambering phases (KEV), the durations of all 6 functional phases and total duration, were analysed.

KHK1, KHK2, DKS1 and DKS2, total duration as well as 4 out of 6 phase durations and KEV1 showed significant differences between groups in two-sided t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test for not normally distributed variables.  相似文献   

目的:探讨蹦床运动员在着网和蹬伸过程中主要肌肉表面肌电信号(sEMG)的特点。方法:选取江苏省蹦床队男子网上运动员7名,挑选股直肌、腓肠肌等7块肌肉,用表面肌电记录他们在不同蹦床网区域内踩网过程的肌电信号,同步测得的足底压力参数和高速摄影画面进行综合分析得出各肌肉的工作情况。结果:1区域的RMS明显高于其他区域,并且2和4区域相似,3和5区域相似。在整个踩网阶段踝关节角度先变大后变小再变大。结论:运动员腓肠肌和胫骨前肌的电活动明显强于其它肌肉,应加强对它们的专项训练。胫骨前肌和竖脊肌收缩时长较长,重视对两者的疲劳恢复和损伤预防。应通过训练让运动员适应网不同区域的硬度差异,使其能协调发力,提高肌肉募集和工作效率。  相似文献   
踢毽子是我国一项历史悠久的传统体育活动,它不受场地、器材等因素影响,而且老幼皆宜, 深受广大人民的喜爱。本文从健身的角度审视了踢毽运动文化的内涵。  相似文献   
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