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关于北大、清华的两份推荐书目   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
书目是治学的向导,历来为学者所重视。北大、清华两校新世纪伊始,就为本科大学生开设书目,无疑是很有意义的事。此两份书目各有特点,也有缺陷,本文简要评述了两份书目的得失。  相似文献   
《文献学导论》一书有三个特色 :集古典文献学与现代文献学知识于一体 ;文献学基础理论与文献实用知识相结合 ;文献学研究的继承与发展相结合。  相似文献   
《汉书·艺文志》是中国现存最早的史志目录,对后世的图书分类影响深远。姚明辉《汉书艺文志注解》与顾实《汉书艺文志讲疏》是近代注解《汉书·艺文志》的代表性著作。两者对《汉书·艺文志》都采用标注存亡的方法,但对待章学诚"互著法"态度不同,古籍注解内容颇有殊异。对两家著作进行比较分析,是为深入研究两者学术价值的基础性工作之一。  相似文献   
中国古代目录沿革的历史内在对应着经学发展史。在经学大背景下来审视目录学分类的经、史关系,可以发现经、史两部代表了国家意识形态,经、史处于离王权中心近的位置;而子、集则处于离王权中心较远的地位。还能总结出如下变化规律:但凡在经学正统期,比如汉、唐,目录分类明显重经、史;但凡在经学嬗变期,如宋、明,则经、史、子、集分类都有打乱,且不强调承载道统,因此在对待经、史、子、集上没有特别明显的轻重区分。而清代既是经学最后的复兴期,也是书目分类上四部法集大成的时期;但到了清末,书目分类为“实用”所突破,正如经学在经过清代最后的辉煌之后走向了没落一样,书目也无法再恪守四部分类,经、史的特殊亲缘关系也不复存在。  相似文献   

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of their institution, Illinois State University librarians are developing an online bibliography of scholarly works by campus faculty. The bibliography will be a permanent, searchable record of campus scholarship from 1857 to the present. The bibliography is intended to serve the needs of researchers interested in the history of the institution as well as the changing roles of college faculty over the last 150 years. The project is an alternative to and potential foundation for an institutional repository. The authors describe their experiences with the project and their plans for its expansion and enhancement. doi:10.1300/J106v14n03_01  相似文献   
This is a review of twelve bibliographies that reflect the holdings of the Russian collection in Hamilton Library at the University of Hawaii focusing on Siberia, the Soviet/Russian Far East, and Russia in Asia and the Pacific, especially Russians in China. The chosen titles represent a mixture of the great, the average, and not-so-good that the author has used over the past four decades. While there is a question about the usefulness of bibliographies in this digital age, most of the old standards should still play a role in academic scholarship.  相似文献   

East View Information Services is now providing online access to nine serial publications from the Russian National Bibliography, beginning with 1998 issues. Though East View has been successful with large full-text databases for newspaper and journal articles, images, and statistical tables for several years, this was our first project dealing specifically with bibliographic data. Building a platform for bibliographic records has been more difficult than previous projects. The article discusses why the project was so challenging, how various problems were solved, advantages of the online format, and plans for future improvements.  相似文献   
《世界学生》是一本针对学生群体的综合性刊物。该刊于1942年1月创刊,1943年9月出版了最后一期,前后共出刊18期。第一卷12期,第二卷7期。《世界学生》共计刊发了99位作者的157篇作品,其中原创作品129篇,国外译作24篇,编者署名4篇,编者作的《编余后记》、《编后记》、《编者小言》、《编者的话》等文章没有计入其中。此刊物刊载的内容基本分为论著、文艺、游记、学校生活、译著、书评几个部分,但是每一期刊载的板块内容并不固定。《世界学生》关注世界学生服务社动态等相关问题,努力跟踪全世界有关"学生"的前沿信息。  相似文献   
本文聚焦于《中国古籍善本书目》的编撰,通过论文、著作、口述等多种材料,首先较为全面地回顾其编撰过程并重新梳理分期为五个阶段,随后着力总结、呈现了编撰的成功要素,最后从《善本书目》编撰史角度出发,对编辑过程中的一些关键成就与启发进行了讨论。  相似文献   
第76届国际图联大会编目相关论文评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2010年第76届国际图联大会期间编目、书目和UNIMARC三个分会场的发言文章进行介绍并作了点评。这些文章反映了国际上与编目工作相关领域内的最新进展,可供国内同行学习和借鉴。  相似文献   
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