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地市党报不同于中央和省级党报,它的覆盖广度和影响所及都有一定的局限性,但也有其紧贴基层、直面百姓的特点和长处。基于以上特点,地市党报的言论既能结合本地发生的新闻事实及时地“新事新议”.充分体现出贴近性和社会“干预”能力,还能间接促使具体难点热点问题的明朗和“解决”,因而广受读者欢迎。目前,言论已成为地市党报的一个不可或缺的主要“阵地”。  相似文献   
《现代写作学》在学科体系的建设、理论观念的开拓以及边缘学科的横向引进上,建构起了一个写作学科的现代性理论体系雏形,不但揭示了写作主体与客体的双向运动状态,而且明确地肯定了写作主体在其中的核心位置。这不仅完成了写作研究由静态到动态的转变,而且彻底打破了传统写作学理论研究过于侧重文章本身而忽视作者的局限,第一次以明显的开创性和学科性设定了写作学理论的现代性品格。  相似文献   
魏东霞 《职教论坛》2005,(32):60-61
Krashen的语言输入说在20世纪80年代中期传人中国后,对外语教学产生了很大的影响.笔者通过分析这一输入说和理想输入的特点,指出其在理论和具体实践上存在的局限,以期能让这一学说在教学实践中发挥更大的作用.  相似文献   
新历史主义批评以一种新的主观历史观取代了旧历史主义的客观历史观,将历史置于可以进行主观阐释的地位,主张文学批评应在文化的背景下实现历史与文学、文化与文学的"双向度"的重塑与对话,与后结构主义尤其与解构主义之间存在着一种特殊的关系。新历史主义批评的理论既有其长处,又表现出了明显的不足。  相似文献   
钟玉明  刘倩 《大学时代》2006,(10):16-17
财务分析是单位领导参与单位经济管理与决策的主要参考依据,财务分析的主要内容包括:单位财务状况、管理水平、获利能力、发展趋势等,分析方法主要有比率法与现金流量比率法两种方法。财务分析与评价是单位财务管理中不可缺少的组成部分。但财务分析与评价也有其局限性。  相似文献   
化研究是当今人社会科学领域的热门学科之一。伏尔泰不仅是法国启蒙运动思想家,而且是重要的化史家,被尊称为“化史之父”。本在回顾化史研究历史的基础上,对伏尔泰在化史研究领域的杰出贡献和深远影响及其局限性作了分析和评述,以对现今的化研究提供一种纵向参照。  相似文献   
通过讨论反证法的实质以及运用反证法过程中所应注意的问题,提出数学教师必须完整地掌握反证法的重要性.  相似文献   
因为人体生理信号与人的情绪状态密切关联,故选取江苏大学部分学生为试验对象,开展阅读疗法,通过对人体大脑与皮肤电信号的监控,掌握被试者的生理、情绪状态,以突破阅读疗法的局限性。利用SCL-90量表,对试验对象进行的试验前后数据的统计对比表明,实验组的疗效明显。  相似文献   
资产负债表是反映企业在某一特定日期资产、负债及所有权益的总量、构成及相互关系的财务报表。其中的资产是指一个单位所占有或使用的一切能用货币计量的,并能为企业带来经济利益的经济资源,常作为衡量企业财务实力的重要指标。但由于资产传统概念的局限性,在实际运作中,应考虑到资产指标的缺陷:(一)内容不够完整。(二)计量不够真实。(三)包含虚资产。(四)分类不尽合理。  相似文献   
National (and European) qualifications frameworks, the specification of learning outcomes and grand targets like the Lisbon goals of increasing the supply of graduates in Europe in order to achieve a more knowledge-based society are all predicated upon the idea of moving people through to higher and well-defmed levels of skills, knowledge and understanding. However, the work of researchers, from the UK's Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP), examining work-related learning from a number of perspectives, would suggest that the way to move towards a more knowledge-based society is for as many people as possible, whatever their supposed highest overall "level" of skills is, to believe that they should develop their skills, knowledge and competence in a number of ways unrelated to their current highest "level". This means rather than having an essentially binary conception of competence at the heart of the levels, it would be far more beneficial in inducing the frame of mind required of a knowledge-based society to have a developmental view of expertise. Such an approach can address three particular challenges that a "levels" approach f'mds difficult to accommodate. First, there is the issue of transfer-there would be an expectation that graduates would be some way from "experienced worker standard" when they completed their initial training. Secondly, such an approach could provide the conditions in which a commitment to continuous improvement at work could flourish, as most people would believe that they needed to develop in a number of ways (at a range of "levels") in order to improve their performance. Thirdly, this approach of continuing to expect people to continue to develop a range of skills would offer some protection against the development of "skilled incompetence" (where organisations and individuals continue to focus upon what they do well without paying due regard to the future).  相似文献   
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