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Life is ever-changing and unpredictable. Because of drastic changes in our society, numerous people are under pressure from various sources at school, in the workplace, or in their families. People need a therapeutic pedagogy to develop the capacity to heal from their traumas. Conventionally, education is assumed to enhance learners’ self-realisation. This article proposes another viewpoint of self-realisation, or rather its reverse, from the spiritual aspect as a manner of self-realisation without the self, called no-self realisation. The idea is developed from both the Buddhist and Daoist perspectives on the wisdom of the no-self. This article suggests that no-self realisation is a therapeutic approach that supports one to turn direction from seeking for extrinsic value to exploring inner wisdom while meeting with misfortune. It can be applied as a manner of self-education for equipping positive attitude to cope with human trauma. No-self realisation can be attained by achieving freedom from releasing self-consciousness. It deconstructs the narrow idea of the ego-self. When the ego is out of mind, the capacity of the human self is able to broaden its scope. This creates a realisation—a no-self realisation—for completing a mature life with a no-self mind that opens up the capacity for unlimited tolerance. One is thus able to embrace this world and the harm caused in the world.  相似文献   
自学考试、继续教育、社区教育相较于普通高等教育,处于非主流地位。在构建和谐社会进程中,自学考试、继续教育、社区教育均有着各自不可替代的作用,但侧重点各有不同。  相似文献   
当前大学生消极的自我意识主要表现在极度的自我中心、理想自我与现实自我差距太大、自我过度物欲化、社会需求与自我需求之间的矛盾等。大学生积极的自我意识形成离不开恰当的自我教育措施,需要准确地定位自我、正确地展示自我、顽强地控制自我、客观地归因自我。  相似文献   
冥思教育在中小学里的实践已经探索出多种有效形式,取得了很多宝贵的经验。一些国际实证研究发现,持续的冥思实践,既有助于学生调节注意力,改善学业成绩,也有助于提升学生的移情能力和社交能力,促进道德发展,提高个体幸福感,还有助于将自我的洞察和新感受扩展应用于社会服务和公共事务之中。这其中的效果可以从认知领域和非认知领域两方面加以机理性阐释。要准确理解冥思教育的性质和定位,有必要结合中华优秀传统文化来充分挖掘其蕴含的教育哲学价值,并且在充分准备的前提下,开展适合我国国情的冥思教育研究和实践。  相似文献   
以自我专业发展需要和意识为核心的教师专业发展成为教师教育的目标和路径已是共识。在专业发展的背景下,高校教师不仅是知识的创造者和传播者,还应该成为研究教育现象和教育问题的探究者与反思者。高校教师通过自我教育实现专业发展是其成长必由之路.高校教师自我教育的实现模式包括研读教育文献、开展行动研究及参与对话交流。  相似文献   
中国高等教育的大众化发展使得高等学校毕业生的就业环节走上市场化发展道路,在用人双方的市场化选择过程中,大学生的择业观对大学生能否顺利择业起到至关重要的作用。随着社会的发展,大学生的择业观念日益多元,这其中既有积极的择业观,能够促成大学生顺利择业,同时也存在着对择业认知的误区,阻碍着大学生的择业进程。本文通过家庭、社会、...  相似文献   
作为中国近代名的爱国主义思想家,魏源在道德教育领域的主要贡献有:高度重视道德教育,形成了一系列具体的道德教育方法,确立了一系列重要的道德教育原则和自我教育原则,并提出了道德教育的评估标准。  相似文献   
中学生自我教育能力的培养与提高,是一个在中学教育阶段发掘和激发中学生自主能力的过程,并通过自主能力的发掘和激发来塑造和养成中学生自信、自强、自立、自尊等优良品质,为未来走进社会奠定坚实的人生基础。  相似文献   
该文通过对"以人为本理念"的理解,参照高校思想政治教育工作,具体分析了当前高校思想政治教育存在的问题,重点探讨解决问题的方法和途径,即要确立学生的主体地位,建立有效的高校思想政治教育运行机制;注重人文关怀,加强思想和生活的指导;科学规范地引导学生,培养自我教育能力,以期为提高高校的思想政治教育工作效果起到一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper introduces Dinghaiqiao Mutual Aid Society (DMAS, dinghaiqiao huzhushe, its urban context, issues that it concerns and strategies that it uses by introducing three of its projects. As a group that locates itself in a historically working-class neighborhood under the pressures of urban renewal, it clarifies its vision by both embodying the participants to the projects, and extending knowledge production and imagination of the place into a more profound social and historical dimension. The “common” here, serves as the interactive element and mechanism in DMAS events, as well as in its operational logic. The strategies that it develops, based on this, is a reflection and transcendence of the social political atmosphere and questions the developmental ideology of the city.  相似文献   
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